HAEMOSTASIS ANTIBODIES FROM CEDARLANE Haemostasis Antibodies www.cedarlanelabs.com Haemostasis Antibodies The study of haemostasis and thrombosis has become one of the most rapidly growing fields in medical research. An unprecedented amount of research is currently focused on the study of the regulatory mechanisms involved in blood clot formation, subsequent lysis, and potential pharmacological intervention of these processes. Cedarlane offers a complete line of antibodies to haemostasis related antigens. The high quality and purity of these antibodies make them valuable tools for applications including ELISA, immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting (Western blot) and immunoprecipitation techniques (including immunodiffusion and rocket immunoelectrophoresis). Haemostasis Antibodies Haemostasis NEW! Cedarlane offers an expanding range of new monoclonal antibodies to various haemostasis related antigens, providing customers a more comprehensive array of tools for the study of haemostasis and thrombosis. These antibodies have been tested for suitability for use in Western Blotting and ELISA. Featured Antibodies Specificity Format Clone Isotype Species Application Size Cat # Price $ Reactivity Factor VII/VIIA Purified AA-3 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2763AP 259 Factor VII/VIIA Biotin AA-3 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2763B 199 Factor VII/VIIa Purified AD-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2764AP 259 Factor VII/VIIa Biotin AD-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2764B 199 Factor VII/VIIa (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaFVII-22 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2762AP 259 Factor VII/VIIa (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaFVII-22 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2762B 199 Factor IX/IXa (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaFIX-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2765AP 259 Factor IX/IXa (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaFIX-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2765B 199 Factor X/Xa (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaFX-50 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2768AP 259 Factor X/Xa (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaFX-50 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2768B 199 Platelet Factor 4 Purified RTO mouse IgG2b Human E, WB 200 μg CL2766AP 259 Platelet Factor 4 Biotin RTO mouse IgG2b Human E, WB 100 μg CL2766B 199 Platelet Factor 4 (requires heparin for binding) Purified KKO mouse IgG2b Human E, WB 200 μg CL2767AP 259 Platelet Factor 4 (requires heparin for binding) Biotin KKO mouse IgG2b Human E, WB 100 μg CL2767B 199 Protein C/APC (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaC-11 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2769AP 259 Proteinase Inhibitor 8 Purified anti-PI8K mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2770AP 259 Prothrombin (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaPro-20 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2761AP 259 Prothrombin (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaPro-20 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2761B 199 Legend for Applications: AC=Affinity Chromatography AGG=Agglutination C=Cryostat Sections CT=Cytotoxicity Assay D=Depletion E=ELISA EC=ELISA (Capture) ED=ELISA (Detection) F=Flow Cytometry FN=Functional Assay IC=Immunocytochemistry ID=Immunodiffusion IF=Immunofluorescence IP=Immunoprecipitation IV=In vivo Assay N=Neutralization P=Paraffin-Embedded Sections R=RIA WB=Western Blotting Cedarlane’s Buffer Pack NEW! Cat # CL20300 Price (USD): $ 239.00 Cedarlane’s Buffer Pack for Haemostasis Paired Antibodies consists of assay plates, general purpose buffers and materials for the preparation and performance of ELISA assays. This Buffer Pack provides sufficient reagents for 5 x 96 well assays. The components of the Buffer Pack can be used in the development of in-house immunoassays and are especially suited for use with a number of Cedarlane’s paired antibody sets, including the following: CL20067K CL20067K-RB CL20111K CL20225K CL20030K CL20403K CL20245K CL20250K CL20055K CL20057K CL20096K CL20106K CL20295K CL20201K CL20220K CL20086K CL20003K CL20002K CL20027K CL20090K CL20200K CL20116K CL20017K CL20048K CL20049K CL20087K 2 HAEMOSTASIS ANTIBODIES FROM CEDARLANE Working concentrations for ELISA and Immunoblotting applications General recommendations only and may not apply to all products listed. For more information, please contact [email protected] or your local distributor. Haemostasis Antibodies Haemostasis Format Immunoblotting (ECL detection) ELISA (capture) ELISA (detecting) Purified (Whole IgG) 5–25 μg/ml 20–50 μg/ml NA Affinity Purified 0.5–5 μg/ml 10 μg/ml NA HRPO (Peroxidase-labelled IgG) 5 μg/ml NA 10 μg/ml HRPO (Aff. Pur. Peroxidase-labelled IgG) 1 μg/ml NA 2 μg/ml Haemostasis Antibodies Specificity Format Clone Isotype Species Application Size Cat # Price $ Reactivity α1-Antitrypsin Purified sheep IgG Human IP 10 mg CL20000A 96 α1-Antitrypsin Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human E 0.5 mg CL20000AP 184 α1-Antitrypsin HRPO (Affinity Pur) sheep IgG Human E 0.1 mg CL20000APHP 162 α1-Antitrypsin Purified goat IgG Human IP 10 mg CL20001A 108 α1-Antitrypsin Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E 0.5 mg CL20001AP 184 α2-Antiplasmin Purified goat IgG Human IP, D 5 mg CL20005A 136 α2-Antiplasmin Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E 0.5 mg CL20005AP 262 α2-Antiplasmin HRPO goat IgG Human E 0.2 mg CL20005HP 209 α2-Antiplasmin Purified sheep IgG Human E 10 mg CL20006A 146 α2-Macroglobulin Purified goat IgG Human IP 10 mg CL20010A 96 α2-Macroglobulin Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E, WB 0.5 mg CL20010AP 184 α2-Macroglobulin HRPO (Affinity Pur) goat IgG Human E, WB 0.1 mg CL20010APHP 162 Antithrombin III Inhibitor and Control Antibodies Human N 10 det CL20007N 116 Antithrombin III Purified sheep IgG Human N, D, IP 10 mg CL20015A 80 Antithrombin III Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human E, WB, IP 0.5 mg CL20015AP 209 Antithrombin III HRPO (Affinity Pur) sheep IgG Human E, WB 0.1 mg CL20015APHP 186 Antithrombin III Biotin sheep IgG Human E, WB 0.1 mg CL20015B 186 Antithrombin III FITC sheep IgG Human IF 0.1 mg CL20015F 186 Antithrombin III Purified goat IgG Human IP, N, D 10 mg CL20016A 96 Antithrombin III Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E, IP 0.5 mg CL20016AP 236 Antithrombin III Purified sheep IgG Rabbit E, IP 10 mg CL20018A-RB 117 Antithrombin III Affinity Purified sheep IgG Rabbit E, IP 0.5 mg CL20018AP-RB 249 Antithrombin III HRPO sheep IgG Rabbit E 0.2 mg CL20018HP-RB 209 Complement Component C1 Esterase Purified goat IgG Human IP 5 mg CL20023A 162 Inhibitor (C1 Inactivator) Complement Component C1 Esterase Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E, IP 0.5 mg CL20023AP 292 Inhibitor (C1 Inactivator) Complement Component C1 Esterase HRPO goat IgG Human E 0.2 mg CL20023HP 209 Inhibitor (C1 Inactivator) Factor H Purified OX-24 mouse IgG1 Human E 250 μg CL7672AP 200 Factor H Biotin OX-24 mouse IgG1 Human E 100 μg CL7672B 115 Factor H FITC OX-24 mouse IgG1 Human E 100 μg CL7672F 126 Legend for Applications: AC=Affinity Chromatography AGG=Agglutination C=Cryostat Sections CT=Cytotoxicity Assay D=Depletion E=ELISA EC=ELISA (Capture) ED=ELISA (Detection) F=Flow Cytometry FN=Functional Assay IC=Immunocytochemistry ID=Immunodiffusion IF=Immunofluorescence IP=Immunoprecipitation IV=In vivo Assay N=Neutralization P=Paraffin-Embedded Sections R=RIA WB=Western Blotting HAEMOSTASIS ANTIBODIES FROM CEDARLANE 3 Haemostasis Antibodies (continued) Specificity Format Clone Isotype Species Application Size Cat # Price $ Reactivity Factor IX Purified sheep IgG Human E 10 mg CL20039A 136 Factor IX Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human EC 0.5 mg CL20039AP 249 Factor IX HRPO (Affinity Pur) sheep IgG Human E 0.1 mg CL20039APHP 182 Factor IX Purified goat IgG Human IP, D, WB 10 mg CL20040A 122 Factor IX Affinity Purified goat IgG Human E 0.5 mg CL20040AP 249 Factor IX HRPO (Affinity Pur) goat IgG Human E, WB 0.1 mg CL20040APHP 182 Haemostasis Antibodies Haemostasis Factor IX Biotin goat IgG Human E, WB 0.1 mg CL20040B 182 Factor IX FITC goat IgG Human IF 0.1 mg CL20040F 182 Factor IX HRPO goat IgG Human E, WB 0.2 mg CL20040HP 182 Factor IX/IXa (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaFIX-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2765AP 259 Factor IX/IXa (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaFIX-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2765B 199 Factor V Purified sheep IgG Bovine IP, D 10 mg CL20025A-B 136 Factor V Affinity Purified sheep IgG Bovine WB 0.5 mg CL20025AP-B 249 Factor V HRPO sheep IgG Bovine E 0.2 mg CL20025HP-B 209 Factor V Purified sheep IgG Human IP, N, D, WB 10 mg CL20025A 136 Factor V Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human EC 0.5 mg CL20025AP 317 Factor V Biotin sheep IgG Human E 0.1 mg CL20025B 209 Factor V FITC sheep IgG Human IF 0.1 mg CL20025F 209 Factor V HRPO sheep IgG Human E 0.2 mg CL20025HP 209 Factor VII Purified sheep IgG Human IP, N, D 10 mg CL20030A 136 Factor VII Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human E 0.5 mg CL20030AP 257 Factor VII Biotin sheep IgG Human E 0.1 mg CL20030B 209 Factor VII FITC sheep IgG Human IF 0.1 mg CL20030F 209 Factor VII HRPO sheep IgG Human E 0.2 mg CL20030HP 209 Factor VII/VIIA Purified AA-3 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2763AP 259 Factor VII/VIIA Biotin AA-3 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2763B 199 Factor VII/VIIa Purified AD-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2764AP 259 Factor VII/VIIa Biotin AD-1 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2764B 199 Factor VII/VIIa (Calcium Dependent) Purified CaFVII-22 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 200 μg CL2762AP 259 Factor VII/VIIa (Calcium Dependent) Biotin CaFVII-22 mouse IgG1 Human E, WB 100 μg CL2762B 199 Factor VIII.vWF (Non-reactive with rat) Ascites 2F2-A9 mouse IgG1 Human IF, C, P, R 0.5 ml CL1303A 299 Factor VIII:C (Non-reactive with mouse) Purified sheep IgG Human E, IP, N, ID 10 mg CL20035A 136 Factor VIII:C (Non-reactive with mouse) Affinity Purified sheep IgG Human E, N, WB 0.5 mg CL20035AP 317 Factor VIII:C
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