Agenda ltem 799 TEST|MONY 9:30 AM T|ME CERTATN CABLE FRANCHISE PUBLIC BENEFITS: A DECADE OF COIvIIUUT¡ry IuruRTsT lF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO CITY COUNCIL, PRINT yOUR NAME, ADDRESS, AND EMA¡L. NAME ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Email C¿ol. ?rr.x ¿-1ç-l ¡^, (^faù (.r Cyã.t c ø c.,\bq\wtka.u'q, \J b\\L\ \ o (ftA l\z t 5\^r \3+d å^ P*[ {^^! 11zo -t û nu4r)h in e?a ^i\ì f - Õ /r,-- l/),;^'r:i: tt6t( ÅE Å;^rr".J( Cr.lo P,,ff^l rro dnorrl ron@-t"eú, kl 2. or.u, L¿-;ç r+.r& C[r*í.t 1rZ+ l,/E çTl ) ?"*+{a/, ofL 17219 CA,/^eed<*.ok5 U^i l"{ Ü¿jr^ tl'¿ ?aÇ y\ø ?-*dt d, p& f,r-.7*r, {eø t{tr ø;/1,/ r-?<-ã*us,Q- lrb cd' I 'Í) tH h+"rs-nt ¡ ftl(ú- ft.vç l/ t D€zGrr*rtr, (rloq t t ( /Þ,1 D *^ Ull.,.lu--­ rJÉ 3z"N Nno- 9 7¿ åo^^^L.rl l*¡0,*!+\,o* L, a rot f +f :òwö*oN, -r- ¿./ { 4-t1t xt€, Z*q/ror* 172 // 2Sl on <.q q,@â,-r^' c^rgz .^û FJ yt ltLlßøe\,n h , 3b aü t err s(h^.rst R , \?Z t '| 4r,rd*t^- c+ c.^>t t*l ,. /oo ,¡orrq {,7t r'ì4f ,.- t,trftf ç Pil lTzt¿ þZSxrfa.-*<PS, â.cp' tô :- fffdaG¡'daSnoQ! S^.e-Q-t ---;J8'¿.a, zz+z7 rvwfvu/ l LBn,Et( Pox'rl\-= rC\q, çn.{l€ p¡\ c*[J"no...{=,GT " ,/ i "!ao1 -.{i.ù,page of "*tJ or7 -Date0S-03-ll ?a@gfayy"2ftyy,V*tux u Q;îE^rlrtey N u, ¡ - or;yrÏ.oi,ao n') miÌ ltrl ."-f.l * i' \ *.:1­ * " , \'¡e 'Zl.tl " ryi'+wÅlt Ð J,L çfJ 1'¿. o*Ä4/ ita-ã Ç!^;! \ 4Jiå i' +'"1!.'Ë ¡- ,' J *J-- i/ L F '1,'] 'L:) :> ?A¿, is'tYtfi atrt ' Y,+ 'r-,{4 l/rywl Bill Olson LI Ltcenseo 4736 N.E.25th OMEGA Bonded Specralties Portland, OR97211 -503-516-8276 ccB #123987 Clt*' ¡g' ,'rtC* Voru'a \NFò t-.oßL fi,'[sffi#a /ør,n Øt MA A Ún¿rrnn fioø{­ eL. //eLg f¿eø4 Cey "rùM/^ñz'us #¡/W= ¿ru( tfiø1 t4 T{, r- rn\r6\ct Q+ts ,to*$*zio I ffiffi /"hr+Wrfr*i fre4rfu',a l-û b/{ à *Jlt ryç? /'14:% f tþN' '"b w+ rtrl r;"ffi vçuÊL''/ r,øñ:;JWil Bill Olson Licensed 4736 N.E.25th OMEGA Bonded Portland, Specialties OR 97211 ccB #123987 503-sl6-8276 TITLE - CLIENT DATE SHEET NO. Flying Focus Video Collective, a tax-exempt TUNE IN TO: educational organizatiory has been producing Lending Libraries / Study Guides works since fanuary, 1991.. Over 600 Programs Progratns markeil "Iznilíng li,brarylStutly Guide" mad¿ regarding public policy issues havebeen cablecast A weekly U2-hour showcase of our current work' possible by a grant from the Paul Robeson Funil for shown at occasional public screenings. Independenf Media,tqes marked-*- comc withStttdy Guides and/or now in ournineteenth year! for House Pøty, Classroor4 or htblic Screenùtg dßcussio4 Check these topic headings: CABLECASTTIMES: including aresource lkt and suggested confacß or actiotts. Animal Rights Available Tapes (as of January'1 O) Tuesdays (late night Mondays): Civil Rights Multiculiurøl Is sue s lRe storativ e Lktening Proi ect 12:30 am Ch 22 Comcast (DVD) Compilation Tapes Nathan McCall: The Effects of Gentrification Porches and Smiles (DVD) The Death Penalty Wednesdays: 11:00 pm Ch 23 Comcast Real Questions (DYD) Economic Justice Medin/Communications 9:30pm Ch 11 Citywide-CAN ¡tAnarchisttt'¡Riottt* Environmental Justice Fridays: The The Total Ralía Guy * Feminist ksues (timcs æ of Jæuary, 2010) * (tim*, datcs, chuncls ad cable compmy subject to changc) Noam Chomsky: The Media & Democrary Foreign Affairs Rememberiug Nixon pts 1 & 2 * -Middle Eøst Also watch for "Inciteful Views" (l-hrspeaker/forum packages); Interview with Marlon Riggs * -Afrtua other "Speakers & Events"; "Special Reports" ând "Street BytesrM" Being Critical of Mass Media: Critic¿l Mass tr * 'Asia Foreien Affairs -LaÍin Aneríca Flying Focus shows available on DVD Pmpiõ's Viðíory: US Releases Conliscated Yideo of Iraq -Ca¡íbbean (Cuba, Haití, etc.) * ¡Ff^¡ËElì Since 2005, our programs have been available Islands in the Video Stream: Haiti, Cuba & The US Media -Europe Dedicated to the Women of Former Yugoslavia * Æ on gvoaiwellasvHsvideotaPe' * Ilealth Care Alternatives the same for eitherformat! Allan Nairn: Genocíde in Eost Timor ffiË" Suggested donation * Indigenous Peoples ¡Cuba Si, Bloqueo, No! Somos Marcos! * Media/Communications ¡Nosotros Urbøn Concerns Miscellaneous Lending Library Peter Newman: Cities & Auto Dependence * -Rating the Protests, SPirinoúítY Locations Polbe Accountabílify Multicultural Iszues When Police Kill: 3 Parents Speak Out * Nuclear Issi¡es Cívil Rights * Organizing for Change Laughing Horse Books Portland Citizens Protest Terrorism Police Accountabil¡ty 12 NE 10rh The Economy (503)236-2893 Protest in Seattle: Resisting the WTO Retrospectives Indígenous Peoples Sexual Orientation BlackRos e Collectia e Bo okitor e Howard 7.iwt 1492-1992, Reclaiming tlu People's History * Systems of Government 4038 N Mississippi Systems of Government b lack¡o [email protected] Urban Concerns Michael Parenti: Democrøcy, Støte Power * - N orth P ortland C o nc erns & the Myth of Capífalism Triumphønt Mininul htnillingfees may be applicablc at each location. War: Exploifafion War and Peace Noam Chomsky: Class Global Not all tit!¿s availtbl¿ at aII locaions. Call ø check avaíIahilþ & the Grassroots Response (Labor) \Vorkers' Issues Feminßt Issues Lending Library Guide Witness This FLYING FOCUS LENDING LIBRARIES * lVebsite The Clothesline Project Guide Don'tknow ifyou wantto own acopy ofourprogram? Borrow one! War and Peace Ordering and Program Information some Want to hold a House Parw--invite friends over and discuss Rßks of Wor Tøx Resistance * public policy íssues? Or show a video to your clæs? important Ehrenreich: Wør & Socicty * Due to space limitations, meny of our programs are listed Barbara Library p{ogram. without-ft¡Il descriptions; in addition' some of our tapes Check out the Flying Focus lænding Environmental Justice * are nolongeravailCble. Checkourwebsiteforfulllistings. Shows in the catalog mæked Lending Library/Srudy Guide ue Solar Powered Boy available æ of January, 2010. Clayoquot Sound not Clearcut Sound! * * Currently available at 2 locations, Forest Conference Rølly our maín Lænding Library is at Laughing Horse Book. Animal Rights 6t Soonsor ø taøe or ø DVD! VeganCooking ä Ïf vou eniovãorosram vou order-sponsor it in tlre Lænding Library! ¡uét reulä ihe iidão to ús and let us know where to make it available' I I The Flying Focus Video Collective I 20'to- ORDER FORM 2012* Turning Point I (Restorative Listening Project #5) I The end of the focus on gentrification by the I Yo u r Na m e /Or ga n iza I io n Restorative Listening Project after three years, I and where to go next. VB #78.2&3 $f 4 I I Diversit¡r and Thriving in Schools Citu. State, Zip I Sonia Nieto, a prominent writer on multicultural I education, shares research on how teachers lelephone, L-mail knowing students and confronting their own I assumptions can create successful classrooms. I vB#77.12&13 $r4 I I I 65 Years Toward a Nuclear Free World: I Hiroshima Day 2010 I A survivor of Hiroshima, a Buddhist activist, an Oregon State Representative, musicians and I performers renew the call to end the use of I nuclearweapons. VB#i6.ll&12 $14 I I ffi LendingLibraries W I Check out Flying Focus tapes at these locations! I Laughing Horse Books 12 NE l0th I BlackRose Collective Bookstore I Postage & Handling: 4038 N Mississippi I Additional donation: If you wish to donate your Flying Focus tapelDVD to I a lending library or another community location, or I TOTAL DONATION: nominate a program for inclusion, let us know- I The first three of our Restorative Listening Project I * I n cl u d fo r py DVDs are available at both lending library locations! Just Say No to Psychatric Drugs? e $3 a fu ll co of th e 2O 1 O-2O 1 2 calal og I Award-winning journalist Robert Whitaker on Order DVDs.for the same suggesÍed donntion as I Flæ his comprehensive survey of research on á' VHS tape.r: 8l I for 30 minute shors, 514 for one '¡i ií i' rå TUNE IN TO: psychiatric medications and his unexpected I hour shows, $17 for longer shots. conclusions. VB #i7.4&S $14 I Send your order and donation to: I A weeklv ll}-hour showcase of our lvork, now Flying Focus Video Collective in our twentieth year! I I PMB #248 CABLECAST TIMES: 3439 NE Sandy Blvd Video Bus programs I Tuesdays: are approxímately thirty minutes long, Portland, 12:30 am Ch 22 Comcast I OR 97232 USA {Larc nighr Mondays) )rder DVDs for the same suggesfed I (503) 321-505 1 (voicemail) Wednesdays: 1 1:00 pm Ch 23 Comcast donation as VHS fapes: I (503) 239-7456 (office) 811 for 30 minute shows, Fridays: 9:30pm Ch Citywide I ffvc@flyingfocus. org (e-mait) tt $14 for one hour shows, llIDET I $17 for longer shows. http://www.flyingfocus.org (web site) -i F) ö---rç Þ õË t)aU+.4 -ë^cF = => Better ê-ÍÈ<ãÊ.È-i.= Living Show Lq E F Fromthe 2009 eventofthe samename: interviews z -Ë with participants on electric cars, solar panels, and elephant poo paper. VB #76.9 $11 ln Quest of a Smaller Footprint Looking for alternatives to gas guzziers at an Oregon Electric Vehicle Association meeting and an electric bike store.
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