University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-26-1948 Sandspur, Vol. 52 No. 16, February 26, 1948 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 52 No. 16, February 26, 1948" (1948). The Rollins Sandspur. 802. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/802 Eollins anti0pur VOLUME 52 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 NUMBER 16 PREXY WILL EXIT WITH 49'ers Students Saddened By President Holt's Bach Festival Proposed Resignation Regret was widespread among Opens Thursday students last Tuesday when they read of President Hamilton Holt's proposed resignation, which will In Chapel become effective July, 1949. The 13th Annual Bach Festival Upper division students were of Winter Park will be held in uniformly happy that "we'll be Knowles Memorial Chapel on March 4th to 6th. Dr. Christopher making our exits before Prexy 0. Honaas, Director of the Rollins does". Lower division members Conservatory of Music and Choir­ wished that Prexy might recon­ master of the Chapel Choir, who sider, that he might stay till after has been the conductor of the Fes­ their graduation. tival each year since its beginning in 1936, will have under his baton "But Prexy is Rollins!" many an impressive array of musical students insisted. Others hoped forces in addition to the Festival that his withdrawal wouldn't mean Chorus which includes the Chapel a major change in the policy of Contributors to Animated Magazine snapped soon af(er publication last Sunday. Reading Irom left to Choir. In the quartet of distin­ the college. right, they are A. Kennedy Rowswell, public relations director of the Pittsburg Pirates, Gen. Jonathan guished soloists from New York to M. Wainwright, hero of Corregidor, Pres. Hamilton Holt, and Roy Crane, creator of the comic strips, President Holt had desired im- "Buzz Sawyer" and "Wash Tubbs". be heard are Ruth Diehl, soprano, Lydia Summers, contralto, Harold medite release from duties, but Haugh, tenor and J. Alden Ed­ promised to continue in office until 8,000 Suhscrihers Attend Animated MagazineWho' s Who Students kins, baritone. All of these vocal­ 1949 so that he might help choose Will Be Honored ists have been heard at previous his successor. To Hear Speakers Including Wainivright Festivals and have achieved dis­ Since taking over as president in By Walk Of Fame tinction for the beauty of their 1925, Dr. Holt has instituted the General Jonathan M. Wainwright voices and for their masterly inter­ now famed conference plan of strongly urged the adoption of uni­ A student walk of fame, honor­ ing Rollins men and women elected pretations of Bach's music. Miss study, designed to bring teacher versal military training, last Sun­ Diehl and Miss Summers are both and student into closer discussion day, when the Rollins Animated Gen. Wainwright, to Who's Who in American Col­ leges and Universities, will be soloists at St. Bartholomew's and contact. He attended numerous Magazine "came to life" before 8,- Church, Park Avenue, New York. peace conferences, including the 000 subscribers. ThomasDoddSpeak erected along the sidewalk from the Student Center to the Library The organ accompaniment of Dr. 1945 U. N. conference in San Fran­ "What's a year in one person's cisco. life compared to the security of the by Student Council. Herman F. Siewert will be augu- lives of an entire nation?" Gen. At Convocation The row, which will resemble mented by a small orchestra com­ Wainwright advocated that each The annual Founders' Day Con­ Rollins' renowned Walk of Fame, posed of well-known instrumental­ young man on reaching his seven­ vocation, presided over by Presi­ will be a continuous project as the ists from New York and members Dr. Edward Mims teenth birthday go into military dent Hamilton Holt, was held Mon­ names of honored students will be and students of the Rollins Con­ service for six months, and spend day morning at 10:30 in Knowles added each year. servatory of Music, with Alphonse an additional six months training Memorial Chapel, with General Present Who's Who students to Carlo as first violinist and concert Gives Assembly i.T a special skill. Jonathan Wainwright and Thomas be so honored are Jean Bohrer master. The visiting players will J. Dodd as jjrincipal speakers. include Lois Wann, one of the Pres. Hamilton Holt, editor, Brown, Eleanor Holt, Herman country's leading oboe players, Period Lectures gave the forward and also an­ Thomas J. Dodd, one of the prin­ Goodwin, Joe Master, Alice O'Neal, with Konstantin Epp as assistant Dr. Edwin Mims, distinguished nounced that $4,093 subscribed by cipal prosecutors at the Nurem­ William Rinck, Gordon Tully, oboe; Robert Landholt and Arman­ educator and lecturer, has now the audience. berg trials, related how disap­ Mary Upthegrove, and Zoe Wes­ pointed the prosecutors were on ton. do Ghitalla, trumpeters; William given two of his projected series Albert Kennedy Rowswell, in se­ their return from Nuremberg to Druckenmiller and Byron Hester, of four talks on the five basic philo­ lecting his subject, "Laughing at find the American people so badly (Continued on page 6) sophies of life. In the first of these the Clouds" chose well, as by the informed as to the principles, English Class Presents lectures he spoke of optimism and time the sports page was reached, basis, and consequences of the pessimism, contrasting the two many of the audience had retreated Shakespearean Nuremberg trials. Program Tuesday ODK Initiates Faculty points of view and giving the good before a threatening shower. The and bad aspects of each. Yesterday director of public relations of the Dr. Holt then presented General Wainwright, and the whole assem­ The English class under the di­ AndStudent Members morning he spoke on satire and Pittsburgh Pirates and father of cynicism. Ken Rowswell convulsed his audi­ bly rose in tribute to the hero of rection of Nina Dean will present Dr. Mims supports his state­ ence with description of a day in Corregidor as he walked to the a Shakespeare program in Dyer At Ceremony Saturday ments with humorous and varied California and a poem describing pulpit. Speaking on his experiences Memorial Hall, next Tuesday af­ Ten newly elected members of quotations from the well-known his wife's purse. in the Pacific War, Wainwright ternoon from 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. Omicron Delta Kappa, men's na­ told of the entire progress of the tional leadership honor society, literary figures of the world, rath­ Magazine illustrations were fur­ Students on campus are cordially Philippine' campaign. were announced last Saturday in er than from philosophers. He thus nished by Roy Crane, creator of invited, although the program is gives convincing proof of his state­ "Buzz Sawyer", who drew The honorary degree of doctor the St. Francis Chapel. of humanities was conferred on being given as a class project. ment in his lectures of last year Sweeny of the same comic strip Inactive since January of 1944, that the well-educated student and a cartoon of Senator Claude Henry Morris Edmonds, former Michael Malis will sing several due. to the war, the organization Dean of the Chapel; and S. Ken­ should try to commit to memory Pepper. selections from Shakespeare's selects members on basis of char­ drick Guernsey, President of Ro­ as much of the world's great liter­ Exercising a woman's preroga­ acter, scholarship and intelligence, tary International; Sarah Gibson plays, accompanied by Barbara ature, particularly its poetry, as tive, Miss Sarah Gibson Blanding, service and leadership in campus Blanding, President of Vassar; Herring. Raoul Salamanca and possible. President of Vassar, substituted life, fellowship, and consecration to Thomas J. Dodd; Alberto Lleras, Nicole Bourgain will read the love Since in his final talk on March the topic, "On Becoming President democratic ideals. Director General of the Pan-Amer­ 10, Dr. Mims will try to synthesize of Vassar" for "The Hand That scene from Henry V, and Sidney Students receiving the honor are ican Union; and General Wain­ all of these philosophies, taking all Rocks the Cradle." Her humorous Lanier will give the rogue and Dick Every, Bob Ferguson, Her­ wright were awarded the degree of the best points of each, into the anecdotes caused President Holt peasant slave soliloquy from Ham­ man Goodwin, Bill Rinck, Joe Mas­ of doctor of law. Christian interpretation, he has to give his definition of a college let. ter, and Gordon Tully. not attempted to evaluate those Dean Darrah acted as public president, "A coward and a liar." philosophies presented so far, or orator for the awarding of the Al­ Members of the faculty who to give any conclusive judgments Sen. Pepper asserted that "One gernon Sydney Sullivan medallion, were tapped were Dean W. C. on them. Still Can be an Optimist About the which was presented to Mary Stone, Judge Donald Cheney, Don Apology Dr. Mims has been speaking dur­ Future". He supported his conten­ Brownley Wattles, recognizing in Vincent, and Prof. Howard Bailey. Delay in getting out the ing the assembly period on Wed­ tion by pointing to the advance­ her "sueh characteristics of heart, Present for the ceremony were Sandspur this week was caused nesday morning in the Annie Rus­ ment made in health, education mind, and conduct as evince a Pres.
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