LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM V O L . X I I N º 3 0 JANEIRO - A B R IL/ 2 0 2 1 I S S N 2 1 7 7 - 2 7 8 9 EVERYDAY IMAGES, RESURRECTION METAPHORS Profª Drª Maria Rosa Valdesogoi RESUMO – Graças aos numerosos PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Egito antigo; documentos que chegaram até nós do funerária; ressurreição; morto Antigo Egito, quase todos relacionados às suas crenças religiosas, sabemos sobre seus ABSTRACT – Thanks to the numerous deuses, as cerimônias que praticavam, sua documents that have come down to us from mitologia e, acima de tudo, como Ancient Egypt, almost all related to their enterravam seus mortos e os procedimentos religious beliefs, we know about their gods, para ressuscitá-los. Na esfera funerária, the ceremonies they practiced, their sabemos que os antigos egípcios mythologies, and above all how they buried mumificavam para preservar o cadáver e their dead and also how they did to resurrect que realizavam rituais para promover a them. In the funerary sphere, we know that ressurreição do falecido e seu renascimento ancient Egyptians mummified to preserve na outra vida. Os textos funerários the corpse and that they carried out rituals desempenhavam um papel crucial nesse to promote the resurrection of the deceased processo. Alguns o ajudavam a superar as and his rebirth in the Hereafter. Funerary dificuldades que impediam seu caminho texts played a crucial role in the regeneration para a eternidade e outros evocaram of the dead. Some helped him to overcome situações míticas que promoveriam sua the difficulties that hindered his way to ressurreição. Nesse ponto, é interessante eternity and others evoked mythical notar como os antigos egípcios, por meio situations that promoted his resurrection. das palavras, souberam transformar At this point, it is interesting to note how situações cotidianas em momentos de the ancient Egyptians, through words, knew grande potencial simbólico. Por exemplo, how to turn everyday situations into quando um texto funerário do Egito Antigo moments with great symbolic potential. aludia a “filhotes dentro do ninho”, isso For example, when a funerary text from poderia ter um significado mais profundo? Ancient Egypt alluded to “chicks inside the A resposta é sim. Veremos como os nest”, could that have a deeper meaning? momentos banais do mundo dos vivos The answer is yes. We will see how banal adquiriram grande importância ao serem moments of the world of the living, introduzidos através dos textos no mundo acquired great importance when they were dos deuses. No Egito Antigo, um artista introduced through the texts in the world of desenhou a realidade nas paredes, the gods. In Ancient Egypt, an artist drew transformando-a em um fato sagrado. Da reality on the walls, turning it into a sacred mesma forma, o escriba escreveu pequenos fact. In the same way, the scribe wrote small fragmentos da vida cotidiana, tornando-os fragments of daily life, making them a 60 uma promessa de vida eterna. promise of eternal life. Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM V O L . X I I N º 3 0 JANEIRO - A B R IL/ 2 0 2 1 I S S N 2 1 7 7 - 2 7 8 9 KEYWORDS – Ancient Egyptian; funerary; resurrection; deceased The metaphor, as a comparison threw the dismembered body into the rhetoric tool, was a source very used in Nile, and usurped the throne of Egypt. ancient Egyptian literature. Religious texts Isis, sister and wife of Osiris looked for of Ancient Egypt utilized gestures and the limbs of her husband with the aid of facts from the common life to allude to Nephthys. Once they found the corpse, events within the divine realm. Anubis did the embalming, while the two For instance, we can read in the goddesses made the mourning rite. Both sarcophagus of Ramses IV, “the water practices granted the resurrection of Osiris from the eyes of these two goddesses is in the Hereafter. falling…” The whole inscription is about To dethrone Seth, Osiris needed a the lament made by Isis and Nephthys1. legitimate heir. To get it, Isis acquired the Therefore, here the word water refers to appearance of a kite and put herself over the tears, that is, the text is describing the erected phallus of her husband. This metaphorically the weeping of both way, she conceived Horus, the rightful goddesses2. Because of the assimilation of heir to the Egyptian throne. water with tears, the expression “the water When Horus reached adulthood, he falls” becomes synonymous with crying. avenged his father’s death and fought Funerary texts of Ancient Egypt are against Seth. For the ancient Egyptians plenty of written expressions describing this fight between uncle and nephew was common gestures or everyday moments, reflected in the lunar cycle. which evoke sacred scenes in favour of the resurrection of the deceased. Let us see at some of them. Remove the Hair from the Injured Eye First, we need to situate briefly the reader in the Myth of Osiris. According to the legend, Osiris was king of Egypt. His brother Seth murdered him out of envy, 1 Valdesogo, 2005, p. 24. The inscription mourning gesture made ritually by Isis and accompanies an image of Isis and Nephthys at Nephthys in the benefit of the resurrection. 61 both sides of the head of the outer box of the 2 For a better knowledge on the mourning rite in sarcophagus of this Pharaoh. They pull their front ancient Egypt, see Valdesogo, 2019. lock of hair towards the mummy, a typical Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM V O L . X I I N º 3 0 JANEIRO - A B R IL/ 2 0 2 1 I S S N 2 1 7 7 - 2 7 8 9 In this battle, Seth seriously wounded full moon and a symbol of resurrection. In the eye of Horus (assimilated to the new this way, Horus became king of Egypt, moon). Fortunately, the god Thoth healed and Osiris resurrected as sovereign of the Horus’s damaged eye and restored it. This Hereafter. gave rise to the Udjat eye, an image of the Figure 1 God Thoth represented as baboon holding the Udjat eye. Late Period. The Walter Arts Museum, Inv. 48.475. Knowing that, we can now look at hair from the Udjat eye when he was chapter 335 of the Coffin Texts3, which furious. Who raises the hair from the Udjat eye? [...] He is Thoth who raises deals with this moment of the legend and that hair […]. (CT IV, 335) mentions how Thoth heals the eye of Horus: The text describes the image of Thoth removing the hair from above the […] I have restored the eye after being wounded eye in order to heal it. Here it is wounded the night of the Two also important to point to chapters 610 Companions fight. I have raised the 62 3 The Coffin Texts (CT) were funerary formulae written in the coffins of the Middle Kingdom for helping the dead with the resurrection. Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM V O L . X I I N º 3 0 JANEIRO - A B R IL/ 2 0 2 1 I S S N 2 1 7 7 - 2 7 8 9 and 667 of the Coffin Texts4, which relate your ba-soul; being Re in the middle of how Thoth spits on the injured eye of the sky to guide all that are close to him. Atum-Re turns himself with the odour7. Horus in order to heal it. The lock of hair sAmt8 is cut9; the eye It is a very common gesture: to remove is sealed by the little bird in his hole… what is in the way to clean a wound. Nevertheless, it appears in the sacred P. Barguet translated the sentence “the sphere as an action of resurrection and eye is sealed by the little bird in his hole” regeneration. Because thanks to removing as “the eye is closed by the little bird that the hair from the eye: trembles”10. He and William A. Ward Thoth heals the injured eye. transliterate the Egyptian sentence as Hdk 11 The full moon appears and sAmt irt xtmt n tA nbAbA.f , that makes 12 illuminates the black sky of the night. a verb nbAbA , whose translation is Horus recovers his eye and avenges unknown. However, if we consider the 13 the death of Osiris. transliteration: n bAbA.f , the sentence becomes understandable. Horus becomes king of Egypt and Osiris comes back to life as sovereign The little bird TA is in his bAbA of the Hereafter. One of the meanings of this last The Little Bird in its Nest word is “hole”, and within this meaning, it In the same line of the previous can refer to the seven openings of the section, we find chapter 1131 in the Book head: the mouth, the ears, the nostrils, and of the Two Ways5. Although it is a text the eye orbits14. That makes possible to whose translation is not easy, it alludes translate bAbA as “the eye socket”. In clearly to the dead’s resurrection: fact, this is the translation of this word in the Kahun Medical Papyrus15. Heal to you […] your putrefaction is in it6. It shines more than the sky with 4 10 Valdesogo, 2005, p. 78-79. Barguet, 1986, p. 665. 5 The Book of the Two Ways appears in some 11 coffins of the Middle Kingdom. They describe a kind of road map of the Afterlife. 12 6 The texts refers with that to the field sxt of the (nbAbA) Hereafter.
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