IMPPPI ! ^ " P F lip iip ^ F F X I I1 d ' S i x t e e n S i x t e e n f . P a g e s P a g e s VOL. XXXVIII, No. 30 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 18,1926 fl.50 PER YEAR COilENGEMEm WEEK Summer Arrives PLYiUIH HIGH ATHLETES AGAIN WIN GHAMPIONSHIP 2T Week’s Activities Begin With Baccalaureate For the Third Time Plymouth High Captures Sermon Next Sunday Evening, June 20. Suburban League Championship and is Awarded Silver Trophy Cup. Thirty-Three Boys and Girls Will Graduate From the Local Schools this Year. The Locals Win Out Over Wayne by Margin of Five Points; Doudt Makes Highest Individual Score. Cduimencvuionr week activities ih i W ILL CLOSE WEDNESD.4Y AFTER­ jhe Plymouth schools VUl begin with [ NOONS. BEGINNING .Jl^E 30TH. the Baccalaureutf sermon at the High j school auditorium, next Sunday eve «)nce ninre Plymouth High athletes IIick«-y (Plym outh). Time 24 3-5 sec­ ning. June 20tb, a t 8:00 o’clock. Dr. Oq another page of the Mall today bring glory to their school by winning onds. F. A. I^-ntlnim. pastor of the Methodist will be found an advertisement, an­ the Snburlian Ijoague track honors for Hroiul jinuji—'Won by Doudt (Plym- Episcopal church will give the sermon. nouncing the closing of many of our liuslness places on Wednesday after- tltc third consecutive time, a t Ypsi i(li|; s4**'oud, Valluuce (Wayne); A male quartette, composed of Calvin, .Normal Field at Ypsilanti, last Friday, iliii'd. rnrney (Plym outh; fourth, Austin and Elmore Whipple and* Bar- nociQS. beginning Wednesday. June beating ont their closest contenders. ik I Fariiiingtuu ). Diatance 19-feet old Jolliffe, will give a selection. ;tOth. ami continuing during the months of July and August. This Wayue High, by a margin of five 2 % iiulies. C la ss D a y points. 4.5 to 40. IVayne has been the N80-yard run—Won by Morton The class day exercises will take closing plan was carrie<l out on Wed­ niuuer-up to the champs for the past (W ayne): second, ll<»mingl)crger fTp- place at the High school auditorium, nesday .afternoons last year, and the two years. silanti): third. Schultz (Northville) ; c5 on Tuesday evening. Jane 22. a t 8:00 same plan is being observed by the business men in many towns and cities The champlonsbii) did not go to the fimrili, Kurze (Pl.vmouth). Tima o'clock. The. following program will 2:10 4-.5. be g lv « i: throughout the state. See ad. defenders until the last event, the half- mile relay, had been decided. Wayne Jiivelin throw—W’on hy Groom (Tpsl- Processional—Orchestra Iniitl) : second. Sallow, (Farm ington); ANN ARBOR ROAD OPENS TODAY and Plymouth were about evenly Station P. H. S. No. 26—Russell Rob­ third. Ixx'kwood (Plymouth); fourth, inson matched, and tbe two schools were The Plymouth road between Plym­ never more than a few points apart, (?nsterliue (Northvllle). Dlstanoe 128 Tales of the Past—Letha Rowland Mrs. William Arscot and daughter. RHEINER-McCRUM outh and Ann Arbor, which is now all LOCAL NEWS easily outdistancing the remainder of ftH't 6 inches. Static—Hah Eckles. Leona Joy Ethel, of Rogers City, are visiting the <‘oncrete. was opened to trafBc today, Ilie field. When the relay was called. Relay—Won by Plymouth (Moore, Our Program for Tomorrow Will be former's sister, Mrs. William Petz. A very i>loasant occa.-^ion was the Friday, June 18th. This is a splendid Mrs. Charles Olds is visiting her Plymouth was leading by the narrow Hlcke.v. Farney. D oudt): second. Deai^ —Blanche Freeman wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. highway, and now that it is opened daughter. Mrs. Earl 8tevens, in De­ Rev. .T. G. Peters and family of margin of two points, 40 to 38. If horn; third, Wayne; lourtb?Northvllle. Broadcasting the Weather Reports— W. J. McCrum on Golden road, last gives Plymouth people a short route to troit, this week. Radnor. Ohio, visited Ills sister, Mrs. Wayne had won the relay. It would Plymontli received a beautiful silver Kenneth Wilske Tuesday evening. June 35. at 8:30 the University city. There is no doubt Floyd Sherman, Tuesday. have given them at least a tie with cup a.s winners of tbe track champion­ Special Program. Tuesday Night Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rauch attended o'clock, when their daughter. Miss that this road, together with the short the local boy.s for first piece. ship, and also a smaller cup for win- Only—Marlon Beyer the wedding. Tuesday, at Grand Rap­ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Willett and little Violet, was united in marriage to cut-off that connects both the Plym- Wayne lo.st every possible chance It uiug the reluy race. Finale by the “Senior Company of ids, of Miss Norma Judson, a former daughter: Ross Willett and Mrs. Theodore Rhelner, both of Plymouth. outh-Detroit road and the Plymonth- hud of winning tbe relay right at tbe Every one of tbe athletes on tbe local teacher in the Plymouth schools, to Worthington of Detroit, called at C. Rev. H. E. Sables, pastor of the Bap­ Ann Arbor road, without passing Sturt when its first runner ran wide, team showed the splendid t ra in in g they Lloyd Patton of that c-ity. O. Dickerson’s, Sunday. tist church, read the impressive ring < 'ommeneemeat through the village, will become a fulling hn<'k so far that the other mem- had received, und they are entitled to ceremony, after which be introduced popular route with Detroit motorists i»crs of the touni were unable to do much credit together with C oach The commencement exercises will Mr. and Mrs. Rhelner to the fifty .occur on Thursday evening, June 24th, west-bound. much. Plymouth won the relay, and Coatta for bringing home tbe cups and guests in tlie home. retaining tlieir leadership in tbe at 8:00 o’clock, a t the High school with It the league championship, league. auditorium, at which time thirty-three Installing Big Hortonsphere at Local Gas Plant As .Mrs. George Gurey. sister of tlirougb .some speedy stepping by Wen­ boys and girls will receive diplomas. file bride. p1aye<l the Mendelssohn dell Doudt. its unclxir man. Plymouth The following program will be given: WfHldiiig nmreb. the wedding party was ill second plH4-e on the lust lap. PLYMOUTH BOY GR.ADI ATES AT Mrs. J . -Kohy>|» died at her home The Fe<lerat(Hl I'tilifies. Inc., has larger mains or district storage. Processional—Orchestra of six came down the stairs, following almost 1H yards behind DearlHtrn, the WESLEYAN I'NIVFiRSm . in Canton township. Monday morning, rwently eonfrncTi'<l with the Chicago Larger mains would chu.<»' a great ex- Salutatory—Elsie White tile pastin'. Tlie bride, leaning on leailcT. Doudt .sprinted liard to over­ at the age <»f nearly 81 years. Mrs. Bridge & Iron Works, f.»r the installa­ )M-iaiiMiii‘ of money, as well as the Fnslerick I/endniu), UNi Church Violin Solo—W ilbert Petz file arm »)f her father, and nci'om- take tlie Dearborn runner and l>eat Knupp had iH-en in jamr health f«jr a tion of K lOO.OtK) cilhic foot llortou- digging up of <-lty strecds. A liigh street. Plymouth. Mlchigau, was in­ Vnle<lictory—Julia Wilcox panleil hy Miss Alveria 'Walton him to the taj>e in a close finish. yeu^ but had Iteen seriously ill for sphere in the gas distribution sys­ pr«‘ssure holdiT ii.ses the original and Miss .\nna Norris, both grad­ cluded ill tix' class of 325 seniors U|)on V<H-aI Solo—Mi.'«s Forsythe Doudt prov»*d t«i be- tlie high point only one week. She was 'borii in tem. wlilch supplies this city. This mains, and costs the comiiaiiy less than uating ill the same class with the wliom Dili,) Wesleyan university. U 6 Address. “The Meaning of Educa­ man of the iiuH»t. sctirlng firsts in the Canada in September. 1845. After structure. whl«h weighs, forty-eight n«'W mains. cons<>quenrly the service bride in Detndf. Miss Walton acting Delnware. (Miio. conferred the baeb^^ tion”—Prof. W. H. Pearce, head of the 440-yard dasli and the broad Jump, her marriage she moved to the Knapp tons And is thirty-two fet*t in diameter costs less 111 the long run. as maiii of honor. Mr. Rhciner was of arts degr«*e at Its eigbt,v-*(ec<iQd an. Dept, of Math, of Central Normal Col­ homestead In Canton, where she lived secomt in the higli Ji^piP and fourth in is a large spherical tank, designed Then, iigaiii. in the selection of the uc<‘onipanied hy Earl McCrum and nual (-(immenriunent. Wediiesihiy of Ihta lege at Mt. Pleasant. Mich. the rest of her life. The deceased Is (lie <Mscus throw. f«ir a total of 14 esp**cially for pressure storage. tyjK' of district storage the gas cora- Harry Lush. Mr. McCrum. brother of ww*k. Prcwntation of Diplomas—Snpt G. survived by nine children—six sons |H>lu1s. iH'sidcs niiiiiiiig on (lie winning The foundations, which- n*Qulre only IMiiiy sliowetl their good judgment by tlie bride, acting ns best man. 'I'lic cnnimeiicemeui orulioD whs de- A. Smith and three daughters, 21 grandchil­ relay ream. tliirfy-tw«i cubic of concrete, will purchasing a Hortonsphere. This The bride was gowneil in white iiviTcci by Dr. Charles H.
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