Parshas Beshalach 11 Shvat | January 27, 2018 Candle Lighting Mincha Torah Reading Haftorah Candle Lighting 2/2 5:02p 5:05p Pg.366 Pg. 1152 5:10p BESHALACH: HELPING HANDS RABBI SHMUEL SILBER SHABBOS SCHEDULE Dedicated by the Schreck family in commemoration Rabbi Silber out of town of the yartzheit of Fraida bas Moshe Yosef z’l Shabbos Night “Amalek came and fought with Israel in could be contrary to the will of God. As we 5:02p Candle Lighting 5:05p Mincha followed by Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua, ‘Pick will learn a bit later in the Torah, God men for us, and go out and fight against Kabbolas Shabbos created age restrictions for army service. No Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the man younger than 20 and older than 60 could Shabbos Day hill with the staff of God in my hand.’ Joshua serve in the standing army of the Jewish 8:15a Daf Yomi did as Moses had told him, to fight against nation. Moshe Rabbeinu was 80 years old 9:00a Shacharis (9:49a KS) Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur and decided to hand over this military Teen Minyan Resumes next week ascended to the top of the hill. It came to responsibility to Yehoshua. The problem, 4:55p Mincha followed by pass that when Moses would raise his hand, Shalosh Seudos Israel would prevail, and when he would lay explains the Rebbe, is that when you see a 6:04p Maariv/Havdalah down his hand, Amalek would prevail. Now Jew in need, when you see your nation in 7:05p Motzei Shabbos Learning Moses’ hands were heavy; so they took a crisis, one must put their personal stone and placed it under him, and he sat on *No Chassidus on Parsha cheshbonos (calculations and ideas) aside, roll it. Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one up their sleeves and spring into action. from this [side], and one from that [side]; so WEEKLY SCHEDULE Although Moshe’s logic was sound, God he was with his hands in faith until sunset. didn’t want logic, He wanted quick and Week of 1/28 - 12th of Shvat Joshua weakened Amalek and his people Sun with the edge of the sword.” (Shemos 17:8- decisive action on behalf of the nation. He 7:15a, 8:00a, 9:00a Shacharis 13) didn’t want Moshe to delegate, He wanted 5:15p Mincha/Maariv Moshe to act. God conveys this message to Monday – Friday a.m. It was the first of many battles. Amalek Moshe through the heaviness of his hands. 6:45a, 9:00a Shacharis attacked us without cause or reason. We did “You were heavy or slow to spring into 5:15p Mincha/Maariv 9:20p Maariv not threaten their nation or land. We were action. You should not have outsourced this simply a newly emancipated people on our to Yehoshua, you should have led the charge WEEKLY SHIURIM way to embrace our newfound destiny. But yourself.” Online at suburbanorthodox.org they attacked the stragglers, the weak and The Rebbe’s profound insight can be elderly, and so we were forced to fight. Moshe amplified. The Torah is teaching us that Sunday tasked Yehoshua with organizing and leading there is a time to plan and there is a time to 8:00a Daf Yomi the army into battle. Yehoshua mobilized the act. Too often in life we put all our energy Mon-Fri fighting force and Moshe ascended the into planning and thinking. We have the 6- 5:45a Gan HaEmunah mountain to pray on behalf of the people. month plan, the 2-year plan and the 3-decade 5:55a Daf Yomi Moshe raised his hands in supplicatory plan. Our plans are polished, well thought Mon - Thurs | 8:30 - 10:15p prayer, yet the Torah tells us, that his “hands out and fully detailed. There is only one IJC Night Kollel were heavy.” Why the need for this piece of problem: we keep the plans neatly filed on Kol Hanearim Mondays at 8:30 - 9:15p information? What is the Torah trying to our desk, but we never execute; we fail to Monday teach us? Rashi comments, “Since he had engage in dynamic activity. There comes a No Business & Bagels been lax in [the performance of] the time to stop planning and thinking and start 8:00p Aish Kodesh online only commandment [of warring against Amalek] doing and acting. This does not mean that we Tuesday and had appointed someone else in his stead, shouldn’t plan and think ahead. We must be 8:00p Chassidus on Shabbos V’Yom Tov his hands became heavy.” Why did Moshe forward thinking people who are able to see (Rabbi Larry Ziffer) delegate this responsibility to Yehoshua beyond our current circumstances. However, instead of leading the army himself? we must be careful to avoid overthinking Wednesday The commentaries share many insights, but things to the point of inactivity. Thinking 9:30a Psalms for the Ages: Tehillim Shiur (for women) I would like to share with you a novel and planning is important – but so is doing. 8:00p Ethics & Ethos: Parsha Shiur interpretation by the Lubavitcher Rebbe of Rav Kalonymos Kalman haLevi Epstein blessed memory. The Rebbe explains that (1751-1823) in his sefer Maor V’Shemesh Thursday Moshe’s initial inclination was in fact to lead Continued on back>> 8:00p Likutei Moharan (for men) the army himself. But he then felt that this 1 ASK THE RABBI SPONSORSHIPS SHABBOS TORAH READING DONATIONS Jeremy Diamond in memory of his father “Rabbi Silber, why don’t women Dovie & Nina Elman, Justin & Re- Abe Diamond, Avrohom Tzvi ben Pesach have the obligation to say Kaddish if becca Myrowitz, Juliya & Leon Hillel z'l they’re obligated in all other aspects of Sheynman, Hannah Sultan, Stephen & MOTZEI SHABBOS LEARNING aveilus (mouring)?” Adrian Diamond Wolf Dr. Michael & Rachel Lebowitz & Family (Hudi T) WEEK OF LEARNING Growth Sponsors This is an excellent question. Kaddish is Sponsored by Chaim Schreck in honor of a part of Teffilah’ B Tzibbur the yahrtzeit of his grandmother Freida (congregational prayer). Being that bas Moshe Yosef. women aren’t obligated in Teffilah SHIUR SPONSORSHIP B’Tzibbur there is no obligation to say Wednesday Parsha Shiur sponsored by Kaddish. However, a woman is Mark & Elsa Lustman as a zechus for a absolutely permitted to say Kaddish refuah sheleima for Raizel Liba bas Batya (and provides a great merit for the soul of her loved one) whenever she is DVAR TORAH CONT. at the same time, we must understand that davening with a minyan. ...says, “What does it mean that sometimes we must act even if we don’t have Moshe’s hands were heavy? It means all the answers and information in hand. There MEMBER NEWS that Moshe’s strength weighed him down.” are times when we must engage the battle of life, even if we think we are unprepared. We MAZAL TOVS Moshe’s hands were Nathan & Beth Adler on the birth filled with so much potential, strength and must remember that each of us possess hands of a granddaughter to their children, ability. He was carrying around so much which are heavy and weighed down with Rachel and Yehuda Leib Birnbaum. power that his hands felt heavy. He didn’t potential. May we find the strength to lift our think he could lead the army out, but he was hands, discover this potential and find success Iris Littman on her 70th birthday. The on the battlefield of life. Kehillah is invited to a special birthday wrong. He was weighed down with potential Kiddush in her honor next Shabbos. he didn’t even realize he had. This is the message for us. We must plan when possible. Newly posted shiurim online and on BIRTHDAYS We must try to be “ro’eh es ha’nolad, to Nachum Levine, Chavie Rothschild, Podcast www.rabbisilber.org Aviva Rubin, Shayna Lerner, Atara anticipate future results and repercussions.” Shulamit Friedman, Alexandra Polirer, We should not throw caution to the wind. But Anna Ponczak, Avigayil Reidy, Etiel Mordechai Weinberg, Batsheva Messing, Tara Cornberg, Ahuva Rena Raskas, Micah Hammond, Jonathan Hammond, Jeremiah Pollack YAHRZEITS Bruce Robert Gold, Claire Katz, Mordechai Konowitz, Jacob Rutkin, Elliott Miller, Charles Henry Fall, Elliott Miller, Elizabeth Benn, Abraham Diamond, Selma Michaels, Andrew Posner, Abraham Diamond, Rabbi Ephraim Wiesenberg, Charles Isadore Cohn SHUL HAPPENINGS 60th Anniversary Dinner & Show Sun 2/11, 5:30p | Beth Tfiloh suburbanorthodox.org/celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut/HaZikaron Scholar in Residence | Shabbos 4/14 Lt. Colonel Rabbi Yedidya Atlas, Head of Special Projects, IDF Chief Rabbinate COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS OCA Purim Costume Sale Sun 2/4, 11-3p & Mon 2/5, 7:30-9:30p 6201 Park Heights Avenue [email protected] 2 .
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