577 StalLb y kMstar AGRAHAYANN 20.1913 (S4KM) Cauvmy wafer Dispute 578 2900«»as alowed instead o( the scab of Rs. putes Tribunal pronounced Ms Interim Order 1400-2600eariiersanclionedonthebasisof dated 25.6.1991, various representations the raoommendalions of the Fourth Pay were received by the Government on the Commission. question whetherthe Government should or 'should not publish the Order by notifying it in (b) Yes. Sir. the ofTidal Gazette. In order to make it effec­ tive. In the replies to questbns raised in (c)Astheoonsideralk>nsonthebasisof Pauliament on this issue. Government had which the raoommandation of the Fourth clarified on 26.7.1991 in the Rs^a Sabha Pay Commission in regard to the pay-scale that the Order irauld lie effective from the of Assistants/Stenographers Grade‘C was date of its pronouncement by the Trt>unal modified are not relevant in the case of and that, in order to be effective, it does not Upper Division Clerlts. the demand was not have to be published in the Gazette. found acceptable andlhere is no proposal to revise the pav s ( ^ of UDC In the meanwhHe. the Government of Karnataka promulgated an Ordinance on STATEMENT CORRECTING REPLY TO 25.7.1991 in respect of the use of Cauvery UNSTARRED QUSTION NO. 794 DATED waters in Karnataka. Since the legal positnn 29-7-1991 REGARDING UNAT1HORISED on various questtons arising out of the said OCCUPATION OF LAND IN DURGA Ordniance and the interim Order of the Tri­ PARK. DELHI bunal needed dartfications, the l^sklent of India referred the matter to the Supreme THE MMISTER OF STATE IN THE Court for its opinion under Clause (1) of MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT article 143oftheConstitutk>n. The Supreme (SHRIM. ARUNACHALAM): In reply to the Court pronounced its opinion on 22.11.1991 question died as sidiiect. against the wofds- asfoltows:- *Delhi Development Authority has re­ ported that Duiig» Parle is an authorised cokmy” ' *The Karnataka Cauvery Basin Irriga- tk>n Protection Ordinance. 1991 passed it may read as unden- by the Goverror of Karnataka on 25th Delhi Development Authority has re­ July. 1991 (now the Act) is beyond the ported that DuigaPaik is an unauthor- legislative competence of the State and isedcolony* is, therefore, ukia vbes the Constitu- tfon*. The mislalte had pccun’ed due to typo­ graphical error and could not be detected ‘The Order of the Tribunal dated June earlier due to over-sighL 25. 1991 constitutes report and ded- sion within the meaning of Section 5 (2) Inconvenience caused to the Sabha is of the biter-Stat^ Water Disputes Ad. regretted. 1956." T h e saki Order Is. therefore, required 12JOOhrs. to be published by the Central Govern­ ment in the offkaal Gazette under Sec- STATEMENT BY MINISTER tfon 6 of the A d in order to make it effective* Cauvery Water DIsput* ■A Water Disputes Tribunal constituted under'the A d is competent to grant any t m MMISTER OF WATER RE­ interim relieftothepartiestothe dispute SOURCES (SHRI VIDYACHARAN when areference for such relief is made SHUKLA): After the Cauveiy Water Dis­ by the Central GovemmenT. 579 StatLby Mnistor DECEMBER 11.1991 Cauvery water Dispute 580 m e th e r the Tribunal has power to to the (fiffculties that may arise if adequate grant interim relief when no reference is quantities of water are not available in the made by the Central Government for river in any partkxilar year. Government of such relief Is aquestion which does not Tamil Nadu have also submfttedtheircounter arise in the facts and drcumstanoes statement. The Order of the Tribunal m this under which the reference is made. regard w9l also be taken into account by the Hence, we do not deem it necessary to Go¥emmentfor appropriate siapstobe taken. answer the same”. The Govemment wiH make every en­ I had made a statement in Pariiamentdeavour to act in the best interests of all on 25.11.1991 that the Government had concerned and to uphoM the sanctity of the accepted the advisory opinbn of the Su­ legal process. I wouM also like to assure the preme Court and had decided to initiatesuch House that Government will strive to secure action as may be necessary. the most k>eneficialuseof the Cauvery Waters and in fair proportk)ns amongst aHconcemed The matter has been examinedfurther- particulariy in the light of the pronouncement {Interruptions) of the Supreme Court that the interim order of the Tribunal is required to be notified by SHRI P.G.NARAYAN (Gobbhettipa- the Government, in order to become binding layam): Sir, I must thank the Govemment, and effective. p^icularty the Prime Minister, for having taken timely actk>n in notifying the Interim Section 5 (3) of the Inter-State Water Award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Disputes Act provides for referring the mat­ Tribunal... (ihte/niDfibns). ter again to the Tribunal for its guidance and explanation within a period of three months. SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR That period expired on 24.9.1991. None of (Mangatore): Mr. Speaker. Sir, I have no* the States which are parties to th dispute other go but to say that the hon. Prime before the Tribunal made any further refer­ Minister has ence to the TrikNJnal seeking guidance or explanatbn under Section 5 (3) of the Act, before 24.9.1991. ...{Interruptions). Nowthis has become a polltbal issue. They have sacrificed Ban- Government have also reviewed the garappa. I wouki like to know from the hon. position in respect of the availability of wa­ Minister whether they woukJ dismiss the ters' in the river Cauvery during this year. Govemment of Karnataka headed by Ban- Compared to the water available during the garappa and altow somebody else to head past many years, the situation is quite fa- the Goverrunent... vourablethis year and nodifficulties In making the waters available as provkled for in the {Interruptions). IwouMliketoknowfrom inf rim order of the Cauvery Water Disputes the Minister whether they wouki ask Ban- Tribunal are anticipated during this year. garappa to resign and ask somebody else to headtheGovernmentthere...(l7tef?iipfN^ The Government have now notified the This is nothing but a politcal issue. I wouM Intrim Order of the Cauvery Water Disputes like to bring to the notce of the hon. Minister Tribunal. The notificatkin was made yester­ that the people of Kamatakavrill neverforget day. this and wiH never forgive the Govemment of M\a...{lntemjptions). Government of Karnataka have made an appficaftbn to the Cauvery Water Dis­ MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down now... putes Tribunal on 25.11.1991 with reference {imerr^ptions) **Expunged as ordered by the Chair. 581 seal ! (9^ Mmstof AGRAHAYANN20J913 (S4K^ Cauvwy water Dispute 582 MR. SPEAKER: This is not oorrect. MR. SPEAKER: I will take care of those WhenolhefshavesatdGwn. you should also things. You leave it to me. Don*t worry about sidosMvn. all those things. Please sit down. Ploase read the statement made by the SHRI K.V.THANGKABALL* Please al- Minister very carefully and then please bolm k>w me one minute. Sir. the opinion. Do not jump to Gondusions... MR. SPEAKER: You do not need any (kiiemjptions) minute now. Let the lady Member do it now. Bechivalrous to her. SHRIV. DHANANJAYAKUMAR: Sir. in 1987, in a similar case of Rave-Beas, the final Award has been passed but the Central Government has not issued the notification 12.09 hre. so far. What was the urgency for issuing the notification in this caso....{lnt9nvptions) SHRIMATI BIBHU KUMARI DEyi (Tripura .East): Mr. Speaker, Sir, natbnal MR. SPEAKER: We are not only the newspapers have reported large number of politicians sitting in the House, we should act deaths in Tripura due to starvation. I am as statesmen also. Please sit down now... distressed in partk:ular about dates of chil­ dren, women and oM people due to malnu- (Intenr^pthns) tritk>n and other associated diseases. MR. SPEAKER: Will you please take I would like to know from the hon. Min­ your seat now?... ister as to what steps have been taken to help the State in this hour of need. {Interruptions) Secondly, the number of camps that SHRI K.V.THANGKABALU (Dhamiapuri): have been organised to feed the distressed On apoint of order. Sir... (Interruptions) people ishouki be checked. I want to know whether any Central medial team with MR. SPEAKER: No. there is no point of medicines has been sent to the affected order. Madam, Bbhu Kumari Devi, you can areaes of Tripura Specially in the^nterior make your sulxnission... areas to provkle immediate assistance to save valuable lives. (Intenruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You read the state­ SHRI K. V.THANGKABALU: Sir, I wouM ment carefully. request you to expunge the remarks made by Shri Dhananjaya Kumar. He has taken (Intenruptions) the names of MR. SPEAKER: That is what I am say­ ing. Read it. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: No, there is no point of SHRIMATI BIBHU KUMARI DEVI: In order. You just sit down... 1971 the State had fed nearly 20 lakh refu­ gees from Bangladesh every (kitenuptions) iay,..(lnterr^ptions) *Not recorded. 583 Statt by Mnister DECEMBER 11,1991 Cmn^my waierOispulB 584 SHRI M.V. • CHANDRASHEKARA tribal lands because of this starvatnn and MURTHY(Kanakapura):Sir,please askthem near-famine conditbns vMch are causing to sh down. Is it so serious because a few extreme economc pressure, on the poor people died in Tripura? {Intenvpiions) Adivasis. MR. SPEAKER: Please read it care­ I, therefore, hope that the Government fully. will provMe all po^ible assistance to the citizens of Tripura at this hour of need. The (Intenupthns) House shouU also discuss this issue.
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