January 29, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E99 Mr. Speaker, Ralph’s last day as Chief of ZUNI INDIAN TRIBE WATER land coach Charles ‘‘Lefty’’ Driesell, who ear- the Traverse City Police Department is Janu- RIGHTS SETTLEMENT ACT OF 2003 lier this year retired after 41 years in the ary 24, 2003 and on January 25, 2003 there coaching ranks. When coach Driesell arrived will be a retirement dinner and program for HON. RICK RENZI in College Park for the 1969–70 season, after him at the Park Place Hotel in Traverse City, OF ARIZONA having turned small Davidson College into a respected Division I basketball program, his Michigan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stated goal was to make Maryland ‘‘the UCLA Retirement will not slow Ralph at all. He will Wednesday, January 29, 2003 of the East.’’ And while no university has ever continue teaching criminal justice courses and Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of Rep- won titles at the rate of John Wooden’s Bru- training for power lifting competitions, an ap- resentatives KOLBE, PASTOR, HAYWORTH and ins, the fact is that Lefty Driesell established at propriate hobby for an individual who has GRIJALVA, I rise today to introduce the Zuni In- the University of Maryland one of the nation’s shouldered so many duties throughout his life. dian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of elite basketball programs. Maryland fans now take for granted that the Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my House col- 2003. Senators KYL and MCCAIN will be intro- Terps will challenge for the ACC title, receive leagues to join me in saluting Ralph ducing the Senate version of this important legislation. an invitation to the NCAA tournament, and be Soffredine, a great person who has spent his among the handful of serious contenders for a life in service to others. The Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settle- ment Act of 2003 codifies the settlement of the trip to the Final Four. But that wasn’t always Zuni Indian Tribe’s water rights for its religious the case. f lands in northeastern Arizona. The Zuni Heav- Consider that during the first 50 seasons of en Reservation was created by Congress in men’s basketball at the University, prior to the TRIBUTE TO BROADMOOR POLICE arrival of Coach Driesell, the Maryland men’s 1984 to protect and recognize long-standing CHIEF TIM GUINEY basketball team won 53 percent of its games, religious activities by the Zuni Tribe. twice finished the season ranked in the AP This legislation would go one step further poll, and played in the NCAA tournament one and provide the Zuni Tribe with the resources HON. TOM LANTOS time. In the 33 full seasons since Lefty came to acquire water rights and to restore and pro- to Maryland, the Terps have a winning per- OF CALIFORNIA tect the wetland environment that previously centage of 65 percent, have been ranked 14 existed on the Zuni Reservation. It’s important IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES times, and have made a remarkable 19 NCAA to note that the Zuni Tribe will acquire water tournament appearances. Wednesday, January 29, 2003 rights from willing sellers. In return, the Zuni Because of the level of success that has Tribe will waive its claims in the Little Colo- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, it is with a mix- been achieved and maintained, the University rado River Adjudication. The Zuni Tribe will is now able to recruit from among the nation’s ture of pride and sorrow that I invite all of my also waive claims against any future water colleagues to join me in celebrating the career top high school players. But it is the initial suc- uses in the Little Colorado River basin and cess, or ‘‘turning a program around,’’ that is of Broadmoor Police Chief Timothy J. Guiney, grandfather existing uses. the difficult first step. Coach Williams’ two who is retiring after 33 years in law enforce- This legislation will not only avoid costly liti- Final Four appearances and National Cham- ment. gation by the United States, but it will allow pionship last year were built on the foundation Chief Guiney began his career in 1969 as a the United States government to satisfy its established by Lefty Driesell in the 1970s and full-time reserve Deputy Sheriff for the San trust responsibilities to the Zuni Tribe regard- 1980s. Mateo County Sheriff’s Office. After three ing water on the Zuni Reservation. Coach Driesell’s career numbers are almost Mr. Speaker, I would like to commend the years there he joined the Brisbane Police De- too much to comprehend, but a few are worth work of the parties to the Zuni Settlement. The partment. During the next 17 years, Tim noting. He retires with 786 wins, behind only parties consist of rural communities in the First Dean Smith, Adolph Rupp and Bob Knight; he Guiney served the Brisbane Police Depart- District of Arizona, including the City of St. ment with distinction as he held every rank in compiled 22 career 20-win seasons; he is the Johns, the Town of Eagar and the Town of only coach to win at least 100 games at four the department from Officer to Acting Chief of Springerville. In addition, the State of Arizona, schools, and one of only three coaches to Police. In 1990, the Broadmoor Police Protec- specifically, the Arizona Game and Fish De- take four schools to the NCAA tournament; he tion District persuaded Chief Guiney to as- partment, the State Land Department and the was twice voted ACC coach of the year and sume the title of Chief of Police and District Arizona State Parks Board, Salt River Project, won more games during his 17 seasons in Manager, where he continued to perform Tucson Electric Power Company, St Johns Ir- College Park than any other Maryland coach. above and beyond the call of duty. rigation and Ditch Company, the Lyman Water But Charles Driesell was not just the ‘‘Lefty’’ Mr. Speaker, Tim Guiney is the heart and Company and the Round Valley Water Users’ we all came to know and love as the Maryland soul of San Mateo County Law Enforcement. Association. basketball coach. Joyce Gunter, his wife of In addition to performing his job with extraor- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- more than 50 years, his four children and 8 dinary distinction, Chief Guiney has woven port the Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settle- grandchildren know him as a loving and com- himself into the fabric of our community. He is ment Act of 2003. mitted father and husband. He has also been officially recognized by the founder of numerous programs including f the NCAA as a hero for his actions the night the Police Activities League and Adopt-A- HONORING COACH LEFTY of July 12, 1973. Driesell was surf fishing with School Brisbane, as well as the ‘‘Cops and DRIESELL some friends around midnight in Bethany Kids’’ North County Community Day. Addition- Beach, Delaware when they spotted flames ally, he is a Past-President and long time ex- HON. STENY H. HOYER shooting from a nearby townhouse complex. ecutive board member of the Daly City-Colma OF MARYLAND Coach Driesell broke down the door and start- Chamber of Commerce and a past-president IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed getting the people out of the burning build- of the Daly City Employees Federal Credit Wednesday, January 29, 2003 ings, and he is credited with having saved the Union. An active member of San Mateo Coun- lives of ten children that evening. ty, Chief Tim Guiney truly is the personification Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, for the better part For his actions, Driesel received the NCAA of community policing. of a year University of Maryland basketball Valor Award in 1974, which is presented to a fans have been celebrating and enjoying the coach or administrator currently associated Combining the intellect of Eliot Ness, the National Championship won by the Terps in with intercollegiate athletics, or to a current or dedication of Joe Friday, Andy Taylor’s hon- April 2002. This was a wonderful accomplish- former varsity letter-winner at an NCAA institu- esty, Barney Miller’s patience, Steve ment for which coach Gary Williams and his tion who, when confronted with a situation in- McGarrett’s ability to delegate, and aspiring to- players have been widely praised, and they volving personal danger, averted or minimized wards Sonny Crocket’s sartorial splendor, deserve a tremendous amount of respect and potential disaster by courageous action or Chief Tim Guiney represents the best of credit for bringing, the University its first men’s noteworthy bravery. In the nearly 30 years American Law enforcement. Mr. Speaker, I basketball title, since its creation, the award has only been ask all of my esteemed colleagues to rise and But there is another individual whose con- presented eight times, which speaks to the join me in paying tribute to Chief Tim Guiney’s tributions to the 2001–02 championship sea- true heroism of Coach Driesell’s actions that lasting legacy of law enforcement excellence. son should not be overlooked—former Mary- night. VerDate Dec 13 2002 04:44 Jan 30, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JA8.031 E29PT1.
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