The Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Belgium and Luxembourg. An Annotated Checklist This PDF file differs from the original publication (Diederich & Sérusiaux 2000) by the black and white illustrations, the missing Fig. 6, and the poor reproduction of Fig. 20. The entire text and the pagination are as in the publication. The lichenicolous hyphomycete Illosporium carneum Fr. (syn. Aecidium peltigerae DC.), developing on a thallus of Peltigera. Painted before 1825 by the famous artist Pierre- Joseph Redouté (1759-1840), born in Saint-Hubert (Belgium, province of Luxembourg), to illustrate the ‘Fascicule de Cryptogames du Grand Duché de Luxembourg’ by the Luxembourg botanist Louis Marchand (1807-43). The manuscript was never published but has recently been reproduced in facsimile (Mangen 1989). The Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Belgium and Luxembourg. An Annotated Checklist Paul DIEDERICH and Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX with the collaboration of Pieter P. G. VAN DEN BOOM and A. Maarten BRAND MUSÉE NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE Luxembourg – 2000 4 Dedication (dédicace – opdracht) This checklist is respectfully dedicated to Prof. Jacques Lambinon (University of Liège, Belgium). Jacques Lambinon has made outstanding contributions to the knowledge of the lichen flora of our study area, but, more importantly, each of us owes him an immense debt of gratitude. He has considerably enriched our professional lives and has always provided crucial support, advocacy and guidance. To call him the work’s godfather would be only half true: he has indeed been its impulsive force. Cette checklist est respectueusement dédiée au Prof. Jacques Lambinon (Université de Liège, Belgique). Jacques Lambinon a très brillamment contribué à la connaissance de la flore lichénique de notre zone d’étude, mais ce n’est pas le plus important. Chacun de nous lui est immensément redevable. Il a fortement enrichi notre vie professionnelle et a toujours été une source irremplaçable d’encouragements, de conseils et de guidance. Dire qu’il est le parrain de ce travail ne serait qu’à moitié suffisant; il en a aussi été la force d’impulsion. Deze checklist is opgedragen aan prof. Jacques Lambinon (Universiteit van Luik, België). Jacques Lambinon heeft een onmisbare bijdrage geleverd aan de kennis over de korstmosflora in ons onderzoeksgebied, maar dat is niet het belangrijkste: wij beiden zijn hem zeer veel dank verschuldigd. Hij heeft ons werk aanzienlijk verrijkt en ons steeds voorzien van waardevolle ondersteuning, raad en begeleiding. Hij is niet alleen de grondlegger van dit werk; hij is ook de stuwende kracht erachter geweest. Limited edition (édition de tête – beperkte oplage) This volume has been printed in 1,000 issues, of which a first series of 50, numbered from 01 to 50. Ce volume a été tiré en 1000 exemplaires, dont une édition de tête numérotée de 01 à 50. Deze uitgave is gedrukt in een oplage van 1000 exemplaren, inclusief een beperkte oplage genummerd van 01 tot 50. © Paul Diederich and Emmanuël Sérusiaux, 2000. All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical, incl. photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems) without written permission from both copyright owners. Edited and distributed by the Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Printed in Luxembourg by Imprimerie Centrale s. a. ISBN 2-919877-00-3 5 Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................................................7 The area covered by the checklist ......................................................................................11 The lichenological exploration of the study area - a short historical overview .................27 Organisation of the checklist..............................................................................................41 Abbreviations and symbols.................................................................................................51 Results and discussion........................................................................................................55 Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................61 The checklist .......................................................................................................................64 Literature..........................................................................................................................179 List of accepted taxa .........................................................................................................188 Summary of abbreviations................................................................................................206 Map of the study area.......................................................................................................207 6 Diederich, P. & E. Sérusiaux (coll. P. P. G. van den Boom & A. M. Brand), 2000. - The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Belgium and Luxembourg. An annotated checklist. - Musée nat. hist. nat., Luxembourg, 207 pp. This is the first annotated checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Belgium, Luxem- bourg and northern France. A total of 1151 taxa are accepted, including 930 lichens (21 of which grow on other lichens), 201 lichenicolous fungi, and 20 doubtfully lichenized or related fungi. For each species, the name, synonymy, ecology, distribution in the study area, and pertinent literature reports for that area are provided. A further 252 species have been reported from the study area, but are considered here as doubtfully present, either because the corresponding material does not belong to this taxon, or because no material has been examined by the authors of this checklist. Les lichens et champignons lichénicoles de Belgique et du Luxembourg. Un catalogue annoté. - Ceci est le premier catalogue annoté des lichens et champignons lichénicoles de Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et du nord de la France. Un total de 1151 taxa sont acceptés, dont 930 lichens (y compris 21 parasitant d’autres lichens), 201 champignons lichénicoles et 20 champi- gnons peut-être lichénisés ou espèces apparentées. Pour chaque espèce, le nom, la synonymie, l’écologie, la répartition dans le territoire étudié et la littérature concernant ce territoire sont don- nés. De plus, 252 espèces ont été mentionnées du territoire étudié, mais leur présence y est considé- rée comme douteuse, soit parce que le matériel correspondant n’appartient pas à ce taxon, soit parce que ce matériel n’a pu être examiné par les auteurs de ce catalogue. De korstmossen en lichenicole schimmels van België en Luxemburg. Een geannoteerde checklist. - Dit is de eerste geannoteerde checklist van korstmossen en lichenicole schimmels met betrekking tot heel België, Luxemburg en Noord-Frankrijk. In totaal zijn 1151 taxa geaccepteerd, waaronder 930 korstmossen (waarvan er 21 op andere korstmossen groeien), 201 lichenicole schimmels, en 20 onduidelijk gelicheniseerde of op korstmossen gelijkende schimmels. Voor elke soort zijn naam, synoniemen, ecologie en verspreiding in het onderzochte gebied vermeld, evenals literatuurverwijzingen over dit gebied. Van 252 andere in deze checklist genoemde soorten is het voorkomen in het gebied onzeker, omdat de collecties mogelijk niet juist geïdentificeerd zijn of omdat ze niet door de auteurs zijn gecontroleerd. Paul Diederich, Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg ([email protected]). Emmanuël Sérusiaux, Chercheur Qualifié F. N. R. S., Département de Botanique, Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liège, Belgium ([email protected]). Pieter P. G. van den Boom, Arafura 16, NL-5691 Son, Netherlands ([email protected]). A. Maarten Brand, Klipperwerf 5, NL-2317 DX Leiden, Netherlands. Cover photographs: Prof. Volkmar Wirth, Stuttgart (Gyalecta ulmi; Peltigera hymenina) and Prof. Maurice Hoffmann, Gent (Caloplaca ruderum and Diploicia canescens). Dutch text: Laurens Sparrius, Gouda. THE LICHENS OF BELGIUM AND LUXEMBOURG. AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST 7 Introduction ichenology in Belgium and Luxembourg started in the early XIXth century, but it was L especially towards the end of that century that national floras and checklists became available. In 1898, De Wildeman published a checklist of the Belgian lichens, with indications on localities and references for each species. One year before, Koltz (1897) did the same for Luxembourg. In 1938, Duvigneaud & Giltay presented a revised Belgian checklist, but this time without chorological data. The number of species recognized by these authors was rather low, with 586 species reported from Belgium, and only 404 from Luxembourg. After 1900, the lichenological exploration dramatically declined in these two countries, and it is only since the beginning of the sixties that, through the work of Prof. Jacques Lambinon, a new era of lichenology started. It is also during that time that Belgian lichenologists started exploring the neighbouring areas of northern France, which are therefore included within the scope of the present checklist. Since the early eighties, we have attempted to fill the gap by preparing a detailed inven- tory of crustose lichens, as well as of lichenicolous fungi which, although not lichenized, have traditionally been studied by lichenologists. The rapid development in lichen taxonomy,
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