Negro parents, beginning today (Thursday), will be of Education to attend all-Negro schools. the hearing officers are Dr. John Richardson, MSU professor, Board officials believe it may take at least a week tdi1-., asked why they think their children should attend white and Paul Bryan, an attorney and former sessions court judge. When their children were turned back, almost a score hear all of the appeals. schools. of parents appealed to the Board of Education through Atty. Atty. Willis is representing all of the parents involved, Meanwhile the rejected pupils are attending all-Negro ; A. W. Willis, Jr. Mr. Willis attempted to enroll his son in He will conduct examinations and take testimony during the schools closest to their homes. .'j Persons due to testify are parents of 18 or more of the the first grade of a white school and is among those appeal­ hearings. Should the hearings result in the assignment of any of. , 50 Negro children who applied for enrollment in while , He said he thought parents asked him to file their ap­ ing. the Negro pupils to white schools it would mean that the peals because they knew he had become involved when he schools near their homes but were assigned by the Board pupil would shift from one school to another without missing The appeal hearings will be held at the Board and attempted to enroll his young son In the white school. any time in the classroom. ». Would ' J Warpath, Out To Grab is VOLUME 30, NUMBER 13 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1961 PRICE TEN CENTS Their First City Title ' ‘J Coaches, Players Predict This Is The YearTo Win (Second In A Series) THIS Is the season the Doug­ lass Red Devils have apparent­ ly been waiting for for 19 years Popular Radio Personality - and Devil football followers seem confident it will turn out AA&g-gt Z . W Ji just the way their coaches and players are boldly predicting it X J will turn out. Douglass holds the dubious Enters Big Race? , distinction of being the only Political leaders with offices veteran Prep league grid ag­ in and around the downtown gregation that has not produc­ Of ’61 College Fund Drive ed a championship football area are beginning to givp A. C. Williams, popular pro- School In Trenton, Tenn., and School from 1944 to 1952. considerable thought to nqxl team. The other five original gram consultant for WDIA radio taught biology at Manassas High He has gained fame year's Democratic primary and loop squads- Manassas, Mel­ station, has been named co-chair­ Teen - Town Singers and recent­ they are wondering if a Negro rose, Washington, Fr. Bertrand man of the United Negro College ly was named to the board of di­ will be in the picture. >< and Hamilton- have all had at Fund's annual campaign this year rectors of WDIA's Goodwill Fund. in the Memphis area. He will work , least one title - but not the He is a member of the board of Already they are speculating JAMES "POP" LEE, the pint-sized halfback who is expected to do with Edwin Dalstrom, retired bus­ Abe Scharff YMCA branch and is that either Atty. Russell B. Sli-> big things this year in helping the Douglass Red Devils in their. Devils. inessman and chairman of Le­ chairman of the board of trustees garmon, Jr., or Atty. bld for the City, League championship. Moyne College's board of trustees. at Salem Gllfied Baptist Church. A. W, And stocked with virtually all The drive begins Nov. 1 and con­ He is the father of a daughter, Willis, Jr., will run for Con­ • the team members from last year's tinues through Dec. 31. Mrs. Joan E. Strlcklen. gress. second - place outfit. Devil Head Mr. Williams has been working Mr. Williams has selected an ex­ Coach Albert D. Milter’s team this more than a month drawing up cellent group of workers for the Neither of tin young Ipwyws year vowed to end the "distihe- plans and selecting campaign work­ campaign. could be reached for comment-biit t'C’l." ers. Mrs. Juanita Stanback, supervis­ DAVID DOUGLAS IVRA it is hardly likely that either of In a joint statement to the Mem­ or of the claims department at the two men would make ♦ knmdt phis World sports department, the ‘This will be our biggest year Union Protective, is In charge of their intentions at this early 'date. Devil conches and charges have because I am going all out to 5,000 Jam Gates make, this a successful campaign,” the North Division ,and Misa Na­ Downtown politicians” figure1 that said- "We intend to bring the First Memphian said Mr. Williams........... omi Gordon, clerk at Universal Life Congressman Cliff Davis will. Ml football championship here to He is well known in radio and is heading the South Division. io-cteetlon and that he’ll./? ha: Douglass to go along with our strong opposition in Dr. Bs basketball championship!" promotional fields,, having sponior- Mrs. Helep Watefford, librarian ed big events for both the radio To Peace Corps! Prltclmrd. professor at-SMWi And from their 19-0 blasting of at Hamilton High School, Is Chalr- ein.and brother -to, - a supposedly ..Itrona •" -'to*'' Button ah» rtba/tMCAx ■ • : mab-uiAmrifWtaw««1 ». 7 ‘ i Da via Douglas Ivra, 28, of 2348 or Loeb,'and Blate''Sen Ator «-’s ,/• trend team In the ri nA. IM gUWitatVM- Letter OrfantxationA and TUeodore , -------- —u4 quarter Siate University, he has been on Eldridge, is the first Memphian to Taliaferro, -an attorney *hh6>' rap Th» first annual hfgh school football jamboree at MelrosA of ttib first annua!annual last R. fcfcLemore will be in charge the staff of WDIA since 194». Be­ be accepted for the Peace Corps. for Congress once before. Friday night at Melrose SUdlum, of postal workers. Stadium last Friday night was highly successful as a money­ tween graduation and his position He left here last week for Colorado Their big concern howecer.', $» one can't help but believe that the Dr. Peter Cooper of LeMoyne Is State University where he will stu­ maker and a vehicle of entertainment, and it also exposed several with WDIA, he taught three year» who will get the powerful In charge of special gifts and dy for two months before receiving vote. Will Sugarmun or négative factors that more than likely will be corrected before O i (Continued <m Page Four) at Allen White High School in R. J. Roddy is chairman of the Whiteville, Tenn.; served ns princi­ a teaching post in West Pakistan. come in and take most It or similar jamboree is attempted again next year. A. C. WILLIAMS pal one year of Rosenwald High (Continued on Page Four) b^ available for the most . A quiet, sincere type of a per­ white candidate! .. Standing out like a sore thumb site. (This situation wood hot hap­ son, Mr. Ivra made an application Their big concern however r-'Wi was the crowd Jammed outside the pen at a regularly scheduled game Lealh School Will for a position with the Peace Corps Comes From Behind To W||$ no Negro will enter the prinririfc gate before the game started and because tickets are sold in advance without notifying his parents or tearing the door upea fur’ NaiXKi tiiroughout the first half. More and seldom does any League con­ Former Memphian any of his brothers or sisters — te«dfrr to guide ihe Ntgro vote than 5,000 persons saw the contest, test attract a crowd of 5,000 or and there are 17 in the Ivra fam­ nite the hands it the white o*$»‘ or part of It, and all of these had more.) Gel New Building ily. dMate who appears most liberaVj|: to purchase tickets from one of It was also proved that there A new school for Leath and ad­ the two ticket windows at the He returned to Memphis this ditions for several others were Grandberfy s 140 Earns Law Degree (Continued on Page Four)’ are not enough seats in the stad­ stadium. summer to (each at a science in­ ium for a game of this size. The announced Friday when John P. ---------------------- — w A former Memphian, now an stitute for exceptional high school two large stands were jammed and Freeman Jr., assistant schools sup­ There was no advance sale of attorney, is considering returning children sponsored by the Nation­ Seeking $50,000 For • hundreds of others were scattered erintendent, released the names tickets and it was impossible for to the Bluff city to practice law. al Science Foundation at LeMoyne School In Hernando 4? all around the playing field, of architects who will do the de­ the two small ticket windows to Eddie W. McCroom, here last week College: adequately handle a crowd of this (Again this could happen only signing. Tops Golf Meet He received his bachelor of sci­ Rev. Charles Guy, public relations’’ from Cleveland, Ohio, told the once or twice a year. The stands Walk C. Jones Jr. and Associates officer of Baptist Industrial Oifi- World there is a possibility he may ence degree from LeMoyne In 1957 were over - taxed only a couple will design the new building for lege and Seminary at Hernando, Elton Grandberry proved hirtiself master of the links on the return to Memphis. and went on to earn the master's of times last year during regular Leath Elementary School. Others Miss., is asking the citizens of. the weekend when he carded a flnhl round 69 to win the men'» degree at Tuskegee Institute.
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