E1704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 20, 2018 Scully (’49), the voice of the Los Angeles Amendment to H.R. 1222—Congenital Heart RECOGNIZING THE VALDOSTA Dodgers, Baseball Hall of Fame broadcaster, Futures Reauthorization Act of.’’, No. 437 STATE FOOTBALL TEAM and Radio Hall of Famer. The significant con- ‘‘Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. tributions these individuals have made to the 6615—Traumatic Brain Injury Program Reau- HON. AUSTIN SCOTT field of journalism are a testament to the true thorization Act of 2018.’’, No. 438 ‘‘To amend OF GEORGIA spirit of excellence instilled in them at The the Public Health Service Act to authorize the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fordham Ram. expansion of activities related to Alzheimer’s Thursday, December 20, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask that my dis- disease, cognitive decline, and brain health tinguished colleagues in the U.S. House of under the Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Representatives join me in honoring the Ford- Aging Program, and for other purposes.’’, No. er, on December 15, 2018, the Valdosta State ham Ram for its 100 years of remarkable 439 ‘‘To amend the Public Health Service Act University Blazers football team secured their dedication to fair journalism and its long- to provide grants to improve health care in fourth NCAA Division II Football National standing commitment to improving The Bronx. rural areas.’’, No. 440 ‘‘To require the Sec- Championship in a 49–47 thriller over Ferris f retary of Homeland Security to establish a se- State University in McKinney, Texas. The curity vulnerability disclosure policy, to estab- Blazers 2018 season was anything but ordi- IN RECOGNITION OF JUDGE DAVID lish a bug bounty program for the Department nary, finishing 14–0 and scoring 50+ points in GARCIA of Homeland Security, to amend title 41, eight out of 14 games this season. United States Code, to provide for Federal ac- Valdosta, Georgia in Georgia’s Eighth Dis- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS quisition supply chain security, and for other trict is affectionately known as ‘‘Title Town,’’ OF TEXAS purposes.’’, No. 441 ‘‘To amend the Federal home to football powerhouses in the state and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Water Pollution Control Act to provide for an across the nation at both the high school and collegiate levels. Thursday, December 20, 2018 integrated planning process, to promote green infrastructure, and for other purposes.’’, No. I want to congratulate the Blazers, Coach Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 442 ‘‘Concurring in the Senate Amendment to Kerwin Bell, Valdosta State President Richard recognize the Honorable David Garcia, Judge H.R. 6227—National Quantum Initiative Act.’’, Carvajal, and the entire football and athletics of Denton County Criminal Court No. 3, for his No. 443 ‘‘To direct the Secretary of the Interior staff at Valdosta State for this accomplish- service to Denton County and to the many to convey certain facilities, easements, and ment. Georgia is very proud of you, and I combat veterans he has impacted through his rights-of-way to the Kennewick Irrigation Dis- hope you will take time to celebrate another work with the Denton County Veterans Treat- trict, and for other purposes.’’, No. 444 ‘‘To ex- title in Titletown. ment Court Program (VTCP). pand recreational fishing opportunities through f Judge Garcia was appointed to the Denton enhanced marine fishery conservation and RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF MR. County Criminal Court No. 3 on September 1, management, and for other purposes.’’, and CURTIS RAY GOODE 1997 and will conclude his tenure at the end No. 445 ‘‘To reauthorize the Museum and Li- of December after 21 years of service to our brary Services Act.’’. Had I been present, I community. Since 2012, he has presided over would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on all ten bills. HON. JAMES COMER OF KENTUCKY the Veterans Court. After his appointment to f the Court, Judge Garcia not only completed a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES backlog of cases, but he also built a new LIBERALISM EXPLAINED Thursday, December 20, 2018 model for veterans courts that prioritizes im- Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to proving the quality of mental health care avail- HON. LAMAR SMITH recognize the life of Mr. Curtis Ray Goode of able to justice-involved veterans. Under his OF TEXAS Marion County in the 1st District of Kentucky guidance, the veterans court provided evalua- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who passed away on December 17, 2018. tion and treatment for certain veterans’ com- Thursday, December 20, 2018 Born November 8, 1946, Mr. Goode valiantly bat-related mental illnesses. In his role, Judge Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I now served in the Marine Corps during the Viet- Garcia shifted the focus in sentencing from the nam War. After serving his country, he was pursuit of judicial compliance and reduced re- have a unified theory that I believe explains the ideology of liberals. not only a talented diesel mechanic with UPS cidivism toward a regimen that allows combat in Louisville but steadfastly worked for the bet- veterans suffering from the impact of PTSD It covers their views of virtually any sub- ject—higher taxes, open borders, more regula- terment of his fellow veterans as a devoted and MST to graduate from the VTCP program member of the Marion County Veterans Honor and return to their families and communities tions, and the traducing of traditional values. The reason liberals want more government Guard, the Lebanon VFW, and the American with charges dismissed. control is so they can control our daily lives. Legion. As a Member of Congress, one of my great- The reason liberals want to control our daily Mr. Goode’s service in the United States est privileges is to support veterans in North lives is because they think they are smarter Marine Corps is evidence of his dedication to Texas and around the country. During his two than the American people. The reason they safeguarding our nation’s freedoms and val- decades of service, Judge Garcia has advo- think they are smarter than the American peo- ues and is worthy of our deepest respect and cated for broader veteran health care access ple is . well, there is no good reason. admiration. His patriotic spirit and dedication by supporting the Veterans Access, Choice I’m sure many liberals are well-meaning. to his country were rivaled only by his fervent and Accountability Act of 2014 and the VA They want what they feel is best for the coun- commitment to his family and his enthusiasm MISSION Act of 2018, legislation that im- try. But that’s the problem. They want to im- for serving others. proves care for those who have sacrificed and pose their views on the American people. I join with his family and loved ones—includ- served for our country. On behalf of the 26th Conservatives want to conserve values and ing his wife of 51 years, Christine Goode, his District of Texas, I extend my sincere appre- protect freedoms—free speech, freedom of re- children, and his extended family—in cele- ciation to Judge Garcia for the contributions ligion, and freedom from excessive govern- brating his lifetime of accomplishments and he has made to the Denton County community ment control. That, I believe is what Ameri- recognizing his noble service to our nation. and to our region’s veterans. cans want too. His outstanding legacy of service and compas- f f sion lives on in each member ofhis family and in all those who knew him. PERSONAL EXPLANATION PERSONAL EXPLANATION f HON. MAC THORNBERRY HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF TEXAS OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PATRICK T. McHENRY Thursday, December 20, 2018 Thursday, December 20, 2018 OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, on Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to Wednesday, December 19, 2018, I was un- vote on Roll Call vote 437. Had I been Thursday, December 20, 2018 able to be in Washington and missed roll call present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call Mr. McHENRY. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- votes No. 436 ‘‘Concurring in the Senate No. 437. ably detained and could not make it to votes. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:04 Dec 21, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20DE8.005 E20DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS December 20, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1705 Had I been present, I would have voted weapon systems before our own forces. TRIBUTE TO DARRIN SCHRADER YEA on Roll Call No. 436, 437; YEA on Roll Meanwhile through Belt and Road, China ac- Call No. 438, 439; YEA on Roll Call No. 440, quired ports and airports around the globe that HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE 441; YEA on Roll Call No. 442, 443; and YEA can be used as military bases that then en- OF CALIFORNIA on Roll Call No. 444, 445. able them to control strategic chokepoints and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f resources without firing a shot. We have most evidently seen this in illegal island building in Thursday, December 20, 2018 CHINA IS CHEATING ITS WAY TO the South China Sea. Combined with its rapid Mr. ROYCE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise THE TOP military build-up, which will give China a fleet to recognize and thank Darrin Schrader, who that outnumbers the U.S. Navy by 2020, we has served this House proudly for over 25 HON. TED POE are quickly losing our military supremacy to years.
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