Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 8-2-1962 August 2, 1962 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews Part of the Christianity Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "August 2, 1962" (1962). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964. 235. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/235 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ----re to be a Baptist! (See page 13) _______. STUDY GROUP - The 1962 Southern Baptist SBC and the presidents of Baptist state conventio Convention appointed a special Committee to Study have been called together in an official capacity, H. Hl Baptist Faith and Message. Pictured here are mem­ Ho bbs, SBC president and committee chairman, re­ bers of the committee gathered in Nashville for their ported. (BP) Photo by Jud Wood. first session. It is the first time the president of the Executive Board Does it need an expanded financial pro] gram in order to reach and minister to more people in the territory ? Is there Church budget drive something that is being left undone be­ THIS is the time of year for churches cause of the lack of money? If so, in­ that use the associational year as their crease the church gifts to associational fiscal year, to plan the budget for missions on a pe1·centage basis and en­ 1962-68. courage other churches to do the same. Evidently, Arkan­ sas people and · Ar­ The above suggestions, if followed, kansas Baptist can help challenge the givers and blesJ churches will com­ un-numbered masses with the preachin1 plete another good of the Gospel.-Ralph Douglas, Associ­ year financially. ate Executive Secretary Business is good, crops are good, cat­ ARKANSAS'S tle are fat and there is m o n e y in the LARGEST banks. But, we are RELIGIOUS not reaching our· Ar- WEEKLY kansas Baptist Con- DR. DOUGLAS 401 WEST CAPITOL vention Budget goal for this year. COLORADO EDITOR - 0. L. LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Now, the churches that start the new Official Publication of the Bayless of Denver, secretary of financial year Oct. 1 can help us pick Arkansas Baptist State Convention evangelism for the Colorado Bap­ up the slack in our 1962 receipts by in­ ERWIN L. McDONALD, Lllt.D. -------------· Editor creasing Cooper11tive Program gifts in MRS. E. F. STOKES ----------------- ----- Associate Editor tist Gen~ral Convention, has as­ J. I. COSSEY ------------------------ Field Representative next year's budget. MRS. HARRY Gl BERSON _________ __Secretary to Editor sumed also duties as editor of the MRS. WELDON TAYLOR .... ...... .. .. ------ Mall Clark We have been talking and promoting Published weekly except on July 4 and December 25. convention's .<Jemimonthly news­ Second-class postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas. "2 Plus" for some time and we hope that Individual subscription, $2.25 per year. Church paper, the ROCKY MOUNTAIN everyone knows what the term "2 Plus" Budget, 14 cents per month or $1.68 per year per It church family. Club plan (10 or more paid annually BAPTIST. (BP) Photo. [Dr. Bay­ means. is simply this: every church in advance) $1 .75 per year. Subscriptions to foreign increasing its Cooperative Program gifts address, $3.75 per year. Advertising rates on request. less culminated a several-years The cost of cuts cannot be borne by the paper ex· for next year by at least 2 percent. No, cept those it has made for its individual use. tenure as pastor of Second Church, 2 percent is not much, but if every Articles carrying the author's by-line do not neces­ church will do that much we can do a sarily reflect the editorial policy of the paper. Hot Springs, to become Evangelism better job of meeting world mission Abbreviations used In crediting news ltems o BP Baptist Press; CB church bulletin; DP Dally prHI, Secretary of the Colorado General needs. EP Evangelical Press. Convention.-ELM] Then check your associational needs. AUGUST 2, 1962 VOLUME 61, NUMBER 31 Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIS Hobbs names those Letters to Editor to make faith study 'Glibe little gibe' THE subcommittee to make ••a Dear Dr. "ELM" Tree: I SEEM to recall reading a few weeks thorough preliminary study" of ago a suggestion written by you that the 1925 Southern Baptist Conven­ we drop the San Francisco Convention tion Statement of Faith .and Mes­ "differencies" and get back to work. sage has been named. Although I disagreed with you then, and still do for that matter, I thought Herschel H. Hobbs, Oklahoma your suggestion was a good one, very City, president of the SBC, said be timely. After all, the more you say (or write) the less you have to say (or wili serve as chairman. He is also write). chairman of the full committee to But I couldn't help but notice that reconsider Baptists' doctrinal po­ you do not practice what you preach. sition and make a report to the In your answer to Mr. William Snyder's 1968 Convention. letter eoneerning his statements about the "Millennium," you couldn't resist He appointed to serve on the the urge to take an Editorial poke with subcommittee Nane Starnes, Ashe­ your eontroversial pen at those of us ville, president of the Baptist State who differed with you. Your statement "You take issue with a viewpoint ex­ Convention of North Carolina; pressed by a fellow Baptist without de­ James H. Landes, Wichita Falls, manding that he be fired," was real Luoma Photo president of the Baptist General sneaky. Yessir, you ought to get some Convention of Texas ; Garth L. sort of a metal for that. A metal for Pybas, Topeka, president of the ~ing the sneakiest Editor that ever 'A boy and his dog' come out of Bunker. Kansas Convention of Southern It appears to me that you would like NOT ·even the "love of a man Baptists; V. C. Kruschwitz,-Eliza­ to lead folks to believe that all those for a maid" can compare with the b e t h t o w n, president, Kentucky who were in favor of The K. Owen Baptist Convention, and C.Z. Hol­ White motion were (and are) a bunch love of a boy for his dog, and vice of "rabble-rousers," hell-bent to get a versa. land, Jonesboro, president of the professor (or professors) fired. This is And if boys' mothers could just Arkansas Baptist State Conven­ wrong, and you know it's wrong, and know what a wonde'tful friend a tion. you are not helping the situation a bit dog is to a boy, they might not be by taking your glibe little gibes with The subcommittee will have two your gifted little pen every time there so eternally concerned about paw exofficio members: W. Douglas· is a crack in the door. Now I ask you, marks on the bedding and the pos­ Hudgins, Jackson, president of the "was this an Editor's Priviledge," or is sibility of flea infestation. Mississippi Baptist Convention, there "A Spirit of haughty distrustful­ That the young man peeping and Dick H. Hall Jr., Decatur, ness," (or deceitfulness) here? ? ? But I must say this! You put out a from the covers has some fear of president of the Georgia Baptist real good paper. From here you appear being found out and having to Convention. to be a "square-shooter." One whose aim sleep the rest of the night without The subcommittee, Hobbs re­ is pretty bad sometimes, but a "square­ the presence of his canine friend is shooter" nonetheless.-Jimmy Whitlock, obvious from his furtive peep. If ported, will draw up an initial pro­ Pastor, First Baptist Church, Tipton­ Fido could only understand the im­ posal to present to the full commit­ ville, Tenn. portance of keeping his own mug tee sometime early in the fall. REPLY: That last paragraph got the door open to you, young feller! No under the covers! The full Committee to Study malice was intended, sir, but your point Baptist Faith and Message, ap­ is well taken.-ELM California editor ill pointed py the 1962 Convention at San Francisco, includes Hobbs as A LETTER from Miss Polly Awaits leadership SBC president and the presidents I AM 33 years of age, married, and Anna McNabb, associate editor of of 28 Baptist state conventions. have four children. I am a former stu­ The Califo'N'IIi.a Southern Baptist, dent of Ouachita College, and plan to reports the grave illness of Editor Hudgins is vice-chairman and continue my education as soon as the J. Kelly Simmons, ·of the Califor­ Hall is secretary of the full com­ Lord permits. nia paper, following an operation mittee. When the full committee My last pastorage was Rover Baptist held its first meeting in Nashville, Church. During my pastorage at Rover for a malignancy, July 18, in God saw fit to add nine new memberA Gainesville, Tex. it voted to set up this subcommit­ by letter, 39 rededications and two by According to Miss McNabb,.Edi­ tee through which the "thorough baptism. There was a sign erected stat­ tor Simmons was to undergo sur­ study" would be made. ing worship hours, handrails to assist gery July 27 for the completion of. the elderly members of the church, and a building program started for a par­ a colostomy, after it was found im­ Mountain Baptist, the Colorado sonage.
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