M i n i l - e d Strain as they will the majority of Americans will be unable to summon a single tear because the government has slapped an additonal tax on' booze. Too many lives have been destroyed, too many families torn asunder, too many fortunes shed away to excite sympathy for those who find it difficult to face life without a few or more swallows of so- (Jonnncmal Iffeaticr called culture juice. The new tax cer­ tainly won't freeze the bartenders who already charge $3, $4, and $5 a drink .m,l SOI TII-|{|;i{(,KN KI N IIW without blinking an eye. Then they stand around waiting for a tip! Liquor VOL. 68 NO. 11 rsi-siim. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1985 NrcomM'!»»<. 1‘ottagi Paid at Hulhrrtortl \ J *7«H is the dope of the masses ... the dopey Subscription SS *0 Published WwkJ\ masses. Punchless Gloria scratches township Trees lost branches all through township Just as hurricane winds seemed to be subsiding this giant unoccupied automobiles. By Amy D ivine tree on Jay Ave.. near Court, collapsed and tell upon two H a n g i n g sifgn of Garden State Leasing ( o on Kidge Kd shaken loose by the wind and required immediate attention Hurricane Gloria didn’t age to homes or garages, but was reported at 114 Post Ave­ ported that debris left on the punch, but she sure the damage to cars had to be nue. roof at 137 Stuyvesant, blew scratched. As a result Lyn­ reported to police as author­ S a k d a S a c v a n c e , 13-17 off. damaging two vehicles dhurst had some problems. ization of claim s to insurance Ridge Road, apt. 24. reported parked in his driveway at 129. The Public Works Depart-j companies, according to De­ a branch had fallen on his a 1985 GMC and a 1979 Lin­ ment men worked Friday, tectives at headquarters. 1981 Toyota, damaging the coln. Saturday and Sunday without At 8:25 a.m. Friday Man- roof, fender and various other Ann M iller. 248 Forest Av­ letup to begin clearing the nuel Brido called to report parts of the car. enue reported that while her tree limbs blown into streets, the roof of his garage at 209 A call from 311 Forest Ave­ car was parked at 182 Pros­ onto cars, across telephone Fern Avenue had been slight­ nue reported wires down. pect Avenue. North Arling­ and electric w ires throughout ly d am aged by the branch of Public Service was notified. ton. a dental clinic, her 1984 the township. Today they are a tree belonging to his neigh­ Noted on the police report Honda was badly damaged trying ' to save the many bor at 339 T rav ers P lace, as an Act of Clod, was the tree when a heavy branch fell on trees w hich were blown over, having fallen on it. that fell on the beige 1982 it. smashing the windshield exposing roots. A Public Pontiac at 308 Sanford Ave­ and denting the hood. Works spokesman said the At 9:58 a.m. an anonymous nue. Falling branches from a men will try to replant as caller reported that a tree At 2:49 p.m. John Scillieri, tree at 514 K ingsland Avenue had fallen on a car at Lafa­ blocked passage of pedes­ many of these trees as pos­ 338 Valley Brook and Liv­ Public W ork* D epartm ent was culled to remove this tree yette and Third damaging the trians on the sidewalk and sible where roots have not ingston, called to report a ham pering traffic on Valley Brook Ave been entirely pulled out of the trunk. Police were unable at branch falling on his 1985 tore down telephone lines earth. the time to asc«*:tain own­ Buick damaging the passenger •hile one bran ch flew next He could not estim ate how ership of the vehicle. side of the ca r. door and lodged beside the many trees were uprooted At 1:21 p.m . Mr. P apa of transformer at the top of the nor how m any w ere leaning 148 Forest reported a large At 3:02 p.m. Michael utility pole at 518 Kingsland over from the force of the limb was blow n from a tree at I.<'nrs,tk 24 Jay Avenue re­ Avenue. wind but said ‘Many, many." his house tearing down ported a tree fell on his 1984 No damge to trees beyond Pol ice began receiving phone, cable and electric Chevrolet, damaging it. loss of many leaves was re­ calls on storm damage to lines, damaging outside utili­ At 3:09 p.m. John Caporino ported in township parks, ac­ cars parked in driveways and ty meters and siding on his of 712 Rutherford Avenue re­ cording to superintendent streets and even at places of house. ported a felled tree damaged Richard Pizzuti and many business as early as 8:25 a.m. At 1:24 p.m. a tree was his 1979 Ford. branches were blown off Very few reports were made reported down at 3rd Avenue. At 4:36 p.m . Mr. Garofolo trees in the counts parks, lit­ to police on extensive dam­ At 7:37 p.m. a tree on fire of 129 Stuyvesant Avenue re- tle other damage was noted. Ladies lo serve A n o l d t r e e t h a t s t o o d for years on Kid^e Kd near h ern Ave Zoning board rejects two, annual dinner fell with a roar when the wind swept township The Ladies Aid Society of St Matthew s Kv Lutheran Church. grants approval to two Valley Hrook and Travers PI Lyn dhurst will sponsor its annual Kean will kick off “POKK & SACK KKKAIT DIN The Zoning Hoard of Adjustment requirem ents and not allowing to the height of the new structure, NKK" T h u rsd ay . October 24. 1985 in acted on five variance requests at enough parking space on the lot which he said would be over 35 feet the church undercroft After discussion the board mem Thursday s meeting with five mem Joseph G uastella. a m em ber of There will be two settings 5 00 bers decided to deny the variance game ball Saturday bers present the board, stated that he is a neigh and 6 :30 p m bor of l.ajterman. attested to the Glenn Luppino. a builder, who Hoard chairman Sam Chimento Donation Adults $6 00 Children crowded parking conditions onn applied for a variance in order to presided with attorney Paul 12 and under $4 00 Gov Thom as Kean will kick off of the ernoi w ill Mgnah/e the Third Avenue and pointed out how construct a buildinng at H35 Kidge Wert her advising Call M arilyn Fa/iola 933 5992 the Lyndhurst North Arlington foot tradition >>! these two neighboring difficult it is to m ake a left turn onto Koad. to contain a store and three Gabriel Ambrosio. attorney for ball game Saturday at Lvndhurst team s plavmg their annual football Kidge Koad because of the heavy apartments, was also denied his re Doris Landells 939^7647 Marcel's Sporting Goods. 122 Kidgc L1M1TKI) SKATING High St'hooI Field g a m e Koad. presented his petition for ex traffic and also said a driver's view quest because the area lacks the The preseiu e ol the governor at is almost cut off and must get square footage required Asked why KKSKKVATION A Ml ST HY OC The governor, engaged in state tennsion of the store front to his the gam e w ill he an added touch to a almost into Kidge Koad because of TOBKK 20th wide sweeps in his campaign for house there and the addition of our he did not build just apartments he game that means much to both the heavy traffic and also said a said the land is so expensive it reelect ion. is to be in ;he South new apartments schtH'Is Both art members of the driver's view is almost cut off and would not be • economically Bergen area Saturda> and agreed There are two apartments in the Bergen Countv Scholastic League's must get alm ost into Kidge Koad in feasible to attend the opening of the tradi present structure in one of which I n d e x 28 pages National Division order to see the flow of traffic when Kay s Auto Sales. 465 Valley tional game Moe L ajterm ann lives and one Mayor Jam es C.uida. who invited fcnted to a tenant, l.ajterman told making the turn He said he objects <*n i\u ;« 4 E d ito rials..........K.v... ..... 6 Open H ouse................ ..... 6 Kean, has also invited Mayor The team s met in the first game the board He said he would enlarge l^onard Kaiser of North Arlington, of the season last vear Lvndhurst Vagabonding.............. 11 the parking lot behind his house and to receive the governor at the game was upset bv a North Arlington that parking would be available on NOTICE M ailbag........................ ..... 7 According to plans, the governor team that then went on to win the Kidge Koad to accommodate his .... 22 FOK TDK CONVKNIKNCK OK THOSE WHO WISH Beauty Directory ..... will fly by helicopter to the count\ league title The North Arlington .. 8. 9 custom ers TO KEGISTKK TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBKK 5 Restaurant Guide...
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