E852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 10, 2011 INTRODUCING THE LENA HORNE equality. In 1963, she participated in the his- To younger Dolphins fans, he was the RECOGNITION ACT toric March on Washington for Jobs and Free- ‘‘voice’’ of the Dolphins. In 1992, the ‘‘Mad dom, at which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deliv- Dog’’ became the Dolphins radio color com- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS ered his immortal ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech. mentator, but to thousands of ‘‘Dol-fans’’ he OF FLORIDA She also performed at rallies throughout the simply became their voice. For nearly 20 country for the National Council for Negro years, Mandich grew a massive following for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Women and worked with the National Associa- his all-out support of the team and his signa- Tuesday, May 10, 2011 tion for the Advancement of Colored People ture call, ‘‘Awwww-right Miami!’’ Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I (NAACP), of which she was the cover girl for Friends described how tough Jim was in his rise today to introduce the Lena Horne Rec- their monthly bulletin at the age of 2, in addi- battle with cancer. Despite receiving chemo- ognition Act, a bill to posthumously honor tion to being a member of the Delta Sigma therapy and radiation, Mandich called every Lena Horne with a Congressional Gold Medal Theta sorority. Dolphins game last season. in recognition of her many achievements and In 1981, Ms. Horne finally received the big Fittingly, the Dolphins opened up Sun Life contributions to American culture and the Civil break she had waited for her whole life—a Stadium last Wednesday so that thousands of Rights Movement. A symbol of elegance and one-woman Broadway show. Lena Horne: The fans could pay their respects. He is survived grace, the legendary Lena Horne entertained Lady and Her Music, was the culmination of by his wife Bonnie and their three sons. America and broke racial barriers as a singer, her triumphs and struggles. It enjoyed a 14- May we rejoice in the profound joy Jim dancer, and actress for over 60 years. Ms. month run before going on tour and earned brought to those privileged to know him. He Horne passed away a year ago yesterday, in her a special Tony award for distinguished will be missed by the thousands of fans who New York City on May 9, 2010 at the age of achievement in theater and two Grammys. Ms. cheered him on the football field and later, lis- 92. Horne was also the recipient of the Kennedy tened to him on the radio. He will be sorely Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born on Center honor for lifetime contribution to the missed and never replaced. June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. Her arts in 1984 and in 1989 received a lifetime path to international stardom would take her achievement Grammy Award. She received f from Harlem’s famous Cotton Club, where she two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame—for was hired as a chorus dancer at the age of her work in both motion pictures and record- CELEBRATING ISRAEL’S 63RD 16, to Charlie Barnet’s jazz band, where she ing—in addition to a footprint on the Inter- ANNIVERSARY became one of the first African American national Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Mar- women to tour with an all-white band, to Holly- tin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site. HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY wood and Broadway. Mr. Speaker, Lena Horne was an extraor- OF ILLINOIS In the 1940s, Ms. Horne was discovered by dinary woman who refused to give up her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) talent scout dreams and used her beauty, talent, and intel- Tuesday, May 10, 2011 and moved to Hollywood to be an actress, be- ligence to fight racial discrimination. I urge my coming the first black artist to sign a long-term colleagues to support the Lena Horne Rec- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise contract with a major studio. Despite her ex- ognition Act to honor the life and legacy of Ms. today to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s traordinary beauty and talent, however, she Lena Horne with a Congressional Gold Medal. Independence Day, and to mark the 6314 an- was often limited to minor acting roles be- f niversary of the founding of the state of Israel. Despite enduring decades of war and terror, cause of her race. Among many lost opportu- RECOGNIZING JIM MANDICH nities, studio executives cast fellow actress Israel has emerged as a strong and vibrant Ava Gardner as Julie in the film adaptation of democracy, a close U.S. friend and ally, and Show Boat instead of Ms. Horne because they HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ a global leader in technology, energy, and sci- did not want it to star a black actress. How- OF FLORIDA entific innovation. ever, she dazzled audiences and critics in a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For me, as a Jew, ties to Israel are very number of films, including Cabin in the Sky Tuesday, May 10, 2011 personal. Growing up, I saved my money to and Stormy Weather. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, buy tree certificates to help make the Israeli The struggle for equal and fair treatment I rise today to mourn the passing of Miami desert bloom. As a member of Congress, I was an inseparable and increasingly political Dolphins legend Jim Mandich. continue to be a strong supporter of the State part of Ms. Home’s life. During World War II, Jim ‘‘Mad Dog’’ Mandich died on April 26th of Israel, of a vibrant U.S.-Israel relationship, Ms. Horne toured extensively with the United at the age of 62, after a valiant battle with bile and of a peaceful and secure future for Israel Service Organizations, USO on the West duct cancer for more than a year. and the entire region. Coast and in the South in support of the He was a beloved and respected member of The U.S.-Israel relationship, begun a mere troops. She was out-spoken in her criticism of the South Florida community known for his minutes after Israel’s founding, remains criti- the way black soldiers were treated, refusing warmth and generosity to those in need. cally important to both our nations. Based on to sing for segregated audiences or to groups To longtime Dolphins fans, Mandich is re- shared values and interests, this deep and in which German prisoners of war were seated membered as the hard-nosed tight end on the abiding friendship is as important now as ever, in front of African American servicemen. two Super Bowl championship teams in the in the face of international threats and a grow- During the period of McCarthyism in the early 1970s. ing tide of delegitimization. 1950s, Ms. Horne was blacklisted as a com- Over eight seasons in the National Football In February, I traveled to Israel with the munist for seven years because of her civil League, all but one with the Miami Dolphins, Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago. rights activism and friendship with Paul Robe- he caught 121 passes, for 1,406 yards and 23 In addition to discussions about regional de- son and W.E.B. Du Bois. Although she contin- touchdowns. velopments and critical security issues, I also ued to face discrimination, Ms. Horne’s career But on the field he will best be remembered had the opportunity to learn more about flourished in television and on nightclub stages for always giving it his all on every play. Israel’s excellent social programs as well as across the country. It was during this time that Earning the nickname ‘‘Mad Dog’’ for his all- cutting edge research into green technology. she also established herself as a major re- out efforts on special teams, his teammates As with previous trips to Israel, I left with both cording artist. In 1957, she recorded Lena point out that he was the heart and soul of the great pride and a renewed hope for a lasting Horne at the Waldorf-Astoria, which reached undefeated team in 1972—the only peace solution. the Top 10 and became the best-selling album undefeated season by an NFL team in the Today, we mark the 63rd anniversary of the by a female singer in RCA Victor’s history. Super Bowl era. He then helped them repeat founding of the state of Israel, our steadfast Ms. Horne used her talent and fame to be- as Super Bowl champions the following sea- friend, ally, and partner, and we reaffirm the come a powerful voice for civil rights and son. unbreakable bonds between our two countries. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:40 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10MY8.033 E10MYPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS.
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