1960 Pr ented by The Senior Class o! 1960 Valparaiso High School Valparaiso, Nebraska Co-editor Beverly Hladik Co-editor Jo Ann Barry Co-editor Marla Scott Sponsor Mr. Robert Schultze edicafion For their unselfish help and guidance in our past years of education, we, the seniors of l96o, dedicate our annual, The Bulldog, to our parents and teachers. \~thout their confi- dence and understanding, we would have been unable to reach the goals for which we have strived. Superintendent Robert R. Schultze BS University of Nebraska ME University of Nebraska CoiUlllercial Francis L. Keisler Perry L. Kenney BS Midland College AB Kearney State Teachers Colleg Math Assistant Coach Science Industrial Arts English Principal Ronald R. Powers Yvonne Haun BS University of Nebraska BS University of Nebraska Barbara Schultze ME University of Nebraska Music BS University of Nebraska Coach English Homeru.ld.ng Social Studies Biology BOARD OF EDUCATION Floyd Schlotaan-President Dwight Carnahan Harry ChristeMen-Treaeurer Weldon Johnson Dale Gray-Secretar.r walter Hellerich GRANr SCHLO'IMAN: Boys Glee - 21 3; Mixed Chorus-4; Octet-4; Band-l, 2, 3; Pep Band-1; Class Play-3,4; Letter. man's Club-2,3,4; Letterman's Club Officer-4; Football- 1,2,3,4; Bas­ ketball-1,2,3,4; Track-1,2,3. CAROL OLSON: Glee Club - 1,2,3,4J Mixed Chorus - 4; Octet - 4; Tripl Trio-2,3,4; Band-1,2,3; Pep Band-3J Class Officer-2,4; Class Play-3,4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4; Pep Club Officer 3,4. ADELINE BOHAC: Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Band-l;Paper Staff- 4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. BARBARA S::HMIDT: Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Triple Trio - 2,4; Band-1,2,3; Pep Band-3; Pep Club-1, 2,3,4; Volleyball-2. GOROON NOVACEK: Mixed Chorus - 4; Boys Glee-2,3; Octet-4; Band-1,2,3, 4; Pep Band-1; Lettennan's Club-2, 3,4; Football-1,2,3,4; Basketball- 1,2,3,4; Track-2,3,4. KAREN NICHELSON: Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4; Band-l, 2; Class Play-4;Paper Staf!- 4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. GERALDINE TVRDY: Glee Club-1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus-4;0ctet-4; Triple Tri­ o-3,4; Trio-3,4; Class Officer-); Class Play-3,4; Paper Staff-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4; Pep Club Officer-3; Cheerleader-4. LLO YD HELLERICH: Mixed Chorus - 4; Boys Glee-2,3; Octet-4; Band-1,2,3; Class Play-3,4; Letterman's Club- 2,3,4; Letterman's Club Officer-4; Football-1,2,3,4; Basketball-1,2,3, 4; Track-1,2,3,4. JOAN HOLEKA: Glee Club- 1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus-4;Triple Trio-1; Class Play-3,4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. DARLENE BOHAC: Glee Club-1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Paper Sta.ff-4; Pep Club-2,3,4. BEVERLY HLAffiK: Glee Club-1, 2, 3, 4; Mi.•ted Choru.s-4; Triple Trio-2; Pep &uld-1,2,3; Band- 1,2,3; Class Of­ fi~er-1,2,3; Class Play-3,4; Paper Sth..~f-4-Edi tor; Annual Sta.ff-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4; Pep Club Officer-4; Volleyball-1,2,3,4. MARK SAULNIER: Attended Clyde Rural High School-1,2,3; Class Officer-2; Paier staff-4;Football-2,3; Basket­ baJl-3,4; Track-1,2,3,4. MIKE BARRY: Boys Glee-2; Band-1,2 3; Class Play - 3,4; Paper Staff-4 Letterman's Club-2,3,4; Letterman• Club Officer-4; Football- 1,2,3,4; Basketball-1,2,3; Track-1,2,3,4. G~OOLYN REJD.\: Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4, Mixed Chorus-4; Triple Trio-4;Claa Officer-3,4; Class Play-3,4; Pape Staff-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. JOANN MASEK: Glee Club - 1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Class Play-3; Paper Staff-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4; Pep Club Officer-4. OPAL VANICEK: Glee Club- 1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. CHARLES FIALA: Boys Glee-2, 3; Let­ terman' s Club-4; Football-2,4; R.as­ ketball-1,4. IDA NOVOTNY: Glee Club- 1,2,3,4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4. JOANN BARRis Glee Club - 11 21 3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Sextet-1; Banci-1, 21 J; Pep Band-1,2; Class Officer-); Class Play-), 4; Annual statf-4; Pep Club-1,2,3,4;Cheerleader-4; Volley­ ball-1,2,3,4. LARRY MUTHERSBAU3H: Mixed Chorua-4; Boys Glee-2,3; Octet - 4; Band - 1; Claaa Play-3,4; Letterman' a Club-), 4; Football-1,3; Basketball-1,2. JEANETI'E RUZEis Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4; Mixed Chorue-4; Triple Trio-1; Claaa O!!icer-1,4; Claaa Play-3,4; Paper Statt-4; Pep Club- 1,2,3,4; Cheer­ leader-4; Volleyball-J, 4. RACHAEL IDCKER: Glee Club-1, 2, 3,4; Mixed Chorus-4; Trio-2,4; Octet-4; Triple Trio-1,2,3,4; Band-1,2,3,4; Pep Band-1,2,3; Class Officer-1,4; Class Play-4; Pep Club-11 2,3,4; Pep Club Officer-). MARLA SCOTT: Glee Club - 1, 2, 3,4; Mixed Chorue-4; Triple Trio-2,3,4; Trio-2; Band - 1,2,3; Pep Band-1,2; Claaa O!ficer-2; Clua Play-J,4;An­ nual Statf-4; Pep Club- 1,2,3,4; Cheerleader-3,4. mNEsT OSKmA: Boye Glee-21 J j Let­ teraan•e Club-4;Baaketball-1,2,3,4. niOMAS NOVOTNY: Boys Glee-2; Band- 1; Class Play-). RONALD PLESKAC: Boys Glee-2 3; Mix ed Chorua-4J Class Play-J,4J Paper sta.ff-4; Football-1; Baeketball-1, 2, 3; Track-1, 2. ~TH£ 8oc2rdlng flousfl Reach Presented by 'The Senior Class of 1960 April 191 1960 Cast WILBUR MAXWELL Grant Schlotman LIMPY McGUIRE Gordon Novacek HERCULES NELroN Ronald Pleskac NORA McGUIRE Geraldine Tvr~ HR. JOHN MAXWELL Lloyd Hellerich HERMAN JONES Larry Muthersbaugh MRS. JANET MAXWELL Beverly ID.adik ROUGHHOUSE RUBY Karen Nichelson BETTY LOU MAXWELL JoAnn Bar17 HR. POTTm Ernest Osmera CONNIE MAXWELL Marla Scott LUCY BURNS Joan Holeka BERNADINE OOTH Jeanette Ruzek MRS. MOTT Carol Olson AUNT MARY Gwendolyn Rej da CONNOLY Mike Barry DIRECIDR Mr. Francis Keisler Story of the Pla;r For III8.IlY years nov, fifteen-year-old Wilbur Maxwell has wanteda bicycle. He's dreamed of peddling through town, getting fond gazes fromthe girls, and boastfully shouting, "Look, No Handsl" But he still can't persuade Mama and • Papa to jar down--to get him one. So, when Pop is called away for a week­ long business trip, Mom is persuaded to go vi th him for sort of a second honeymoon, and the houseis left in charge of sister Connie and sister Betty Lou, Wilbur getshis idea. He 1 ll make hie own moneyand buy his own bicycle. He' 11 open up a boarding house right here. Wilbur knows there 1 e a fright- "" ful housing shortage, he knove people need placesto sleep, and he knows for a whole week he can reall;y clean up and just be rolling in bicycle. So into the paper goes the ad, .11.0d that night the whole Maxwell house is crawling with people. Pretty soon every room in the house is full, Wilbur' 1!1 doing a bang-up business, and then it happens. Mama and Papa Maxwell, at two o 1 clock of the next morning, come dragging home - Papa forgot his brief case. From there on out, it's one mess after another. Papa has an important business conference the next morning, but he has ~ sleep on the floor, he can't get in to shaTe, andhe can't even read hie own paper. Things are go­ ing 'round and 'round. Finally, it's discovered somebody in the house is a bank robber, and poor Papa is mistakenl;y carted off to the clink. What a mess novllll ... JUNIORS PRESIDENT HEf5 REPORTE Sharon. Hladik Joyce Hellen VICE-PRES. SEC. -TRI!'.l&mm Beverl.T Draper Jane Kubik Mr. Kenne;r Kenneth Hladik Lucille Christeneen linn Kubik Diane Wedberg ·~ 1 ..·~ +> ..... ' Larr;r Rej da Marcella Broau Jerry' Lawton Marlene Pecka Mike Mikos Jero.e Bakel Morria McDonal.d Jaaes Bl&sek James Paraar Richard Lowther Dale D1went Grego17 Sercl Eft Dhia Rest AsslLTed Hr. Morlock's a fidgety, nervous, grouchy old goat who doesn't like anything but money, won't let his family do anything; always gripes about his painsand aches, feuds with everyone and he won 1 t let daughter Mary, 20, become engagedto Joe Lanconi because Joe's papa is poor. In short, he's a drip o! the worst sort. So when Joe's papa, Luigi, comes over to plead his son's case, he's prac­ tically booted out of the house. Luigi Is always had a bad heart and well, the poor old boy just couldn 1 t take i t-andhe konks out. The feud is over. But Hold the Phone! Luigi gets permission to come back and haunt Mr.Morlock until he consents to the marriage. Poor Mr. Morlock. His family thinkshe' s nuts. In his despair, be accidently takes too many sleeping pills and then it happens. He kicks the bucket. Lucifer, the rounder-upper of lost souls froa "down-below", drop in--to take Mr.
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