-^ Revision of the Coleopterous Fmnilij » EEOTYLIDAE [Published in Gistula entoinoloijica Vol. i. 1869-187G, pp. 377-572.] ZA~%ool CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS Presented for distribution, February 1901. ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. AUE EROTYLTD.E. SiiLfamily 1. Langurides. Pachylanguria. g. n. {Typ. Paiva^ WoU.) Antcnnjie short, reacliing to about one half the length of tlie thorax, joints 2 —7 thick, moniliform (the Srd a little longer than the others), 8 — 1 1 compressed, dilated, ^^ubescent, closely adpressed together, forming a club. Head with the eyes rather flat, extremely finely granulated; frontal suture obsolete ; clypeus emarginate in front. Thorax broader than long; sides faintly margined; posterior angles produced, acute ; base margined, angularly produced in front of the scutellum and very gradually sloped towards the angles; a short impressed line on each side at about one third. Elytra with the epi})leural fold not marked, the reflexed leaving an portion sinuate ; seven distinct rows of punctures, irregularly punctured space at the margin. Legs short; tarsi dilated; claw-joint long. Presternum with a broad, thickly margined process, deeply emarginate at the apex, and not depressed. Mesosternum convex, apex emarginate ; coxal lines abbreviated but visible. Pacliylanguria coUaris, sp. n. Subelongata, parallela, cyanea, thorace supra et subtus auran- tiaco (prosterno apice nigro) ; elytris crebre punctulatis, regulariter punctato-striatis. L. 3 lin. India (Bakewell). Closely allied to P. PaivcB, but narrower, the last three ventral segments with a yellow spot at the sides, and the clypeus not emarginate in front. In fully matured specimens the thorax would probably be marked with black. Pachylanguria Paivse. .^<^x^t^~'^- ^ Languria Paivce, WoU. Ann. K II. iv. 430 (1859).o'^ O JST. China. I 2 TETUALANOURIA. Pachylanguria metasternalis, sp. n, Oblouga, crassa, piinctulata, cyaneo violacea, tliorace lateribiis late, inetasterno macula lateral!, aurantiacis. L. 8^ lin. India (Bakewell). Body beneath rather obsoletely punctate, sides of mesoster- num with a few very deep punctures; prosternum with the pro cess deeply sulcate on each side, apex triangularly emarginate. Tetralangmia. g. n. {typ. splendens, Wied,). Closely resembling PachijIangiiTia, but v/ith the thorax elongate and with anterior angles well maiked, the posterior produced, acute. The species of this genus are extremely variable, and I am not at present prepared to diffei'entiate them. Probably most of those here given will ultimately prove to be varieties of one species, Tetralangnria elongata, Trogosita elongata, Fah., Syst. El. i. 152 (1801). This I Ijelieve to be a species very common at Penang and Singapore, and of which I have seen numerous examples agreeing with the Fabrician description. * Tetraianguria splendens Languria splendens, Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 4G (1823). Java. Tetraianguria tripunctata.* Languria tripuiickUa, Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 46 (1823). Bengal. Tetraianguria pyramidata. Langwia 2:>yramidata, MacL. Ann. Jew. 44 (1825). Java. Very near T. sple^ideiis, Mots, and T. trqnincteita, "Wied. Tetraianguria splcndida. Languria splendensW, Mots. Scltrenck lieise, ii. 242 (18G0). Java. Tetraianguria angularis.''' Ljangurla angidaris, Mots. fSchrenk Rcise, ii. 243 (18G()). Java. LAXarRfOSOMA. 3 Languriosoma. g. 11. [typ, Mulioti, Crotcli). Tlior-ix l)road, enlarged in front; elytra witli a Ijasal margin; antenna? with a 4-joiiited club, lltli joint largest, rounded, the other three produced within ; nie.sosteriiuni very short, ventral ])roce.ss acuminate, coxal lines distinct, parallel, approximate, reaching nearly to the apex of the segment; elytra truncate. Languriosonia cardioplioroidesj sp. n. Elongata, cuiieiformis, nigra, capite thoraceque (supra et infra) rufis; ca])ite sutura frontali distincta, labro aureo-pubescenti, cum thorace obsolete punctato, hoc antice latiore, lateribus valde reflexis, rotundatis, postice coarctato, angulis paulo productis acutiusculis, basi a?gre marginato, ante scutelhnn triangulariter lobato, utrinque striolato; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicein obso- letis, interstitiis sublaevibus ; prosterno la3vi ; epipleuris parce fortiter punctatis ; abdomine parce punctato. L. 5| lin. Cam- bodia. Very like a species of Elaterldai in form and coloration. Languriosoma Mouhoti, sp. n. Elongata, cuneiformis, nigra, capite, thorace (supra et infra), elytrisque (apice nigra) castaneis; thorace sat fortiter punctato, disco postice linea Icevi; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem ipsam obsoletis ; prosterno, epipleuris abdomineque parce punctatis. L. 4f lin. Laos (Mouhot). Very like L. cai'diojyhoroides, Init smaller and differently coloured. Languriosoma Brookii, sp. n. L. Mouhoti simillima,, thorace obsolete parce punctato, corpore subtus toto ferrugineo, obsoletissime punctato, femoribusque basi ferrugineis bene distincta. L. 4^ lin. Sarawak, Borneo (Wallace). Languriosoma cyanipennis, sp. n. Elongata, cuneiformis, nigra, capite thoraceque (supra et infra) rufis, elytris cyaneis; capite subla3vi, marginibus frontis elevatis; thorace parce punctato, convexo, lateribus rotundatis, paulo elongate, basi marginato, utrinque strialato; elytris striato-punc- tatis, striis ad apicem obsoletis, interstitiis h-evibus ; scutello nigro; prosterni epipleuris, abdominisque lateribus fortius parce punctatis, lineis coxalibus minus bene determinatis. L. 4| lin. Borneo (Wallace). 1—2 4 OXYLANeiURIA. Pentelanguria, g. n. {ty}). elatcroides, Crotch). AntemiJB short, stout, joints 1 — 6 moniliform (3rd longer than the others), 7 — 11 forming a 5-jointed clnh, transverse, dilated^ last joint broadly rounded. Head with the eyes moderate, finely granulated ; front gently convex, suture hardly visible. Thorax subquadrate, longer than broad; anterior angles pro- minent, thickened, posterior produced, rather deflexed, acute, not margined; sides straight, margin hardly thickened; base bisinuate, not margined nor depressed. Elytra acuminate, with the apex produced, subexcavate within ; epipleural fold wanting, closely covered with rows of small punc- tures. Prosternum with a broad flat parallel process, margined at the sides and rounded at the apex, fitting into the mesosternum, which is rather elevated and emarginate behind. Metasternum with an acute triangular emargination behind: coxal lines abbreviatech Tarsi not much dilated. Pentelanguria elateroides, sp. n. -t'Eueo-viridis, abdomine (segmentis basi exceptis), femoribus basi, metasternoque plus minusve riibris; capite sparse fortiter, thorace crebro fortiter sul)rugose punctatis ; elytris punctorum seriebus 8— 9, intervallis subtilissime punctuhitis ; thoracis epi- pleuris valde rugulosis, corpore subtus sparse punctate. L. 7^ lin, India (Bakewell). •' Pentelanguria notopedalis, sp. n. Viridis, nitidissima, capite thoraceque sparsim fortiter (hoc in lateribus subrugulose) punctatis; elytris confertissime siibseriatini punctatis ; cor})ore subtus leviter punctato, rufo-variegato. L. 8 lin. India, Hiuialayas (Hooker—coll. Janson). Oxylanguria. g. n. {fj/p. acutipennis, Crotch). Antenna? ratlier short, joints 1 — G subequal, moniliform, 7— 11 flattened dilated ; eyes ovate, not jn-ominent; front slightly mar- gined; nientum transverse, narrow; head angulatcd on each side for the mandibles; thorax elongate, sides but little rounded, base margined, with a well-marked stria on each side; elytra acumi- nate, produced extei-nally into a sharp divaricating point, sutural angle dentate. Tarsi bi-oadly dilated. Ventral jtrocess acuminate,, no coxal line. ; DOUliLEJJAYA. O Oxylaiiguria acutipennis, sp. n. Viridis, subpurpurea, elongatn; capitc tlioracequc sparsiiu sat profuiide puiictatis; elytris profiinde .striato-punctatis ; i)rostenio Isevi ; metasterni lateribus abdomineque sat crcbre punctatis. L. Gf 8Jlin. Sarawak, Sumatra (Wallace). The tibiae are thickly fringed with golden hairs at the apex witliiu. Callilaiignria. g. n, {typ. luzonica, Crotch). Antennse short, club very gradual, 7th joint hardly dilated, 3rd not longer than 4th; eyes very finely granulated, sides of Iront incrassate, clypeus convex ; mentuni large, pointed in front mandibles very large, head angulated at the sides to receive them. Thorax globose; epipleural fold hardly marked; prosternum with the process depressed, truncate; mesosternum depressed in iront, apex emarginate, ventral process acuminate, no coxal line. Tarsi very broadly dilated. Elytra obliquely truncate at the a])ex. Callilanguria luzonica, sp. n. Elongata, acuminata, nigra, thorace, cum ei)ipleuris, rufo, parcissime punctato ; elytris viridibus, punctato-striatis. L. 10— 11 lin. Luzon. Callilanguria Wallacii, sp. n. Elongata, postice acuminata, l?ete castaneo-rufa, antennis pedi- busque (femoribus basi exceptis) nigris, elytris apice nigrocyaneis; cai)ite thoraceque subla3vibus, lioc sine plica epiplcurali, basi mar- ginato, hand striato; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis Irevibus; corpore subtus obsolete punctulato. L. 5 lin. Sumatra (Wallace), Elytra truncate, external angle dentate. Doubledaya. White, Proc. Ent. Soc. 1850 xui.—Trans. Eat. Soc. Ser. 2 ii. 2 {typ. viator, White). Antennte about as long as the head and thorax, 3]-d joint equal to the 2nd, 5 —7 subequnl, clavate, 8th dilated, triangular, 9th larger than 8th or 10th; head with the eyes prominent, front narrowed, finely margined, clypeus distinct, transverse, d(x-ply emarginate. Thorax convex, longitudinally impressed, base with a stria on each side.
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