A !I E7-=~ n : II I ' I "'~P ~II_LJ __ ~ I. ~aE5i,_'j'~",~ following are the definitions which have finally evolved different upper limits. The solution arrived at by the through all of this joint effort. An ANTIQUE aircraft committee, that is, December 31,1955, is an excellent shall be defined as an aircraft constructed by the original compromise. This was the year which, for all practical Restorer's manufacturer, or his licensee, on or before December 31, purposes, averages out as the demise of the taildragger. 1945. A CLASSIC aircraft shall be defined as an aircraft Piper brought out the Tripacer in 1953. Cessna had al­ constructed by the original manufacturer, or his licensee, ready terminated the 140A in 1951. The 190/195 ceased Corner on or after January 1, 1946, up to and including Decem­ in 1955. Only a few 170B's were built in 1956. The 310 fiJ1/.J.R. NlELAI\nEH.Sl ber 31, 1955. Of course, there have to be a few excep­ had come out in 1953. Beechcraft had their Bonanza tions to the above, and they are as follows. Pre-World through several mod ifications by 1955 and were making War II aircraft models which had only a small post-war plans to phaze out their big H-18 twin. Aeronca and JUDGING CLASSI FICATIONS AND CATEGORIES production run shall be defined as antique aircraft. Taylorcraft were out of production as were Luscombe Over the past three years your Division has had Examples are Beechcraft Staggerwing, Fairchild 24 and and Stinson. With the exception of the Piper Super Cub, standing committees which have been working very hard Monocoupe. Civilian aircraft manufactured in the last the Cessna 180, and a couple more hangers-on, the at the monumental task of putting together a Judging four months of 1945, which were actually 1946 models, industry had capitulated completely to the tricycle Manual. This manual will contain guidelines which will shall be defined as classic aircraft. Examples are drivers and their training wheels, and most production have the two-fold purpose of pointing out to restorers or Aeronca, Piper and Taylorcraft. A REPLICA aircraft designs have been essentially frozen ever since. Over replica builders how they should do the job if they shall be defined as an aircraft constructed exactly to 12,000 personal aircraft manufactured during this ten would like to win trophies as well as giving the judges a original manufacturer's plans, full size in scale, but not year post-war period are still on the FAA register. That's standardized judging system with which to work, thus constructed by the original manufacturer or his licensee. a lot of classics. Frankly, we believe that we can live improving the quality and consistency of aircraft For those who prefer jazzing up the old bird rather with this ten year limit to the classic category until the judging, not to mention making the job much easier for than going the route to original authenticity, a CUSTO­ personal family aircraft becomes a four-place single­ many a judge of limited experience. When completed, MIZED aircraft classification in both the antique and engine jet. This does not mean that we are turning our copies of this Judging Manual will be available to all, but classic categories has been established . In this classifica­ backs on those of you members who own fifteen or at this time completion is still many, many months in tion the fine craftsmanship of those restorers can be twenty year old aircraft. Quite the contrary. Not all of the future . Its availability will be appropriately appreciated, recognized and rewarded even though their us can or want to own an antique or a classic, but we can announced in this column when the time comes. restorations would not score very highly on the authenti­ all appreciate their beauty and support the movement Much thanks is due the original committee consisting city scale. which encourages their preservation and restoration. of AI Kelch, Dick Wagner, and Gar Williams; the present The judges will be using these categories and classifi­ And, speaking of restoration, the problems and solutions committee consisting of Brad Thomas, Claude Gray and cations at Oshkosh this year and hereafter, and this of restoration are the same regardless of whether your George York; and, in addition, to Bob Taylor and other should, over a period of time, improve the standardiza­ aircraft is twenty years old or thirty. Our Division members of the Antique Airplane Association who tion and eliminate some of the confusion which has been foru ms on maintenance and restoration held at the supplied much valuable input in the early and basic apparent in the past. We think that the committees have Oshkosh convention are just as valuable to the owner of stages of development. done a great job thus far. We are particularly pleased a not-quite-classic as they are to the owner of a classic or Of greatest importance to the membership, as indi­ with the classic aircraft category. This category was of an antique. So, if your aircraft is newer than 1955, we cated by letters received, is the defining of what is an much concern to us for several years due to various can still be of help to you in many ways, and we shall antique, what is a classic, and what is a replica. The problems and realities of life which were dictating still appreciate your support. (cont. on page 20) OFFICIAL MAGAZINE ANTIQUE / CLASSIC DIVISION of Editorial THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Staff P.O. Box 229 Hales Corners, Wis. 53130 Editor Assistant Ed itor JUNE 1977 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 6 Paul H. Poberezny AI Kel ch Lois Kelch Associate 'Edito( Associate Ed itor Associate Editor H. 'G l e1,~ BUff ihgton Ro be rt G. Ell iott Ed ward D. Will ia ms 818 W. Crocke tt St. No. 201 1227 Oakwood Ave . 713 Eas tman Dr. S~attle , 'Washington 98119 Daytona Beach , Fl orida 32014 Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056 Associate Ed itors will be identified in the tab le of con­ Restorer's Corner .. .. .... ...... .. .. ... .. ... ... 1 tents on arti cl es they send in and repeated on the article 007 Contact . .. ... ... ... ... .... .. ..... ..... .. .. ,3 if they have written it. Associate Editorships wi ll be Gee Bee Sportster . .. .. .. .. , .. ... .. .... ... , ..7 assigned to those who qua lify (5 articles in any calendar year). Vintage Album, (G lenn Buffington, Assoc. Ed .) . .... ... .. .. .. ..13 Freddie's Folly! . ... .. ........... ... , ... , . " . , .. .. .. 15 Notice of Electio n . .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..20 Directors Air Mail . ...... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .... .. .. .... .. , .. 21 ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC Claude L. Gray, Jr . AI Kelch 9635 Sylvia A venue 7018 W. Bonniwell Road DIVISION Northridge. California 91324 Mequon, Wisconsi n 53092 OFFICERS James B. Horne Evander M. Britt 3840 Coronatio n Road Box 152 5 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP PRESIDENT Eagan. Minneso ta 55122 Lumber ton, North Carol ina 28358 J.R. NI'ELANDER, J R. P.O. BOX 2464 George E. Stubbs M. C. "'Kelly"' Viets FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 Box 113 RR 1, Box 151 Brow nsburg, Indiana 4611 2 Stillwell, Kansas 66085 o NON-EAA MEMBER - $34.00. Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 VICE ·PRESIDENT monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ W illiam J . Ehlen Morton Lester tion, 12 monthly issues of SPORT AVIATION and separate membership cards. J ACK WINTHROP Route 8, Bo x 506 P.O. Box 3747 · RT.l,BOX l l1 Tampa. Florida 33618 Martinsville, Virginia 24112 o NON-EM MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 ALLEN, TX 75002 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; ene year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ Advisors tion and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION not included. SECRETARY W. Brad Thomas. Jr. Dale A. Gustafson o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division. 12 monthly R,ICHARD WAGNER 301 Dodso n Mill Road 77 24 Sh ady Hill Drive issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and membership card. (Applicant must be current EM member and P.O. BOX 181 Pilot Mou ntain, No rth Ca rolina 27041 Ind ianapo lis. IN 46274 must give EM membership number. LYONS, WI 53148 Robert A. White Roger J . Sherron 1207 Falcon Drive 446 -C Las Casitas TREASURER PICTURE BOX E.E. "BUCK" HI LBERT Orla ndo, Flor ida 32803 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 ON THE COVER (bck Cover) 8102 LEECH RD . Arthur R. Morgan St an Go moll UNION , IL 60180 513 North 9 1 st Street 104 290th Lane, N.E. 007 Stearman. See story on page 3 Piper photo, note 50 hp up exhaust Milwaukee. Wisconsi n 53226 Minneapol is, MN 55434 by Byron Fredericksen. Cant., tail skid, split windshield and 3 masted Schooner sailing on water THE V INTAGE A I RP LANE is ow ned y by A ntique Classic A irc raft, Inc . and is p ublished m onthly at Hales Corners, Wisce nsin 53130. ;tage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corner s. Wisconsin belo w. 53130, and additional mailing off ' M'", mbersh ip rates for A ntique Classic Aircraft. Inc . at 514 .00 per 12 m onth period of which $10.00 is fo( the ion of T HE V I NT AG E A IRPLANE. Membersh ip is open to all who are interested in aviation. Copyright © 1977 Antique Classic A ircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 contact! By: Byron (Fred) Fredericksen 7364 Breezewood Lane ~ Neenah, WI. 54956 (Photos by Author) There exists much open countryside and farm land even today on this crowded old earth.
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