3S5P? Halt Jordan rublU LlbiM? VOLUME 4S EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN. 1*1 DAYk JUNE 8, 194B. NUMBER 23 Clarence "Peggy" Bowman Child Health Clinic Local Marine HAIL TO 4-H€lothing . Receives Serious Injuries COMMENCEMENT DAY Here Next Tuesday Killed On Okinawa When Auto Leaves Road Judging Contest By Best Touich Collins, Saluta- There will be a Child Health Clime PVT. ANGUS GRAHAM OF ECHO torian and Literary Editor, Peggy Bowman is in Lockwood Clan of 1920 held at the City Hall on Tuesday, ALL MEMBERS OF THE PAST TWP. KILLED IN ACTION Hospital, Petoskey, suffering serious June 12 from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m, Dr Mrs. William H. Malpass announ­ VanDellen will be in charge, assist­ WINTER'S PROGRAM TO COM- MAY 2z injuries, including a broken leg, bro­ .}••. ."When It's lamp-lighting time in ken knee cap, and the loss of an eye, ces the marriage of .her daughter, the Valley—and in dreams I go back ed by the County Nurse Mrs, Violet PETE AT EAST JORDAN Frances Mary, to L.A.C. WilliatnMH; Pvt. Angus Graham of the U. S. received Saturday night when his car ,io iny home" — 'tis my other home Reberg, R. N. Parents are urged to Grauel, son of Mrs. Allen Grauel,; of Meeting will be held in the home Marine Corp, son of Mr. and Mrs. left M-32 near the north-west cor­ *pon the hill 1 am thinking of today, protect their children by having im­ Kichner, Ont„ Saturday afternoon economics room of the East Jordan Archie Graham, was killed in action ner of the East Jordan airport and W dear Alma Mater, good old East munization done. at.four o'clock at her home. "V-lv High School on June 14th. Judging on Okinawa, May 22, at the age of crashed into a Michigan Public Jordan High School, The -reason for will commence at 10 a. m. Misa Lola 19. Service Co high line pole, carrying After a short trip the -young eo«-: such meditation? This is the twenty- pie will leave for Halifax, Nova Beth Belle Green of the 4-H Club depart­ He was born March 29, 1926, at 33,000 volts. : ,Wth anniversary of the graduation of tia, where the groom is stationed.y- : . ment of Michigan State College will Brown City, Mich., and came with his He was enroute home from Gaylord 'twenty-one of us, and it seems but EAST JORDAN discuss the points of consideration in parents to Echo Township in 1933. Where he had taken his son S-Sgt 'yesterday. judging before actually conducting He attended the East- Jordan public Jack, who had been spending a two George Wright, 75, •,.'.::.r find among my souveniers our WAR BRIEFS the contest. Girls scoring highest will school and entered service July 12, week's furlough at the home of his Passes Away Following Class Book, a merry melody in three be delegates to Gaylord 4-H Club 1944, going overseas in November. parents. Lingering IllntJss jf'si "Fact, Fiction, and Fun", to- S-Sgt. Clifford. Noel Winkle, of this summer. There they Will com­ He is survived by his parents, four fether with an old school song knap- Aurora, 111., brother of Don Winkle, pete for state honors. '-.':;'% $*ck<- .J* might be like looking over brothers Pfc. Archie Graham, USMC, George Wright was born at Torjihj; who was a radio gunner over Italy, Summer 4-H club leaders are invi­ Iwo Jima; Cameron, James and Da­ Mhe Old family album, the funniest and who had been previous reported ted to attend the discussion of pro­ to, Ont., Canada, April 17, 1870, an| jifcihg and better than a picture show, vid at home. * Farm Topics passed away Thursday, May 31, at ijwf. missing in action, was officially re­ jects in the summer program com­ .but nevertheless it's an inspiration ported as killed in action May' 24, mencing at 2:00 p. m. On hand to By B. C. MELLENCAMP home of his daughter, Mrs. Merlji and dear to bur hearts. A little roll Charlevoix County Agr'I Agent 1944. discuss livestock and crops will be WITH THE Thompson, after a long illness. - :0U^~ Carl Ellson, Katherine Moblo He was united in marriage Mr. K. C. Festerling, District Club §«ymond (dear Kate left us some Agent; while Miss Emma Fero, Emer­ ANTRIM COUNTY Seed Reminders: Phoebe Thompson in Toronto in 180i yertrs.ago; she was a sweet girl), El- It is not advisable to sew a seed later coming to Deward, whe'i gency War Food Assistant, and Hiss 1 ;*ti* Johnson Rogers, Sherman White, AAA PROGRAM AGR'L AGENT mixture on top of an old June grass Mrs. Wright passed away, Nov. 2 Lola Belle Green will ..discuss gar­ Kirkpatrick, Extension Agent ' klberta LaClair . Nowland, Alfhild dens, canning and food preparation. .a w pasture as a means of Improvement 1914; tetad, Robert Barnett, Eva Howard, IN CHARLEVOIX CO. according to the Farm Crops Depart­ In 1915, the family moved to Em^ Parents as well as leaders are invi­ PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT 'rles Ashley, Emily Olson Kubeck, ted to attend. OF NUMBER OF FARM AND ment staff at MSC. It results in a Jordan where he was employed at;th1. inley . Woods, Eleanor McBride For several weeks the Jordan Val­ LAND IN FARMS IN ANTRIM waste •'of seed and time. It is very Michigan Iron and Chemical Co. Af* xsoh, Bill Donaldson, Jennie Fran- ley Co-Operative Creamery has been difficult to get anything established ter the chemical, and' furnace com" Friends Fete Mr. and .'•-.'• COUNTY j iJlijiConard Hughes, Eleanor Har- running adds in the local papers, ap­ The number of farms in the Coun­ on June grass by merely sprinkling pany ceased operating he was ejn iii'_ , Glenn Lane, Geneva parently sponsored'by the A.D.A., Mrs. Edward Weldy ty of Antrim, State of Michigan, as seed on it. Instead it is much better ployed by the city. nDeventer Shier, Richard Mal- saying in effect that the Government shown by the preliminary count of to plow, fit a good seed bed and He is survived by two daughteta &IBS, Leonora MeCarry Telgenhoff, controls food production and then on Silver Anniversary returns of the 1945 Census of Agri­ fertilize, followed by seeding a good Mrs. Blanche Thompson and Mta, %ltd myself. going on to state that the Govern­ culture was 1,084, as compared with hay or pasture crop such as alfalfa, Pearl Neuman of East Jordan, andi rf j,~ Much could bo said of our four ment is discouraging butter produc­ Sunday afternoon, Jiirte 3, about 1,249 in 1940, and 1,434 in 1935. brome mixture.. Old June grass fields son, Gordon, of Grand Rapids. Nine,. ^fcars of business mixed with pleas­ tion. We are concerned over the fact seventy-five friends and relatives ga­ This was announced today by Fred E. ordinarily makes poor pasture and grandchildren and two great grand ure, but there is neither time nor that this advertisement may be in­ thered at the Methodist Church par­ Carroll, supervisor for the 1945 farm should be plowed up and put back children. tHrace; we were apparently normal correctly interpreted by many in lors, honoring Mr, and Mrs. Edward census in the Second Michigan Cen­ into the regular crop rotation. Funeral services were held at the nfcman bings, our dear Alma Mater giving the impression that the Gov­ Weldy on their twenty-fifth wedding sus District With headquarters at Tra­ Likewise, it has been observed Watson Funeral Home, Saturday af­ With a benevolent smile'taking her ernment is discouraging, all dairy anniversary.- verse City. that most farmers plant brome ternoon, June 2, Rev. Scott Bartholo­ jfoater children gently but firmly by production. After a co-operative dinner, a short The total land in-farms in. Antrim grass too deep. An inch or less in mew officiating. Bearers were Gilbert {he hand and guiding us till she felt Lets look at the dairy picture. program was enjoyed after which the County, according to the preliminary depth is about right. Also, if proper­ Sturgell, Gus Anderson, John White- We should be able to stand on our own Milk is the original product and is honorees were presented with some 1945 census count, was 154,062 acres, ly sown on a good seed bed, three ford and Herman Lamerson. Burial two feet without leaning. We were now being produced in the greatest lovely gifts. as compared with'154,179 acres in to four pounds of brome grass is suf­ was at the Frederic Cemeteiy at entering into th reconstruction per­ quantity in history, a large portion of A three-tiered wdding cake form­ 1940, and 163,933 acres in 1935. Av­ ficient for a good stand. Frederic, Mich. iod of World War I, and many of us which is sold as whole milk direct to ed the centerpiece on the table of erage size of farms shown in the pre­ Rape makes good pasture, espec­ Those from out .of town to attend worked and played here in the "Heart consumers. From the balance of this the honored guests, a miniature bride liminary 1945 census count for An­ ially for hogs or sheep if alfalfa or the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Gdr- of Nature's Playground" while others milk production comes the various and groom used on the cake was the trim County was 142, as compared an alfalfa brome mixture is not a- don Wright and family of Grand Ra­ looked for greener pastures; never­ products such as butter, cheese, cot­ same one used at the fortieth anni­ with 123 acres in 1940, and 114 acres vailable.
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