'.* >• 0 I 111 Read the Herald Coop. For Local News Read the Herald Serving Summit tor 68 Venn For Local News ERALD Serving Summit tor 68 Venn mud Summit fxrcorj .6lth.Y*«>-No.2l Fnt»rt4 M Sewn* CUsi MatWt at the PMUffln IHUWDAY, OCTOBER II, 1954 •t Summit. N. J. todtf U« Act «f Mafck I. WS 14 A YEAR Amial Driie Qty Moves to Widen Another Greater Oath Attendance Opens Section of DeForest Avenue A program to emphasize the Common Council took steps Tuesday nffht for further importance of rettgioa in every- widening of DeForest avenue in the block between Summit day life win be conducted ta Sum- avenue and Beechwood road and for the construction of a mit during November aa part of future parking lot on the south side of that block similar to the national KeligMtt In Aawrican lota recently opened on other blocks of DeForest avenue. life (RIAL) program, it was an- The most recent move by Cotirv> nounced today by Leonard E. Best oil to provide more business area ni 27 Beekmso road, president of off-street parking and to make De« the keel RIAL group. Bid by Stevenson Porest a\enu«- a major traffic The goal of the pragraoi will be t>> the intprxhie- to increase attendance and sup- tion nf an ordinance fo ohtaia port for local churches and syna- Group to Pitch through purchase or condemns-, gogues. Mr. Best said. A commit- tion a of property at S De- tee has been formed to sponsor a Tent Is Rejected Forest avenue now ownenedd , b.by# Sen. CUIfoH P. Caw Sen, Maleeln. 8. Fwtos campaign of community activities. Robert S. Stafford, local realtor, The members of the spans" *ing A request by Summit Volunteers and to widen a section of the committee are: for Stevenson to pitch a tent on street on that side Alfred W. Alesbury. A, J. the Bank street parking lot or on Council also introduced another Record Turnout Expected Bartholomew. P. M. Bland, Dan- the Village Green, as their most ordinance to proceed with coo- iel Burke. Major C. Philip Dean. verting the former Summit Trust recent move in ttieir search for Oscar D. Dennis. J. L. Emdin. T. Co. parking lot at Bank street and For Tonight's GOP Rally W. Hawes, Mrs. II L, Bilyard, a campaign headquarters, was Beechwood road into a public Mrs. Allison II. Hearo. John M. rejected by Common Council shopper lot mcterrd for two-hour A record turnout of Summit rally. The joint appearance of Hughlett. J. Jerome Kaplan, H. Tuesday night on the grounds that periods. The ordinance provides Area Republicans is predicted by both Case and Forbes is the only Watford Martin, A. F Moiitor. such permission would set a pre- for grading, paving, curbing and the Summit City Republican Com- one planned for New Jersey. George E. Moor*. Mrs. H. H. cedent for other groups who might meter installation for the lot, the mittee for this evening's rally at Ragatz. Roberts vS. Reed and make such a request to Council. lite of the old Lyric theater. • All local Republican candidates The city acquired the Bank * the Hotel Suburban to hear ITS. Mrs. Robert Teel. During the meeting, at which for municipal offices in Summit. street lot from the bank in a swap Senator Clifford P. Case and State Centering around the campaign Victor Samuel of 29 Evergreen New Providence and Berkeley early this summer Sen. Malcolm S. Forbes. Both theme, "Build A Stronger, Richer road, accused the Stevenson Heights will be present and will In other Council matter*, a peti- Case and Forbes will share the be introduced. Mrs. Florence P. Life . .Worship Together Every ,* group of 'trying to embarrass t >1L senior at the High School, Miss Best was chosen for tion wax received signed by 135 platform at the meeting, which Dwyer, Republican candidate for Week local activities will stress j* QUEEV IS CWWNsP-Fi» Chief Thomas J and harass the residents of the the annual honor by her classmates. Looking on Springfield avenue merchants and begins at 8:30 p.m. Congress, and Robert C. Crane. the value of regular attendance JMurfay officially designates Mils Beverly Best, city," Uie smoldering feud which at worship service, Mr. Best said, daughter of Mr. and MW. Leonard E. Best of 27 with approval are Mrs. George M. Boynton and residents protesting the installa- Local GOP headquarters stated Republican candidate for State has grown out of charges that Re- to point op the fundamental im- Beekman road, as Summit's 1IS6 "Fire Queen" at Donald E. MacLeod, members of the --Mayor's-Fire tion of 30-ininute meters in the- <?' that there has been a steady Senator, also will attend and will publicans were pressuring local portanee of religion in personal,'» ceremony held during the half-time period at last Prevention Week conr Mttee. westerly end of the business lec- make brief remarks. merchants and landlords into demand for tickets to the affair Saturday's football game at Memorial Field. A tion and urging Council to return family and community life. * (Wolin photo) denying the Stevenson people and that more than 1,000 have A welcoming committee consist- to hour meters. "When a family attends worship campaign headquarters, broke in- been distributed. There is no ing of the Mayors of Summit. At the request of the Board of together, they are in a real sense to the open. Education Council also introduced ( charge for admission and persons New Providence and Berkeley safeguarding their future happi- an ordinance that would ban park- not having tickets will be ad- Heights, will receive the guests Goblins, Witches Enroute New YW Program Mr. Samuels explained to Coun- ness." Mr. Best said. "For the ing on all school property to alt mitted. and will be joined by many GOP cil that he personally knew of a family that walks side by side on except authorized school person- The ballroom of the hotel will be Union place site available for $150 members of the governing bodies God's day, walks side by side nel. decorated by a committee headed Listed for Young »nd that this was also known by of those communities. every day along a path that will For Annual Haunt Here Resolutions were Introduced au- hy Mrs. David E. Trucksess. and 'the Stever.son group. Republican City Committees of stand as the foundation for the thorizing the sale by • public auc- Boys and girls living In Sum- fastened to windows by tape. He said that he had received his Mrs. Bowen Heath and campaign New Providence, Berkeley whole of life." tion of land at 28 Hughes place mit will be treated to a two-bar- The public may still see the Working People information from a Mill bum at- literature and other material Heights, Springfield and Moun- Local religious groups, civic but an ordinance pertaining to the relled observance of Hilloween torney representing the store own- such as buttons and auto bumper tainside are co-sponsors with the organization and service clubs are painting's in the throes of creation The YWCA will initiate one of vacating of Larch place, at the er, who stated that the rental had posters will be distributed by a Summit GOP organixation in beta* asked to participate in the)this >par whcn "?c "o"*o f Rcc: as the participants will do their its new fall programs, a "Sun- rear of Calvary Episcopal Church, 1 been rejected. Mr. Samuels also committee headed by Mrs. Thad- presenting the rally. reation ac,ain sponsors its annu.nl art work at each assigned store. day Afternoon Drop-In,' on Sun- was tabled until the November 20 local RIAL drive. said lie believed that the cost of ^ ileus Slonczewski. The paintings will be approximate- day, October 21, from 3 to 7 P.M. meeting. The RIAL campaign Till be re- party and the Optimist Club its pitching a tent would be approxi- Following the talks by Senators ly 36X48 inches, thus being uni- These informal gatherings, open Council approved Uw Installa- peated in hundreds of communities window painting display. mately the same aa renting the Hobgobblins. spook > form for til windows. to all young adult* from 20 to 35, tion of a street light at 10 Pem- Cast ind Forbes there will be a across the country throughout witrhen Union place premises and that the William Bares, and other assorted This year will mark the eighth broke road and gave SITU! period that will include November as part of the annual, ere scheduled thereafter for the group's charges of being denied dancing and refreshments. non-sedanM program conducteconducted • will invade the F^ison.-/ c, "st'i utiw_> time that the Opti first and third Sundays of each to the Boosters Associatioj. to cii- suitable quarters "is a-n attention culata handbills at the Lacka- by the Gafififittet e on "Religio"Rli n ffn ingtoit n School RecruasKM 'Centers mist Club "has sponsored the con- month. They are intended for 1 The rally'will be the climax of List of Local peeking device to ge\ sympathy." wartna station on Friday night* American Life. Inc. The national on Tuesday, October 30 under the test for students in the Senior and young working adults, in a wide 'he local Republican campaign He also charged the group as not urging better attendance at iii'.li program is red by a com- sponsorship of the Summit Board Junior High Schools and the Oak f.T the election of the GOP ticket. area in and around Summit who being a "bona-fide" organiration.
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