THE NOTRE DAM E SCHOLASTIC VOL. 78 FEBRUARY 26, 1943 NO. 4 PARKER -WINTERROWD 115yj-117yj NORTH MAIN STREET—UPSTAIRS anoi COMPARE OUR PRICES BLUE, 16 OUNCE SERGE UNIFORM ' 37.50 BLUE. 16 OUNCE ELASTIQUE AND WHIPCORD RAINCOATS -47.OO WHIPCORD AND ELASTIQUE RAINCOATS . ", 49.50 30 OUNCE BEAVER OVERCOATS ^ 57.GO CAP AND DEVICE ." 14.50 TWO WHITE TWILLS FOR .,. - 25.GO MAYBE IT IS THE LUXURIOUS FABRICS, CUSTOM NEEDLE­ WORK, OR THE REASONABLE PRICES —ORfPERHAPS THE WARRANTED REPUTATION. OF PARKER-WINTERROWD ITSELF THAT HAS PLEASED AND SOLD SO MANY NAVY MEN, ON OUR CUSTOM TAILORED UNIFORMS.—IN ANY CASE WE FEEL THAT YOU WILL WANT TO COME DOWN AND VISIT OUR SHOP. -, . - ^ Campus Representatives: Reggie Flynn — Bob Davies —= Jack Walsh PARKER -WINTERROWP .115%-117% NORTH MAIN STREET—UPSTAIRS imf^M"^ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Vitimis Vive Quasi Cras Moritunis FOUNDED 1867 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1108, October 3, 191T. Authorized June 25, 1918. TALK OF THE TIMES wild cherry an 87^/^ foot figTire described half woman and half tree." Education isn't such a desired thing —University Daily Kansan after all, we find. We had hoped that it Just a little something for the mantle- was, because we've been paying sheckles piece. for six and some • semesters now. But even F. P. A. is LAST HOPE DEPT. skeptical of its "Museum Has Plenty of Meat." merits. —Headline in The Minnesota Daily As a recent lec­ We knew there would be an answer! i \. turer at Vanderbilt . • University, Nash­ GONE BUT NOT FORGOT DANIEL DOWNEY, Editor ville, the "Infor­ "So your son had to leave college on TED WEBER Managing Editor mation Please" account of poor eyesight?" BILL BOSS Sports Editor wizard was inter­ "Yes, he mistook the dean of women DAVE CONDON Campus Editor viewed by The Van­ for a co-ed." ROBERT KOPP Admin. Editor derbilt Hustler. The report in part: PHIL KEEN Asst. Sports Editor "When told that Vanderbilt English ma­ —Yelloxv Jacket ROBERT LONERGAN Promotion jors read everything from Beoivulf on • AL SCHAEFER Staff Photographer up, he said that he didn't like Beoivulf, DOMINION TALE REV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Adviser mainly because he had never read it They play for keeps up in the Do­ His views on modern education were minion of Canada. At the University of summed up in his original couplet ad­ Manitoba, Wi""iP^8j 90 students were Member of Catholic School Press Association, dressed to his sons: Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col­ ousted because of failure in recent exam­ legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis­ Gentlemen, I love and adore you. inations. In accordance with a policy, in ing by National Advertising Service. Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos­ And don't give a d-=— for your I.Q." effect throughout Canada's universities, ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ the ejected men were immediately subject LASTIC is published thirty times during the school year at the University of Notre Dame. Address all to military call. manuscript to the Editor, 313 Sorin Hall or 121 AND. The E. R. C. just keeps you guessing. Administration Bldg., Notre Dame, Indiana. • Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave Dr. Roderick Peattie of the department Maria Building: Sunday through "Wednesday at of geography at Ohio State University EVOLUTION 7:15 p. m. would like to be quoted as saying, and I once had a classmate named Guesser, we think this almost revolutionary: Whose knowledge got lesser and lesser. "Writing is not a God-given gift. I It at last grew so small. IN THIS ISSUE once wrote a book in three weeks simply He knew nothing at all— because I was kicked by a goat." And now he's a college professor. CAMPUS And the best years of our life have —Iowa State Gi-een Gander been wasted in dreary class rooms, study­ • Ted Fio Rito for Prom ing Beowulf and learning little or noth­ Results of Elections ing about kicking goats. We was robbed! DEPT. OF INDOOR SPORTS "Retreat Note: Watch yourselves on that date and remember that you are ADMINISTRATION kissing your father or brother." MORRISON WEEK-END "Scrip" of Yore . .11 Notice in the Webster College Web Aquinas Library .13 "Hello! Is this the Smith apartment? And what kind of games are you play­ AVell, I'm McTavish in the apart­ ing these days? NAVY PAGE .15 ment beneath you.... Listen, it's three • in the morning now, and your party has kept me awake all night I don't mind FOURTH FLOOR MAN SPORTS the shrieking and pounding and music The inebriate tottered along the curb. Coach Keogan's Life .16, 17 and stamping and singing and banging Several times he slipped off into the gut­ Basketball _... ^... 18 that's been going on over my head, but ter. Each time he clambered onto the Interhall 19 for gawd's sake put some more sugar sidewalk again. Bengal Bouts ^ 2G in that Tom Collins that's dripping "Long stairway," he muttered. through the ceiling!" • —Los Angeles Pace CLOSING THOUGHT FEATURES "Officer, come quickly, I've just run Splinters ..23 AMAZON. 1943 over a student!" College Parade .. 4 "Sorry, lady, today's Sunday. You The Week .. 6 "Bernard Frazier, instructor in the can't collect your bounty untiL tomorrow Ears Have It .26 department of design, is carving from morning." ^ Music ...31 4 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jime 25, 1918. Vol. 78 FEBRUARY 26. 1943 No. 4 Arrangements are being made jointly Ted Fio Rito, Between Camera and Band by senior class president John Kuhn, junior class prexy Jack Herlihy, and Wagon, Signed for Junior-Senior Bail, March 5 general chairman Dick A'Heam. DAVE CONDON Jordan of NBC Talks Tradition yielded again to the gentle­ kept secret until the night of the ball. men from Alumni, Cavanaugh, Walsh, Decorating this year A\ill be a local To Students on War and Sorin, when it was announced early affair conducted by the Sherer tAvins, Dr. Max Jordan, lean, progressive, this week that the annual Senior ball famous architect students who have won and Junior prom would be merged into head of NBC's new religion department, many awards for their artistic work. The spoke last evening in Washington Hall, one gigantic affair scheduled for March Sherers started waving jjaint brushes at -5 in the Palais Royale. addressing the student body on "The the tender age of six years when a Challenge of this War—Our Stake in Ted Fio Rito \\'ill bring his name band grandfather died and left them several the Peace." to South Bend on that Friday evening to hundred of the best brushes obtainable. Dr. Jordan, the son of an Italian provide dancing from 10 to 2. Members They have had charge of innumerable chemist, is a devout Catholic. H& re­ of the ball committee said that they con­ decorations in this vicinity and were re­ ceived his Ph.D. in philosophy at Jena, sidered themselves fortunate in obtaining sponsible for the Dillon hall Trojan war then sidetracked into journalism and re­ Fio Rito on such short notice. He is re­ horse that won first prize in the home­ ligion. turning from Hollywood, where the band coming decorations contest in the un­ just completed a picture, and has opened defeated 1941 year. He scored many news scoops during a a one week stand at the Chicago theatre. ten year term as NBC's European boss. Bids have been limited to 500 and will He was first to talk from Nazi held Paris The Chicago theatre job closes March 4 be on sale Monday, Tuesday, and Wed­ and from the Zeppelin Hindenberg and and the maestro with the skyline rhythm nesday of next week. A site for the sale will scamper down to the Golden Dome uill be announced later. first to send Munich Pact details to the for the ball. Sunday he wall be back in United States. Chicago to broadcast on the Fitch Band Permission to use cars will be granted At present Dr. Jordan handles We Wagon. to students for the ball week-end. In view Believe (NBC), half hour Sunday pro­ of transportation difficulties, chairmen Those in charge of the ball announced gram; Chaplin Jim (Blue network), also have arranged for special busses to be half hour on - Sunday; Light of the that in spite of such short notice and a scheduled for that night. supposed lack of time for elaborate prep­ World (NBC), 15 minute Monday arations, the ball would be one of the A tea dance, to be held at a place as through Friday Biblical serial; and Min­ best ever seen at Notre Dame. The dec­ yet undecided, will occupy Saturday aft­ ute of Prayer (Mutual), a station-break- orations, favors, and programs will be ernoon. Vince Duncan, senior, and Jim brief minute of prayer written by clerics "super - stupendous, colossal, and extra Casey, a junior, are in charge of tea of different faiths, presented weekday magnificent." All these details will be dance arrangements. evenings. m 5. >t^'^ ' •>' i ' -\^ "Super-stupendous, Colossal, and Extra Magnificent": This Year Onlyl average professor, (and it's usually a bad average), who tells of his children's ac­ tivities during class. Little Pete has to THE WEEK have his,, tonsils out, or, Lucy Mae has JACK WOELFXE ingrown toe nails because she won't stop biting them, or Awkward Oswald bit the St.
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