$1,000for a NAME or Lee Buttonzexs Union-Als. Overalls--- Play Suits Presto . it's open! Presto. it's closed! NCE more Lee leads the Fastener will not jam, rust or 0 world in improving work break and launders with per- clothing. Think of it . no fect safety. It can be had in Lee more worrying buttons. One Union-Alls,Overalls and Play pull and it's fastened better Suits. The same garments than buttons ever could fasten available with buttons also. it. A time saver. repair saver. Ask your dealer to show The Lee Hookless Fastener you the new Lee Buttonless is the greatest improvement Union-Alls, Overallsand Play ever made in work and play Suits. Inspect them . try clothing. It is combined with them on . pull the Hookless the superior long wear Lee Fastener up and down. Then fabrics introduced last year. enter the $1,000 cash prize The Hookless $1,000 in Cash Prizes! First Prize . .$250 Second Prize . 125 Third Prize . ,. 75 Fourth Prize .-. 50 One Hundred Prizes of $5 Each Rules + 1. These prizes will be given for the best names rc- ceived far Lee Buttonless Work and Play Garments. together with reasons for the name, witten in not more than 25 words. Any number of names ma)- be submitted but each name must be accornpanicd with reasons a. All names with accompanying reasons must. be written on a Lee Official Entry Blank. Entry blanks can be secured from any dealer in your town hand- ling Lee Union-Alla, Overalls or Play Suits There ere Lee dealers in nearly every city and town in the United Stater 3. You can Ket many valuable su~~estionsfor a name by carefully inspecting the Lee Buttonless Carments at any Lee store and by talking to any man or boy -3 who wears Lee mrmcnts. 4. Send your entries to Prize Departmen? 133 The H. D. Lee Merc. Conrpany, Kansas City, nr:. No entrles returned. 5. In the event of a tie for any prize offered, a prize identical in all rcsoecls with that tied for will be awarded to each tymg contestant. L 6. Contest opens March 1st and closes June 1st. 1927. THE H. D. LEE MERC. COMPANY Facrorier: Kansas City. Mo., Trenton. N. I.. Minncapolir, Minn.. Sour11 Dend. lnd., San Francisco. Cd. Before you buy a used car from THIS IL FREE 11 1F you were about to buy a used car fmm a friend, would you know how to deter- (1 Pledge to the Public 11 mine its fair market price? Do you know why some dealers mark their prices in code oa Used car SaIes instead of plain figures? Do you know how R I - II to tell what year any used car was built? 1 Everyusdcarhcoaspi(~u021~lymarkeddthits You as will find the answer to these questions price inplainfigures,and that ptice, just the and many others that any buyer of a used price of our new cars, is rigidly maintained. car should know in this free book, "How to I Judge a Used Car." It tells you what to look 2 All Studebaker automobiles which are sold as CERTIFIED CARS have been properly for and what to avoid in purchasing a used reconditioned, and carry a 30day guarantee car. It is based on the long experience of for replacement of defective parts and free experts in buying used cars for Studebaker service on adjustments. dealers-their sound, practical advice may be . the means of saving you time and money. 3 Every purchaser d a used car may drive it Send for it at once? for five days, and then, if not satisfied for any Studebaker is only too, glad to help you reason, turn it back and apply the money get the greatest value in a used car for your paid as a credit on the purchase of any other investment. Because Studebaker dealers be- car in stock-new or used.& is assumed lieve in this policy, they have adopted this that the car has not been damaged in the fammsPiedge. Wherever you see this Pledge meantime.) displayed you can,buyacertifiedstudebaker - with absolute assurance that it is wotth what To the Public: W pledge adherence EO the the dealer asks and will do what he says. used cars. above policy in selling r-,--,,,, ,,,,--,, Tar Smntr~rrrCor~o~m~~on OF AMERICA I hp~rtrnenrDm, South Bend, Indiana 1 Please send my copy of valuable free bboklct. "=w to Jude a 1 Uscd Car." I Mail tbis coupon fbor your copy of "Hew toJudge a Used Car" SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the **Frisco" II L OFFICES Phone, Main 2312 lox 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. I Hussey-Hobbs Tie Company )I RAILROAD CROSS TIES AND SWITCH TIES . POLES-PILING JIS, MO. ROGERS, ARK. HOUSTON, TEXAS LmEm Puckett, Inc. AMORY, MISS. HARD WOOD YELLOW PINE Lumber "WE HELP MAKE THE FRISCO SAFE" II Page 4 7xj57&p3 ~~~~~~~~~9tfiv.bApril, 1927 April. 1927 P~%&CO~~~MPLOI%S*~Z~NE Page 5 1) THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE II 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST . LOUIS WM . L . HUCCINS. Jr., Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Aswetala Edltor WM. McMIUAN. Adanftrfnl Manaw VOL .IV APRIL, 1927 No. 7 Permission is given to reprint . with credit . in part or in full. any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PACES Frontispiece .....................................................: ............ "April" .......................................................... 4 Frisco Meteor Celebrates Silver Anniversary . March 17-18........................................................ 6-11 William M. Box. 92. Frisco's Oldest Pensioner. Confined to Bed ............................................... 12 Veteran Train Dispatcher Attracted to Frisco by Excellent Motive Power ............................ 13 Employes Make Remarkable Progress in Greater Traffic Movement During March ........14-15 H . H . "Dad" Washburn Dies February 26 at Cape Girardeau. Mo........................................... 16 Frisco Florist Gives Advice on Gardening. by Don B . Fellows ............................................... 18 Accident Prevention Schedule 1s Announced .................................................................................... 23 Fallington and Christopher Head Frisco Telegraphers .............................................................. 21 Legim Peace-Time Army to Paris in September ........................................................................ 22 Frisco Makes Decrease in Accidents .................................................................................................. 7.3 For Meritorious Service........................................................................................................................ 24 Forty-three Per Cent Decrease in Rough Handling First 60 Days........................................... 25 The Pension Roll .................................................................................................................................... 30-31 Miss Frisco in Fashions of SprinGime .............................................................................................. 32 Homemakers' Page ....................................................... ......................................................................... 33 The Twilight Hour ................................................................................................................................ 34 Frisca Babies ............................................................................................................................................ 35 A Page of Cartoons. by John L. Godsey .......................................................................................... 36 Editorials ................................................................................................................................................... 37 Flashes of Merriment .............................................................................................................................. 38 Frisco Mechanic ......................................................................................................................................39-47 Frisco Family News ................................................................................................................................ 47-84 1 THE FRlSCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frlsco Employes' Mapazlne Is a monthly ubllcatfOn devoted prlmarlly to the Interests of the mare than 30. 000 acttve md retlred employes of tRe Frisco Lines. It contslns stor!es Items oi current news persona1 notes about employes and thelr famlllee. artlclea deallng wlth various phases. of Callroad work: poems. cartoons and notlces regarding the service. Good clear photographs suitable for repro- duction are especially desired. and wlll be returned only when requested . All cartoons and drawlnps must be In black India drawing Ink . Employes are Invited to wrlte artleles for the maEarine. Contributionm'mhould be typewritten. on one ride of the sheet only. and should be addressed to the Editor. Frisco Building. SL Louls. Mo . Distributed free among Frlsco employes. To others. prlce 16 cents a copy: subscrlptlon rate $1.60 a year . Advertlslng rates wlll be made known upoll appllcatlon. April, 1927 versary on Run Yes, Dean was probably thinking those things as his and her distinguished passengers and crew. iron steed ate up the 119 miles to Newburg. He was . A surprise was in store for the Frisco officers at "getting down" at Newburg to go back for a few hours' Bristow. That city and its citizens endeared them- sleep in the Pullman, so he could get up in the morning selves to the Frisco Railway for keeps, by meeting the to again take the throttle at Tulsa. train with a brass band of 40 pieces, and a delegation But there was a surprise awaiting him at Newburg. of 500 citizens, who came to pay their respects. As his engine slowed down for the station, he saw the Vice-President Koontz
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