AMYKLES RESEARCH PROJECT: Works 2005-2010 ΑΝΑΤΥΠΟ ΑΘΗΝΑ 2015 Το κστος του τμου κλυψαν ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΜΠΕΝΑΚΗ (τα Μλη του Μουσεου Μπενκη 11-12 (2011-2012 οι ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Ν. ΜΕΝΕΓΑΣ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ Tο ετσιο περιοδικ του Μουσεου Μπενκη & και οι: Ειρνη Αδαμαντιδη, The annual journal of the Benaki Museum ,Ελνη Αλαβνου, Πνος Αλεξπουλος Ελνη Αναγνωστοπολου, Αναστσιος και ,Αθην Αντωνοπολου, Βγνα Βαρθολομαου Νκος Βασιλτος, Αγγελικ Βασιλτου, Εκδτης: Μουσεο Μπενκη ,Φαν Βαφιαδκη, Απστολος Βερβρογλου Ιωννης Βικελδης, Θεοδρα Γλβα, Υπεθυνη σνταξης: Μρια Διαμντη Σταυρολα Γιανναρκου, Σωτηρα Γραμμενδου, Γεργιος Δαλακορας, Συντακτικ επιτροπ: Αιμιλα Γερουλνου Αναστασα Δουρμοση, Μαρα Ευθυμου, Άγγελος Δεληβορρις Βασιλικ Κοντολαμου, Σταυρολα Μρια Διαμντη Κοτταρδη, Ναν Κουταλκη, Τολα Κουτρκου, Αναστασα Κωνσταντινδη, Χαρλαμπος Μπορας Γεργιος Κωνσταντπουλος, Μυρτ Λιτη, Δφνη Μανι, Πνος Μανις, Διορθσεις: Μρια Διαμντη Γιολα Μαριολοπολου, Αγλαΐα Μαρογκα, Αριστεδης Μαρτνης, Σχεδιασμς: Βαγγλης Καρατζς Ευανθα Μπισκνη-Καραγιαννκου, Σοφα Παραγωγ: Λενι Μαργαριτολη ,Μποννου, Ευγγελος Παντελδης Χρστος Παπαχατζπουλος, Μαρα Εκτπωση: Λιθοπρντ, Ι. Σκουρις ΕΠΕ ,Παπαχατζοπολου, Χρη Παπαχρστου .Ηρακλς Παππς, Μρω Πατσουρτη, Βιβλιοδεσα: Θ. Ηλιπουλος – Π. Ροδπουλος Ο.Ε ,Μιρντα Πεσμαζγλου, Αθανσιος Ροβλος ,Αθην Σαλταφρα, Αλκη Σαραντοπολου ,Ελισβετ Σιδερδου, Ευθυμα Σιτσνη, Φωτογραφα εξωφλλου: Ο αρχαιολογικς χρος του Αμυκλαου .(Θεοδρα Σοφιανο, Κατερνα Σφαλλου, αεροφωτογραφα απ ανατολικ (φωτ.: Κ. Ξενικκης ,Μαρα Τουλιτου, Ρωξνη Τσιμπιροπολου ,Στφανος Χαραλαμπδης .Αντιγνη Χριστομοπολου Χωρς την οικονομικ συνδρομ λων των παραπνω η κδοση δεν θα μποροσε να πραγματοποιηθε. Μουσεο Μπενκη Benaki Museum Κουμπρη 1 - Αθνα 106 74 Koumbari 1 - Athens 106 74 ηλεκτρονικ διεθυνση/email: [email protected] τηλφωνο/tel.: (+30-210) 3671006 τηλεομοιτυπο/fax: (+30-210) 3622547, 3671063 Μουσεο Μπενκη © ISSN 1109-4109 ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ 2011-2012 ‒ ΕΛΕΝΗ-ΒΕΡΟΝΙΚΑ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΑΛΙΔΟΥ Εκθσεις ‒ Εκδηλσεις Η τεχνολογικ μελτη μιας αιγυπτιακς μσκας Εκδοτικ δραστηριτητα 195 απ τη συλλογ Νκου Χατζηκυρικου-Γκκα 9 Ερευνητικ Πργραμμα Αμυκλν 237 ΤΑΣΟΣ ΣΑΚΕΛΛΑΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ – ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ ΙΜΣΙΡΙΔΟΥ Κστας Καλυβιτης: «Εμαι ο Αντρας της ΕΠΟΝ» 31 Απολογισμς τμημτων 246 ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΔΕΛΗΒΟΡΡΙΑΣ Κληροδοτματα ‒ Δωρες 291 Ο Νκος Χατζηκυρικος-Γκκας και Δωρητς 2011 292 η Γενι του Μεσοπολμου 57 Δωρητς 2012 294 Το Μουσεο Μπενκη 296 AMYKLES RESEARCH PROJECT: WORKS 2005-2010 Οδηγες για τη σνταξη και την υποβολ μελετν στο περιοδικ 298 Introduction 75 Abbreviations ‒ Bibliography 77 Guidelines for the production and submission STAVROS VLIZOS 91 of articles for the Benaki Museum journal 300 K ATIE DEMAKOPOULOU 105 VICKY VLACHOU 113 THEMISTOKLES BILIS ‒ MARIA MAGNISALI 125 MANOLIS KORRES 137 GEORGIA KOKKOROU-ALEVRAS 139 ELENI ZAV VOU ‒ ATHANASSIOS THEMOS 149 ANGELIKI PETROPOULOU 153 ELENI KOURINOU ‒ YANIS A. PIKOULAS 163 PARASKEVAS MATALAS 169 STAVROS VLIZOS 179 11-12 (2011-2012) 3 AMYKLES RESEARCH PROJECT: WORKS 2005-2010 ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORKSHOP Athens 26th May 2011, Benaki Museum, 1 Koumbari Street, Athens 09:15-09:30 Opening, Angelos Delivorrias. 09:30-09:55 “The Old and the New Excavations”, Stavros Vlizos. 09:55-10:00 “The Access to the Amyklaion”, Eleni Kourinou, Yanis A. Pikoulas. 10:00-10:30 “The Architecture of the Bathron of theThronos”, Manolis Korres. 10:30-10:55 “The Reconstruction of the Monuments at the Sanctuary”, Themis Bilis. 10:55-11:15 “The Reconstruction of the Throne”, Maria Magnisali. 11:15-11:30 “The Origin of the Marble and the Quarries”, Georgia Kokkorou-Alevras. 11:30-11:50 “The Early Cult at the Amyklaion: The Mycenean Sanctuary”, Katie Demakopoulou. 11:50-12:10 “Protogeometric and Geometric Pottery”, Vicky Vlachou. 12:10-13:00 Discussion, break 15:00-15:20 “Inscriptions – Epigraphical Evidence”, Athanassios Themos, Elena Zavvou. 15:20-15:40 “The Contribution of Coins”, Vasiliki Penna. 15:40-16:10 “Hyakinthos and Apollo of Amyklai: Identities and Cults. A Reconsideration of the Written Evidence”, Angeliki Petropoulou. 16:10-17:00 Discussion, Coffee break 17:00-17:20 “The ‘Discovery’ of the Fate of the Amyklaion in the Posterior Years”, Paraskevas Matalas. 17:20-17:40 “The Planning of the New Archaeological Park”, Themis Βilis, Maria Magnisali. 17:40-18:00 “The Final Configuration of the Archaeological Site”, Stavros Vlizos. 18:00-18:30 Final discussion 74 ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΜΠΕΝΑΚΗ ANGELOS DELIVORRIAS – STAVROS VLIZOS Introduction SCHOLARS ARE BECOMING INCREASINGLY aware far. The conference was hosted by the Benaki Museum of the importance of regional character in the interpre- and concerned the following topics: archaeological field- tation of sanctuaries of all periods. In this context the work during seasons 2006-2010 and importance of the Spartan sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios was one of the sanctuary, architecture, pottery, epigraphy, religion and first classical sites to attract attention in the vicinity of the final configuration of the archeological site. To en- Sparta. On the hill of Agia Kyriaki at the east bank of the sure fruitful discussions on the derived data and in-depth river Eurotas, five kilometres south of modern Sparta the analysis of the material that was presented, the event took first archaeological works started by Christos Tsountas place in a small circle with the participation of experts. in 1890. The Amykles Research Project was initiated in The following is a summary and provisional account 2005 aiming at the resolution of various problems that of these presentations. Much of the material and data is continue to cloud the image of the sanctuary, despite the presented here for the first time. Architecture and geo- analytic description by Pausanias (3.18.9-19.1). It also metric pottery retain pride of place in this publication. aims at the complete revelation of the precinct wall, as New evidence from the Mycenaean era throws light on well as the surface investigation of sections that have not the first open air sanctuary. Information and analysis been explored in the past, the increase in architectural regarding the provenance of the building material and features, the overall publication of conclusions and the quarries are here collected for the first time. Of particular final configuration of the archaeological site. importance concerning the history of religion is the re- The project, supported by grants from the A.S. Onas- examination of the testimonia shedding light on the early sis Foundation, Dean Menegas and Family, and the I.F. cults of Hyakinthos and Apollo. Various methodological Costopoulos Foundation, has been directed by A. De- approaches, possibilities and limitations of the readabil- livorrias, assisted in particular by S. Vlizos. The excava- ity were discussed in detail, as well as jointly discoursed tion has been conducted in collaboration with the 5th questions of possible relationships and interactions with Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and in other sanctuaries. accordance with the terms of an annually renewed permit Sincere acknowledgments are directed first to the granted by the Archaeological Service (Ministry of Cul- speakers of the workshop as well as to everyone else who ture and Athletics). contributed to the subsequent intensive discussions. We After five successful years since launching the project especially thank the colleagues who have further elabo- a workshop entitled “The Amykles Research Project: rated their contribution and made it available for this Works 2005-2010” was organized, in order to present publication. new evidence of the research that is being carried out so 11-12 (2011-2012) 75 CONTENTS Abbreviations – Βibliography 77 GEORGIA KOKKOROU-ALEVRAS “Throne” of Apollo Amyklaios STAVROS VLIZOS Provenance of the Stones: Preliminary Conclusions 139 Amykles Research Project: Excavation Works 2005-2010 91 ELENI ZAV VOU ‒ ATHANASSIOS THEMOS The Epigraphic Evidence K ATIE DEMAKOPOULOU of the Sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios 149 The Early Cult at the Amyklaion The Mycenean Sanctuary 105 ANGELIKI PETROPOULOU Hyakinthos and Apollo of Amyklai: Identities and VICKY VLACHOU Cults. A Reconsideration of the Written Evidence 153 The Spartan Amyklaion: The Early Iron Age Pottery from the Sanctuary 113 ELENI KOURINOU ‒ YANIS A. PIKOULAS The Access to Amyklaion 163 THEMISTOKLES BILIS ‒ MARIA MAGNISALI Issues Concerning the Architectural Reconstruction PARASKEVAS MATALAS of the Monuments of the Sanctuary of Apollo Searching for the Amyklaion: For a History of the Amyklaios 125 ‘Discovery’ of the Sanctuary in the Modern Era 169 MANOLIS KORRES STAVROS VLIZOS The Pediment of the Statue 137 A Theoretical Approach to the Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: The Case of the Spartan Sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios 179 76 ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΜΠΕΝΑΚΗ ABBREVIATIONS – BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBREVIATIONS AA:ArchäologischerAnzeiger. BICS: BulletinoftheInstituteof Philologus: Philologus.Zeitschrift ClassicalStudiesoftheUniversity fürklassischePhilologie. AJA: AmericanJournalof ofLondon. Archaeology.TheJournalofthe Prakt: PraktikatesenAthenais ArchaeologicalInstituteofAmerica. BSA: AnnualoftheBritishSchool ArchaiologikesEtaireias atAthens. AM: MitteilungendesDeutschen ProcPhilSoc: Proceedingsofthe ArchäologischenInstituts, Hesperia: Hesperia.TheJournalof AmericanPhilosophicalSociety. AthenischeAbteilung. theAmericanSchoolofClassical StudiesatAthens RA: Revuearchéologique. ArchEph:ArchaiologikeEphemeris. Historia: Historia.Zeitschriftfür ZPE: ZeitschriftfürPapyrologie ASAtene: AnnuariodellaScuola alteGeschichte. undEpigraphik. archeologicadiAteneedelleMis sioniitalianeinOriente. Jdl: JahrbuchdesDeutschen ArchäologischenInstituts. LIMC: Lexiconiconographicum BCH: Bulletindecorrespondance mythologiaeclassicae (Zurich hellénique. JHS: JournalofHellenicStudies. – Munich 1974-). BIBLIOGRAPHY Adam1989: J.-P. Adam, Amyx 1957: D. A. Amyx, Inscribed Attanassio etal. 2006: LaConstructionRomaine sherds from the Amyklaion, AJA D. Attanassio – M. Brilli – (Paris 1989). 61 (1957) 168-69. N. Ogle, TheIsotopSignatureof ClassicalMarbles Alram-Stern ‒ Deger-Jalkotzy Anschuetz etal.
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