Kingdom of Cambodia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Unedited January 2018 Report No. [Report number is inserted by ECU/IOE] Document of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Photos of activities supported by IFAD-financed projects in [Click here and insert country name] Front cover: [Click here and type photo caption] Back cover: [Click here and type photo caption] ©IFAD/[Click here and type name of photographer/source] This report is a product of staff of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD and the findings and conclusions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of IFAD Member States or the representatives to its Executive Board. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IFAD concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The designations “developed” and “developing” countries are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. All rights reserved ©2017 by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Foreword [Click here and insert text] Oscar A. Garcia Director Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD Acknowledgements This country strategy and programme evaluation was led by Fumiko Nakai, IOE Senior Evaluation Officer and lead evaluator, with contributions from Sophal Chan (IOE consultant – policy and institutional issues), Jakob Grosen (IOE senior consultant – portfolio performance assessment), Sovann Pou (IOE consultant – agricultural extension, environment and natural resource management), Jay Supetran (IOE consultant – rural and microfinance) and Shijie Yang (IOE Evaluation Research Analyst – rural poverty impact data and economic and financial analysis). Jeanette Cooke and Valeria Galletti and (IOE consultants) conducted a desk review of secondary data and documentation. Laure Vidaud, IOE Evaluation Assistant, provided administrative support. The evaluation benefited from an internal peer review within IOE. IOE is grateful to IFAD’s Programme Management Department – in particular, the Asia and the Pacific Division – for its collaboration for this evaluation. IFAD also takes this opportunity to express its appreciation to the Kingdom of Cambodia for its cooperation throughout the evaluation process, including the organizational and logistical support it provided for field visits, and for co-organizing and supporting the national workshop held in Phnom Penh on 24 January 2018. A special acknowledgement is extended to: the Ministry of Economy and Finance; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat; the Ministry of Rural Development, sub-national administrations; and the Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Women's Affairs and Rural Development. IOE also thanks IFAD-financed project staff and partners, and all other partners and resource persons who gave their time to meet with the evaluation team and share their views. Contents Currency equivalent iii Weights and measures iii Abbreviations and acronyms iii Map of IFAD-supported operations in the Kingdom of Cambodia v IFAD-supported operations approved after 2000 to be included in the CSPE portfolio assessment vi Map of Cambodia: poverty incidence vii Population density map of Cambodia viii Cambodia timeline since 1991: country events and IFAD activities ix Executive summary x Agreement at Completion Point xxi I. Background 1 A. Introduction 1 B. Objectives, methodology and processes 1 II. Country context and IFAD's strategy and operations for the CSPE period 7 A. Country context 7 B. IFAD's strategy and operations for the CSPE period 17 III. The investment portfolio 21 A. Project performance and rural poverty impact 22 B. Other performance criteria 50 C. Overall portfolio achievement 57 IV. Non-lending activities 60 A. Knowledge management 60 B. Partnership-building 63 C. Country-level policy engagement 65 D. Grants 68 E. Overall assessment 69 V. Performance of partners 71 A. IFAD 71 B. Government 74 VI. Synthesis of the country programme strategy performance 78 A. Relevance 78 B. Effectiveness 81 C. Overall assessment: country strategy and programme performance 83 VII. Conclusions and recommendations 84 A. Conclusions 84 B. Recommendations 87 Annexes I. Definition of the evaluation criteria used by IOE 89 a II. Ratings of IFAD investment portfolio in the Kingdom of Cambodia 91 III. Final ratings of the country strategy and programme in the Kingdom of Cambodia 92 IV. IFAD-financed investment projects in the Kingdom of Cambodia 93 V. IFAD-funded grants in the Kingdom of Cambodia under implementation after 2010 94 VI. List of key persons met 98 VII. Key elements of 1999, 2009 and 2013 COSOPs 112 VIII. Investment projects: target group, targeting approach and project objectives in design documents 116 IX. Main thematic elements of investment projects 120 X. Project approaches for beneficiary group formation 121 XI. Complementary tables for CSPE assessment 122 XII. Province-wise data: poverty level, population and project coverage 131 XIII. Poverty trend in Cambodia and selected project sites 132 XIV. Bibliography 135 Appendices The appendices are available upon request from the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD ([email protected]). ii Currency equivalent Currency equivalent US$ 1 = KHR 4,000 (Cambodian riel) Weights and measures 1 ton = 1,000 kg 1 hectare = 2.47 acres Abbreviations and acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank ADESS Agricultural Support Project to Seila AIMS Accelerated Integrated Markets for Smallholders Project APIP Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project APR Asia and the Pacific Division (of IFAD) ASAP Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASPIRE Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension CARD Council for Agriculture and Rural Development CBRDP Community Based Rural Development Project in Kampong Thom and Kampot CEWs commune extension workers CIG common interest group COSOP country strategic opportunities programme CRDB Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board CSPE country strategy and programme evaluation D&D decentralization and deconcentration DSF debt sustainability framework FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations) GDP gross domestic product GEF Global Environment Facility GNI gross national income GRF group revolving fund GTZ German Technical Cooperation Agency HDI human development index IDA International Development Association IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development IGRF improved group revolving fund (in PADEE) ILO International Labour Organization IOE Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD Lao PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic LIG livelihoods improvement group M&E monitoring and evaluation MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries iii MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MOWA Ministry of Women's Affairs MoWRAM Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology MRD Ministry of Rural Development MSME micro small and medium enterprise MTR mid-term review MVFs most vulnerable families NCDDS National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat NGOs non-governmental organizations NSDP National Strategic Development Plan ODA official development assistance OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PADEE Project for Agriculture Development and Economic Empowerment PCR project completion report PDAFF Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries PDoWA Provincial Department of Women's Affairs PPA project performance assessment (now called PPE) PPE project performance evaluation (formerly called PPA) RGC Royal Government of Cambodia RPRP Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng RULIP Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri S-RET Scaling-up of Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Cambodia SAW Strategy on Agriculture and Water SNEC Supreme National Economic Council SRI system of rice intensification TSSD Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development Project TWG-AW Thematic Working Group on Agriculture and Water UNDP United Nations Development Programme VAHW village animal health worker VEW village extension worker iv Map of IFAD-supported operations since 1996 in the Kingdom of Cambodia v IFAD-supported investment projects after 2000 covered in the CSPE portfolio assessment Note: Stung Treng province was added in ASPIRE during the implementation vi Map of Cambodia: poverty incidence © National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Royal Government of Cambodia and the United Nations World Food Programme, April 2013. vii Population density map of Cambodia General Population Census of Cambodia, 2008. © National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Royal Government of Cambodia and the United Nations World Food Programme, April 2013. viii Cambodia timeline since 1991: country events and IFAD activities Tropical Typhoon Flood Flood Storm Worst flood Ketsana events Food crisis Krosa External External in 40 years Events Election Election Election Election Coup d'état (UNTAC)- 1993 General Election General Election General Election General Election General Commune Council Commune Council Commune
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