EFFECT OF NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAID) ON THE RABBIT CORNEAL EPITHELIUM STUDIED BY SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY STROOBANTS A.*, FABRE K.* AND MAUDGAL P. C.* SAMENVATTING: in the cell membranes and surface microvilli, or even exfoliation and necrosis of surface cells. The extent Het doel van deze studie is het effect van NSAID col- of cell damage appeared to be related to the active lyria te evalueren op het cornea- epitheel van de ogen ingredient in the eye drops, the pH of the solution, van 12 Nieuw-Zeeland konijnen. and the constituents of the vehicle, especially the Gedurende 1 week werden 12 Nieuw-Zeeland ko- type of preservative used. nijnen 5 maal per dag ingedruppeld met 6 gecom- mercialiseerde NSAID collyria. Elk collyrium werd ge- bruikt in 4 ogen. We onderzochten ook 2 controle RESUMÉ: cornea’s die niet ingedruppeld werden. Het epitheel werd geëvalueerd door een scanning electronen mi- Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer l’effet des gout- croscoop en de veranderingen werden gegradeerd tes NSAID sur l’épithélium cornéen des yeux de 12 met een empirisch score-systeem. Niet alleen het ac- lapins Néo-Zélandais. Pendant une semaine les 12 tief ingrediënt maar ook de bewaarmiddelen en een lapins Néo-Zélandais ont été instillés 5 fois par jour lage pH-waarde zijn belangrijke factoren van celbe- avec les 6 collyres NSAID commercialisés. Chaque schadiging. collyre a été utilisé dans 4 yeux. Nous avons exa- miné également 2 cornées, sans traitement. L’épi- thelium a été évalué par microscopie électronique à ABSTRACT: balayage et les changements ont été gradués sui- vant un système de score empirique. Non seule- We investigated the effect of 6 commercially avail- ment l’ingrédient actif mais aussi les produits de able non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) conservation et un pH très bas sont des facteurs im- eye drops on the normal corneal epithelium of rab- portants de destruction cellulaire. bits. Each drug was instilled into both eyes of 2 rab- bits, 5 times a day, for 5 consecutive days. Two ad- ditional corneas of one rabbit, without any treat- ment, served as control. After treatment, the corne- ZUSAMENFASSUNG: as were excised and processed for scanning elec- Das Ziel der Studie ist der Effekt von NSAID Kollyria tron microscopic evaluation. The epithelial changes zu untersuchen auf das Kornea-Epithel der Augen induced by the drugs were graded by an empirical von 12 Neuseeländer Kaninchen. score system. All test compounds caused alterations Während eine Woche würden diese Kaninchen fu¨nf- mal täglich mit den 6 Kommezialisierten NSAID zzzzzz Kollyria getröpfet. Jeder Kollyrium würde in 4 Augen *Ophthalmology Clinic, UZ. St. Rafaël, Kapucijnenvoer benützt. Wir untersuchten auch 2 Kontrolle Cornea 35, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. die nicht behandelt würden. Das Epithel würde mit einem scanning-electronen-Mikroscop evaluiert und received: 10.02.00 die Änderungen würden abgestuft mit einem empi- accepted:31.03.00 rischem Punktesystem. Nicht nur das aktive Be- Bull. Soc. belge Ophtalmol., 276, 73-81, 2000. 73 standteil aber auch die Bewahrmittel und eine nie- INTRODUCTION: drige pH-Wert sind wichtige ursächliche Faktoren von Zellschädigung. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert their effect by virtue of cyclo-oxygenase KEY WORDS: inhibition in the arachidonic acid cascade (11, 22). Of these compounds, diclofenac sodium NSAID eye drops, corneal epithelium, is also known to interfere with the lipoxegena- scanning electron microscope. se pathway (10). Moreover, due to their addi- MOTS CLÉS: tional analgesic effect, (1, 5, 21) these drugs are widely used to manage posttraumatic or Collyres NSAID, épithélium cornéen, postoperative pain and pain associated with the microscope électronique à balayage. musculoskeletal disorders. Since NSAIDs in- hibit prostaglandin synthesis, they are equally recommended to treat allergic ocular disorders (12, 23). Several ophthalmic formulations of NSAIDs are marketed for topical use to man- age pain and inflammation. Corticosteroids, which exert a profound anti-inflammatory ef- fect, have no direct influence on pain. In con- trast to the corticosteroids, NSAIDs do not cause raised ocular tension, secondary cataract for- mation or reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection upon application to the eye. NSAIDs are especially prescribed to manage pain after refractive laser surgery (2, 3). They are helpful in maintaining mydriasis during cataract sur- gery (19). Chronic oral ingestion of NSAIDs for analge- sic, anti-inflammatory, and antithrombotic in- dications is associated with upper gastrointes- tinal tract lesions ranging from petechiae and superficial erosions to chronic peptic ulcers, oe- sophagitis, and gut ulcers which may perfo- rate or cause gastrointestinal bleeding (9). The NSAIDs have been shown to inhibit the prolif- eration of mucosal cells that normally leads to healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers (13, 14). Although diclofenac does not retard the healing of experimental epithelial erosions (15), noth- ing is known about the effect of NSAIDs on the normal corneal epithelium. Since the ophthalm- ic antibiotics and corticosteroid eye drops have been shown to affect corneal epithelium (18), we investigated the effect of NSAID eye drops on the normal corneal epithelium of rabbits in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six commercially available NSAID eye drops, approved for clinical use in Belgium, were test- 74 Table 1. Details of the active ingredients, preservatives and pH of the NSAID eye drops tested. Eye Drops active ingredient pH Preservatives Acularet Ketorolac-thromethamine 7.4 Benz.chloride / Sodiumedetate Indocollyret Indomethacin 1mg/ml 6.7 - 7.3 Sodiumedetate/ Methylparahydroxybenzoate Indoptolt Indomethacin 10 mg/ml 5 Benz.chloride / Sodiumedetate / Benzylalcohol Ocuflurt Sodiumflurbiprofen 6.4 Sodiumedetate / Polyvinylalcohol / Thiomersal Pranoxt Pranoprofen 7.6 Benz.chloride / Sodiumedetate Voltarent Sodiumdiclofenac 6.8 - 7.2 Thiomersal ed in the normal rabbit eyes. The eye drops ei- the same drug were added and compared with ther contained indomethacin, ketorolac the scores of the normal corneas and the cor- thromethamine, flurbiprofen, pranoprofen or so- neas treated with other NSAID eye drops. dium diclofenac (Table 1). The pH of ophthalm- ic solutions varied, and the preservatives and constituents of the vehicle were also different. RESULTS. Before commencing treatment, the eyes of 13 The appearance of the epithelium of untreated New Zealand rabbits were examined using fluo- corneas was similar to that described in the lit- resceine sodium 1% ophthalmic solution and erature (6, 7). blue light of a slitlamp to exclude any surface All NSAID eye drops tested caused changes in damage or scarring. Each ophthalmic formula- the epithelial cells. The cumulative empirical tion of the NSAID eye drops was instilled into scores of cell damage in the peripheral, mid- both eyes of two rabbits. The eye drops were peripheral and central corneas are shown in applied 5 times a day for one week. Two eyes Figs.1, 2, and 3 respectively. It is apparent that of one rabbit were used as untreated control. the severity of damage increases progressively On day 7, the rabbits were sacrificed and the from the peripheral to the central corneas. eyes were flooded with cold buffered glutaral- The differences of cell damage inflicted under dehyde solution before enucleation. The ante- each evaluation criterion by different NSAID eye rior segments of the eyes were excised and fur- drops were as follows: ther processed for scanning electron microsco- py, according to a technique described in de- 1. Brightness of cells (Figs. 4 and 5): tail elsewhere (17). Normal corneas show a few scattered dark cells. These cells have a markedly decreased num- The corneal surface damage by scanning elec- ber of microvilli on the surface. There are a tron microscopy was assessed in the peripher- moderate number of grey cells, whereas the al cornea, midperipheral cornea and the cen- majority of cells are bright cells. tral cornea according to the following criteria: Scanning electron microscopy revealed an in- 1. Number of dark, grey and bright cells (cell creased number of dark cells on the corneal sur- brightness). face in all treated corneas. In Indocollyret treat- 2. Number of craters on the cell surface. ed corneas the entire corneal surface showed 3. Change in the hexagonal form of the cells a minimum number of dark cells. Compared to 4. Alterations in the microvilli and microplicae other NSAID eye drops, Pranoxt and Voltarent 5. Cell membrane alterations treated eyes had a higher number of bright cells 6. Extent of cell retraction and exfoliation in the peripheral cornea. Except in the case of Indocollyret, the extent of change to the dark The damage under each of the above criteria and grey cells was almost equal in the central was further graded by an empirical score sys- corneas treated with Acularet, Ocuflurt, Pranoxt, tem from 0 to 5, where grade 0 represented a Indoptolt and Voltarent. normal cornea and grade 5 denoted severe dam- age to the corneal epithelium. Under each cri- 2. Craters: terion the scores from 4 corneas treated with Craters are somewhat rounded dark pit-like struc- 75 20 15 10 5 0 Aculare® Indocollyre® Indoptol® Ocuflur® Pranox® Voltaren® brightness craters hexagonal form microvilli/microplicae cellmembrane damage retraction/exfoliation Fig.1. Severity of cellular damage in the peripheral corneas by different NSAID eye drops. Indocollyret, Pranoxt and Voltarent cause less damage than other drugs. 20 15 10 5 0 Aculare® Indocollyre® Indoptol® Ocuflur® Pranox® Voltaren® brightness craters hexagonal form microvilli/microplicae cellmembrane damage retraction/exfoliation Fig. 2. Severity of damage is more pronounced in the midperipheral area. Indocollyret and Pranoxt seem to be the least toxic. 20 15 10 5 0 Aculare® Indocollyre® Indoptol® Ocuflur® Pranox® Voltaren® brightness craters hexagonal form microvilli/microplicae cellmembrane damage retraction/exfoliation Fig.3. Cell damage was more severe in the central corneas. Except for an increase in cell membrane alterations, Indo- collyret did not enhance the severity of damage under other evaluation criteria.
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