UNCLASSIFIED DepartmentofDefense Officefor the AdministrativeReviewofthe Detentionof Enemy Combatantsat U.S.NavalBase GuantanamoBay, Cuba 23 August TO : FAZL, MOHAMMAD SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHECASE OF FAZL, MOHAMMAD 1. An AdministrativeReview Boardwill be convenedto reviewyour case to determine if your continueddetentionis necessary. 2. The AdministrativeReviewBoardwillconduct a comprehensivereviewofallreasonably availableandrelevantinformationregardingyour case. At the conclusionofthis review the Boardwillmakea recommendationto: ( 1) releaseyouto your homestate; (2) transferyouto your home state, withconditionsagreeduponby the UnitedStatesandyour home state; or (3 ) continueyour detentionunderUnitedStates control. 3. The followingprimary factors favorcontinueddetention: a. Commitment 1. The detainee is approximately thirty - eight years old. The detainee was born in Uruzajan, Afghanistan. The detainee's only son was approximately five years old. 2. The detainee attended the mosque in Afghanistan as a child . The detainee received his religious education in Kohata then his family moved to Pakistan where he continued religious studies 3. The detainee reported that he was a member ofthe Taliban who was responsiblefor the deployment ofmilitary troops to specific front line locations inthe Takhar Province. 4. According to a source , a former Taliban supreme leader considered the detainee his top soldier. In the war against the Northern Alliance, the detainee was responsible for widespread atrocities against noncombatants . 5. The detainee reported that during the conflict in the northern areas of Afghanistan , he learned of America's involvement and immediately decided to surrender. 6. The detainee reported he held the position of Taliban Army Chief of Staff and surrendered to the Northern Alliance . The detainee believed that he and his 3,000 to 5,000 Taliban troops would be allowed to return home after handing over their weapons . DMOExhibit1 Page 1 of2 UNCLASSIFIED ISN007 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASE OF FAZL , MOHAMMAD 7. According to a source, the detainee proposed a plan to a former Taliban Supreme Leader to send an assassination team to try to kill Northern Alliance Commander Abdul Rashid Dostum . b . Connections /Associations 1. The detainee was identifiedas a Taliban Army Chiefwhoworked for the Supreme Taliban Commander along with other Taliban Army Commanders. 2. Priorto his surrender, the detaineeconfirmedthat hehad communicationswiththe SupremeTalibanCommanderto requestsuppliesfor histroops. Other Relevant Data 1. The detainee lost his left, lower leg after stepping on a land mine while walking off a road near Kabul. 2. According to a source affiliated with Mohammed Atta, 500,000 United States Dollars were provided to pay the Northern Alliance for the safe passage of several senior hard line Taliban including the detainee. 3. Whenthe detaineewas askedifheknew anythingaboutthe Iranian'swho weretaken hostagefromthe IranianConsulateinMazar- E -Sharif, thenwerelaterkilled, hesaidheknew nothingaboutthe incident. The detaineesaidhedid notknow howthey werekilledor who orderedthe killing. The detaineeclaimedhewas inthe hospitalinKabulwhenthe killingstook place. 4. The following primary factors favor release or transfer: a . The detainee claimed he never met Usama bin Laden or any of the al Qaida leadership or members b . The detaineeclaimed that the attacks on the United States were notpart ofthejihad he was fighting and if he were released, he would not want to go back to Afghanistan. Instead, the detainee would want to go to SaudiArabia to raise his family. 5. Youwillbe afforded a meaningfulopportunityto be heardand to present informationto the Board; this includesanopportunityto be physicallypresentat theproceeding. The Assisting Military Officer(AMO) will assist youin reviewingall relevant and reasonablyavailable unclassifiedinformationregardingyour case. The AMOis not an advocate for or against continueddetention, nor may the AMOform a confidentialrelationshipwithyouor represent youinanyothermatter. Page2 of2 UNCLASSIFIED 000015.
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