NewsrecorD eFranklin Thursday,March3,1977 Secondclass postageapplied for at Manville,N.J. 08835 $4.50a year/15cents per copy ol. 25, No.9 Twosections, 30 pages Phone725-3300 news notes , Public wants school budget upped Tile boardnf educationheard it share ol,complaints fromlocal residents Mondaynight concerning its proposed 1997-78 scbool budget. But surprinslngly, what they heard was that people. want moremoney put into the bvdget, instead of taken out. At an informal hearing on tile budget Mondaynight at the SampsonG. SmithSchool, tile hoard listened to a crowdof more than 51.1 tell them that they wantedto see sucb items as the high school bowling, golf and ski teams put back into tile proposed $11,646,995 expense budget. According to the board finance committee chairman Harry VanHouten, tile programs were eliminated because the cost involved in participating discriminated against those students whocouldn’t afford them. But the bowlingcoach told the board that the sport doesn’t cost the stndent anything. RonCompton emphasized that Iris team has beenvery successful in recent years and that it’s tile only opportunityfor manystudents to excel athletically. The board has scheduled one more such hearing Monday night at 8 p.m. at the Franklin Park School before adopting the final bndgct to go before the voters in tile Marcia 29 school election HPYDPgets $18,000 from United Way The Hamihon l)ark Youth Development Program received m $18,000 allocation this week from the Central Jersey United Wavfor its al,ter-school program and summerprogram, in- eluding math tutoring and remedial instruction. HPYDPwas one of 30 membersagencies to receive binding from the United Waythis year for special programs. Tile allocations arc awarded by a 60-member committee, which recewesapplications l,rom agencies, basedon need. Planners hire lawyer for PUD TIwtownship phmning b~mrd was expected to officially hire a Plainfield attorney to h)ok into question concerning tile 1020 Associatesproposed PU D in Franklin at its meetinglast nlgbt. His cup runneth over Daniel Bernstein will he paid $500 out of the planning (MarkCzajkowski photo) board’s budget to investigate the legality of a resolution passed LynStevens pauses to allowTeddy to geta drinkon thebridge at BlackwellsMills, wherethe Millstone crested at 11a.m. Friday. bv he board last June alh)wlng 1020 Associates head Bertram Bonnerto donate 2(1t) acres of tile 700-acre PUDto the county for a golf course. It’s the contention of several board members, including chairman Robert Morgenber, that tile planners should have culled hw more public hearings and expert Board hopefuls prepare for March 29 testimony as whether or not a private golf course would bave beenprel,erable to u public one. Withschool board elections less than receivedher doctorate fromRutgers express their viewson the kind of district is a majorpriority on herlist. their three childrenwho attend the University. She is employedas educationthey wantfor the childrenof "I thinkthe boardhas to see if these publicschools, have lived in Franklin Opponentsof the gift argne that the townshiphas lost a sub- four weeksaway, the six local can- programsare workingor not. But since1964. stantial ratable in the 200-acre parcel since it has becomecoun- didates for the boardgot their cam- assistant director of CareerServices our community,"she concluded. paignsinto full gear this week. at PrincetonUniversity. Dr. Grund- whena decision has to be made,the Heis active in civic affairs in ty property. Four residents have announced fast is also a memberof the New JANETSALZMAN was appointed to hoarddoesn’t get enoughinput from Milltown,and serves on the health If Mr. Bernstein, after completing his research, finds im- their candidacyfor the three full Jersey AdvisoryCommission on the the boardlast year, filling a vacancy the educationstaff," sheexplained. "I CurriealumRevision Committeeat Status of Women. created by WasyD’Cruzwho resigned. wouldlike to get other reactions the SampsonG. SmithSchool. proprieties in the passage of tile resolution, the board will Imve three-yearterms available, whiletwo before a changeis made." She is "I knowa lot can be donein the lecide if it wants to rescind the resolution. There are strong are running to fill the one-year Oneof the mostimportant issues she Aneight year residentof Franklin, unexpired term of former board sees is getting backto basics; the Mrs. Salzman,her husband,Robert calling for more communication district, like communicationfor one," indications that if that happens, Mr. Bonnerwill probably sue memberWasy D’Cruz. "three R’s,"without eliminating other and twochildren reside on 25 Barker betweenthe hoard, communityand he commented."This is onearea that tile board. Threeincumbents -- Janet Salzman, coursesfrom the schools. "Weshould Road.The children attend the Conerly educationalstaff, as well as other has t6 be improved"because it will RoadSchool. groupsin the township,for example, cause problems." Vlr. Bernslcin. noted for expertise in tile area of planningand SandraGrundfest and Alfred Ceaser -- neverabandon the ’three R’s,’ but the the library board. zoninglow. will also look into questions concerningthe ethics of are joined by EdwardVetter, an ’basics’aren’t the onlynecessary part A graduateof HunterCollege, she unsuccessfulcandidate last year, in of educationof future citizens and hassix yearsexperience asa teacher FRED BADESSAhas been a tbe actimls hy Mr. Bonnet’s attorney William Ozzard. Mr. Oz- the contention for the three-year ¯ workers,"she said. and four as an administrative EDWARDVETTER is a history resident of the townshipsince tg48. zard is also counsel to tile connty boardof freeholders, and was terms¯ Bruce Davidson and Fred Dr. Grundtestasks parentsif they assistantfor remedialreading and teacher in Milltewn,whei’e he has Educatedin NewBrunswick, he is the reprimandedby tile county ethics board last fall for his in- Badessaare vying for the one-year wanttheir childrento be ignorantof teacher training programs.Mrs. workedfor the past 20years,and is the ownerof the DeerwcodPhillips 66 term. A third hopeful, FrankCamp- the Bill of Rightsor the TrojanWar or Salzmanis a past presidentof the ownerof the VettsrElectric Co.here. station on HamiltonSt. volvementin another nmttcr concerning the PUD and tile coun- ConerlyRoad PTA, and is a member A World WarII and Korean War A deacon of the Middlebush ty. bell of 5 DominoRoad, withdrew from eventhe Depression."The upcoming veteran, he is a graduateof Rutgers the race last week,explaining that he school board election offers the of the Leagueof WomenVoters. See BOARD,page 12A mayseek a termthe next timearound. citizensof Franklinan opportunityto Thecurriculum programsin the University.He and his wife, Pat and ALFREDCEASER was elected to a two-yearterm in 1975,and is currently serving on the secondaryreading Paper drive slated for next weekend minimumstandards committee, Vernette Chambers’work workingwith the state Departmentof The Franklin High School Band Parents Association has Educationon the implementationof scheduled its Marcia paper drive for next weekend, March1 I minimumstandards and basic skills reflects her life and 12. programs. Heresides at 80 EugeneAve., with by JanePetroff Theyare students from Rutgersand Curbside pick-up will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday of his wife, Yvonneand three sons, all SpecialWriter fromMiddlesex County College. And newspapers, which should either be bundled or brown-bagged. attendingthe publicschool system, lie their needsare as different as their They will also welcomemagazines, computer cards and prln- is employedas an electricianwith the EveryThursday evening an unusual backgrounds. touts without carbon paper. Pick-up will be in the predesignated Port Authorityat Port Newark. group of womenconvenes in New A graceful former model with A memberof the boardof directors Brunswick.Some are black, the rest golden brown skin that somehow PBAareas, at the Hamilton Park Youth are whiteor Hispanic.Half are in their evokessunsets over the Carribean, Residents mayalso bring papers to the high school parking DevelopmentProject (tIPYDP), ’thirties. Mostof the others are Ms.Chambers came into her job at the lot on Saturdayfrom 9 a.m. untill noon. also heads the Christian education anywherefrom 70 to 80 years old. NewBrunswick "Y" in much the commission at the Somerset Thewomen are membersof the New samespirit that motivatedmany of PresbyterianChurch. BrunswickYWCA’s Stitch n’ Chatter the womenenrolled in the programs Mr.Ceaser will continueto fightfor club. Their majoreffort so far, a shedirects. an improved vocational career bicentennialquilt depictinghighlights Arrivingin an undevelopedarea of Senior Drop-in Center back program."I don’t feel enoughhas fromthe history of NewBrunswick, Franklin Townshipseven years ago beendone in that area, duepartly to has gainedwidespread publicity and with her husbandFreddie and their the budgetresti’ictions in that area has been exhibited throughoutthe smalldaughter, also called Freddie, The townslfip’s Senior Citizen Drop-in Center is nowback in duringthe past years." state. Ms. Chambersfound herself alone . action, it was announcedby the parks and recreation depart- Thecandidate is hopingto get more Oneperson is as proudas anyof the during much of the day. Her ment this week. guidancecounsellors and a better membersof the attention their quilt separationfrom the rest of the world T,ocated at tile CommunityCenter in tbe A&PShopping Cen- rapport with the community."The has received.
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