Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-6-2000 The iH lltop 10-6-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-6-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 6. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Re,nember to Register to WJte by October 11 ILLT The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper Volume 84, No. 6 Friday, October 6, 2000 JIUSA Budget Finally Approved at Emergency Meeting By Jt:NNIFER CUMMlr-.CS approved executive budget will make provisions for repay­ Before a vote was taken, Undergraduate Student Asso­ Hilltop Staff Writer ing that $11 ,765 loan. The budget also reduced Stipends ciation President Khalfani Walker urged his colleagues 10 for many HUSA staff members. understand the seriousness of this issue. Six mon1bs behind schedule and after many failures The decision on the executive budget comes many '"This is 1he constitution that we are here to uphold and 10 resolve 1he matter, the General Assembly finally month, later than expected, because the Assembly if we approve a budget that does 1101reflect our commit­ approved 1he Howard University Student Association's failed to reach quorum on three consecutive occasions ment to the HUSA Constitution, then why are we all 2000-2001 execuLive budget at an emergency meeting last spring and put off the vote repeatedly in meetings hereT' Walker asked. Wednesday. last month. When the Assembly held an emergency The Assembly r..:viewed two different executive bud­ After nearly three hours of deliberations and debate, meeting September 7 to discuss the HUSA budget in gets during the meeting. A $45,353 budget prepared by an almost unanimous vote marked the passing of a bud­ it 's entirety, the executive ponion was tabled until sum­ the HUSA office failed 10 make provisions for the repay­ get that will allow HUSA staff members 10 receive mer spending informniion was provided in a complete ment of the summer loan. However, the Budgetary Com• stipends for the lirst time in months. report. A budgetary committee was then assembled to mittee submitted a budget that would repay the loan by "I'm glad that we have finally dealt with this issue and review those documents and submit a revised budget cutting stipends in half. that everyone stayed un1il the end of the meeting. It October 4. Frustrated and fatigued, the General Assembly was shows our collective lcndership and commitment." said Approval did not come without opposition. Charges deadlocked for almost two hours until a compromise was HUSA President Sellano Simmons. that HUSA acted unconstitutionally in receiving the loan reached. The Assembly moved to approve a $43,765 exec­ The decision ends a six-month period when HUSA held up a vote on the budget for an hour. utive budget, which will include $32,000 for stipends, staff members worked without compensation from their "We·re really not trying 10 punish you guys;· said office supplies, and an incentive program as well as a budget. This summer the HUSA staff received payment Assembly member Brittany Cooper. ··You acted uncon­ reserved $1 1,765 10 repay the summer loan. through a loan from Dean Belinda Lightfoot-Watkins of stitutionally by accepting any funds that were 1101 The Assembly will convene at their regularly sched­ the Office of Studenc Life and Activities. The newly approved by us, the voting body.·• uled meeting October 18. SeUano Simmons. HUSA President Collegiate Making the Cut Howard Welcomes Republicans Invite Bush Olympic Swimmer To Howard Back to Campus By C.\MILLE M. HAI<\ M By SIMONE W~; ICHSEI.BAUM Hilltop Staff Writer Hilltop Staff Writer Members of the Howard Univer­ By way of leucr Monday, Howard's sity community welcomed Olympic College Republicans formally invited sprinter, Ngozi Monu, back on cam­ George W. Bush, the Republican presi­ pus this week. Monu, a senior biolo­ dential nominee, 10 speak on campus. gy major. competed in the 50 meter The invitation comes just three weeks free style in this year Olympics. She after Vice President Al Gore, the Demo­ finished fll'St in her heat and 57th crauc presidential nominee, addressed overall. She returned 10 campus for students at Cramton A"Juot ium. the first rim~ d1is <chool year Sunday The republican group met September evenmg. 28 to discuss political views, voter reg­ Monu says her experiences a1 the istration, and Bush's invitation. games that were held in Sydney, Aus­ "The young republicans voted unani­ tralia were unlike any other. From her Ngozi Monu mously to invite Bush;· said Kionne rigorous training schedule, to being McGhee, vice-chairman of the College among so many world renowned ath­ until I found myself crying on the Republicans. "We are bringing Bush letes to seeing old friends from meets way back home," Monu said. here for the best interest of the Mudents in the past, Monu said her experi­ Having had the experience, how­ and for students to hear both sides of the ences were quite memorable. ever, Monu is now considering train­ story:· "Seeing old friends from interna­ ing to compete in the 200:I Olympics. The invitation was reviewed on Mon­ tional competitions in the pas1...being " I am considering putting (gradu­ day by Raymond Archer, Interim Vice with my team ma1es from home ate] school on hold to devote all my President for Smdent Affairs, and mailed (Nigeria) ... being among some of the time to training,'' Monu said. 'The by the College Republicans the same day. same Olympic swimmers that I grew ne~t Olympics i, in four years and As of Wednesday, Bush campaign up watching and rooting for, it was that doesn·t give a person enough officials said they had not received the just a tremendous experience," Monu time 10 train, especially if you have invitation. said. other outside factors ,uch as school Bush's invitation is not a direct result The training thnt Monu endured and ,vork." Gore's September 15 speech, McGhec was tough. She left her internship in Monu was fortunate enough to not said. New Yor~ in mid-August to go to only represent her home country of "It wasn't a race to get either candidate Sydney and begin her training. Her Nigeria but also the Howard Univer­ here," he said. "Gore just happened to workouts would begin at 5 a.m., fol­ 0 sity swim team. She docs, however come first. lowed by a small meal, a quick nap, have to pay 1he price. Monu missed Dr. Alvin Thornton. chairman of the an event at the Olympic village. back the first six weeks of school for the political science department, said a visit in the water for a few more hours, second consecutive year and bas from Bush "signifies that Howard is a another bite to cat and back 10 sleep. found her self playmg catch-up. medium that presidential candidates use She kept this schedule from the day "It's hard work but I have to get it 10 speak 10 the black community. which she arrived in Sydney to the day done," Monu said. is something we can be proud of." Phoco By Ja,.cllc Bclla\':u,e, before her competition. The good news, however, is that Thornton said candidates sometimes Ilundredsof'students"nit in line \Wdm-,,duyat Republic Gard"'1Son USt"'-'<1 forthernstingallls for ~ITV's"Real \\~rid'' Although she has been to the she has a small break from swim­ use black \'Oters to attract other minori­ O.lld '"R«1d Rules'' TV ,bo"s. ~ITV lnltnl .sc..'Ollls "ere look in~ to m('('t a ft\, of OC's floesl to star in lhc popular reality­ Olympics, competed and come back ming. Besides par1icipa1ing in Fri­ ties. bas<d ShO\IS. to the states, she didn"t fully grasp day's Blue/\Yhitc meet, she is taking I 'They use us, we use them. One of what she participated in until the trip two weeks off 10 get situated. In these guys will have un-paralleled home. terms ofcompe ting for Howard, this See BUSH.AB "I didn·t know that I would miss it See OLYMPIC, A8 Tyler Files Lawsuit Against University Nicholson Still Ailing By BRANDON M. BICKERSl;,n· have also been named as defendants in the suit. Husband Pleads for Prayers for the vice-president Sports 1\~ek Editor The lawsuit, filed on September 29th, cites an alleged breach By AKOSUA A~tOAKO-ATIJ\ appears to be getting worse," Jesse Nicholson oflyler's comrnct by the University. According to the lawsuit, Hilltop Staff Writer Pormer Howard University women's basketball coach Sanya lylcr's contrac1 includes a clause which staics that, in the event said. Tyler has filed a $105 million lawsuit against the University and she were ever fired or her contract were not renewed, she wou ld 'The main job right now is for us to continue three of its officials. Associate Vice­ praying that the disease goes into remission," he be entitled to another position within the University. The law­ President for En­ Along with the University, Howard President H. Patrick suit also alleges that the University has subjec1ed Tyler to emo­ said.
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