UNITED NATIONS SECURITY CjDUNCIL TiV,!?hii;f-NINTH YEAR i780 th,.MEETING: 19 JULY 1974 NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Prdvisionai agttida (S/Agenda/l780) ............ ..i..:4....; ............. 1 Ad@tio;il bf the agenda .................. ..;....;....;.:...:...A ....... 1 TIie Situation in Cjlprus: Letter dated 16 Julv 1974 from thk SCi5etarir’-General_ to the President Secdrity Cow&i1 (S/ 11334); * dated 16 July 1974 from the Permarient Rafj&&itatit;e tif Cyprus United Nations addressed to the President bf the $ecbity b.in6if (S/l 1335) . ..~~........... 1 SIPV. 1780 ,:. ‘.: i NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the’security Council (symbol S/ . .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which infor- mation about it is given. I The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resblutions and Decisions of the Secbity Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. .I -. .‘. 1.J , ‘. SEVENTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH MEETING , Held in-New York on Friday, 19 July 1974, at 3.30 p.m. President: Mr. Javier PEREZ de CUELLAR (Peru). Security Council that he had received from Nicosia, on 17 and 18 July 1974 respectively, two telegrams. Present: The representatives of the following States: The first read as follows: . Australia, Austria, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, China, Costa Rica,. France, Indonesia, , “I have the honour to inform you that by Iraq, Kenya, Mauritania, Peru, Union of Soviet decision of the Government of the Republic of Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain Cyprus as from 15 July 1974 the till-then Permanent and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Cameroon Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations, and United States of America. Mr. Zenon Rossides, has been relieved of his post and duties. Signed: Dimitriou, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Cyprus”. Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/l780) The second telegram reads as follows: 1. Adoption of the agenda “I hereby have the honour to inform you that 2. The situation in Cyprus: Ambassador Loucis Papaphilippou has been des- (a) Letter dated 16 July 1974 from the Secretary- ignated as Permanent Representative of the Republic General to the President of the Security of Cyprus to the United Nations, and he will be Council (S/l 1334); arriving. in New York within the next 24 hours (b) Letter dated 16 July 1974 from the Permanent accompanied by members of the Cypriot delegation Representative. of Cyprus to the United to the United Nations. His credentials and those Nations addressed to the President of the of the Cypriot delegation will be presented to you Security Council (S/l 1335) ,by him personally. In.order that the new Permanent ‘Representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the The meeting was &led to order at 3.45 p.m. United Nations may be able to attend the Security Council meeting on Cyprus, which is scheduled for Adoption of the agenda today, I hereby request an adjournment of the meeting of the Security Council for 24 hours. The agenda was adopted. Signed: Dimitriou, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus.” The situation in Cyprus: (a) Letter dated 16 July 1974 from the Secretary- 3. The members of the Security Council took note General to the President of the Security Council of the information given by the Secretary-General. (S/11334); They are agreed that, in respect of the current debate (b) Letter dated 16 July 1974 from the Permanent on the situation in Cyprus, in which Cyprus was Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations invited to participate, at its request, by decision of addressed to the President of the Security Council the Council taken at its 1779th meeting, the President (S/l 1335) of Cyprus, His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios, who had expressed the wish to address the Council,” would 1. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from Spanish): be received in that capacity. Consequently Ambassa- Members of the Council will recall that at its 1779th dor Rossides, having been duly ,accredited by the meeting the Security Council decided, following Head of State of Cyprus, is to be regarded as rep- appropriate requests, that Cyprus, Turkey and Greece resenting Cyprus in the current debate on the situation might participate without the right to vote in the in Cyprus in the Council. Accordingly, if I hear no discussion of the item before the Council in accordance objection, I shall invite His Beatitude Archbishop with the relevant provisions of the Charter and the Makarios and the representatives of Turkey and Greece established practice of the Council. In this connexion to take seats at the Council table. I wish to make the following statement. 4. I now request the Chief of Protocol to escort ’ .2. In the course of consultations among all members His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios into the Council of the Council, the Secretary-General informed the chamber and to the seat reserved for Cyprus. 1 President Makarios was escorted into the Counc)l a coup by the Greek junta was brewing, and this chamber and took a place at the Council table. feeling became more intense during recent weeks when the terrorist organization EOKA-B, directed At the invitation of the President, Mr. Olcay (Turkey) from Athens, renewed its wave of violence. I knew and Mr. ‘Panayotacos (Greece) took places at the all along that that illegal organization had :its roots Council table. and supply resources in Athens. I became aware that the Greek officers staffing and commanding the 5. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from Spanish): National Guard were ,recruiting members for that In addition, I wish to inform members of the Council organization, and they supported it in various ways, that I have received letters dated 17 July 1974 from to the point of giving it access to the munition supply the representative of Yugoslavia and 19 July 1974 stores of the National Guard. In the camps of the from the representative of Romania, and also one National Guard, the Greek officers were conducting of today’s date from the representative of India, open propaganda in’ favour of that illegal organization requesting that Yugoslavia, Romania and India, and turned the National Guard from an organ of the respectively, be invited to participate in the Council’s State into an instrument of subversion. Whenever, discussion, without the right to vote, in accordance from time to time, I complained to Athens about with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 unbecoming conduct by Greek offtcers of the National of the provisional rules of procedure. Accordingly, Guard, the reply was that if I had concrete evidence I propose, if I hear no objection and in accordance in proof thereof those found guilty would be recalled. with the usual practice, to invite the representatives From the whole tenor of their attitude, I received mentioned to participate in the discussion without the unmistakable impression that their standard the right to vote. response was a pretence of innocence. A few days ago documents came into the hands of the Cyprus 8.. In view of the limited number of seats available police clearly proving that EOKA-B was an appendage at the Council table, I shall invite those representa- of the Athens regime. tives to take the places reserved for them at the side of the Council chamber, on the usual -under- 10. Funds were being remitted from Athens for the standing that they wit1 be invited to come to the upkeep of that organization and detailed directives Council table when it is their turn to address the regarding its actions were also given to it. I then Council. found it necessary myself to address a letter to the President of the Greek regime, General Gizikis, asking At the invitation of the president. Mr. PetriL him to give orders for the cessation of the violence (Yugoslavia), Mr. D&a (Romania) and Mr. Jaipal and bloodshed by EOKA-B and ,for its dissolution. (India} took the ‘places reserved for them at the side I also requested him to recall the Greek officers serving of the Council chamber. with the National Guard, adding that my intention was to reduce the numerical strength of this force 7. The PRESIDENT (interpreiation from Spanish): and to turn it into an organ of the Cyprus State. I I now have the honour to call upon His Beatitude was waiting for a reply. My impression was that the Archbishop Makarios, the President of Cyprus. Athens regime did not favour the reduction of the force, much less the withdrawal of the Greek officers. 8. President MAKARIOS: I should like at the outset to express my warmest thanks to the members 11. The Greek Ambassador in Cyprus called on me, of the Security Council for the keen interest they have on instructions from. his Government, in order to shown in the critical situation created in Cyprus explain that the decrease in the numerical strength after the. coup which was organized by the military of the National Guard or the withdrawal of the Greek regime of Greece and was put into effect by the Greek officers would weaken the defence of Cyprus in case officers serving in and commanding ,the Cyprus Na- of danger from Turkey. That’was an argument which, tional Guard. I am particularly grateful that the Council even though it appeared logical, was not convincing agreed to postpone its meeting until my arrival here because I knew that, behind that argument, other to give me the opportunity of addressing it on the interests were hidden.
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