KEEPING YOUR CAT HEALTHY LIKE HUMANS, CATS ARE AT RISK COMPREHENSIVE FOR MANY DISEASES. PROTECTION Preventive healthcare, including a vaccination program and regular parasite prevention, will help protect your cat from disease and discomfort. In addition, proper nutrition, For your Family regular exercise and annual visits to the veterinarian will help maintain good health for your pet. ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAM An annual physical examination is the best way to ensure continued good health for your cat. It provides your veterinarian with an important opportunity to detect and prevent potential health problems. During the annual physical exam, your veterinarian will assess the overall health of your cat. This evaluation may include laboratory testing and other diagnostic workups. Your veterinarian will speak with you about preventive healthcare measures for your cat, such as vaccinations, parasite control, proper nutrition and dental care. DISEASE DIAGNOSIS Your veterinarian will examine your pet both visually and manually to assess its health and physical condition. Additional diagnostics, NADA’S A #1 C * including blood, stool and urine samples and a skin examination may be necessary to determine whether disease is present F or to differentiate between diseases. E L E IN G E N V RA ACCINE *Impact Vet YTD May 2018, includes the whole range of PureVax® Vaccines PUREVAX® THE NONADJUVANTED FELINE VACCINE RANGE POTENTIALPOTENTIAL THREATS THREATS TO YOUR TO PET’S YOUR HEALTH PET’S HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASESINFECTIOUS DISEASES INTERNAL PARASITESINTERNAL PARASITES Rabies is a fatal viralRabies disease is a that fatal can viral infect disease all that can infect all warm-blooded animals,warm-blooded including animals,cats and includinghumans. cats and humans. A common early signA common of rabies early is a significant sign of rabies change is a significant change in a cat’s behaviour,in including a cat’s behaviour, sudden restlessness, including sudden restlessness, aggression or fear.aggression or fear. For more informationFor onmore the information threat of rabies, on the contact threat of rabies, contactHeartworms are transmittedHeartworms by are infected transmitted mosquitoes by infected and mosquitoes and the nearest office ofthe the nearest Canadian office Food of the Inspection Canadian Food Inspection may cause seriousmay disease cause in seriousyour cat. disease Heartworms in your reside cat. Heartworms reside Agency or talk to yourAgency veterinarian. or talk to your veterinarian. in the hearts and lungsin the of hearts infected and cats lungs and of eventuallyinfected cats may and eventually may Feline panleukopenia,Feline sometimes panleukopenia, referred sometimes to referred to lead to heart failurelead and to death. heart failureUnfortunately, and death. there Unfortunately, is there is as parvovirus, is causedas parvovirus, by a highly is caused contagious by a highly contagious no approved treatmentno approved for feline treatment heartworm for disease.feline heartworm disease. and potentially fataland virus. potentially It is especially fatal virus. dangerous It is especially dangerousHookworms are gastrointestinalHookworms are parasites gastrointestinal that may parasites be that may be to kittens. Typical clinicalto kittens. sign Typical are high clinical fever, sign vomiting are high fever, vomitingtransmitted when catstransmitted ingest infective when cats larvae ingest from infective the larvae from the and diarrhea. and diarrhea. environment, or whenenvironment, larvae penetrate or when a larvae cat’s skin penetrate directly. a cat’s skin directly. Feline viral rhinotracheitisFeline viral (FVR), rhinotracheitis or feline herpesvirus, (FVR), or feline herpesvirus,Hookworms feed onHookworms the tissue feedinside on the the intestines tissue inside of an the intestines of an is one of the causesis oneof chronic of the uppercauses respiratory of chronic diseaseupper respiratory diseaseinfected cat. Certaininfected infections cat. Certainin young infections kittens may in young kittens may in cats. The signs ofin thiscats. disease The signs include of this sneezing, disease runnyinclude sneezing, berunny fatal. be fatal. nose, irritated eyesnose, and coughing.irritated eyes and coughing. Roundworms are Roundwormsgastrointestinal are parasites gastrointestinal which can parasites which can Feline calicivirus causesFeline chroniccalicivirus disease causes of chronicthe upper disease of the upperbe transmitted to kittensbe transmitted by the queen’s to kittens milk, by and the thenqueen’s milk, and then respiratory system.respiratory The severity system. of infection The severity with this of infectionvirus with thisthroughout virus life by throughouteggs present life in by the eggs environment present in the environment depends on severaldepends factors, on including several thefactors, presence including the presenceor by the ingestionor of by rodents the ingestion or birds. of The rodents worms or feedbirds. The worms feed of other viruses (suchof other as FVR) viruses and bacteria.(such as FVR) and bacteria. on the food presenton in the the food cat’s present intestines. in the Some cat’s cats intestines. Some cats present clinical signspresent associated clinical with signs the associated resulting with the resulting Feline leukemia virusFeline (FeLV) leukemia is the virus most (FeLV) commonly is the most commonlynutritional deficit, nutritionalsuch as poor deficit, general such condition, as poor general condition, diagnosed feline cancerdiagnosed and isfeline the causecancer of and about is the cause of about dull haircoat or abnormaldull haircoat stools. or Furthermore, abnormal stools. these Furthermore, these one-third of all cancerone-third deaths of among all cancer cats. deaths In addition, among cats. In addition,worms can be transmittedworms can to humans.be transmitted to humans. the virus suppressesthe the virus cat’s suppresses immune system,the cat’s leaving immune it system, leaving it susceptible to othersusceptible infections. to Ask other your infections. veterinarian Ask your veterinarianTapeworms are gastrointestinalTapeworms are parasites gastrointestinal transmitted parasites by transmitted by if your cat should beif your vaccinated cat should against be vaccinated FeLV. against FeLV. fleas or through thefleas ingestion or through of infected the ingestion rodents of or infected other rodents or other small prey animals.small The preyadult animals. worm consists The adult of a worm very longconsists of a very long Chlamydophila felisChlamydophila is a bacteria responsiblefelis is a bacteria for chronic responsible for chronicchain of segmentschain attached of segments to one another attached and to lives one inanother the and lives in the mild upper respiratorymild diseaseupper respiratory (pneumonitis) disease. It can(pneumonitis) also . It cancat’s also intestine. Thecat’s last intestine.segments, The which last contain segments, the whicheggs, contain the eggs, exacerbate other diseasesexacerbate caused other by diseases viruses. caused Runny eyesby viruses. Runnydetach eyes themselvesdetach from the themselves tapeworm’s from body the andtapeworm’s can be body and can be are the primary symptomare the primaryof this bacterial symptom infection; of this bacterial other infection;seen other in the animal’sseen stools in the or aroundanimal’s its stools anus. or They around look its anus. They look signs include sneezingsigns and include nasal sneezing discharge. and nasal discharge. like grains of cookedlike rice grains and of can cooked show ricecontraction and can show contraction movements when movementsthey have been when passed they have recently. been passed recently. HOW OLD IS YOURHOW CAT? OLD IS YOUR CAT? COMPARATIVE AGECOMPARATIVE AGE 1 3 6 1 8 3 1 6 2 8 4 1 6 2 8 4 10 6 12 8 2010 12 20 Month Months MonthsMonthMonthsMonths YearMonthsYearsMonths YearsYear YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears Years Years 6 4 10 6 15 4 1810 2415 3518 4224 5035 6042 7050 10060 70 100 Months Years YearsMonthsYearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears YearsYears Years Years How will my cat feelHow after will mya vaccination? cat feel after a vaccination? EXTERNAL PARASITESEXTERNAL PARASITES A How a cat reactsA toHow vaccination a cat reacts depends to vaccination on a lot depends on a lot Fleas pose a real threatFleas topose the a health real threat of your to thepet healthand the of your pet and theof factors, such as ofthe factors, cat’s age, such the as typethe cat’s of vaccine age, the type of vaccine well-being of yourwell-being family. Adult of fleasyour family.feed on Adult warm-blooded fleas feed on warm-bloodedused, and the cat’sused, overall and health the cat’s before overall being health before being animals and may causeanimals severe and mayirritation, cause allergic severe reactions irritation, allergic reactionsvaccinated. In all likelihoodvaccinated. your In allcat likelihood will feel fine. your cat will feel fine. and anemia. They andcan anemia.also transmit They disease. can also transmit disease. He or she may showHe mild or she signs, may such show as mild tiredness, signs, such as tiredness, slight fever or lackslight of appetite, fever or for lack a short of appetite, time before for a short time before Ticks may attach toTicks your may cat attachand feed to youron blood cat and until feed they on blood until theyreturning to normal.returning If signs topersist normal. beyond If signs >24 persist hours, beyond
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