1Ils IS1ieN l~l6 F I9JA 4aLL~ nl1E FIL~qE 3,4j~4 CAI~M to. bali ee .... i zi V !be o..plaiat of Eammab Rosenthal, oomplaiat against 5winy 0. 55hepsoa, the 4 ,5t m for Visoonsin ompaigna. tee. and aosep 7. Easier, oamittee tremauer, respniat. This complaint is made under 11 CFR 110.8 (d), 110.3 (d), 100.3 and 101.1, and other setons of the Federal Elections Code as may apply. I request that the Federal Elections Coimssion review the allegations contained herein, investigate the aqpparent violations, and take appropriate action where violations have occurred. I, Hlannah Rtosenthal, bring this complaint individually and as executive director of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, 222 State Street, Suite 400, Madison VI 53703. I hereby allege, on information and belief, that: 1. The respondent, Tommy G. Thompson, is governor of the State of Wisconsin. Thompson for Wisconsin is his state campaign comttee, with an address of 5375 Mariners Cove, Madison WI 53704. Joseph J. Hasler is the coumittee treasurer. 2. Governor Thompson has been actively exploring a federal candidacy, for president or vice-president, since his re-election as governor in November 1994. 3. In exploring his possible candidacy, Governor Thompson has traveled widely to make political appearances which clearly are not related to his state office as governor. Since November, he has made at least 32 out-of-state trips, for which the State of Wisconsin has paid more than $13,000 in travel costs. 4. Disclosure of the number and cost of the governor's out-of- state trips, and the resulting editorial criticism, has caused the governor and his state campaign committee to take a new position on funding the travel. On May 18, 1995, Governor Thompson appeared in New Hampshire, with his state campaign committee, Thompson for Wisconsin, paying travel costs. 5. Federal campaign statutes forbid the use of state campaign committee funds to promote candidacy for federal office. 7. I tht h tfi~zy 4 eo ae or not, Governo that be file a feeral comittee. To date, no feea cp.lgf dini-t_ oW exploratory comitte ha been reistered with the P 1aElecions Comisslon. I, Ea Rlosenthal, being first duly sworn on oath state that I pesnlY read the above oa]Laint and that the above alliefls are true based on my personal kneviedge or upon information and belief, which I believe to be true. STATE OF WISCOSIN ) ) C~mJ5T oF DANE Sworn t1o before -e on this 19th dlay of Nayr, 1n995. "HOY PUDLIC My comiseion ex:pires - ' -< "Toimy for President Unit Eyod," Wisconsin State Journal, 3/30/95. "Nice to be recognized (Thompson may think about running for President)," Wisconsin State Journal, 1/4/95. "Thompson's travel costs public $13,000," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/26/95. uPay your own way, governor," Madison Capital Times, 4/27/95. "Thompson to visit Iowa," Wisconsin State Journal 5/11/95. "Thompson debuts in New Hampshire," Wisconsin State Journal, 5/18/95. "Thompson campaign pays for journey," Wisconsin State Journal, 5/17/95. 9 60 4 ?72483 0 , I IIII I ]LUll " lag I I IIl I I llll I III WisceP • 'nmm. Ironuny for President' unit eye otf Mayors timetable for establishing the committee is 20 states, thus qualillng f'or federal financ- government reporter late April or early May, Maclver said. "I in0 for a presidential campaign committee. file mthis year." "Tley'revw liein to im p core group of Gov Tommy Thompson's haven't asked anybody for a cent yet.. "It's not easy to do that" he said. otters are on track to take the first step (but) I think the likelihood is we will," he Mark Liedl. Thompson's 134 campa~gn Wanto n,-"' Macvelsaid 'tting the stage for a Thompson presi- said. spokeman who now Is the gfovemres tbd- If MaNor andother Thopso iaibid. Thompson's state campaign committee ilwaukee attorney John Maciver, chair- had between $500,000 aind $1 million left eral liaso, noted that Thompson has said of the over from he wouldn't stn in the way of such an ex- noio BIat a~ peinll coadlt tu 3l! GOP governor's three successful his landslide victory in Novem- ploratory committee. matorial campaigns, said Wednesday ber. but election laws prevent that money not it," president Inim.,": formation of a federal "exploratory from being usled for presidential campin "He's promoting L Ie said. nittee" is being discussed among a activities or being transferred to a federal Maciver said he has talked to 1Tompson. conventional wa," he sai '1 , aof Wisconsin-based supporters. campaign account An exploratory commit- "He said, 'That's up to you.' He didn't say SeaL) Phil Grmm'ssat. Ms' P~l - think that's going to happen. It hasn't tee would give Wisconsin and out-of.stat don't do It" gut evsbd omit of the race, bsi elo ened yet." said Maclver, who was in- backers a place to volunteer support and Thompson - who several times during ante as so hiAh" 'd i a couple of George Bush's cam- allow Thompson to pay for purely political the 1304 campaign pledged to serve oit his is. "Unless the governor decides this is travel designed to raise his national expo-. hilterm -also h sid hewon'tmikea Added Malw:. "1 thInk there's amoe 'thing he's not interested in.I think we sure, he said. decision on running in 1396 untIl afer the than one way to get there." . nave to form an exploratory committee "'Tve had a number of people talk to me 196547/ budget pases, about June 30. A big plus for Thompson, he said, II about wanting to be helpfuil if we decide to •aise some money." Thmpson, the stat's longsst srying SOer. goeror recor in tw b aclver estimated start-up money for take the first step," iMciver said A mioomi nanmin lomin chirma, of the National "ldmela an effort at about $400)000. The likely step would be to raisel moe inl mr tha Gevemors' Mmiseioe hs raise his pus. 960 43"724831 <l~ 'Nice to be recogniized' Thompson may think about running for president By Jeff Mayers 50lna h sid. , t an,,"It popleI .*th suesi dewainstl ak Thmemge.a 104mee Ia- Stallgovwnmi 'so'o1W 'If people press me and want me to conslder It GOP Gos ToJmni Thompson, on (running for president), I'd probably ell down alnd Thompe acknowledgd he the day of his historic third inau would hl ompiol beesuas he . iguration. acknuowledg{ed Tuesday think about it.ff people are still talking about me, I Inced • aalooap lanlo md 0,,, that he's intrigued' abo)ut run- might sit down and talk about t.' te rala n capeltysee -mO eausshn the esl' nang for presidirt in 19,E lit' also natonwide campign tend, baes a aimoin 1 a* lbrm ,ald he oid~f endo rs' drafi owv. Tommy Thmpo "'lhechne are very, very Thompson initinlrot detalftl I could ever put ome- Thompson. disc'USSi(n about tirin together." he said his national lro)spc't.' was the A vice prdntial spot. how- Othe ast liNlual ll In-d mOat candid anid e'xtensive since. Thimpsoit for prsident commit eul.t soThompeon can py for PO- evr. I wUitin reach "if soebody cvding~ dUo0e SeedNeeaih eiei'tiuiil Ii land~ lical tavel. g'eta cards, flew- the ,Novembe'r -. r'd certainly su'ouly aoe were e0posera aua Wi., Ird say go ahead," said Wiscon- era and other eessmties ne slide and natio)lial ititt'r,'sl in consider Ii if it's a candidat I Cutpee ln cOnsin's st.llare exiprlerint- have' sin s ltnigest serving governor, who I lmnl~ne we'll raise some, but berore," he said. phlleiolahcslly support,' T~homp- nas.Onyse Seheel la erin- stoked speca laltin -rntg Hepub pldedtgt( duringe the calmpaignl to ntlike tendeatU Jeb ees. In the ril iiul his leW tour year term Money from the sale organia. tnrans and political setiritists TedIscussion iae only hours .m idleop eintaldea "Sur' illiiiiirl~iie'(i SVttuidHIi Hut T'henmpsn said nobody has tion couldn't be used lor a nallonl ran for oifie,. however after an emotioal Inaiugld you beL'' Thtinipsin ,alidIn tinl in .tske'dhint about such a committe a reletve Atid hie said he hasn't taiaen any He said he may think about run- onwhich terview with morning ne~wspalper time- gelllchedlK up when reporters 'Irniertainl) nioved action ti) fonm the necessary fed. nlbtr president aiter the andJ apprecoitive of that kind ot ersi f'und-raliing committee. "There's am pestle I had a suppo~rt I'e worked very hard It's The state Thompes for WI.- "It pepl lpma me nd want nice tO be recog~nized once in a ronsan commitee still himdinag It's a tri h from a near-I me te esalder, IL d .pebby.at f a.gcold whle' more than 100.00 eTh y gu ver ems- What it snme'hody formed a nitlhon campign, will continue t down and thigh abeut It," Thmp- public$1m ne,.as alay e beck tirw asiuem Iem buer. January and Fr-sryr Kem sael - mpsminngd hpsfam c7."Keane said. "Flides'( more satelaosJ e, SrmRICAR EoC.T OU G s new dlooru- IoaTrp Q l sonto mke 32 out-of- stae hip - heh ,eed las Noeme, an Associated Prss mew tmi 1gevem singeonm conimmeee about welfar pr. and -pq to polall pow-te erfl groupslsuc asote Nation- Learnfare." Keese and the Nainl said.
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