Second Class Postage Paid by Covenant College At Lookout Mountain, TN 37350 Covenant College PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES PER YEAR ALUMNI FOR THE ALUMNI OF COVENANT COL­ LEGE, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENN . 37350 FALL, 1975. QUARTERLY Covenant Receives New Faculty and Staff for 1975-76 $50,000 From James Thorne, Denn of tud nl , late His business education e,peri­ Ile holds a Ph D from \forth Caro­ Kresge Foundation ence will be put to use 111 Co,·l'nanl 's :\lamed Dean of tudenls al Co\­ lina Stale C'1111ers1l~ an \IS. degree ne11 business administration ,rncl eco from the Uni1·ersity of Kentuckv. L 'X For Carter Hall enant is James Thorne. \I ho formerlv nomics program. ington. and a BS clpgree 111 eco;1om1c'i served as registrar at Penn ylva111a i\Ir Thorne. a nall1e of Coates1·ille. Renovations Lale University's Capital campus 111 and marketing from Colorado Stat Pa . recei1 eel the BS degree from Ge­ nil'C.>rsit) . Fort Collins Ile also Covenant College has received a i\Iiddletown, Pa ne, a College, Bea,·er Falls. Pa . and He had pre, iou · Iy erl'ed 111 ad m 1s - studied Christian education al \sburv SS0 ,000 grant from the Kresge Founda­ an i\l degree from Indiana L' n11 er Theolog1cal Seminan·. Wilrnor, K, ,\ 0 llon for the cont111ued renovation of ions. financial aid and residence hall sil) His 11ife. Bell). holds a PhD management fields 111 an 111lernsh1p nat1n.> of Korea Dr \loak sen~d ~Is a Carter llall, the college's ma111 build program with Taylor Cni1 er 1ty. p­ degr e 111 mathematics Thev h,11e ,1 captain in the lkpuhlic of Korea 111g, President :\1anon D Barnes has daughter. Jenme Mane · Arm) Ile and his wife Soon, hal'e two announced l and. Ind He performed data process­ children ing duties in the U.S. \rmy and was The Kresge grant will enable the col­ employed as an accountant for an lege lo repaint and repair student Orlando, Fla . firm. rooms. continue expansion of fire pro­ He ha taught computer program­ tection measures. renol'ale the kitchen m111g for business at :'IIessiah College, sculler) and complete ma.1or repair Grantham. Pa .. financial management >1ork on the college's swimming pool al Elizabethtown (Pa l College and fi ­ which is part of the Carter !Iall build- nancial management at Penn yll·ania 111g complex Dr Barn s said the grant 11·111 enable the college lo con tinue its 'arler II all reno, at1on pro­ gram for the 1,1 hich the college has pre, 10usly spent more than S627 .000 Th • Kresge [•'oundallon played a ma.1or role in earlier renovation work with an .'80.000 grant awarded 111 1972 for the renovation and enlargement of the "Great Hall " din111g room and auditorium Comment111g on the importance of th latest Kresge grant. Dr Barnes said. 'The grant meets some of th most pressing needs 111 our reno1,•ation program Col'enanl has grown in en­ rollment and 111 financial stability in the ten years ll'e have used arter SAMUEL K. MOAK llall as our main build111g , and this GHLI builcling remains the focal poml of our amuel Moak, Prof ,~or of master plan of campus cle1 elopment Jo•eph Cou1o:hlin, Bu,i,ws AclminiMlrution Tts f11nrtional and aeslh<'lic qualilles Prolrssor of 1-,nm·ution Dr '.'v1oak profossor of business acl ­ mean our renOI al1on program is a m1111slralion. has taught economics Also joinin~ the l'o1·enant facult~ 111 sound 11westment for the continued and markellng at the 'nil ers1ll of the fall 1s Dr .Jo,-,eph 'oughlin, who 1s growth of the college .. Richmond (\'a l Campbell Coliege, profl'ssor ol l'ciur,1twn lie comes to Further reno, a lion of Carter Hall BUies Creek '\ C. and orth Carolina l'Ol'<'11ant lrom lloughlon College, will require expencl1lures 111 excess of JAMES THORNE late ni1ersil) Raleigh (Continued on Page 2) a m1l1Ion dollars. Dr Barnes said Proposed Constitution Covenant College Alumni Association I. AME CCAA but may not hold an execu­ CCAA by a majority vole ing member of CCAA, at least ixly The name of this organization shall be tive position within CCAA C Only full member may serve on the (60) days prior to the date elfor the "Covenant College Alumni Associa­ C. Affiliate members: Executive Committee. meeting. Such notice hall specify tion." (CCAAl The affiliate members of CCAA D Executive Committee members the place, day and hour of the meet­ shall be those who have earned less shall be elected for two years and ing, and, in case of a special meet­ than 60 credits from Covenant Col­ shall not erve two consecutive ing, shall also slate the business to II. LOCATIO lege. They shall also be spouses of be covered in the special meeting. The Association shall maintain its terms. " full " or" associate" members. Af­ principal office at Covenant College, E A quorum of the Executive Com­ B. The annual meetings of the CCAA filiate members shall not be entitled mittee shall consist of five mem­ shall be according to the procedures Lookout Mountain, Georgia. to vote or hold any office within bers. set forth in Roberts Rules of Order CCAA. F. A member of the Executive Com­ III. PURPOSES unless abrigated by CCAA through mittee who is not in attendance at its by-laws. A. To facilitate and promote the gen­ V. OFFICERS two successive scheduled meetings, eral welfare, principles and goals of A President - chief executive of without having given the secretary C. All full and associate members may Covenant College. CCAA responsible for directing the of the CCAA prior written notice of vole as set forth in Article IV upon B. To foster and exhibit through the ac­ fulfillment of the purposes of the inability to attend, thus indicating payment of dues. Dues shall be tivities of the Association and its Association. his interest is deemed lo have res­ $10.00 per year. members that in all things Christ B. Vice-president - shall act in ab­ igned his membership on the com­ D. CCAA may also amend this con­ shall be preeminent. sence of the president and shall suc­ mittee. The unexpired term shall be C. To provide an established and un­ ceed him in case of inability to fulfill stitution at the annual meeting by ½ filled al the next annual meeting of vote and adopt any by-laws to im­ ified body through which members his term as president. CCAA . plement the purposes of CCAA by '\-'J of CCAA may continue to serve Co­ C. Recording secretary-treasurer - G. CCAA shall retain and hold exclu­ vote. venant College and repay in kind the shall keep minutes and records of sive control of the powers and re­ largess of their God, community CCAA meetings and meetings of the sponsibilities of the Executive E. Every member entitled lo vote at a and world. Executive Committee. Shall collect Committee. meeting of CCAA or to express con­ dues and be responsible for all sent or dissent lo CCAA actions in IV. MEMBERSHIP writing without a meeting may au­ monies of CCAA . VII. COMMITTEES A. Full members: thorize another person or persons to D. Activities coordinator - shall coor­ CCAA may establish any committee The full members of CCAA shall be dinate all on-campus activities of act for him by proxy. Every proxy graduates and recipients of honor­ for a specific purpose by majority shall be executed in writing by the the Association. Shall consult with vote at the annual meeting. CCAA ary degrees of Covenant College. regional representatives on ac­ member and filed with the secret­ shall also elect members of commit­ Full members shall have the right tivities on regional alumni meet­ ary of CCAA. A proxy shall be re­ tees upon motion of the president. to a full vote and to hold an office in ings. covable at will, but revocation of the the Association. Committees deemed necessary proxy shall not be effective until throughout the year may be named B. Associate members: VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE notice thereof has eben given to the by the Executive Committee. The associate members of CCAA A. There shall be an Executive Com­ secretary of CCAA. No unrevoked shall have earned at least 60 credits mittee consisting of all officers of proxy shall remain in effect or be from Covenant College but need not the CCAA and three members at VIII. ANNUAL MEETINGS valid after eleven (11) months from have received a degree from the col­ large. A. Written notice of every meeting of the date of its execution. A proxy lege. Associate members shall have B. The members at large shall be CCAA shall be given by the presi­ shall not be valid after death of the ½ vote, may serve on committees of elected at the annual meeting of dent of his designate, to every vot- executing member. New Faculty and Staff Constitution Will (Continued from Page 1) Houghton, N.Y., and was formerly the founder and director of the Christian Service Brigade, an international Be Presented youth development organization. He has also served as a director of youth work, teacher and pastor with Latin American Mission, San Jose, Costa For Rica. He has the Ph.D. degree from Michi­ gan State University, East Lansing, B.A. and M.A. degrees from Wheaton Association Vote College. Wheaton, Ill. He is a native of Hampton, Va. He and his wife, Betty, have four children. By DON DAVIS Last Saturday night, I sat at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and heard an historical recounting of our nation's birth.
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