The original documents are located in Box 29, folder “State Visits - Queen Elizabeth (3)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 29 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE STATE VISIT OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE PHILIP DUKE OF EDINBURGH TO THE UNITED STATES JULY 6-11, 1976 DETAILED SCENARIO MEMBERS OF THE OFFICIAL BRITISH PARTY Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh * * * The Right Honorable Anthony Croslard MP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Hinister­ in-Attendance Mrs. Crosland His Excellency The Honorable Sir Peter Ramsbotham KCMG British Ambassador to the United States Lady Ramsbotham The Duchess of Grafton DCVO Histress of the Robes The Honorable Mary Morrison CVO Lady-in-Waiting to The Queen Lieutenant-Colonel the Right Honorable Sir Martin Charteris GCVO KCB OBE Private Secretary to The Queen Sir Philip Moore KCVO CB CMG Deputy Private Secretary to The Queen Mr. Ronald Allison Press Secretary to The Queen Delegation -1- MEMBERS OF THE OFFICIAL BRITISH PARTY cont. Surgeon Captain Philip Fulford MVO OBE RN Medical Officer to The Queen Major Robin Broke Equerry-in- Waiting to The Queen Lord Rupert Nevill Treasurer to The Duke of Edinburgh Mr. Ewen Fergusson Private Secretary to the Minister­ in-Attendance Air Commodore Archie v1inskill CVO CBE DFC Captain of The Queen's Flight Delegation -2- MEt·'iBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING BRITISH PARTY The Honorable John 0. Horeton CMG MC Minister, British Embassy Mrs. Moreton Hr. Richard Fyjis-Walker Counsellor (Information), British Embassy Mr. David C. Walker First Secretary, British Embassy (Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Only) Mr. Edward C. Glover Second Secretary, British Embassy (New York, New Haven, Charlottesville, Newport, and Boston Only) Mr. Denis E. Richards British Consul General in Philadelphia Mrs. Richards Mr. Gordon Booth CMG British Consul General in New York (New Haven) Mrs. Booth Mr. Geoffrey Scullard OBE British Consul General in Charlottesville Hrs. Scullard Delegation -3- HEHBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING BRITISH PARTY cont. Mr. Granville Ramage CMG British Consul General in Boston (Providence and Newport) Mrs. Ramage Delegation -4- HEMBERS OF THE ACCOHPANYING AMERICAN PARTY The Honorable Henry E. Gatto, Jr. Chief of Protocol of the United States Mrs. Gatto (not in Boston) The Honorable Anne Legendre Armstrong U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom Mr. Tobin Armstrong Mr. Hilliam R. Codus Assistant Chief of Protocol Mrs. Codus (Philadelphia, Newport, Boston) Miss Marylou Sheils Protocol Officer Hr. Jerry Parr Agent in Charge of The Queen's Security, U.S. Secret Service Hr. Harry Jones Agent in Charge of The Duke of Edinburgh's Security, U.S. Depart­ ment of State Security Hiss Mary A. Hasserini Protocol Press Officer Hr. James T. Payne Logistics Officer Delegation -5- MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING AMERICAN PARTY Miss Judy D. Knowles Protocol Secretary Mrs. Candy Steeler Protocol Secretary Miss Karyn V. Bograkos Protocol Secretary Mr. Joseph Pinto Official Photographer Delegation -6- MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING BRITISH PARTY Chief Superintendent M.J. Trestrail The Queen's Police Officer Inspector C. Hagon The Duke of Edinburgh's Police Officer Superintendent A. Dickinson Police Officer to the Minister-in­ Attendance Inspector L. Barlow Police Officer to the Minister-in­ Attendance Miss Jean Taylor CVO Chief Clerk, Private Secretary's Office Mr. A.C. Neal MVO BEM Secretary to the Private Secretary Hrs. Anne Neal MVO Lady Clerk to the Press Secretary l'-1iss Christine Bailey Lady Clerk to the Deputy Private Secretary Hrs. Sarah Josephs Lady Clerk to the Treasurer to the Duke of Edinburgh Miss J. Bazzard Personal Assistant to the Private Secretary to the Minister-in­ Attendance Delegation -7- HE~1BERS OF THE ACCOHPANYING BRITISH PARTY Miss M. HacDonald MVO The Queen's Dresser Miss M. Prentice The Queen's Assistant Dresser Mr. J. Pearce The Duke of Edinburgh's Valet Mrs. H. Major Maid to the Mistress of the Robes Miss H. Haines Haid to the Lady-in-Waiting Mr. E. Bennett The Queen's Page Mr. F. Holland Travelling Yeoman Hr. H. Brown Deputy Sergeant Footman Mr. C. Bray The Queen's Footman Mr. P. Barraud Footman Hr. H. Bubb Footman Mr. I. Armstrong Footman Hr. Charles Hartyn The Queen's Hairdresser Delegation -8- MEMBERS OF THE ACCOMPANYING BRITISH PARTY REMAINING ON BOARD HMY BRITANN.IA Household Vice Admiral Sir Peter Ashmore KGB MVO DSC, Master of the Household Rear Admiral Hugh Janion Flag Officer, Royal Yachts Officials Mr. R. Winship Assistant to the Master of the Household Mr. G. Franklin MVO Chief Clerk. Master of the Household's Department Staff Mr. P. Page, Royal Chef Mr. J. Wood, Sous Chef Mr. A. Garred, Deputy Page of the Chamber Mr. R. Burn, Senior Cook Mr. J. Smith, Senior Cook Mr. M. Wycherley, Cook Mr. T. McDonald, Footman Mr. Myddleton, Senior Dining Room Assistant Mr. B. Edwards, Dining Room Assistant Mr. R. Pratt, Dining Room Assistant Mr. J. Attrill, Kitchen Porter Delegation -9- SUMMARY SCHEDULE TUESDAY JULY 6, 1976 (Dress: L.S.) lO:OOam HMY BRITANNIA berths at Penn's Landing. 10:35am Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, disembark HMY BRITANNIA at Penn's Landing, Philadelphia. Welcoming Ceremony. 10:45am Depart by Car (1.3 miles). lO:SSam Arrive City Hall for Presentation Ceremony. ll:lSam Depart by Car (0.8 mile). 11:20am Visit Liberty Bell Pavilion. ,11:30am Depart by Car (0.1 mile). 11:35am Visit Observation Deck of Penn Mutual Building. 12:00noon Depart by Car (0.6 mile). 12:05pm Arrive HMY BRITANNIA. 1"2:45pm The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh give a luncheon on board HMY BRITANNIA. 2:50pm Depart by Car (0.5 mile). 3:00pm(S) The Queen presents the Bicentennial Bell, Indepen­ dence National Park Bell Tower. Summary Schedule -1- SUMMARY SCHEDULE TUESDAY JULY 6, 1976 3:15 pm Visit on foot to Carpenter's Hall, Second Bank of the U.S., and Independence Hall (Total: 535 yds.) 4 :·05pm Depart by Car (0.4 mile) 4:10pm Arrive HMY BRITANNIA. 4:30 pm Tea on board HMY BRITANNIA with United States Governors. 5:30pm Presentation of photographs and presents on board HMY BRITA.&.~NIA. 6:00pm His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, gives a reception on board HMY BRITANNIA for American members of the Royal Society of Arts. 8:15 pm Depart by Car (2.8 miles) 8:30 pm Attend a banquet given by the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Huseum of Art. (Dress: Black Tie) Summary Schedule -2- SUMMARY SCHEDULE TUESDAY JULY 6, 1976 10:30 pro Attend a reception at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Later At the conclusion of re­ ception, return to HMY BRITANNIA. (2.8 miles) Overnight: HMY BRITANNIA lVEDNESDAY JULY 7, 1976 (Dress: L.S.) 8:00 am HMY BRITANNIA moves down­ stream to berth at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. 9:30 am HMY BRITANNIA berths at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. 10:00 am Depart by car for Phi la­ delphia Airport. (5.0 miles) 10:15 am Depart Philadelphia by RAF VC-10 for Andrews Air Force Base, v.Jashington, D.C. 11:05 am Arrive Andrews Air Force Base and depart by car for The White House. (12 miles) 11:45 am (S) ~fuite House Arrival Ceremony. Summary Schedule -3- SUMMARY SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY JULY 7, 1976 12:15 pm Proceed to Blue Room for a brief reception. 12:45 pm Luncheon with President and Mrs. Ford, at the White House. 2:30 pm Depart by car (3. 0 miles). 2:40pm Arrive Arlington National Cemetery. 2:45 pm Wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknovm Soldier. (100 yds.) 3:00pm Depart by car (1. 5 miles). 3:05 pm Arrive Lincoln Memorial for visit to the memorial and adjacent areas. (100 yds) 3:30 pm Depart by car (1. 5 miles). 3:35 pm Arrive Blair House 4:20 pm Depart by car (2. 0 miles). 4:30pm The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh give a reception at the British Embassy for press, radio and television correspondents. 5:30pm Depart by car (2'. 0 miles). Summary Schedule -4- SUMMARY SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY JULY 7, 1976 5:40 pm Arrive Blair House. 8:00 pm tS) White House Dinner. Dress: \fuite Tie and Decorations (T) Overnight: Blair House THURSDAY JULY 8, 1976 (Dress: L.S.) 10:00 am Depart by car (2.0 miles). 10:10 am Arrive New Zeland Embassy. The Queen lays foundation stone for new chancery building. Receive Commonwealth Ambassadors. 10:35 am Depart for British Embassy on foot through garden (100 yds). 10:40 am Meet British Embassy staff. 11:10 am Depart by car (1.0 mile). 11:15 am Arrive Hashington National Cathedral for a dedication ceremony of the Nave with President and Mrs. Ford. Summary Schedule -5- SUMMARY SCHEDULE THURSDAY JULY 8, 1976 11:55 am Depart by car {1.0 mile).
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