H11434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 29, 1994 which says that it was a ministerial excellence in the U.S. Congress. In the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THESPEAKER duty to appoint him. This raises con­ National Football League, he was The SPEAKER. TheChair announces stitutional questions. Nevertheless the named the NFL Man of the Year, not that he will recognize 10 Members on Oklahoma statute says the Governor for is accomplishments on the field, each side for 1-minute speeches, and can appoint. which were tremendous, but for his ac­ further 1-minutes will be delayed until Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased and complishments off the field, working the close of legislative business. proud to say the people of the First with the community, with the family, District of Oklahoma have sent us a and the adherence and allegiance to new Congressman being sworn in COMMUNICATION FROM THE today. the values that he professes—a great honor. CLERK OF THE HOUSE Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, I thank The SPEAKER laid before the House the distinguished gentleman from Cali­ I am very pleased that he is a grad­ uate of a high school in my congres­ the following communication from the fornia [Mr. THOMAS] for his contribu­ Clerk of the House of Representatives: tion, and again I urge adoption of the sional district, Putman City High resolution. School, which is in the Oklahoma City OFFICE OF THE CLERK, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance suburb of Warr Acres, and where my children attend high school. If you Washington, DC,November 29, 1994. of my time, and I move the previous Hon. THOMAS S. FOLEY, question on the resolution. were still playing football there today, The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, The previous question was ordered. STEVE, you would find that two of the Washington, DC. The resolution wasagreed to. cheerleaders are my daughters, and DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- A motion to reconsider was laid on they would be cheering you on as ar­ mission granted in Clause 5 of Rule III of the the table. dently as everyone else has. Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk received the following messages Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to intro­ from the Secretary of the Senate: SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE duce a great gentleman as the newest 1. Received on Monday, October 10, 1994 at STEVE LARGENT AS A MEMBER Member of Congress from Oklahoma, 1:00 p.m.: that the Senate passed without the Honorable STEVE LARGENT. amendment H.R. 5060. OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA­ 2. Received on Wednesday, October 12, 1994 TIVES at 1:40 p.m.: that the Senate agreed to the The SPEAKER. Will the Member- Conference Report on S. 21; agreed to House elect from Oklahoma, the Honorable AN ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBIL­ amendment to S. 720, S. 784, S. 1457, S. 1614; STEVE LARGENT, please come forward? agree to House amendments to S. 2073, S.J. ITY AND A PROMISE OF BOLD Res. 227; Passed without amendment: H.R. Mr. LARGENT appeared at the bar of LEADERSHIP 808, H.R. 2056, H.R. 2135, H.R. 2266, H.R. 2294, the House, and took the oath of office, (Mr. LARGENT asked and was given H.R. 2411, H.R. 3059, H.R. 3984, H.R. 4180, H.R. as follows: permission to address the House for 1 4192, H.R. 4193, H.R. 4497, H.R. 4551, H.R. 4452, Do you solemnly swear that you will H.R. 4571, H.R. 4595, H.R. 4757, H.R. 4778, H.R. support and defend the Constitution of minute and to revise and extend his re- 4781, H.R. 4814, H.R. 4833, H.R. 4842, H.R. 4896, the United States against all enemies, marks.) H.R. 4922, H.R. 4924, H.R. 4967, H.R. 5034, H.R. foreign and domestic; that you will Mr. LARGENT. Mr. Speaker, it is 5053, H.R. 5102, H.R. 5155, H.R. 5161, H.R. 5176, bear true faith and allegiance to the truly an honor to stand before you H.R. 5200, H.R. 5220, H.R. 5244, H.R. 5246, H.R. same; that you take this obligation today as the newest Member of the 103d 5252, H.J . Res.326, H.J. Res.390, H.J. Res. 425, Congress. I first must thank those re­ H. Con. Res. 292, H. Con. Res. 293, H. Con. freely, without any mental reservation Res. 299, H. Con. Res. 304, and H. Con. Res. or purpose of evasion, and that you will sponsible for my being here—my wife 314; agreed to House amendments to Senate well and faithfully discharge the duties Terry and our four children, Kyle, amendments to H.R. 3313; and agreed to of the office on which you are about to Casie, Kelly and Kramer—the joy and House amendment to Senate amendments to enter. So help you God. inspiration of my life. And, I must H.R. 4867. The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You thank the hundreds of campaign work­ 3. Received on Wednesday, October 19, 1994 ers in Tulsa, OK who worked in our at 3:08 p.m.:that the Senate agreed to House are nowa Member of the House of Rep­ amendment to S. 1146. resentatives. campaign. With great respect, I am. The emotions I am feeling this morn­ Sincerely yours, ing are overwhelming, similar to those DONNALD K. ANDERSON, INTRODUCTION OF THE HONOR- felt when my four children were born. I Clerk, U.S.House of Representatives. ABLE STEVE LARGENT AS A feel a tremendous sense of joy and opti­ MEMBER OF CONGRESS mism—at the same time, I am aware of (Mr. ISTOOK asked and was given the tremendous responsibility given ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER permission to address the House for 1 me by the voters of Oklahoma's First The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to minute.) District. announce that pursuant to clause 4 of Mr. ISTOOK. Mr. Speaker, it is my Mr. Speaker, voters on November 8 rule I, the Speaker or Speaker pro tem­ privilege to introduce to the Members made a clear, unmistakable call for pore signed the following enrolled bills of the House the newest Member of the bold leadership, a leadership that does and joint resolutions, which, without 103d Congress, also to be a Member of objection, will appear at this point in not accept the way things are as the the RECORD. the 104th Congress, which actually way things have to be—a leadership brings to an end a series of fascinating The Speaker signed the following en- that reflects integrity and instills faith rolled bill on Monday, October 10, 1994: events in our great home State of in our Government and in our elected Oklahoma this year. H.R. 5060. An Act to provide for the con­ officials. I pledge today to be such a tinuation of certain fee collections for the We had the resignation of Congress- leader. man Glenn English and the election of expenses of the Securities and Exchange Congressman FRANK LUCAS, the res­ It is truly an honor to serve in this Commission for fiscal year 1995. ignation of U.S. Senator David Boren body with my distinguished colleagues, And the Speaker signed the following to assume the presidency of the Uni­ and with you Mr. Speaker. I look for- enrolled bills on Tuesday, October 11, versity of Oklahoma, the special elec­ ward to the challenges that lay ahead, 1994: tion of Congressman JIM INHOFE to the and to working together with both Re- S. 922. AnActto provide that a State court U.S. Senate, and now the swearing in publicans and Democrats to change the may not modify an order of another State of the new Member from Tulsa, OK, of direction of this Nation, to reduce the court requiring the payment of child support size and scope of Government, to re­ unless the recipient of child support pay­ the First District. ments resides in the State in which the This is a gentleman who has already duce taxes and regulations oan busi­ modification is sought or consents to the shown great ability of accomplishment nesses, and to move this great country seeking of themodification in that court; in a previous field and who will also forward on a path toward greater op­ S. 1225. An Act to authorize and encourage show that great ability and will show portunity for all Americans. the President to conclude an agreement with November 29, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11435 Mexico to establish a United States-Mexico H.R. 783. An Act to amend Title III of the demnity compensation for survivors of such Border Health Commission; Immigration and Nationality Act to make veterans, to revise and improve veterans' S. 2060. An Act to amend the Small Busi­ changes in the laws relating to nationality benefits programs, and for other purposes; ness Act and the Small Business Investment and naturalization; S. 2073. An Act to designate the Warren B. Act of 1958, and for other purposes; H.R. 808. An Act for the relief of James B. Rudman U.S. courthouse, the Jamie L. Whit- S. 2475. An Act to authorize assistance to Stanley; ten Federal Building, and the William H. promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts H.R. 2056. An Act to redesignate the Post Natcher Federal Building and U.S. court- in Africa; Office Building located at 600 Princess Anne house; S. 2500. An Act to enable producers and Street in Fredericksburg, VA, as the "Sam­ S.
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