Adalsteinsdottir 程鶔窣٥䗞⚸倛㢵㜉 Thordis 1975 欰倴ⱺ䃋ꨮ⯘꧉笞⯘ Born in Reykjavı́k, Iceland 2001-2003 秣秉鋕錏谁遯㷸ꤎ繡遯焚㡦 School of Visual Arts, MFA Program, New York 1999-2000 銯棵暆䊼㝱ꥑ秝㣐㷸 Universidad de Barcelona 1966-1999 ⱺ䃋谁遯㷸ꤎ繡遯㷸㡦 Icelandic Academy of Arts, BFA Program 栽栁莅㷸遯䧭㽠 Honors/Awards/Lectures 2013-2014 Artist in residence and guest lecturer at Chiang Mai University, Thailand 2013 Socrates Sculpture Park, Emerging Artist Fellowship Award and Residency 2012 NYFA fellowship award 2011 Gudmunduverdlaunin, Awarded by the Reykjavik Art Museum 2010 Three Month Teaching Fellowship at the Icelandic Art Academy 2008 Carnegie Art Award, Travelling Europian Exhibition 2008 Two Years Stipendum from The Icelandic Government (Icelandic Artist fund) 2007 Lecture, FAU, Florida 2007 Lecture, studio visits, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee 2006 Art Omi NY Residency 2006 Lecture, Icelandic academy of arts, Iceland 2005 Round table discussion, Studio visits, University of Winnipeg, Canada 2004 Annual Penninn Award, Reykjavik, Iceland 1998 Prize won for Interactive Car Sculpture, at Stockholm culture city 1998 1998 Lecture at Aalborg art school, Denmark 礶鼇⦐㾝 Solo exhibitions 2016 շOther Voices, Other Roomsո, Nunu Fine Art, Taipei 2015 շWilling to go onո, Stux Gallery, New York շHarden Your Heartո, Listasalur Mosfellsbæjar, Mosfellsbær, Iceland շCome Closer When the Ground is Wetո, Specta Galleri, Copenhagen 2014 շAndraո, Art Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai Thailand 2012 շCall On Me With Your Softnessո, Stux Gallery, New York 2011 շStudiesո, Specta Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark 2010 շI am with youո, Artopia Gallery, MilanItaly 2009 շDog By The Springո, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York 2008 շNo Rest For The Dickheadո, Specta Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark 2007 շYou feel like an Angelո, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles շAnd they followed himո, Kobayashi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan շThe myth of course, is that there will be some survivorsո, Bryggen, Kopenhagen, Denmark 2006 շThe myth, of course, is that there will be some survivorsո, The Reykjavik Art Museum, Kjarvalstadir, Reykjavik Iceland շA Cheerful reminder of our lives and lovesո, Stefan Stux gallery, New York շCelebration of the Lambing Season, and Open Letter to Botnaո, Dandruff Space and Shroud, Brooklyn, New York 2005 շPaintingsո, 101 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland 2004 շNew Paintings and videoո, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York 2003 շNew Paintingsո, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York 1998 Nema Hvad Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland 礶鼇耢㾝 Group exhibitions 2016 շMannfélagið, The Human Fabricո, Reykjanes Art Museum, Iceland 2015 շKvennaveldið: Konur og Kynvitundո, Reykjanes Art Museum, Iceland շBody Unnaturalո, Nunu Fine Arts, Taipei շSummer Eroticaո, Stux + Haller Gallery, New York շNýmálaðո, Kjarvalstaðir Museum, Iceland Myokos Biennale, Greece 2014 շVaralitirո, Hafnarborg Museum, Iceland շContemporary Art Exhibition by Lecturers From Department of Printmaking, Painting and Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai Arts Center, Thailand շExhibition of Art and Research Works by Staff Memebers of the Faculty of FineArts, Chiang Mai Universityո Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Pathumwan, Bangkok շIslensk Samtidarportrettո, Akureyri Museum, Iceland շHoly and Profaneո, Nunu Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan շArcadiaո, Art Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai Thailand 2013 շEAF 13ո, Socrates Sculpture Park, New York շZoom Outո, Reykjavik Museum, Kjarvalstadir, Iceland 2010 շNy adfong 2006-2010ո, ReykjavikMuseum, Kjarvalstadir, Iceland շLjoslitlifunո, Reykjavik Museum, Hafnarhus, Iceland 2009 շXSո, Specta Gallery, Denmark շNo Soul For Saleո, The X building, New York 2008 շFrom Another Shoreո, Scandinavia House: The Nordic Center In America, New York NY շFrom Head To Toeո, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York շSize mattersո, Knoxville Museum of Art, Tennessee շTeikninginո, Hoffmannsgallery, Iceland շI will never lie to my mother againո, Mogadishni Gallery, Denmark շCarnegieո, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Norway շCarnegieո, Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen, Denmark շCarnegieո, Listasafn Kopavogs, Kopavogi, Iceland շCarnegieո, Konstakademien, Stockholm, Sweden շCarnegieո, Royal College of Art, London, UK 2007 շBig Bad Loveո, Stefan Stux gallery, NY շCarnegieո, Museet for Nutidskonst Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland շDelicatessenո, Schmidt Center University Galleries, Miami Florida շSize mattersո, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, NY շCabinet of curious tiesո, Roger Smith Gallery, NY շBecome our Egill of Iceland, and the return to the self centerո, performance in collaboration with David Herbert, Hrafnhildur Arnardottir aka Shoplifter and Mihael Jureawitz, in honor of Egill Saebjornsson’s NY debut, Cueto Project, NY շSjomilnaskorո, Listasalur Mosfellsbaejar, Iceland շThe Outsiderո, Stay Gold Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2006 շFruitcake and Casseroleո, Stay Gold Gallery, Brooklyn NY շIcelandic painting after 1980ո, National Gallery of Iceland 2005 շPublic notice 2ո, Laumeier Sculpture Park, Saint Luis, MO շVolcanaո, Plugin Institude of Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, Canada շJolasyningո, 101 Gallery, Iceland 2004 շSlice and Diceո, Visual Arts Gallery, New York շStay Insideո, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles շPublic Noticeո, The Fields Sculpture park at the Art Omi International Arts Center, NY շStop & Storո, Lux Gallery, New York 2003 շNew Paintingsո, Project Room, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York շThe Painted Figureո, Visual Arts Gallery, New York շDubrow Internationalո, Roger Smith Gallery, New York շThau bidja ad heilsaո, Opna Galleryid, Reykjavik Iceland շTop Soilո, Visual Arts Gallery, New York 2002 շEast of Hollywood – Reaction Shotո, Studio 210TWO, Los Angeles շNot Sculptureո, Visual Arts Gallery, New York 2000 շArt According to the Rulesո, The Yellow House, Reykjavik շPaintingsո, The Yellow House, Reykjavik 湱ꡠⴀ晝莅䱰鏞 Bibliography and publications 2015“Kvennaveldið: Konur og Kynvitund”, Katalókur, Reykjanes Art Museum, Iceland 2015 “ Nýmálað Katalókur”, Listasafn Reykjavikur 2015Viðtal við Araya Rasdjarnnresouk ı́ vorblaði Stı́nu 2014CTV opening report, (https://youtu.be/DZecERWp1OA) 2014 Artitude Magazine JULY 2014Catalouge accompanying “Exhibition of Art and Research Works by Staff Memebers of the Faculty of FineArts, Chiang Mai University” Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Pathumwan, Bangkok, Printed in Bangkok. 2013 Jillian Steinhauer “NYC sculpture park places fence around controversial artwork” Hyperallergic, December 30th 2013 Sarah Maslin Nir, “For an Excited Nude, finally a little bit of privacy”, New York Times December 27th 2012 Alex Barry, “Thordis Adalsteinsdottir at Stux”, Beautiful Savage Magazine, September 20th 2011 Bente Scavenius, “Kunst”, Borsen, april 8th, page 44 2010 Sabine Ross “Bomb Specific” Bomb Magazene, nr 114/Winter 2010 2010 Anna Joa “Safnad I Sarpinn” Morgunbladid laugardagur 18 dec 2010 2010 “Ljoslitlifun” Catalouge accompanying the Reykjavik Museum exhibition “Ljoslitlifun” January 2010 2010 “Litagledi hinna ungu malara” Frettabladid, 16 januar 2010 2009 “Dog By The Spring” Catalouge accompanying a solo exhibition at Stefan Stux Gallery, Essay by Jovana Stokic 2009 Gregory Volk, Icelandic Art Today, pages 318-323, Printed by Hatje Cantz Vorlag, Germany 2008 Halldor Bjorn Runolfsson, “From Another Shore” Catalouge accompanying a group show at the Scandinavia house NY 2008 Ragna Sigurdardottir, “Blad og Blyantur Allt Sem Tharf”, Morgunbladid februar 2008 “Outstanding Scandinavian Art”, Atlantica nr 4 (july-august) 2008 2008 Astrid la Cour, “Nordisk Samtidskunst Nar Det Er Bedst”, april 30th 2008 Trine Ross, “Video er da ikke just maleri”, Politiken april 22nd 2008 Gunnar J Arnason, “Hinir Ymsu Fletir Malverksins” Morgunbladid 14 juni 2008 “Dyr eru yfirnatturulegri en draugar”, Serblad Frettabladsins um Menningu og Listir, june 2008 Kirstine Kern, “En Isbjorn pa afveje (A polar bear off the tracks)”, Politiken, april 19th 2007 Torben Weirup, Dansk Kunst 2007, Pages192-193, Printed in Denmark 2007 at Narayana press, Gylling 2007 Ulrika Leven, Carnegie Art Award 2008, Catalouge, pages 34-37, Printed in Sweden 2007 by Falth og Hassler AB, Varnamo 2007 Diana Shpungin, “Delicatessen” Catalouge 2007 Torberg Weirup, “Syndens Blomster” Berlinske Tiderne, 15 march 2007 Lis Engel “Thordis Adalsteinsdottir, Ra og Poetiske Livsbilleder” Kunstavisen 2/2007, februar/marts 2007 Ditte Vilstrup Holm “Tomme flader og bla maerker” Politiken, I Byen, march 3rd 2006 O löf K. Sigurðardóttir “Þórdı́s Aðalsteinsdóttir; The myth, of course, is that there will be some survivors” (Catalouge/Book) Published by Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland 2006 Ragna Sigurdardottir “Stungid a kyli” Morgunbladid, oct 16th 2006 Kolbrun “Hugleidingar um mannlegt edli” Bladid, oct 11, p34 2006 Dan Halm “Thordis Adalsteinsdottir” Visual Arts Journal, Fall 2006 2006 Hanna Bjork Valsdottir “Thordis Adalsteinsdottir” Reykjavik mag, issue no 8 sept 22nd 2006 Ingveldur Geirsdottir “Heyrist hvı́slað að einhverjir komist af” Morgunblaðið, 30 sept. 2006“Húmor og háski” Fréttablaðið 30 sept. 2006 Markús Andrésson “Listamaður mánaðarins” Læknablaðið 6/2006 2006 Hanna Bjork Valsdottir. "Desperate Efforts at Communication", Reykjavikmag. Issue no 1, june 8th 2006 Kristine Perlmutter. "Thordis Adalsteinsdottir", The Icelandic Canadian. Vol 60 #1 2006 "Sjuklegt samlifi i salarkytrunni" Frettabladid, april 27th 2005 Gregory Volk and Sabine Russ. Public Notice: Painting in Laumeier Sculpture Park. Catalogue 2005 “Allar Hraerdar yfir mottokunum”, Morgunbladid january8th 2006 2005 Robert Enright. “From Iceland to Winnipeg; Getting past
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