ISSUED TO FAMOUS PEOPLE BERGEN OIL & COAL DETROIT, HILLSDALE & COMPANY STOCK SOUTH-WESTERN R.R. ISSUED TO THE ESTATE CERTIFICATE ISSUED CO. ISSUED TO MOSES OF AUGUSTUS SCHELL TO CHARLES PFIZER, TAYLOR CO-FOUNDER OF ONE * 184 OF THE WORLD’S LARG- * 182 1886, Ohio. Stock certificate for EST DRUG PRODUCERS 1880, Michigan. Stock for 125 four hundred and eighty shares shares issued to but not signed by issued to the ESTATE OF AU- * 180 Moses Taylor. MOSES TAYLOR, GUSTUS SCHELL (1812 - 1884). ATCHISON, TOPEKA 1866, New York. Stock certificate (1806-1882). Banker; Capitalist. A AND SANTA FE ISSUED Lawyer, politician, financier. Schell for 250 shares. Vignette of an oil- shaky, though ultimately successful became an expert in the expand- TO MABEL G. BELL, field with derricks and storage business in the import business lead ing field of corporate law and was WIFE OF ALEXANDER tanks. Litho. Attached adhesive rev- Taylor to become involved with a trusted legal advisor and close GRAHAM BELL enue stamp at left. Issued to though Cyrus Field in the latter’s Atlantic friend of “Commodore” Vander- not signed by CHARLES PFIZER Cable venture. Taylor served as the bilt, a friendship that brought the * 179 (1824-1906) was a German chem- company’s treasure throughout its two together in building the New 1887, Kansas. Stock certificate for ist who immigrated to the United period of failure and near-collapse, York Central system. Schell served two shares issued to MABEL G. States in the early 1840s and found- until the company finally proved the Commodore well in his battle BELL (1857-1923) Wife of Alexan- ed the Pfizer Inc. pharmaceutical successful. He later was involved in against the Drew/Fisk/Gould der Graham Bell. After contracting company in 1849 as Charles Pfizer many banking activities and became combination for control of the scarlet fever as a young child, Mabel & Co. He remained at its head until known for holding large cash re- Erie. Green \ Black. Vignette of G. Hubbard became one of Alex- 1900, when the company was in- serves. Black/White. Top center en- a locomotive at top center. Green ander Graham Bell’s pupils, and the corporated and Charles Pfizer, Jr. graved vignette of a train crossing a border. Perforation and stamp can- two married when Mabel was 19. became its first president. When bridge. Punch and stamp cancelled. celled. Fine. $125 - up Brown / Black. Vignette of a seated Charles Jr. retired, his brother Emil Very fine. $125 - up female and male bordering an inte- succeeded him in his post. Uncan- rior vignette of a farmer working in celled and Very Fine. $275 - up his field. Brown underprint. Stamp and punch cancelled. Very Fine The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway was one of the largest railroads in the United States. The brainchild of Cyrus K. Holliday, the company was first chartered in Feb- ruary 1859. Although the railway was named in part for the capital GROUP OF FIVE of New Mexico, its main line never NORTHERN PACIFIC DIFFERENT NEW YORK reached there as the terrain made RAILROAD STOCK BONDS ISSUED TO BUT it too difficult to lay the necessary ISSUED TO BUT NOT tracks; rather, the Santa Fe was ulti- NOT SIGNED BY VARI- CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND SIGNED BY ANTHONY J. mately served by a branch line from OUS MEMBERS OF THE & PACIFIC RAIL ROAD DREXEL Lamy, New Mexico. In 1873, The VANDERBILT FAMILY Santa Fe’s first tracks reached the ISSUED TO AMASA * 185 Kansas/Colorado state line and ex- STONE * 183 1884, New York. Stock certificate panded to reach Pueblo, Colorado, New York. Dated between 1925 * 181 for 100 shares. Green\Black. En- by 1876. In order to help fuel the – 1943. Five different State of 1878, Illinois. $5000 bond bearing graved vignette of a steam loco- railroad’s profitability, the Santa Fe New York bonds issued to but not 6% interest issued to though not motive at top center, nice portrait wisely set up real estate offices and signed by the following Vander- signed by AMASA STONE (1818 vignette of Frederick Billings at sold farm land from the land grants bilts: George Vanderbilt, William - 1883). Railroad builder capitalist. bottom. Issued to but not signed that the railroad was awarded by K. Vanderbilt, Harold S. Vanderbilt, Built the Lake Shore system. by Anthony J. Drexel. Very fine. Congress, thus creating a demand Alfred G. Vanderbilt and Frederick Brown/Black. Engraved portrait vi- $125 - up for transportation wherever its lines W. Vanderbilt. All have been punch gnette of flanked by train and ships ran. $125 - up cancelled and are in very fine condi- in harbor. Stamp and punch can- tion. $200 - up celled. Extremely Fine. $75 - up 35 man and reorganizing the business York state Seal at top center. Green which was in a discouraging state underprint. Punch and stamp can- of condition. Twelve years later, he celled. Extremely Fine. $100 - up played an essential role in bringing about the sale of the company into AUTOMOTIVE the new corporation being formed as United States Steel Corp. The certificate was negotiated after the death of Frick and under his will. Lightly punch cancelled and Excel- UNITED STATES STEEL ISSUED TO lent condition. $125 - up WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR CORP ISSUED TO EDITH K. ROOSEVELT * 186 1901, Pennsylvania. $10,000 bond * 189 issued of the Reading Company. 1914, New York. Stock certificate Brown/Black. Engraved vignette for ten shares in the United States of seated liberty at top center. Is- Steel Corporation issued to EDITH K ROOSEVELT (1861-1948) First H. H. FRANKLIN sued to but not signed by WIL- MANUFACTURING CO. LIAM WALDORF ASTOR. (1848- Lady of the United States. Olive \ Black. Vignette of steelworkers at 1919). Capitalist; Journalist. Upon * 192 top center. Olive underprint. Per- the death of his father, Astor suc- AUGUST BELMONT 1934, New York. Stock certificate foration cancellation. Very Fine. ceeded to the management of the for 25 shares. Top center vignette $125 - up family estate with a personal fortune * 188 of a seated allegorical figure. The estimated as $100,000,000. Cut hole 1883, New York. Stock certificate for H. H. Franklin Manufacturing cancellations at the officers signa- 100 shares. Green\Black. Engraved Company built the most success- tures. EF. $75 - up vignette of a steam locomotive at ful American direct air-cooled cars top center, nice portrait vignette from 1902 to 1934. The Company of Frederick Billings at bottom. Is- was run, during its first thirty-two sued to AUGUST BELMONT but years by Herbert H. Franklin, back- not signed by him. At the age of er of the first die casting business, fourteen, Belmont began working (for which he coined the term “die at the office of the Rothschilds in cast”) and John Wilkinson, the en- Frankfurt, Germany. His skill for ISSUED TO EDSEL FORD gineer who built the first Franklin finance won him numerous promo- Car and whose design principles tions within the company until in * 190 combining high quality with light 1837, during the financial panic, he 1940, New York. One thousand weight gave Franklins their distinct ISSUED TO formed his own company in New dollar State of New York Loan for reputation for dependability and HENRY CLAY FRICK York with his only tangible asset be- the Extension and Improvement of long life. Their legacy has been one ing that of his agency in the U.S. for the Palisades Interstate Park issued of successful innovation and, of * 187 the Rothschilds. Within a few years, to EDSEL FORD (1893-1943) course, the unusual vehicles that 1917, Pennsylvania. Stock certificate Belmont was one of the leading Son of Henry Ford and president survive.Uncancelled and very fine. for 100 shares of The Pittsburgh, bankers in the nation. Extremely Fi of Ford Motor Company from $225 - up Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis ne. $125 - up 1919 to 1943. Green \ Black. New Railroad Company. Green\Black. Engraved vignette of a steam lo- comotive in upper right corner. UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION ISSUED TO ANDREW CARNEGIE Issued to though NOT SIGNED by HENRY CLAY FRICK (1849 - 1919). Steel and coke manufac- turer, known as “The Coke King”; * 191 Capitalist. At the age of twenty- 1901, New Jersey. Fifty year Five % Series F one, Frick, borrowing money from Gold Bond certificate for one hundred thousand Judge Thomas Mellon achieved dollars. Blue. Vignette of a busy refinery and rail success in the coke business and yard. Issued to Andrew Carnegie and cancelled by the age of thirty had created a by J.P. Morgan and Co. Punch and stamp can- net worth of $1,000,000. In 1881, celled. This U.S. Steel bond was issued to An- Andrew Carnegie acquired stock drew Carnegie just three months after the merger in Frick’s company, with a split of Carnegie Steel, Morgan’s steel companies, and between the two occurring over others. $750 - up labor problems in 1887. Two years later, Frick was invited to acquire an interest in the Carnegie Broth- ers steel company, becoming chair- 36 RARE EARLY DUESENBERG AUTOMOBILE & MOTORS AN EXTREMELY EARLY AUTOMOBILE RACING * 195 CERTIFICATE! SPEEDWAY PARK ASSOCIATION 1921, Indiana. Interim stock certificate for 1/2 share. Green/Black, with green overprint. Spread eagle vignette at top center. Litho. From * 193 the turn of the century, Fred Duesenberg (1876-1932) had been well 1915, Illinois. Stock certificate for 25 shares. Maroon/Black. Won- known as a designer of fast, powerful, reliable gasoline engines which derful vignette of an early Auto Racing Track with spectator seats came to be widely used in the marine, automotive and aviation indus- and cars circling the track.
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