STARFLEET FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE COMMUNIQUÉ PAID Stow, OH 656 LAFAYETTE ROAD, MEDINA, OHIO 44256 Permit No. 18 STARFLEET APPLICATION STARFLEET is the fan organization whose members are united the world over in their appreciation of Star Trek. Adventure. Hundreds of chap- ters worldwide link members into local fandom as well as the International organization. As a member of STARFLEET, you will receive a membership packet containing the basic supplies you need top get started on the road to becoming an active member in your local club. This packet contains: your membership certificate and card, a copy of the Membership Handbook, the Vessel Registry [a book containing all active chapters in the Fleet], a memo pad, and a application to Starfleet Academy. The membership handbook will introduce you to STARFLEET’s unique infrastructure that offers two membership options. One allows you to be an associate member with no obligation other than receiving membership materials and newsletters. The other option provides a more futuristic atmosphere for the fan intrigued by the Fleet structure within the Star Trek universe. After receiving the membership package you will have the oppor- tunity to sign aboard the chapter of your choice, hold a fictional rank and position and take part in that chapter’s Star Trek related activi- ties and community service endeavors, and other projects. Another service of STARFLEET is the COMMUNIQUE, our bi-monthly magazine, written by and for our members. The COMMU- NIQUE contains current information on STARFLEET operations and chapter activities, list of upcoming conventions, news and information on STAR TREK media and articles on the space program and other areas of interest to members. The STARFLEET ACADEMY, mentioned above, is just that: our own academy based upon the various subjects in Star Trek. It is available to our members and the courses are taken by. Participation in these courses is not only fun but they increase your knowledge in today’s level of science and medicine, not to mention that some of them are quite challenging. Are you up to the challenge? Annually, STARFLEET awards one cash scholarship from each of the scholarship funds listed at the bottom of this application to deserving STARFLEET members. This is our way of saying thanks for trying to help make our universe a little more like the one created by Gene Roddenberry. If this sounds like something that peaks your interest, you have come to the right place. Please read the instructions on the application, include your dues in US funds, and allow 4-8 weeks for membership packages to arrive. Please retain a copy of your canceled check or money order receipt for your records. DATE ___/___/___ [ ] US Individual: $15.00 I want to donate $1.00 to the STARFLEET [ ] US Family of Two: $22.00 Scholarship Fund for: [ ] New [ ] US Family of Three or More $25.00 [ ] James Doohan [ ] DeForest Kelly [ ] Canada add $1.00 to U.S. rates [ ] Patrick Stewart [ ] George Takei [ ] Renewal: SCC- _________ [ ] Individual / Foreign $20.00 [ ] Gene Roddenberry [ ]LeVar Burton [ ] Family of 2 or more Foreign $30.00 [ ] Space Explorers Total of ALL Scholarship Donations NAME: ________________________________________________ Enclosed: $__________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ CHECK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE [ ] (AMERICAN) CITY: ______________________________ ST: _______ ZIP: __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Date of Birth :_____/____/____ Phone Number: ( ______ ) _____________________________ Please assign me to: (FOREIGN) NCC - _________ CITY: ________________________________________ PROVINCE: _____________________________ COUNTRY: ___________________________________ POSTAL CODE: _________________________ _____________________ (Name) Date of Birth :_____/____/____ Phone Number: ( ______ ) _____________________________ ADDITONAL NAMES SCC# (Renewals) DATE of BIRTH This area for ________________________________ _____________________ _____/ _____/ ______ ________________________________ _____________________ _____/ _____/ ______ additional family ________________________________ _____________________ _____/ _____/ ______ Information only ________________________________ _____________________ _____/ _____/ ______ ________________________________ _____________________ _____/ _____/ ______ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_________ [ ] Check # _________ [ ] Money Order Send this completed form with dues in U.S. funds to: FOR OFFICE USE STARFLEET MEMBERSHIP PROCESSING ONLY P. O. BOX 172375 ______________ ARLINGTON, TX 76003-2375 ______________ COMMUNIQUÉ CREDITS THE STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ Established 1974 Vice Admiral Tim Gillespie Editor-In-Chief/Chief of Communications ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Captain Amy Sheldon EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Supervising Editor/Vice Chief of Communications Commander, STARFLEET FADM Rob Lerman Vice Admiral David Allen P.O. Box 960008 Admiral William A. Krause W. Sacramento , CA 95798 Executive Consultants Vice Commander, Starfleet Director, Starfleet Academy Communiqué Staff VADM Anita Davis VADM Lori Anne Brown Cheryl McGraw 469 Misteltoe Ave. 426 S. Lakemont Ave. Carol Williams Youngstown, OH 44511 Winter Park, FL 32792 Regional Correspondents Chief of Operations Director, Shuttle Operations Command Robbie Lewis (Region 01) VADM Terry Wyatt Commodore Jennifer Levine Matt Henry (Region 02) P.O. Box 17290 28B Waltham St. Mark Vinson (Region 03) Seattle, WA 98107 Maynard, MA 01754 Stacia Felix (Region 04) Norman Langlois (Region 10) Chief of Communications Chief of Computer Operations Doug Glenn (Region 12) VADM Tim Gellespie VADM Clayton Melanson Thomas Restivo (Region 15) 656 Lafayette Rd. 3510 Willow Ridge Ann Hales (Region 17) Medina, OH 44256 Arlington, TX 76017 Cover Steve Novak JAG Officer - East JAG Officer - West Commander Kim Akins Captain Gary Scott Decker Issue 60 · January 1994 P.O. Box 980008 2729 Adriatic Way The STARFLEET Communiqué the bi-monthly W. Sacramento , CA 95798 Sacramento, CA 95826 magazine of STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Public Relations Fleet Archives Generation, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Cor- Captain Michael Sawczyn VADM Terry Wyatt poration, a division of Paramount Communications 8474 Dover Crest Ct. P.O. Box 17290 and all rights are reserved. The annual membership Galloway, OH 43119 Seattle, WA 98107 fee for STARFLEET is $15.00 USA ($16-Canda/ Mexico; $20.00 elsewhere). To join, send check or Community Services Department of Technical Services money order to: Commander Jay Jones Commodore Chris Wallace 355 Floyd St. 3275 115th Ave. N.E., Apt. 362 STARFLEET Memberships Wichita, KS 67209 Bellevue, WA 98004-7757 P.O. Box 172375 Arlington, TX 76003-2375 Communiqué Deadlines and Submission Guidelines: All address corrections and changes March Issue (#61): should be sent to: Chief of Computer Opera- tions, 3510 Willow Ridge, Arlington, TX 76017. • Hardcopy articles/submissions: February 10, 1994 DO NOT send corrections to the Communi- • Display and Classified Ads: February 10, 1994 qué. Please include your current SCC#. Letters of comment, advertisements, and articles should be sent • Disk and e-mail submissions accepted only through: February 10, 1994 to the Communiqué Office at: 656 Lafayette Rd., Medina, OH 44256. Unsolicited submissions will not be returned • September (Issue #63) submission deadline: April 10, 1994. unless accompanied by a SASE. Published articles become the property of STARFLEET and are © 1994 by • Please include your SCC#, address, and ship name. We researve the right to edit all submissions STARFLEET, all rights reserved. Permission is granted for length and clarity. for member chapters to reprint any portion of this maga- • Hard copy submissions should preferably be typed and double-spaced. Please - no unusual zine for their own newsletters. and hard-to-read fonts. Handwritten articles should be in ink, and all names should be clearly printed Contents © 1994 by STARFLEET in block letters. Unless otherwise specified All Rights Reserved • Submissions via disk should be DOS compatible. WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS version) is our software of choice - we can translate many other programs, but include an ASCII text file just to be safe. The STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ Indicate clearly on the disk what software you used. Disk size can be either 3½” or 5¼. is printed in the USA by Printing Concepts Inc., Stow, OH COMMUNIQUÉ • January 1994 • Page 2 A N I T A D A V I S R O B L E R M A N VICE COMMANDER COMMANDER,STARFLEET Due to a recent death in her family Anita Davis’ column does not ap- Greetings and Happy 1994 to all! th pear in this issue. Our deepest As we enter STARFLEET’S 20 sympathies go out to Anita and her year, I’d like to express my grati- family and her report will return tude to my Executive Committee and their staffs for a great year! next issue. Although we didn’t reach all of our goals, we did make headway on most of them. We now have an up- to-date and efficient membership and ship/shuttle data-base. Several drafts of the proposed by-laws have been distributed to the Admi- ralty Board, a little late I admit, but some things take more time than anyone could imagine! The CPA is reviewing our past and current financial records and hopefully, some reso- lution will come soon. Fleet continues to grow in numbers of individuals and ships/shuttles. We are now the largest we’ve STARFLEET Financial Report ever been – a fact that we can all be proud of! Prepared by LT CDR Patty Hagen, Treasurer
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