Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page i NAUVOO TEMPLE ASTORYOFFAITH Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page ii Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page iii NAUVOO TEMPLE ASTORYOFFAITH DONF . COLVIN Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page iv Published by Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Printed by Covenant Communications, American Fork, Utah Copyright © 2002 by Brigham Young University All rights reserved. Any uses of this material beyond those allowed by the exemptions in U.S. copyright law, such as section 107, "Fair Use," and section 108, "Library Copying," requires the written permission of the publisher, Religious Studies Center, 167 HGB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of Brigham Young University or the Religious Studies Center. Printed in Canada First Printing: April 2002 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 1-59156-014-4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Colvin, Don F., 1927- Nauvoo Temple : a story of faith / Don F. Colvin. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-59156-014-4 1. Nauvoo Temple (Nauvoo, Ill.) I. Title BX8685.N3 C65 2002 246'.95'0977343--dc21 2002019411 Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page v To My wife, Delsa, for her love, constant support, and encouragement. It is she, together with our sons, Scott and Roger, our daughters-in-law, Marilyn and Sonya, and our ten grandchildren—Sara, Amy, April, Stacey, Shane, Jamie, Christopher, Jana, Laura, and Nicholas—who make my life happy and full of joy. Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to many who have researched service. Thanks also to Donald L. Enders, a and written on the Nauvoo Temple. The diaries senior curator of historic sites for The Church and writings of Brigham Young, William Clayton, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for his and Heber C. Kimball, as well as the History of encouragement, consultation, and helpful con- the Church, compiled by B. H. Roberts, have been tribution of information. particularly valuable sources. Special recogni- I would also like to extend appreciation to tion must also be given to the voluminous those who provided resources and assistance in research and unpublished writings of James Earl refining the manuscript. To Dr. Kenneth Arrington. His contributions on this area of Godfrey, who read the entire manuscript and Church history are very significant. provided valuable insights, criticism, and The most valuable collections of materials resources, his assistance is most appreciated. and original sources on this subject have been To James Kimball Jr., who read some chapters found in the Church History Library of The and provided helpful critique and direction to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, other valuable sources of information, his inter- and the Special Collections Section of the est, encouragement, and assistance was very Brigham Young University Library. Other help- helpful. Also, to my wife, Delsa, who read and ful sources have been the Bancroft Library at evaluated all of the chapters, along with typing the University of California and the University some portions of the manuscript. In addition, of Utah Library in Salt Lake City. I am indebt- to our granddaughters Sara and Amy, who each ed to the staffs and personnel at each of these read several chapters, offering their helpful libraries for their courteous and helpful assis- suggestions and criticisms. tance. Several individuals from the Church I am particularly grateful to Roger Jackson, History Library and Archives deserve special Steve Goodwin, and Gerald Tim Maxwell, recognition: Scott Christensen for his encour- architects of the FFKR architectural firm agement, interest, and very helpful assistance; (architects assigned to the Nauvoo Temple Ronald G. Watt for his close collaboration and reconstruction project) for their helpful assis- assistance in finding resources; Bill Slaughter tance and collaboration on this project. Steve for his help in acquiring illustrations; and Ron and Tim also read and critiqued those chapters Barney for his encouragement and assistance concerning the external and internal features of with resources. Special thanks also to Randall the temple. They provided helpful insights and Dixon, Linda Haslam, Veneese Nelson, and suggestions, and Steve unselfishly prepared April Williamson for their cheerful and helpful several illustrations for publication. Special O T E V O M U P A L vi E N Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page vii recognition is also given to F. Keith Stepan, managing director of the Temple Construction Department, and to Robert T. Dewey, Church architect assigned to oversee the Nauvoo Temple reconstruction project. Their consulta- tion and helpful cooperation in obtaining approval for the use of illustrations are most appreciated. Special thanks and appreciation is also extended to Dr. Kent P. Jackson and Dr. Richard D. Draper, directors, and to their staff at the Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center for their assistance in preparing the manuscript for publication, especially the work of Charlotte Pollard, Peter Christopherson, Peter Jasinski, Mary Frances Nielson, Rex Nielson, H. L. Rogers, Rob Schwartz, and Devan Jensen. O T E V O M U P A L vii E N Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page viii PREFACE While researching this history I have devel- essential to the temple’s construction, showing oped great respect and appreciation for those that some even gave all their earthly possessions pioneer builders who sacrificed so much and toward the building’s erection. worked so hard to construct the magnificent In a more complete form than ever before Nauvoo Temple. I have been constantly amazed published, this book brings together the most by the skill of their work and the excellence of detailed and pertinent information and descrip- their efforts. The quality of their labor did not tions regarding the external and internal physi- diminish even when they were faced with leav- cal features of the Nauvoo Temple. Helpful ing it all behind. Theirs was a sacrifice of devo- illustrations are also included, enabling readers tion and a gift to God. They gave their very best to visualize the intricate designs, features, and in spite of difficult circumstances. My deepest architecture of this majestic building. gratitude goes to those who left behind firsthand The problems and issues surrounding the descriptions, experiences, and observations in temple’s completion are treated in detail in rela- writing. Their journals, letters, and articles have tion to each section of the building. From the been invaluable sources of information. point of view of architectural design, the temple This book reveals the dedicated struggle of was not totally finished, and had the builders pioneers, who, in the face of great obstacles, sac- been permitted to remain in the city, they would rificed for the fulfillment of their religious ideals have further embellished the building, giving a and convictions. It reviews the early setting in finer finish to several areas of the structure. Clear which the Nauvoo Temple was constructed, the evidence, however, shows that from a functional theology that led to its erection, and the struggle point of view the building was completed and of construction from when the building was first contained all of its designed sections, of which contemplated until its dedication. The text each was accessible. Though only roughed in, brings together in more complete form than pre- some portions of the building were still put to viously published the pertinent information effective use while the building stood. This book relating to the temple’s construction, varied also concludes that the temple was graced by a uses, and eventual fate. It also brings into focus golden statue of an angel placed at or near the the faith and dedication of its builders, who apex of the tower, lying in a horizontal position, steadily pushed the project to completion in which served as a weather vane. The destruction spite of intense persecution. Insights are also of the temple by fire, the eventual demolition of provided into the sacrifices involved in supply- the walls, and the disposition of the temple site ing the manpower, skills, means, and materials are all traced to the present time. O T E V O M U P A L viii E N Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE:Nauvoo Temple Story.TYPE 4/21/10 8:19 AM Page ix To the greatest degree possible, this study spiritual blessing to the Mormon people, but it has concerned itself with material from original physically unified them in a common goal. The sources such as private journals, newspaper economic impact of this construction project accounts, historic writings, letters, and other was also important as the temple provided jobs written materials originating in the period for numerous individuals and fostered numer- when the temple was built. I have endeavored ous support industries and businesses that con- to honestly quote and give proper credit to all tributed significantly to the economic growth these valuable sources of information. This text of the city. is limited only to those parts of that history that From a personal frame of reference I must have direct bearing on the story of the temple. pay special tribute to my own great-great- It does not attempt to address problems grandparents Richard and Louisa Sprague.
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