- V.- ' 'H 0 y. 1 1 lllr in in VWAVAV ilsrahiished July 1850. 1YOL. XXVL, NO. 4743. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Q. WOOD. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. Police Station for the emergencies that backed by public sentiment and assist- J. ed WHARF FOR KILO come in" connection with the work of PURE MILK FIGHT in the editorial columns of the rney Law. IF YOU BUY A SINGER, Press. There was great and vigorous Atto at the Police Department. Electric bells opposition by. the dairyman. Finding - AND You will receive careful instruction will be arranged, so that a policeman that opposition was likely from a competent to defeat teacher at your having a prisoner in charge may sim- the appropriation necessary, the Pure NOTARY PUBLIC. home. Food Committee was called Into being You can obtain necessary ply press the button on a street cor- accessories wagon rest. turers and Producers' Association of direct from the company's offices. ner and the will do the Antliorization tiy old-tim- e Chairman of San Francisco Pure turers and Producers Association of OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel You will get prompt any Cabinet The tearing of police officers' Streets. attention In tad clothes by drunken men will be done California, with the active assistance part of the world, as ev- 14 our offices are away with and the removal of people of different organizations, repre- erywhere and we give careful attention Eoofl Committee Here. senting the commercial and mercantile to Yesterday.! to the hospital will be rendered a com- all customers, no matter where the fortable process. bodies of the State. Dr. C, B. High machine may have been purchased. "At a meeting held by these organi- You will be dealing with the leading zations the support was pledged of .... Dentist company in the sewing machine busi- Loop Reins Moved. such organizations as the Manufac- Philadelphia Dental College 1892. ness, having an unequalled experience As a result of a mutual understand- turers and Produce Association, the and an unrivalled reputation San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. the ing and the OF CRUSADE Masonic Temple. Telephone 318. strongest guarantee of excellence. WORK WILL BEGIN AT ONCE between the Government MR. JACOBS TELLS the Board of Trade, the State Board of Sold on easy payments. Repairing Hawaiian Tramways Company the Health, the Fruit Exchanges, the Mer- A. C. WALL, D. D. S. done. B. BERGERSEN, Agent loop opposite the new fire station, on chants Associations. It was shown by 16V Bethel Street, Honolulu. Beretania street, will be removed to the Regent of the State University. Hon. J. B. Renstein, the father of the Dentist. The City Carriage Company possess a point near Emma street. This has pure milk ordinance, that in the three only first-cla- ss hacks and employ only been agreed upon in order to obviate Strong Opposition of Milk months of of BUILDING, Street. Will be Built on River the work the Board of feOVE Fort careful, steady drivers. any possible obstruction to the fire en- Health the death rate In children un- Carriages at all hours. Bank at Waiakea. gines at a critical moment, a contin- Dealers and Sellers. der the age of one year showed a de- ffl. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Telephone 113. gency which would be very likely to crease of over 40 per cent; between JOHN S. ANDRADE. arise if .the cars were standing on the one and three years of 30 per cent; loop at a time when a fire alarm wras between three and five years of 21 per cent. These are com- Dentist. GUIDE rung in. The work was commenced vital statistics, 8 HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. yesterday morning, and it is the inten- posed for 10 years. End Hilo-It- es Weeding Out Tuberculous Cows a . THROUGH of a Vexatious Delay company to push "This resulted in the appointment Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tion of the it forward HAWAII. Will Now Cele- as rapidly as possible. Difficult Process-Boa- rd Wins of the Pure Food Committee. The ex- isting Legislative Act, to prevent the IB brate. the Fight. "Adulteration of Food, Drink and DR. A. J. DERBY. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Reckless Riding. Drugs" was a comprehensive one, but About midnight Sunday a Japanese no one had ever endeavored to enforce FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS it. The Board of Health Dentist. furiously through Waianaku, Hi- received that CORNER FORT AND HOTEL STS. drove year an appropriation of $75,000 to MOTT-SMIT- lo, woman down and H BLOCK. WOMAN'S EXCHANCE. Hilo is to have a wharf! knocking a native Mr. Isidor Jacobs, Chairman of the carry on its work. An extensive lab- Office, 615; Residence, 789. throwing man oratory was built, competent Telephones: 215 Merchant St. At a meeting of the Cabinet yester- upsetting the brake, the Pure Food Committee of San Francis- chemists Hours: 9 to 4. out. He was placed under arrest and co, is spending a few days in Honolu- were employed and prosecutions were Hawaiian and Mlcronesian curios in day morning papers were presented on bonds. Shortly begun. Convictions were obtained released afterward lu in of rest. Mr. in great variety lauhala and cocoanut and acted upon by the Executive, so he was found dead on the streets. search Jacobs is nearly every case, although the de- Manager CEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. hats, calabashes, fans, hula drums, that work will begin at once. Minister of the California Canneries fendants invariably demanded Jury seed and shell leis, etc, etc. Home- Company, is soon to trials. They soon found cheapest King was happy con- and visit London the. made poi, jellies and jams a specialty. rather over the WOMAN KAHUNA. way was to deal no more in fraudu- Dentist. designs in the interests, either going or re- Floral or cut flowers furnished summation of the plan when seen in , way lent goods. ftiRT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO- on half a day's notice. Manicuring his office yesterday. turning by of Australia and the "It was found at the beginning of LIC MISSION. and glove cleaning. Arrested in Kamoiliili by Officer Suez "If Mr. Irwin had been at home," Canal. last year that tuberculosis in Call- - ' 9 4 p.m: Tel. 659. Chillingworth. The of fornia was on the was Hours: From a.m. to said he, "the matter would have been successful work the Pure increase. This Mokakoa is a native woman, aged Food Committee and the Board of attributed by many to the fact that fixed up long ago. I have been work- many 60 years, who for several years revolutionizing tuberculous strangers were sent DRS. WAUGHOP & WAUGHOP. ing on it ever since I made my last about Health in the methods to California every year for their past has been practicing kahunaism in of canning goods and preparing food health. After thorough investigation, OFFICE: Masonic Temple. Tele- visit to Ililo and learned through ex- Best Mineral Water in that lantana-bus- h locality known as materials for the market, has excited the Board commenced operations with phone 943 perience just how badly the wharf is V 416 Punchbowl St. Kamoilili. She has practiced on in commendation all over the United the use of the United States tuberculin RESIDENCE: the Market. needed. The Government now has a test. 30 Waughop, M. D. 9 to 11, peace, and, when police officers have States. The committee met with bit- At the Almshouse out of the John V. R. title to the land, and 31 cows were killed were 4, 7 8. Sundays 9:30 to 10:30. E. ADAMS, the authorization there and. 2 to to 4-0- been suggested to her, it has been ter opposition in many directions, but Waughop, M. D. 11 to 1, Telephone 184. Fort St. has been made." The work will begin found to have tuberculosis in its most Philip R. her invariable answer: "Let them the members were determined, and advanced stages. Work was be- 4 to 6:30. Sudays 2 to 3. at once, as the appropriation cannot be then come. They will not live long after they had the support of the consumers. gun on the dairies. H. HACKFELD & CO. drawn upon after December 31st. Mr. de- arresting me." ' The result was a victory for the com- Here the Board met with most C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Rowell has the orders to begin at once. termined opposition, but they went A week ago Charles Chillingworth x How much will be done by that time mittee and the establishment of strict ahead with more determined inspect- made up his mind to arrest the wo- regulations to govern the manufacture ors and killed several hundred cows. Office: With Dr. F. R. Day, K Commission (IIS is difficult to tell, but the work will be man. He got his informers and work-ee- d food-stuff- s. Subsequently they suspended opera- Beretania Street, near Fort. II! If pushed to the end. and sale of up the case. A day or two ago Not a small part of the committee's tions temporarily, as the Legislature Office Hours: 1 to 4 p. m. "The wharf will be located on the was in session, and the dairymen Corner Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. two of Makokoa's patients died. Her was g pure milk. San Residence Telephone, No. 393. bank of the river at Waiakea, as it is work promised to further the enactment of vile potions did not work and her mid- Francisco has not been alone in the prevent really the only place wThere it can be just laws to the sale of milk VI.
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