xmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES ?YOL. 29. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 29, 1879. NO. 753. Financial. Financial. Financial. BOODY, John Cisco & Son, J. BANKERS, Phelps, Stokes & Co., McLELLAN No. 59 Wall Street, New York. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. I. N, PHELPS, _ . „ AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON DAILY JA.MKS STOKES. BANKERS. BALANCES. ANSON PHELPS STORKS. ' & CO., GOVERNMENT BONDS, GOLD, STOCKS AND ALL INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND 45 WILL ST., NEW YORK. RANKERS, SOLD ON COMMISSION. COMMERCIAL CREDITS, WAUTON H. SHOWS. FIID. A. BBOWTT. 58 Broadway, cor. Exchange Place, in Dollars for use tn United States. Cuba, Jto., TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Walston H . Brown & Bro. in Pounds Sterling, available in any part of the world- INCLUDING THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF Also, TRAVELERS' CREDITS and STOCKS AND BONDS FOR CASH OR ON MAR- BANKERS, GIN. BUY AND SELL COMMERCIAL PAPER. CIRCULAR NOTES. 11 Pine Street, New York. P. 0. Box 447. D. A. BOODY. C. W. MCLELLAN, JB. 8PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE NttGOTIA REUBEN LELAND, TION OF RAILROAD SECURITIES. Banque S. J. Kennedy & Co., Centrale Anversoise, Bankers and Merchants, R. T. Wilson & Co., BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Antwerp. No. 63 WILLIAM STREET, 2 Exchange Court, New York. New York, Kountze Brothers, Paid-lJp Capital, - - 9,000,000 Francs. BUT AND SELL RAILROAD INVESTMENT SECURITIES; BANKERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS : 12 WALL 8TREET, NEW YORK, Fhlix Grisab, President. Collect Coupons and Dividends! Issue Commercial and Travelers' Credits available Alfred Maqoixay (Graff 4 Maqnlnay), VlcePrei J. B. Von ser Bxckk (B. Von der Becke). NEGOTIATE LOANS AND DRAW BILLS OF In an parts of the world. Draw Time and Sight Bills Otto Gunthbr (Cornellle-Davld). on the Union Bank of London, and on the Credit Kmilk dk Gottal. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. Ad. Frank (Frank, Model & Cie.) Lyonnals, at Lyons or Paris. Make Cable Transfers. Aug. Nottkbohm (Nottebohm Freres). All business relating to the Construction and Fb. Dhanib (Mlchlels-Loos). Joh. Das. Foqrhahn, Jb. (Job. Dan. Fubrmann). Equipment of Railroads undertaken. Louis Wibib (Ed. Weber & Cie.) Hinckley & Jones, JULSS RaUTXNSTBACOH (C. Schmld * Cl6.) No. 19 William Street, New York. GOVERNMENT BONDS, STOCKS TRANSACTS A AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. GENERAL RANKING R17SINESS. Sand, Hamilton & Co., SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO IfliMNG STOCKS. Asa P. Potteh, Prest. J. J. Eddy Cashier. BANKERS AND BROKERS, B. Hinckley, Wm. M. Lent, L . M. Jones. San Francisco. 2 Nassau Street, New York. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange. (Special.) Maverick National Bank, Member N. Y. Mining Stock Exchange. BOSTON, STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND OLD ON CAPITAL, $400,000 COMMISSION. H. Latham & Co., SURPLUS, 400,000 COMMERCIAL PAPER NEGOTIATED. J. BROKERS LN COLLECTIONS a specialty. Business from Banks n<l Bankers solicited. Foreign Exchange, U. S. Bonds, Satisfactory business paper discounted. Cor- AND respondence invited. C. WALCOTT &. CO., BANKERS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES, Hilmers,McGowan 52 STREET. & Co No. 29 Broad Street, WILLIAM BROKERS IN J. H. Latham. f. w. perry. Transact a General Banking Business, buy and 11 FOREIGN EXCHANGE, on commission all securities dealt in at the New 63 Wall Street, New York. York Stock Exchange, either for cash or on margin. Gwynne & Day, (P. O. Box 2,847.) Special attention given to Mining Stocks. Special attention paid to the negotiation of JOS. C. KltANK Com- WALCOTT, F. DlCIUNSO.f, f Established 1854.] No, 45 Wall Street. mercial Bills. Also execute orders for Ifftnillg Members N. Y. Stock and Mining Exchanges. Stocks at the San Franci-.sco stock Exchange, through Transact a general banking and brokerage busi- their Correspondents Messrs. Kenney & Dyeh. ess in Railway Snares and Bonds and Government R. A. Lancaster & Co., ecurities. Hatch & Foote, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Interest allowed on deposits. Investments carefully attended to. RANKERS, No. 12 WALL STREET 66 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, DXALKR8 IN BUY AND SELL Pint-Class Investment Securities. GOVERNMENT BONDS, GOLD, STOCKS AUD GOVERNMENT BONDS. STATE. CITY. COUNTY Trask & Francis, MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. RAILROAD & MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES ' Bought and Sold on Commission. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Virginia Tax-Receivable Broadway 15 New St., A. Co., Coupons Bought. TO & New York H. Brown & 80U1BERN SECURITIES A SPECIALITY. Transact a General Banking Business. BANKERS AND BROKERS, LOANS NEGOTIATED. STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD Bought and Sold on Interest allowed ow Deposits. 1 Wall St., Cor. New, New York. Commission, and carried on Margins. EF* SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. FUNDING VIRGINIA AND NORTH tw Accounts of Country Banks and Bankers re .Special attention to business of country banks. CAROLINA STATE BONDS. celved on favorable terms. : . Vol. 11 THE CHRONICLE. XXIX Foreign Exchange. Canadian Bank.. Foreign Banker*. Drexel, Morgan & Co., Merchants' Bank Nederlandsche HILL STREET, CANADA,OF Handel-Maatschappij, OF BROAD, NEW YORK. CORNER The jXctherlaiid Trading Society Capital, 85,401,790 Paid Up. Drexel & Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co OF HOLLAND, President, the Hon. JOHN HAMILTON. Mo.M South Thud St.. 81 Boulevard HaasimftDD ESTABLISED 1834. Vice-President, JOHN MCLENNAN, Esq. Philadelphia. Paris. Paid-up Capital, 36,000,000 Florin*. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. ($14,4011,000, Gold ) DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. General Manager. Execute orderB for the purchase or sale of Merchan- GEORGE HAGUE, dise, Bonds, Macks, Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities, Gold. snd other securities, in the General Manager. Untted :-tates, Europe and the Last ; make Collections, Ac., Sought and sold ou Commission . Interest allowec WM. J. INGRAM, Asst. DepoBiu. Foreign Kxchauge. Commercial Credits. buy and sell Foreign Exchange, and give advances on upon Merchandise tor hxj>ort. Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, BANKERS : OLIVER S. CARTER, Agents available In all parts M the world. Clydesdale Banking Comp'y. ) LONDON, ENG.-The STANTON BLAKE, V for NEW YORK—The Bank of New York. N. B. A. Attorneys and Agents or HENRY E. HAWLKY, ) America. The New York Agency buys and sells Sterling Ex- New Yobk, January 1, i-'.'.>. vi,-w.i-«. J. 8. MORGAN A CO., change, Cable Transfers, issues Credits available in in Office, 142 Pearl Street York. No. 82 OLD BROAD ST., LONDON. all parts of the world, makes collections Canada New and elsewhere, and issues Drafts payable at any of the offices of the bank In Canada. Demand Drafts issued payable in Scotland and Ireland, and every Brown Brothers & Co., description of foreign banking business undertaken. Adolph Boissevain & Co. New York Agency, 48 Exchange-place. lillKl.jii No. 59 WALL STREET, HENRY HAGUE. Agents. JOHN B. HARRIS, JR., ASS BILLS OF EXCHANGE COMMISSION MERCHANTS of Montreal. ON Bank AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Great Britain and Ireland and France. CAPITAL, - $12, 0Oi>,000, Gold. N. Y. Correspondents.—Messrs. BLAKE BROS. A CO COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' CREDITS SURPLUS, - 5,000,000, Gold. ISSUED, AVAILABLE IN ANT PART California Bank*. OF THE WORLD. GEORGE STEPHEN, President. C. F. SMITHERS, General Manager. Telegraphic Transfers of money be- The Nevada Bank NEW YORK OFFICE, tween this country and England Nos. 59 A 61 WALL STREET. OF SAN FRANCISCO. France. and Walter Watson,) Agents.A»»nt« New York Agency, 62 Wall Street- A. Lang, J & W. Seligman & Co., Buy and sell Sterling Exchange, Francs and Cable J. Transfers grant Commercial and Travelers' Credits Capital, paid np. ... S10, 000,0(0 Gold. ; Surplus, (invested in BANK BUS, available in any part of the world ; issue drafts on and make collections In Chicago and throughout U.S.Bond.8) 3,500,000 " 69 EXCHANGE PLACE, the Dominion of Canada. l.'OKNBK BROAD STKBBT. SEW } ORB.. GEORGE L. BRANDER, Agent. London Office, No. 9 Rlrchln Lane. Issar Letters of Credit for Travelers, Issue Commercial and Travelers' Credits available AGENCY OF THE in any part of the world. Draws Exchange, Foreign Payable In any part of Knrone. Asia, Arrlca, Austral:* and Inland, and makes Transfers of Money by Tele- snd America. Bank of British graph and Cable. Gives special attention to Gold Draw Rills of Bxcaana-e and make telegraphic trans- and Silver Bullion and Specie, and to California fers of money on Europe and California. Collections and Securities; and arranges to pay North America, Dividends on such securities at due dates. No. 52 WALL STREET. Bankers, London, SMITH, PAYNE & SMITHS. John Munroe & Co., do do UNION BANK OF LONDON. Commercial Credits Issued for use In Europe, China, do NewYork.BANK OF NEW YORK, N. B. A. No. 8 Wall Street, New York, Japan, the East and West Indies, and South America. do do American exchange Nat. Bank. Demand Bills No. 4 Post Office Square, Roston. and Time of Exchange, payable in London and elsewnere, bought and sold at current THE CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON rates; also Cable Transfers. MUNROE .V CO., PARIS. Demand Drafts on Scotland and Ireland, also on Anglo-Californian Bank Canada, British Columbia and San Francisco. Bills STERLING CHEQUES AND BILLS AT SIXTY (LIMITED). DAYS' SIGHT ON Collected and other Banking Business transacted. D. A. MACTAV1SH,) Agents..„-„ LONDON, Head Office, 3 Angel Court. ALEXANDERS & CO., LONDON. WM.LaWSON. J SAN FRANCISCO Office. 422 California St. Ctkctlab Notbb and Credits fob Tbatblxbb. Imperial Bank of Canada NEW YORK Agents, J. & W. Sengman A Co. Capital, $1,000,000. Authorized Capital, - - $6,000,000. S. G. & G. C. Ward," Paid up and Reserve, • 1,700,000. H. 8. HOWLAND, President ; D. K. WILKIE, Cashier AGKNT8 FOB HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Transact a general bunking business. Issue Com- BARING BROTHERS A COMPANY, mercial credits and Bills of Exchange, available in Bbanchks ; WALL STREET. all parts of the world. Collections and orders for 6i NRT# YORK. 8T. CATHARINES, PORT COLBORNE, ST. THOMAS Bonds, Stocks, etc., executed upon the most favor. 28 STATE STREET, BOSTON. INGERSOLL, WELLAND, DUNNY.LLE. FEKGUS. able terms. FUKD'K F.
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