The NCAA -August 31, 1983. Volume 20 Number 29 Official Publication of th tional Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA subcommittee named to meet with ACE group A suhcommitrcr 01 the NCAA ingston University; Arliss L. Roaden, seek to amend the NCAA constitution Council has been appoInted to meet president, Tennessee Technological to establish the veto mechanism. with rcpre$emarivcs ofthc American University. and Kenneth J. Weller, Other actIons taken by the Council Council on Education to explore president, Central College (Iowa). in its August meeting dealt with such mutual interests regarding the in- The ACE’s representatives are cx- diverse topics as Insurance programs creabed lnvolvemcm of chic1 cxecu- pectcd to be Rev. Timothy S. Healy, and NCAA Convention planning. t1vc officers in athletics governance. president, Georgetown (Jniversity: The (‘ouncil directed the Insurance Such a 1nccrlng was requested by Luna I. Mishoe, president, Delaware Commitrcc IO proceed. subject to the ACE. The NCAA <‘ouncil. mert- State College; Harold F. Robinson, review hy Icgai councrl. with a plan ing August I7- I9 In I)cnvcr. ant hor- chancellor. Western Carolina Uni- to make avallablc to all member ized rhe NCAA president to appoint versity; Ronald W. Roskens, presi- instlturlons a Ilfcrmic catastrophic such a subcommittee. The meeting is dent of the Ilniversity of Nebraska inlury mburancc program for malt scheduled for Scptemher 2 in Chlcago. system; William Friday, president of and Icmale studcn&athlctes. It also Prcs1dcnt John 1.. loner, director the liniversity of North Carolina would cover orhcr srudcntc involved of arhlcrlcs at the Ilnl~cr~lty ol systrm, and Hokc I,. Smith, press- in athlcrlc\: chccrlcadcl~s, hand mcm- Connecticut, appointed Secretary- dent, .I owson State Ilniversity. bcrs. student traincrx and student Treasurer John R. Davis, faculty The mccrlng’h primary topic will managcr~. I)ctails ofthc plan, which athletic representative at Oregon State hc a proposal hclnp consldcrcd by would go Into cffccr lor the 1984-U University, to serve on the subcorn- the AC‘E Commltrcc on Divlslon I acadcmlc year 11 approved. will bc mittee along with Wilford S Bailey, Intercollegiate Arhlctlcs that would rcportcd 111 ‘I hc NCAA News In interim president, Auburn liniverslty; cstabllhh ;I hoard of 36 collcgc Scptcmbcr. William H. Baughn, faculty athletic prcs1dcntb wlrh the power to VCIO. In planning for the IYX4 NC‘AA reprcscntative, (Jniversity of Colo- guspcnd or rcplacc actions taken hy C‘onvcntion, the (‘ouncil and txrcu- rado; Asa N. Green, president, Liv- NC‘AA (‘onvcntlon< ‘I he A<‘t, would .Sw NC.AA. pugc’ I2 CEO meeting September 19-20 Mo~c than 60 chief cxcculivc August 29 have been well-rccclvcd by the chief officers of NCAA member institu- Each 1)ivision I and Divlrion II executives in atrcndancc the past lions arc cxpcctcd to attend the allied voting conference was lnvlrcd three years. arc mtcndcd as discussion fourth;rnnual N<‘AA~.\ponsorcd CFO tn send 011c chic1 cxccut~vr ollIccr ol loru~lls and educational programs in mcctlngc September 19-20 at the a mcmbcr institution: and fout~C ‘FOs which the (‘EOs can review major Hyatt Kecency Hate\ in KansasCity. rcpresrnr;na;nd~-pcndcn1 institutions policy issues in intercollegiate ath- MISS,,,,, I. also wcrc Invlrcd. IWO each from Icrlcs scvcraI months before decisions I hc I>ivislons I, II and I I I Steering I)lvislons I and II. I he I)ivision III mus[ hc rcachcd a1 the annual NC‘AA Soccer preview Committees completed plans lor their Stccrlng C‘ommlltcc selected the chic1 CoIlvcIlIloIl. resprcrivc division (‘I-.0 mrclings exrcutlvrs Irom that division to he Agendas and sprakrrs for the Srutz~ord srriker Jorge Tiritpyr nw.v an ull- Fur Wesl .s&cIion during rhc August l7-1Y NCAA invited. also attempting 10 assure meetings will he rcportcd 111 the IusI ~vmr und ulso on ucurl~wIic ull- A ttwricu. 7111,Curdiml is jusr Council meeting in Dcnvcr. appropriate reprcsznratlon for both Scprcmbcr 5 ISSIIC of 7-hc NCAA one of’u nunthrr ct/ I~YJ~~.SIhuI cuts cwrrrruitt pm~.st~~sonhopes Agendas and supplcmcnrary mcrl- conlcrcnccs and indcpcndent insti- News. with a listing of all C‘tOs in n.hut should he u hulunc~c~cl Division I rtlc’n 1scutt~pai~tz. The inp materials wcrc scheduled lor two tutlon\. nlanninr to attend the meetings Nrn,s prwievs men 1~and wnren 1s.rocwr on pogr.s 4-7. scparatc malllnps during rhc week 01 I he annual (‘t-0 meetings, which schedulid’ for the Scprcmbcr I2 issue. Sports committees report actions U.S. fakes new approach in Executive Committee session fo Tide IX enforcemenf I hc l1.S. I~kpilI~Imcllt 01 lu\rlcc ancc’ like student aid. Lhc “pro- In addltlon to approving a record added to keep a balance of 24 at- consider increasing the llcld to 64 Ililh lOId ltlc Suprcmc C‘OCII t that gram”~h;il 15 recclvlng ttlc ;lsslsI- large po~~r~on~ and 24 automatic teams, possibly by 1985. $36.656.000 budget (see Augu>r I7 I~cdcIal :,d rccc~ved by htutlent\ arlcc (aId rh115 15 sublcct to I itlc ISSUC of The NCAA News), the NCAA quallflcrs 111the 4X-team bracket ~Jhe Metro Atlanrtc Athlctlc Con- cnrollcd a1 :I college rnakcs ItIc IX) 1sthe cnllrc cducatlonal insti- ExecutlvcComlnittre acrcd on rccom- The txecutive Committee also noted ferencr hecomes the 29th automatic- in\tirution \uhjcct to.1 111~IX hut tution at whrch the students aloe the basketball committee’s plan to qualifying conference for the tjivision mendations Irom 15 sports com- tesulls in I itlc IX covcr;tgc ~rl cnrollcd. mittccs at its August 15-16 rncctlng I Men’s Basketball C‘hampionship. only thespecilic p~ogIarl1 rccclvlng Women’\ organizations and civil in IIenver, Colorado. The 2X contercnces that received the tederal ;IMI\~;IIICC 1hc col- Iright< gr~oups sought IO prevent Seven IrecommendatIons were made In the News auromarlcqualitication last year again Icpc’s studcn&aid program the ~lingol’the.lusticr Dcpurtmcnr hy the Division I Men’s Baskethall The talents that lead to athletic wcrc approved I hc JUGICC I)cpartmcnl hriel. brief and have strongly critici& Committee. excellence also can be developed to Following are other recommrn- which 15 a sharp departure from the Reagan admimsrratlon hecausc The Execut1veCommittee approved achieve academic success 2 dations acted upon by the Executive the cxpanslvc ‘Title IX interpIe- rhc brlcfdoes not urge the Suprrme an expansion 01 the Division I field NCAA committee chairs who will Committee: tations ol past adminlslralion~, Court IO attirm the institution- trom 52 to 53 teams for the 1984 assume their positions September I BaseballLThc Basehall Commir- was filed August 5 in Grove C‘lty wide Inrcrprctation of the scope championship. A fifth game WIII bc are introduced _. 8 tee’s request 10 lncrcase the Division C‘ollrgr v\ Hell, a cast to bc of Title IX adopted by the third added to the opening round, with a NBC-TV will launch the basket- I championship field from 36 to 3X decided by the Suprcmc C‘out~t circuit. triple-header conducted at one site ball season with 1983 NCAA cham- teams was denied. The bracket had rhls fcrm. Although thecasedocs In North Haven Board of Edu- pion North Carolina State and and a double-header at another site. been increased from 34 to 36 for the not ~nvolvc athletics. in deciding cation vs. Bell. a Tltlc IX rmploy- The fifth opening-round game was Houston November I9 _. _. I/ 19X2 championship. it. the Supreme Court may rcsolvc ment cast decided in IYX2, the Division I Women’s Basketball ~~ the question of whcrher ‘I itlr IX Supreme C:ourt held Tltlc IX Effective with the 1984-85 season, a applies to college athletics pro- applies only to those programs or confcrcncc must meet one of the grams that do not rrcrivc FcdcraI activities conducted by an mstl- News changes schedule following criteria to hr considered financial assisrancc. tution that receive Federal finan- Two changes are ahead fo6 II and III football statistics will for automatic qualification: conduct The cahe is on appeal from an cial assistance, hut it did not readers of The NCAA News ‘I his be published on a one-week-delay either single round-robin, m-season August 1982 decision of the IJ.S. define a “program or activity” or issue is the last Wednesday issue basis, beginning with the Sep- competition plus a postseason tourna- Court of Appeals Ior rhc ‘l‘hlrd “receipt” of Federal aid. until mid-December and the last tember 26 issue. men1 or double round-robin, m- Circuit. 7 he appeals court ruled The Justice Department brief biweekly cdltlon of the year. Persons wishing to advertise in season competitlon to determine the that direct I-edrral aId IO stu- argues that “the question of Title BegInning with the September the News should be aware that conterence championship. The Ex- dents the Basic Educational 1X coverage should be resolved 5 issue, the News will be published the deadline dates will change for ecutivc Commlttcc denied a request Opportunity (irants paid fo stll- not by following to the end the every Monday until December 5. Monday publication. Display to seed a maximum of eight teams dents by the department 01 edu- economic ripples generated by The September 5 issue will not be classified advertlsements will be (instead of four) to achlcve better cation is l-ederal financial assist- Federal aid, but by a common- mailed until September6 because due by noon the Monday pre- pairings. ancr to <irove City Collcgc that sense discernment of what, in the of Labor Day.
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