ST. DOMINIC • ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHEDULE Fr. John Cyr, Pastor St Dominic Saturday, October 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 303 North Galena Avenue St. Dominic 3:30pm Confessions Wyoming • IL 61491 St. Dominic 4:30pm For the People of our two Parishes (309) 695-4031 Sunday, October 6 [email protected] St. Dominic 8:00am Robert Firnbach by Tim & Patty Colgan ST JOHN THE BAPTIST St. John 10:00am Rosemary Kieswetter by John Butte Monday, October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 218 First Street No Mass Bradford • IL 61421 (309) 695-4031 Tuesday, October 8 [email protected] St. Dominic 5:15pm Ed Fussner by Ray & Dorothy Morrissey Wednesday, October 9 St. Denis & Companions, St. John Loenardi FIND US ONLINE St. John 7:30am Thomas Blaisdell by Dorothy & Butch Plotner Thursday, October 10 Facebook ............. @StarkCatholic St. Dominic 8:00am Pat McGinn by his Family Website .. starkcountycatholic.com Instagram ............. @starkcatholic Friday, October 11 St. John XXIII Twitter ................. @starkcatholic St. John 7:30am Lucille Colgan by Peg Bankie Bulletins ........ ParishesOnline.com Saturday, October 12 Blessed Virgin Mary Online Giving ... starkcountycatho- St. Dominic 3:30pm Confessions lic.weshareonline.org St. Dominic 4:30pm For the People of our two Parishes Sunday, October 13 St. Dominic 8:00am John Forstrom by Mary Forstrom St. John 10:00am Susan Saigh by Angie Stange PRAYERS St. Dominic’s MINISTRY SCHEDULE Shirley Stabler, Michael Clifford, Saturday, October 12 Bill Abrams, Jerry Hickey, Joanne St. Dominic 4:30pm Mass Adams, Jim Henehan, Paul Schup- Lector: Denise Mercer bach, Caroline Bogner, Frances Altar Servers: Cole & Cash Kinsella Graf, Rita Henneberry, Kim Hardy, Usher: Mike Finnegan & Bob Carroll Charlene Bourlet, Sally Knowles, Eucharistic Minister: Dean Pasker Fred & Liz Rockwell Ray Morris- Sunday, October 13 sey St. Dominic 8:00am Mass Lector: Marie Green St. John the Baptist Servers: Parker & Kayla Shafer Angie Barnes, Rosemary Owens, Ushers: Dan & Carol Ann Stephens Bill Real, Barb Bogner, Jane Blank, Eucharistic Minister: Vicki Waldschmidt Bonnie Miller, Madelyne Dietz, & Collection Counters: Mike Finnegan, Marie Green, & Carol Ann Stephens Jim Eble St. John the Baptist 10:00am Mass Income: 9/29/19 Lector: Maggie Rouse St. Dominic Altar Servers: Ryan Murphy & Hailey Peterson Collection ........................... $1598 Ushers: Paul Barry & Charles Rouse Building Fund ....................... $250 Greeter: Dorothy Plotner & Doris Bogner Online Giving ........................ $86 Collection Counters: Dean Waldinger & Larry Roberts St. John the Baptist Collection ........................... $1133 Building Fund ........................ $75 Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is Online Giving ....................... $117 pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in Heaven that no thief can reach, nor moth destroy. - St. John Leonardi (1541 - 1609) OCTOBER 6, 2019 • 26TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME ANNOUNCEMENT Saint of the Week—St. John Leonardi Condolences St. John Leonardi chose to become a priest. After his Let us pray for the soul of Jim Eble and for his family. May ordination, he became very active in the works of the he rest in the arms of the Lord who formed him from the ministry, especially in hospitals and prisons. The exam- dust of the earth. May the comfort of God be with his fami- ple and dedication of his work attracted several young ly during this time of sorrow. laymen who began to assist him. They later became Condolences priests themselves. He and his followers projected a new Let us pray for the soul of Gerald Hickey and for his family. congregation of diocesan priests. For some reason the May he rest in the arms of the Lord who formed him from plan, which was ultimately approved, provoked great the dust of the earth. May the comfort of God be with his political opposition. John was exiled from his home family during this time of sorrow. town of Lucca, Italy, for almost the entire remainder of Family Fest 2019 his life. He received encouragement and help from Family Fest will be held on October 20th at 4:00pm at St. Saint Philip Neri, who gave him his lodgings. In 1579, Dominic’s Parish Hall! Food, Family, Friends, Fun! Join John formed the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, us! All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Bring a and published a compendium of Christian doctrine that friend! For more information, email Sarah Lindley at stark- remained in use until the 19th century. John Leonardi [email protected] and his priests became a great power for good in Italy, Thank You! and their congregation was confirmed by Pope Clement Thank you to all who helped and supported Priests Ped- in 1595. John died at the age of 68 from a disease caught dling for Prayers! Your support is very much appreciated! when tending those stricken by the plague. His feast day Help Wanted is October 9. St. John the Baptist in Bradford is looking to hire a clean- Catechism of the Catholic Church ing person or service. If you or someone you know are in- The term “passions” refers to the affections or feelings. terested, or if you know of a person or service for hire that By his emotions, man intuits the good and suspects evil may be interested, please contact Father Cyr via phone or (1771) email. Thank you! The principal passions are love and hatred, desire and Respect Life Sunday: October 6, 2019 fear, joy, sadness, and anger. (1772) LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of pro In the passions, as movements of the sensitive appetite, -life Americans standing in remembrance of 61 million lives there is neither moral good nor evil. But insofar as they lost to abortion, praying for our nation, for people in crisis engage reason and will, there is moral good or evil in situations and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement them. (1773) of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills Emotions and feelings can be taken up in the virtues or children, hurts women and men, and that the Church sup- perverted by the vices. (1774) ports the sanctity of human life from the moment of con- The perfection of the moral good consists in man’s being ception to natural death. For additional information about moved to the good not only by his will but also by his Life Chains in Illinois, please contact State Directors Gail “heart”. (1775) Bordley 847-926-3404 or 847-361-1582 and Patty Sprague Catholic Charismatic Renewal Annual Fall Retreat 903-822-3351. Or go online to https://www.lifechain.net/ The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Diocese of Peoria Rosary Coast to Coast—October 13 Fall Retreat, “Ask. Seek. Knock. Find.” is October 26, Americans across the Country are invited to pray Rosary 2019 from 9:00am—8:00pm at the Spalding Pastoral Coast to Coast wherever they can gather: in parish Church- Center 419 NE Madison Ave, Peoria. Dcn. Robert es; in front of state capitols; along the U.S. coasts and bor- Pomazal is the retreat master. To register online, go to ders; as families; as individuals; or while viewing the live- www.cdop.org or for more information call Diane at stream of the National Rosary Rally. Rosary Coast to Coast 309-573-4868 or email [email protected]. will take place at 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Moun- Prayer Vigil for 40 Days for Life tain, 1pm Pacific. The reasoning behind these times will be On October 30, 2019 at 6:00pm, Bishop Daniel Jenky to support all time zones in full participation of events, will be participating in the prayer vigil for 40 Days for aside from Sunday Masses. Indeed, the Heart of the Nation Life at 2709 N. Knoxville Ave, Peoria. You may stand will be Immersed in the Hour of Mercy. For more infor- on Knoxville Ave or W. Hanssler Place. You must bring mation, go to https://rosarycoasttocoast.com/ your own signs. There is room for your chairs. Please Pray the Rosary join us to pray and witness for an end to abortion. No special reason required! Alcoholics Anonymous Reminder that AA meets every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at the St. Dominic Parish Hall. .
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