Index Am barré chord, 109 Numbers Am chord, 105 1-6-2-5 (I/VI7/II7/V7) progression, 253–254 Am scales, 147–149 2/2 time, 358 American folk style backing 2/4 time, 357 tracks, 302 2-5-1 (ii7/V7/I) progression, 261 A-model mandolin straps, 34 3/2 time, 357 anatomy of mandolins 3/4 time, 49 body, 17–18 4/4 time, 43 neck, 18–20 5/8 time, 357 overview, 15–16 6/8 time, 72 string vibrations, 20 8-bar blues, 178–179 andante, 358 12 scales, 249 anticipations, 258 12-bar blues, 177–178, 254–257 Aonzo, Carlo, 340 Apollon, Dave, 338 A armrest, 304 arpeggios, 140, 234–238 A barré chord, 109 articulations A chord, 55–56 ornamenting with, 197 A major scale, 139–141 types of, 97–102, 365–366 A5 mandolin, 285–286 ArtistWorks, 345 A7 barré chord, 109 A-style mandolins, 285–286 A7 chord, 108 audio tracks accents, 276–280, 365–366 accessing, 3–4 accessibility, 330–331 list of, 365–372 accessories kit, 297–303 listening to, 2 accidentals, 361 augmented chords, 127 acoustic concerts, 341–344 acoustic instrument shops, 294 action, 296 B adjusting, 321–322 B flat chord, 103 measurement for, 323 COPYRIGHTEDbackbeat, MATERIAL 176 adagio, 358 backing tracks, 302–303 Aeolian mode, 147, 219 bags, 319 allegro, 358 Bandolim, Jacob do, 338 alterations, defined, 135 bandolims, 239, 288 altered dominant chords, 251 barré chords, 106–109 alternate picking bars, 45 exercises, 84–86 bass clef, 356 general discussion, 69–71 Index 373 Index.indd 373 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 16, 2020 1:26 PM beats broken chords, 140 counting four, 43 bronze-wound strings, 309 feeling, 43 Burns, Jethro, 100, 336 stressed, 220–221 buzzing sound, 51 sub-dividing, 44–45 bending, 318 blowing section, 273 C C chord, 52–53 blue notes, 174, 180, 206–208, 210 C major scale, 22, 144–146 bluegrass music, 194–197 C7 chord, 107 blue notes in, 206–208, 210 camps for mandolins players, 332, 342–343 instrumental breaks, 208–212 carved-top Gibson A model mandolins, 220 melodic techniques for cases, 299, 319 left hand, 201–208 cast tailpieces, 305 overview, 198 chopping, 192–193 right hand, 198–200 chord charts, 351–354 overview, 191–192 chord diagrams, 41–42 rhythm, 192–194 chord melodies slides, 201–202 defined, 125 Blues Mandolin Man (Congress), 339 description of, 149–151 blues music examples of, 261–264 chord progressions, 176–179 chord progressions country blues, 183–186 1-6-2-5, 253–254 overview, 174 2-5-1 progression, 261 pentatonic scale, 186–190 12-bar blues, 254–257 rhythm, 174–176 for blues, 176–179 slow blues, 186 choro, 241 tips and techniques for, 179–183 description of, 57–58 Bm chord, 106 overview, 253 BMG (British Banjo, Mandolin, and Guitar) Federation, 346 rhythm changes, 258–260 body of mandolin, 17–18 syncopation, 257–258 boogie music, 175–176 chord tones bowl-back mandolins. See Neapolitan mandolins in boogie, 175 Brazilian mandolins, 238–243 chart of, 115 Brazilian music. See choro defined, 112 Brazilian samba rhythm, 277–280 in minor chords, 128 bricks-and-mortar shops, purchasing mandolins chords from, 293–294 A, 55–56 bridge altered dominant, 251 defined, 58 Am, 105 description of, 17 augmented, 127 fit of, 296 B flat, 103 touching, 66–67 barré, 106–109 British Banjo, Mandolin, and Guitar (BMG) Bm, 106 Federation, 346 broken, 140 374 Mandolin For Dummies Index.indd 374 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 16, 2020 1:26 PM C, 52–53 in key of C, 144 C7, 107 in key of D, 136 Cm, 104 in key of G, 141 D, 53–54 overview, 51 D7, 107 root-on-top major, 119 defined, 40 root-on-top minor, 120–121 description of, 23–24 root-on-top seventh, 123 diatonic, 250 seventh, 106 Dm, 105 seventh three-string, 122–125 dominant, 251 seventh-on-top seventh, 125 dominant seventh, 123, 126 simplifying, 250–253 E7, 108 strumming, 56–57 ear-training and, 42 third-on-top major, 119–120 Em, 105 third-on-top minor, 121–122 F, 103 third-on-top seventh, 124 F#m, 106 choro fifth-on-top major, 120 backing tracks, 302 fifth-on-top minor, 122 chord progressions, 241 fifth-on-top seventh, 124–125 melodies, 241–243 G, 51–52 rhythms, 239–240 G6, 250 chromatic tuner, 24 G7, 107, 250 classical mandolin music G9, 250 arpeggios, 234–238 Gm, 104 glide stroke, 233–234 Gmaj7, 250 orchestras, 238 Jethro-style three-string overview, 233 jazz, 126–131 Classical Mandolin Society of America (CMSA), 346 major, 119–120 climates, 318–319 minor, 120–122 clip-on electronic tuner, 298 overview, 117–118 closed position, 203 seventh, 122–125 Cm chord, 104 major CMSA (Classical Mandolin Society of America), 346 description of, 23–24 coated strings, 308 examples of, 103 coda, 359 in key of A, 139 collapsible stands, 301–302 in key of C, 144 common chords in key of D, 136 A, 55–56 in key of G, 141 C, 52–53 minor D, 53–54 description of, 23–24 G, 51–52 examples of, 104–106 overview, 51 in key of A, 139 strumming, 56–57 Index 375 Index.indd 375 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 16, 2020 1:26 PM common time, 43, 357 grooves in communities, 8–9 funk, 274–276 acoustic concerts, 341–342 overview, 272 acoustic music festivals, 343–344 samba, 272–274 camps, 342–343 overview, 271 jam sessions or orchestras, 344–345 delayed attacks, 258 local, 347 DGQ (David Grisman Quintet), 337 national organizations, 346 diatonic chords, 250 online, 345 diminished chords, 126–127 overview, 340, 341 diminuendo (dim), 364 workshops, 342 dissonant notes, 150 comping, 248 Dm chord, 105 composers, 236 dominant chords, 240, 251 concerts, 341–342 dominant seventh chords, 123, 126 constant motion, of right hand, 198–199 Dorian mode, 217–218 counterpoint, 57, 167 dotted feel, 215 country blues, 183–186 dotted notes, 46, 363–364 country sound, 8 double stops, 112–115, 206 cracks “Down in the Valley,” 62 examining mandolins for, 326 down-beat, 71 repairing, 295 down-strokes crescendo (cresc), 364 in alternate picking, 69 crooked tunes, 197 in Bill Monroe style mandolin, 200 cross picking, 73–74 defined, 2 crossing strings, 69 description of, 72 crotchet. See quarter notes drone strings, 139–140 cut time, 357, 358 D.S. (Dal Segno), 359 D.S. al Coda (Dal Sengo al Coda), 359 D.S. al Sengo (Dal Sengo al fine), 359 D duo-style, 243 D chord, 53–54 dynamics, 78–80, 89, 364–365 D major scale, 136–139 D7 chord, 107 Da Capo al Coda (D.C. al Coda), 359 E Da Capo al fine (D.C. al fine), 359 E7 chord, 108 Da Capo (D.C.), 359 ear-training Dal Segno (D.S.), 359 categories of, 42 Dal Sengo al Coda (D.S. al Coda), 359 learning music through, 134–135 Dal Sengo al fine (D.S. al Sengo), 359 tips for, 333 David Grisman Quintet (DGQ), 337 ease of play, 291 David Grisman Teaches Mandolin (Grisman), 274 eBay, purchasing mandolins from, 295 Dawg music ebony tuner buttons, 306 accenting, 276 eight strokes per beat tremolo, 81 David Grisman’s rhythm-playing style, 272 8-bar blues, 178–179 376 Mandolin For Dummies Index.indd 376 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 16, 2020 1:26 PM eighth note triplets, 215 flatted fifth, 181 eighth notes flatted seventh, 181 beats of, 44–45 flatten, defined, 147 in jazz music, 247–248 flat-wound strings, 309 swinging, 215 “The Flop-Eared Mule,” 137–139 electric mandolins, 287–288 Florida, 19, 75 electronic tuner, 25–26, 298 F-model mandolin straps, 34 Em chord, 105 forte (f), 78, 364 endings, 359 fortissimo (ff), 78, 364 enharmonic equivalent, 115 forward roll, cross-picking, 73–74 entry level mandolin price, 290 four beat approach, 248 exercises, 84–91 four beats, counting, 43 for left hands, 97 Four Finger closed Position for tremolo, 90–91 (FFcP), 110 expressive tremolo, 82, 233 four strokes per beat tremolo, 80–81 extension, defined, 250 4/4 time, 43 fourth finger position, 111–112 F fret dressing, 325 f (forte), 78, 364 fret markers, 19 F chord, 103 fret size, 325 F#m chord, 106 fretboard. See fingerboard F5 mandolin, 284–285 frets, 19 factory mandolins, 292 fretted notes feeling the beat, 43 muting, 102 ff (fortissimo), 78, 364 open notes versus, 96 FFcP (Four Finger closed Position), 110 fretting hand. See left hand fiddle players, 264 f-shaped soundhole, 17 fiddle tunes, 195–196 F-style mandolins, 284–285 fifth-on-top major chords, 120 funk, 274–276 fifth-on-top minor chords, 122 fifth-on-top seventh chords, 124–125 fine (final), 359 G G chord, 51–52 fingerboard, 18 G major scale, 142–144 fingering, 51, 110–112 G6 chord, 250 finishes for mandolin, 291 G7 chord, 107, 250 first endings, 359 G9 chord, 250 first position, 96–97, 110, 111 Garcia, Jerry, 337 5/8 time signature, 357 gauges of strings, 309 flat back, defined, 284 genres of music, 358–359 flat top (Trinity College) octave mandolin, 15 ghosting notes, 198 flats Gibson A4 model, 11 in accidentals, 361–362 Gibson F4 model, 11 defined, 22 Gibson H4 mandola, 12 description of, 23 Index 377 Index.indd 377 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 16, 2020 1:26 PM Gibson K4 mando-cello, 13 Gimble, Johnny, 264 I ii7/V7/I (2-5-1) progression, 261 glide stroke, 233–234 individually produced mandolins, 293 glissando (slides) instructional material, 301 in bluegrass music, 97–98, 201–202 instrument shops, 294 description of, 205 instrumental breaks, in bluegrass music, 208–212 Gm chord, 104 instruments, tuning mandolins to other, 28 Gmaj7 chord, 250 Internet stores, purchasing mandolins from, “Go Tell Aunt Rhodie,” 63 294–295 The Goat Rodeo Sessions (Thile, Ma, Duncan, interval ear-training, 42 Meyer), 212 intonation, 292, 324–325 grace note, 98 Ionian mode, 217 Grisman, David, 272, 337 Irish music grommets, 304–305 hornpipe, 226–228 grooves jigs, 222–226 funk, 274–276 modes, 217–219 overview, 272 monophonic, 214–216 samba, 272–274 with other musicians, 228 guide tones, 187 overview, 213–214 guiding right hand, 66–68 rhythms, 219–222 guitar shops, purchasing mandolins from, 293–294 Italian mandolins.
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