Volume 122 n Number 10 n www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014 [email protected] n 603.536.1311 n 75 Cents Let the Games begin! Hundreds of athletes gather at Waterville Valley for Special Olympics BY DONNA RHODES Annual Special Olympics Together, they pledged Staff Writer New Hampshire Winter to give their all under the WATERVILLE VAL- Games was an evening to Special Olympics oath, LEY — From the parade of remember. “Let me win, but if I can- athletes to the New Hamp- This year’s Winter not win, let me be brave in shire State Police helicop- Games brought 361 ath- the attempt.” ter fly over, from the col- letes to Waterville Valley Kicking off the eve- orful bursts of fireworks to celebrate the glory of ning’s festivities were to the rousing cheers of competition and they were Masters of Ceremonies the crowds, last Sunday all ready for the challenges Patty Langille of the Artful evening’s kick off the 38th that lay ahead of them. Dodgers team and SONH Chair Michael Dennehy. Athletes then entered the square behind the Fourth Make your voice heard Degree Knights of Colum- REGION — Voters until 7 p.m., Town House bus in full regalia and throughout the Pemi-Baker Plymouth- 8 a.m. until 7 were greeted by the New and Newfound regions will p.m., Plymouth Elementa- Hampshire State Police have an opportunity to cast ry School; Town Meeting Color Guard. their ballots in local elec- March 12 at 7 p.m., same Invocation was offered tions for town and school location by Frank Rauffind of the DONNA RHODES district offices, and to vote Rumney — 8 a.m. until KoC and Special Olympian Athletes and families from the Waterville Valley Coyotes were filled with excitement as they paraded into on the warrant articles up 7 p.m., Russell Elementa- Justin Paine once again Town Square for the opening ceremonies of the New Hampshire Special Olympics Winter Games last for discussion in their com- ry School; Town Meeting belted out his heartfelt Sunday night in Waterville. munities this year begin- March 13 at 7 p.m., same rendition of the national prouder” for their part in team who was selected for Hampshire Chiefs of Po- ning Tuesday, March 11. location anthem. making the winter games a very special honor this lice and all of the Law Following is a list of lo- Thornton — 8 a.m. until Welcoming athletes a big success. year. Enforcement Torch Run cal polling locations and 7 p.m., Thornton Munici- were local representatives Waterville Valley Re- After the Parade of Ath- organization, I just want times Tuesday, as well the pal Building and town officials, all of sort CEO Chris Sununu letes had made its way to say you guys are like locations and times of all Warren — not available whom offered plenty of also addressed the crowd into the Waterville Valley family to us. Let the games town meetings scheduled Waterville Valley — 11 praise and support. to share his enthusiasm Town Square, Beers rode begun,” he declared. throughout the area. Com- a.m. until 7 p.m., Waterville Selectman Mark Ar- for the event. in on a snow mobile driv- Cormier said this year, munities where there is no Valley Recreation Center; onson greeted the large “Are you excited?” he en and escorted by New law enforcement officers town meeting mentioned Town Meeting begins at 3 crowd, wishing them all called out to the athletes. Hampshire Fish and Game from all corners of the operate under the SB2 sys- p.m. that day in the same the best on behalf of the “We’ve been so grateful to Officers. There he was state came to Waterville tem, or voting by secret bal- location entire Waterville Valley you for allowing us to be helped up a ladder to light to honor the athletes. In lot. Wentworth — 8 a.m. community. Mike Elmer a part of your family each the caldron and Tilton Po- addition to the sirens and until 7 p.m., Wentworth of Coca Cola Bottlers of year. Let’s get going!” lice Chief Robert Cormier lights they displayed as Alexandria — 8 a.m. un- Elementary School; Town New England, a major To do just that for 2014, followed the lighting by of- the games were opened, til 7 p.m. Town Hall Meeting begins at 7 p.m. sponsor of SONH, said his it was John Beers of the ficially opening the games. a State Police Helicopter Ashland — 8 a.m. until 7 that day, same location company “could not be Connecticut River Valley “On behalf of the New SEE GAMES PAGE A18 p.m. Ashland Elementary School Ashland Library seeks help from voters in moving to a new home Bridgewater — noon un- til 6 p.m., Town Hall; Town BY DONNA RHODES for its 1,546 cardholders. A tractive, historic struc- Meeting 7:30 p.m., same Staff Writer small second floor, which tures in the town. day, same location ASHLAND — On March is not handicapped accessi- Construction of the tow- Bristol — 8 a.m. until 7 11, Ashland residents will ble, is used as a tiny office ering, three-story brick p.m., Marian Center, West be asked to approve a pe- and for some very limited building was completed in Shore Road; Town Meet- titioned warrant article to storage. 1878. Now on the National ing March 15 at 9 a.m., purchase the Historic Ash- Located on the corner of Register of Historic Plac- Newfound Regional High land School for the purpose Main and Pleasant Streets, es, it served Ashland as a School of moving the town’s public curbside parking is also school until 1990, then sat Campton — 8 a.m. until 7 library to the more spa- limited, and the handi- vacant for several years p.m., new Municipal Build- cious and accommodating capped entrance is at the when the town joined the ing; Town Meeting, March building at 41 School St. back of the building. Pemi-Baker School Dis- 12 at 6:30 p.m., Campton El- The library is currently A few years ago, the li- trict. ementary School located in the Scribner Me- brary trustees formed a Tri-County Community Danbury — 11 a.m. until morial Building, a former space needs committee to Action, the current owners 7 p.m., Town Hall home where the facility look for a possible new lo- of the property, did exten- DONNA RHODES Dorchester — 11 a.m. un- has been located since 1938. cation for the library. Upon sive work on the building Library Trustee David Ruell stands in the foyer of the Historic Ashland til 7 p.m., Town Hall; Town It is a mere 1,245 square hearing the Historic Ash- when they acquired it in School beside a photo of bygone days when it was filled with children Meeting March 15, 10 a.m., feet, with only four small land School was for sale 2008, including the addition and teachers. A warrant article next week will ask Ashland voters to same location rooms to house the 20,000- again, they were excited to of energy efficient windows bring residents back to the old school by approving the purchase of Groton — 11 a.m. until 7 plus books, video and audio find a building that would and lighting, sprinkler sys- it for use as the public library. p.m., Groton Town House; collections, computer ter- not only meet their needs, tems, central air and an oil A tour of the building “Other than that, there’s Town Meeting March 15, 9 minals and research space but is one of the more at- heating system. shows there is little need- plenty of space to accom- a.m., same location ed to re-purpose it as a li- modate all our needs just Hebron — 11 a.m. until brary. It is comprised of as it is,” he said. 7 p.m., Public Safety Build- Newfound student recognized for 7,920 square feet with a Once the site of the Ash- ing paved parking lot, a hand- land Head Start Program, Holderness — 8 a.m. un- icap entrance and a mod- a large room off the entry til 7 p.m. Town Hall; Town leadership on and off the field ern elevator to access all has already been built to Meeting March 12, 7:30 BY DONNA RHODES three floors. There are new accommodate even the p.m., or at the conclusion Staff Writer ond time this year, a New- student has received an bathrooms on the first and youngest of readers. There of the School District meet- BRISTOL — For the sec- found Regional High School honorable distinction, and second levels and the old are large windows and ing, Holderness Central it was senior Allison (Allie) wooden floors and main plenty of space for book- School Symonds who was spot- staircase were restored to shelves, tables and some New Hampton — 8 a.m. lighted this time through their original beauty. story time fun. “The Leaders — A Celebra- “This building is essen- On the opposite side of Index tion of Sports Champions” tially ready to go. It already the entryway, rooms being n awards, presented annual- meets all handicap used by Tri-County CAP ly by the New Hampshire requirements and fire at this time would allow BUSINESS....................B13, B18 Union Leader. and safety codes, and its for offices, tutoring space CALENDAR OF EVENTS.........B6 - 7 CHURCH NEWS...............B8 - B11 Each year, the program location next to the ele- or any one of a number of CLASSIFIEDS.................B14 - B17 salutes coaches, sports of- mentary school couldn’t be ideas the trustees are still HEALTH, SR., FITNESS............B12 ficials, scholar/athletes, better,” said library trustee considering.
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