Summer Fun II End of an era There are plenty of ways to enjoy Legendary softball coach retiring a day with the family after 17 years Page 15 Page 23 June 28, 2001 Sentinewww.gmnews.corn 50<S l Volume 8, Number 40 Serving North and South Brunswick Spaulding, council clash over letter communicating with the public by Mayor has authority providing some communication," over tax bill mailing, Spaulding said Wednesday morn- ing. "The council wants to write according to attorney their own letter, and this is some- thing that is virtually unheard of in BY DAVE GOLDBERG Staff Writer other communities. This is an administrative function." orth Brunswick Township Spaulding said during Council Vice President Leo Monday's meeting that he will not N Ryan III wants the council allow a letter prepared by the coun- to prepare a statement informing cil to go into the tax bill. the public how tax money is spent "This letter is not going in the in the township, but Mayor David tax bill," Spaulding said. "Council Spaulding is opposed to the idea. can approve this, but I am not "The letter has not been put going to let it in." together as yet, but we are asking Township Attorney Thomas to have it included with the tax Cafferty said that state law does bill," Ryan said. "We are going to not specify who has to write a let- directly relate the tax issues that ter, but the mayor can refuse to affect the public. His (Spaulding's) allow the letter by the council to be letter would just discuss how the a part of the tax bill, . taxes work. It's an opportunity to "The mayor has indicated that let the folks know their money is he does not want the council to being managed." make such a letter," Cafferty said. The mayor said he has written "The law does not define who one letter, and it is something that issues the statement. The statement the mayors of many communities could have parts from both the BILL MARSH have done in the past. mayor and the council." Graduates Carolyn Lerner (I) and.Amy Limyansky proudly show off their diplomas during "This is not something we have Spaulding said that it is not graduation exercises June 21 at South Brunswick High School. More pictures on page 14. to do, but it is the mayor's way of right for the council to be writing the letter. "It is not appropriate for this council to be using this process," Scluindler celebrates victory in GOP primary Spaulding said. "They .are not authorized to do this." Jersey City mayor race in April. polls by as much as 22 percent Ryan said, however, that the DiFrancesco's withdrawal in early May. town has a responsibility to the to face McGreevey from the race caused the June 5 Franks called Schundler to Continued on page 13 primary to be moved ahead concede prior to giving his in fall election three weeks. speech, sending Schundler "I am now on Bret campaign staff members scur- Index BY CHARLES W. KIM Business 25 Staff Writer „ Schundler's team," Franks said, rying through the crowd to pre- conceding the race at about pare for the announcement. Classified .30 ersey City Mayor Bret 9:30 p.m. Schundler will now face the Editorials 8 Schundler celebrated his Franks asked party members Democratic mayor of Letters ,..'. 8 GOP primary victory with to now rally around Schundler. Woodbridge, James Police Beat 21 J several hundred support- "Now we must come togeth- McGreevey, in the fall contest. ers at the Hilton in East er and support Bret Schundler," McGreevey, 43, easily won Sports .23 Brunswick Tuesday night. Franks said. "The differences his party's nomination Tuesday "They said we couldn't do between us pale in comparison night, celebrating. his victory Quote of the week: it, but you proved them wrong," to what unites us." just miles'away in Woodbridge. * Schundler, 42, said to the cheer- Schundler took the party's "We have to now go and "You break ties. We make ing crowd in the hotel's ball- nomination by about 14 percent work our plan," McGr,eevey the decisions." room. of the vote, according to a pub- said when declaring his victory. •ii t Schundler defeated former lished report Wednesday, show- McGreevey told his sup- Maureen Little Congressman Bob Franks in the ing Schundler with 57 percent porters that the state must do North Brunswick delayed Republican gubernato- of the vote and Franks with 43 more to help the environment councilwoman rial primary. CHARLES W.KIM Cover story percent with 99 percent of the and lower property taxes car Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler . Franks, 49, filled the slot left votes counted. insurance rates. stands in the spotlight and declares - Visit Greater Media when acting Gov. Donald Schundler was below Schundler also addressed his victory in the GOP primary Newspapers' Web site DiFrancesco pulled out of the www.gmnewsxom . Franks in popularity in some Continued on page 13 Tuesday night in East Brunswick. 2 SENTINEL JUNE 28, 2001 NS CLAYTONS MASONRY CENTERS Where You Can Shop with Ease and Convenience... That's a Concrete Fact! Spring into "Beauty by the Yard" Sale! °S 55RRf CAMBRIDGE PAVINCSTONES mncCOURT per piece* ASI°Purpose Tubs m'Sold by the quare ft HOLLAND J65 • Resists Crumbling, Cracking & Chipping! 26 X20 X6 4 0CU Ft ';:;••. Impressive ' Dozen of Colors! MAOAT2606 Siie...lmpressively Don't limit Yourself to 1hc small selection OONLN Y C JUffUfTC EASY AND CONVENIENT TO USE, -*J affheBig Home tenters. At CLAYTON'S we *i#i AnCf IE JUST ADD WATER AND MIX" Of C»Ur, Shape /_ '' have 17 shapes and an unlimited dtoite of ":,..'_' • - rofors available. 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ERRORS AT CLAHOM'H, WE HAVE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AND A SALE IS STILL A SALE WITH EVEN LOWEH FH3CESI NS SENTINEL, JUNE 28, 2001 3 Inverso says enough many safety issues in their opposition, State senator asks for ; '"" including the liequency that the line is independent study of the i crossed by school buses The line is only sporadically used by disputed rail route [ Conrail at the ptcsent lime BY CHARLES W. KIM The pioposed 40 mile-plus loute would Staff Writer nin from Lakehuist north to Lakcwood, Howcll and Freehold before turning west lo SOUTH BRUNSWICK — State Sen. Manalapan, Enghshtown, Monroe, James- Peter Invcrso (R-14) said in a statement last burg, wheic it would finally end in week that the recently approved study of the Monmouth Junction. controversial Monmouth-Ocean- Middlesex The plan was initially turned away by rail line by NJ Transit does not go far the agency in 1996 in lavor ol enhanced bus enough. service on Route 9, but was icvived due to "The environmental impact statement the appointment of Jethey Warsh as execu- (EIS) is a valuable process, but it will not tive director in 1999. •answer the question of whether belter alter- Inverso said in the release that unless NJ natives exist than the two which NJ Transit Transit is willing to examine all possible is pursuing," Invcrso said in a June 19 state- alternatives, he will pursue his own bill m ment.
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