1:;:~·- l ~-r : I :n ·)" I C.A. L ssoc . Jl ~! L , , .• R . I • J E·.. tS!! l! I STO::H CAL ASSOC• 11 • f1 • I· 0 ~ Ob 209 A!-IGELL ST. PROV. b. R. I • ozqob French Aiccraft B,uilder ·Dassault Denies Connection With Policy PARIS, Jan, 23 - Marcel outside France. Pan American Dassault, the Frenc6 aircraft World Airways has ordered 250. bullder whose Mirages may be The company, which has no tipping the balance of power In stock In the hands of the public the Middle East, Indicated that he , . and Issues no financial reports, had nothing to do , with policy Is run, Mr. Dassault said, In a THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH W EEKLY IN R, /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. regarding the sale of French way that Is more economical than mllltary planes. large American aircraft VOL. Lill. NO. 48 PRIDAY,JANUARY-30. 1970 15C PER COPY 16 PAGES He maintained that the sale of companle·s. Mirage jets to Libya and the Mr. Dassault said that when .1 embargo preventing Israel from he started - the company after ,..... taking delivery of 50 Mirages she World War U It was In effect a Prof. Pollak Feels Emergency Conference had already paid for were one-man show - "that Is to political matters. "It Is the say, I was at once the chief French Government that makes technician, Industrialist, Greatly Unified U.S. Jewish leadership the policy of France," he added. salesman, financier, etc." While never going so far as to Since 1951, when he was The National Emergency of the Brown University Physics pr a Is Ing President Nixon's disavow the embargo, which was elected to the National Assembly Conference on Peace In the Department, one of tht Rhode message to the conference. But , Imposed by Gen. Charles de as a Gaulllst Deputy, he has Mideast. convened by the Island delegates. the delegates were vrltlcal or Gaulle after the · 1967 Arab­ shared some of his powers. Conference of Presidents of "It had the effect of greatly attempts by the United States and Israeli · war, Mr. Dassault spoke Mr. Dassault remained In major American Jewish unifying the leadership of the other major powers to draft the .' of his friendship for Israel, which charge of designing. "I kept for organizations. which met last Jewish communities of the United framework for an Arab-Israel! • had been his-best customer for myself the part of the job that weekend In Washington. D.C., was States,'" he said There was great settlement. Such efforts. their military aircraft. was most agreeable since It was quite successful for several concern and a great outpOurlng of resolutions declared '"have In "The Marcel Dassault creative," he explained. reasons feels Prof. Pred Pollak, sentiment concerning the crisis fact Impeded progress towards a l Aircraft Company, which has In the Middle East. Through the genuine peace," worked with Israel for 15 years, conference the delegates learned Another resolution condemned about the problems which France's .,anti-Israel and pro­ -l holds the courage of the Hebrew 4 people and the ability of Its pilots confronted them and how to Arab pollcy" and called on In the highest regard," he approach them. Internally. Prof. Pren ch Pre side n t Georges asserted In an hour-long Pollak felt, It was of great value. Pompldou "'to reverse (It) and lift Interview. Secondly, he felt that It the arm s embargo against l Mr. Dassault, who converted "showed our \D'dty' " that we Israel." The resolution also from Judaism to Roman could muster a great many sought to differentiate between Catholicism In 1947, retused to people." He feels that President the actions or the Pompldou make planes for the Germans Nixon recongized the significance regime and the "genuine during World War U and spent ~ the conference. (The statement sympathy and friendship extended three years In the Buchenwald which he sent to the group Is by the Prench people to Israel In concentration camp. printed on Page 9). the past." Considered a genius among Approximately 1,000 people ,.Our Job now," says Prof. aircraft designers, he Is now one attended the conference with Pollak. "Is to muster public of the richest men In France. Of representatives from 40 to SO opinion. public sentiment. • .A slight bulld, he Is young looking organizations from 35 states. long range campaign must be for his years - he ls 78 - and 0th er Rhode Islanders who conducted pointing out what the remarkably sprightly. attended the conference were facts are." He confirmed that the 50 Lawrence Y. Goldberg. Mr. and The delegates met. In small Mirages embargoed by the Mrs. Peter Bardach and Martin parties. with more than 200 i French and remaining with units Goodman. Senators and Representatives. Prof. Pollak said he was pleased (•' of the French Air Force "are The Nixon administration war ftown often by Israeli pilots and urged by the conference to with the Interviews with the maintained by Israeli Withdraw the State Department's congressmen. Many or them have mechanics.'' •' specific proposals" for a made statements In behalf of Other sources disclosed that Dedication Of Mikvah Middle East settlement .. so that Israel among them Senators since the affair last Christmas In the Arab-Israel! negotatlons Pastore and Pell. and which five French-built gunboats Held On Monday, Jan. 26 which President Nixon has called Congressman St. Germain and for wlll Indeed be undertaken Tiernan or Rhode Island. mysteriously found their way to The only Mlkvah In Rhode congregation, the Installation of a Israel from Cherbourg despite without pre-conditions." Rabbi Hershcel Schachter of Island was formally dedicated at heating unit, the painting and A resolution was adopted (Continued on page 9) the embargo, the planes had been the Installation meeting of the renovating was done by the Vaad provided with only 20 m lnutes' Vaad Hal<ashruth of Rhode Island Hal<ashruth with rabbinical fUel for ftlghts by the Israeli on Monday.Jan. 26. advice. Jacob Mossberg, pllots. The Mlkvah, which Is located president of the Vaad Hakashruth U.S. Reiects Soviet Proposals Excluding the 50, the Dassault In the Talmud Torah building of said. "They (the Vaad) had a company has sold Israel 70 Congregation Shaare 2'.edek-Sons f e e I I n g I t w a s the Ir Mirage m attack bombers and 80 of Abraham, has been completely responsibility." For Arab-Israeli Negotiatio~s other mllltary aircraft. WASHINGTON - The United Presumably the four-power Whlle customer.s deal directly refurbished, and the technical Installed at the meedng were difficulties which had held up Its Mr. Mossberg as president and States has rejected Soviet negotiations at the United with the company, contracts for suggestions for an Arab-Israeli Nations. Involving Britain and military planes require use have been resolved. There Abraham Aron as vice president. are 15 to 20 women of Rhode Sheldon Sollosy was elected peace formula and has warned Prance as well as the -Soviet au ,t ho r lz at lo n from the th that there was no point In Union and the United States, will Govei:_nment, which finances Island who use the ritual ba ch a Irma n of the Finance regularly• and, of course, It Is committee. and Nathan Rosenfeld continuing the two-power talks COi) tin ue. but United States construction of the prototypes. officials hold out little· hope for also used In conversions. was appointed assecretary by the unless the Russians adopted a Mr. Dassault said that his more flexible position. any early progress; . The women had to go to b O ard. Ben Rabinowitz was company had bullt and sold more Boston since the Mlkvah at chairman of the meeting and A statement, putting the future The main American objection than 1,100 Mirages In the 12 Candace Street had been closed. served as Installing officer. of the Soviet-American talks In to the Soviet position. -..United · ye a rs since the supersonic There had been one on Staniford question, was made to the Soviet States officials said, Is Moscow's tighter-bombers came off the Street In South Providence but According to Mr. Mossberg Ambassador. Anatoly P. · seeming withdrawal of Its earlier assembly line. this was taken aver when the the Vaad this year will sponsor Dobrynln, by Joseph J. Sisco, support for negotiations between Of these, he disclosed, a third Urban Renewal organization an educational campaign on Assistant Secretary of State for Israel and the Arab states were taken by the French Air stepped Into the area. Kashruth, providing speakers and Near Eastern and South '-Asian according to the so-called Rhodes « F or c e and the rest were The work on the Mlkvah, printed materials. Affairs. formula. · I exported. He did not refer to the which belongs to the (Continued on page 9) It was the first meeting of the The United States continues to current transaction for 100 tw.o nefotlators since Mr. advocate this technique. which -l Mirages, Including 20 trainers, . Religious Party A, ·sks Passing Of New Law Dobrynln s call at the State was first used In talks on the for Libya. Department on Dec. 23 to present Gree!< Island of Rhodes after the The Mirage m, he said, JERUSALEM ...;.. The National Benjamin Shallt. whose wife Is of the Soviet response to American 1948 Palestine war. It Involves represented th~ culmination of Rellgious party has declared that Christian origin but who proposals. the use of a mediator to straddle experience with earlier subsonic It would -resign from the professes no religion. The Shallts The State Department the distinction between the fighter - bombers such as the ' Government coalition unless a wanted their children registered .
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