NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION SAMPLE BALLOT DIVISION NO. 34 PROPOSITION C QUESTION #6 STATE OF MISSOURI JUDICIAL Proposed by Initiative Petition JACKSON COUNTY BALLOT Shall Judge SUSAN LONG, Associate Circuit Judge of Judicial Shall Section 7 of Article VII of the Jackson TUESDAY, Circuit No. 16, be retained in office? Do you want to amend Missouri law to: County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, * remove state prohibitions on personal use and pos- and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, Submitting to the voters whether the Judges NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Yes [ ] session of medical cannabis (marijuana) with a 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, named below, whose terms expire December 31, No [ ] written certification by a physician who treats a 2010, be amended to modify the qualifications for ap- 2018, shall be retained in office for new terms. patient diagnosed with a qualifying medical condi- pointment as Judge of the County Municipal Court? Notice is hereby given to the registered quali- VOTE ON EACH JUDGE fied voters of Jackson County, Missouri, outside the CONSTITUTIONAL tion; * remove state prohibitions on growth, possession, Yes [ ] corporate limits of Kansas City, Missouri, that the AMENDMENTS General Election will be held in the County of Jackson MISSOURI SUPREME COURT JUDGES production, and sale of medical marijuana by li- No [ ] on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, as certified by the censed and regulated facilities, and a facility’s li- Shall Judge W. BRENT POWELL of the Missouri Honorable John Ashcroft, Secretary of State, State of CONSTITUTIONAL censed owners and employees; QUESTION #7 Supreme Court be retained in office? Missouri, and Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of the Legislature, AMENDMENT NO. 1 * impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of medical mariju- Jackson County, Missouri. The polls will be open from Proposed by Initiative Petition ana; and Shall Article XIII of the Jackson County Charter, Yes [ ] 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. * use funds from this tax for veterans’ services, drug adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in No [ ] Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: treatment, early childhood education, and for public public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November The Jackson County Board of Election Com- * change process and criteria for redrawing state legis- safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility? 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, 2010, be amended missioners will conduct the election in that part of Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of the lative districts during reapportionment; to bar a current holder of any other federal, state, or mu- Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office? Jackson County outside the corporate limits of Kansas * change limits on campaign contributions that candi- State government entities estimate initial and one-time nicipal elective office from filing as a candidate for any City. dates for state legislature can accept from individuals costs of $2.6 million, annual costs of $10 million, and annual County elective office? Yes [ ] or entities; revenues of at least $10 million. Local government entities esti- No [ ] This notice is being published in accordance * establish a limit on gifts that state legislators, and mate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in Yes [ ] with Missouri Revised Statute 115.127 and other appli- their employees, can accept from paid lobbyists; annual revenues. No [ ] cable state statutes. * prohibit state legislators, and their employees, from MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time; Yes [ ] Notice is hereby given to the registered qualified voters WESTERN DISTRICT The official ballot for the General Election will * prohibit political fundraising by candidates for or No [ ] of the City of Lake Tapawingo, Missouri, that the be substantially in the following form: members of the state legislature on State property; Board of Aldermen of said City has called a Special Shall Judge EDWARD R. ARDINI, JR. of the West- and PROPOSITION D Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The FOR U. S. SENATOR ern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? * require legislative records and proceedings to be open Proposed by the 99th General Assembly polls will be open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. REPUBLICAN JOSH HAWLEY to the public? (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 DEMOCRATIC CLAIRE MCCASKILL Yes [ ] LIBERTARIAN JAPHETH CAMPBELL No [ ] State governmental entities estimate annual operating Shall Missouri law be amended to fund Missouri state law CITY OF LAKE TAPAWINGO GREEN JO CRAIN costs may increase by $189,000. Local governmental entities enforcement by increasing the motor fuel tax by two and one half INDEPENDENT CRAIG O’DEAR expect no fiscal impact. cents per gallon annually for four years beginning July 1, 2019, CIRCUIT JUDGES exempt Special Olympic, Paralympic, and Olympic prizes from QUESTION FOR STATE AUDITOR 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Yes [ ] state taxes, and to establish the Emergency State Freight Bottle- REPUBLICAN SAUNDRA MCDOWELL No [ ] neck Fund? Shall there be a thirty cent ($.30) increase in the tax levy rate above the one dollar ($1.00) per one hundred DEMOCRATIC NICOLE GALLOWAY DIVISION NO. 4 dollars assessed valuation for public safety purposes for a LIBERTARIAN SEAN O’TOOLE CONSTITUTIONAL If passed, this measure will generate at least $288 million period of four (4) years in the City of Lake Tapawingo, GREEN DON FITZ Shall Judge JUSTINE E. DEL MURO, Circuit Judge AMENDMENT NO. 2 annually to the State Road Fund to provide for the funding of CONSTITUTION JACOB LUETKEMEYER of Judicial Circuit No. 16, be retained in office? Proposed by Initiative Petition Missouri state law enforcement and $123 million annually to local Missouri beginning January 1, 2019 and expiring Decem- ber 31, 2022? governments for road construction and maintenance. FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Yes [ ] Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: Yes [ ] 5TH DISTRICT No [ ] * allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and Yes [ ] REPUBLICAN JACOB TURK create regulations and licensing/certification proce- No [ ] No [ ] DEMOCRATIC EMANUEL CLEAVER II DIVISION NO. 5 dures for marijuana and marijuana facilities; LIBERTARIAN ALEXANDER HOWELL * impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana; JACKSON COUNTY GREEN MAURICE COPELAND Shall Judge JAMES F. KANATZAR, Circuit Judge and Notice is hereby given to the registered qualified voters CONSTITUTION E. C. FREDLAND of Judicial Circuit No. 16, be retained in office? * use funds from these taxes for health and care ser- of the Kansas City Public Library District of Jackson 6TH DISTRICT vices for military veterans by the Missouri Veterans QUESTION #1 County, Missouri, that the Board of Trustees of said REPUBLICAN SAM GRAVES Yes [ ] Commission and to administer the program to license/ District has called a Special Election to be held on DEMOCRATIC HENRY ROBERT MARTIN No [ ] certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana facili- Shall Sections 6, 12, 13, 15, and 16 of Article II and Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The polls will be open Section 6.1 of Article III of the Jackson County Charter, adopted LIBERTARIAN DAN HOGAN ties? from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. DIVISION NO. 11 by vote on November 3, 1970, and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, FOR STATE SENATOR This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 8 Shall Judge GEORGE E. WOLF, Circuit Judge of fees of $18 million for state operating costs and veterans pro- and August 3, 2010, be amended in various sections to provide term limits for members of the County Legislature, to eliminate the PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT REPUBLICAN MIKE CIERPIOT Judicial Circuit No. 16, be retained in office? grams, and $6 million for local governments. Annual state DEMOCRATIC HILLARY SHIELDS operating costs are estimated to be $7 million. County Executive’s power to veto an ordinance passed by the Yes [ ] County Legislature to submit a charter amendment to the voters, to LIBRARY QUESTION FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE No [ ] Yes [ ] eliminate the County Executive’s power to line-item veto a portion 19TH DISTRICT No [ ] or portions of an appropriation ordinance, to modify the specific For the purpose of renovating and replacing circumstances under which members of the County Legislature DEMOCRATIC INGRID BURNETT DIVISION NO. 13 aging Library facilities, enhancing spaces, safety and shall forfeit office, to provide a salary increase for members of the GREEN VAL ENGHOLM CONSTITUTIONAL programming for children, seniors and families, expanding County Legislature, to grant the County Legislature the power to 20TH DISTRICT Shall Judge CHARLES H. MCKENZIE, Circuit AMENDMENT NO. 3 services, access to computers and collections to serve REPUBLICAN BILL E. KIDD Judge of Judicial Circuit No. 16, be retained in Proposed by Initiative Petition disapprove the County Executive’s appointment of acting or public demand, and for the general operation of public interim department directors and other officers, to grant the County DEMOCRATIC JESSICA MERRICK office? libraries, shall the Board of Trustees of the Kansas City 21ST DISTRICT Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: Legislature the power to amend the adopted county budget, and to Public Library District be authorized to levy an additional clarify the authority of advisors employed by the County Legisla- DEMOCRATIC ROBERT SAULS Yes [ ] * allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and eight cent ($.08) tax over the present property tax for the 22ND DISTRICT No [ ] create regulations and licensing procedures for ture? free public library? DEMOCRATIC BRANDON ELLINGTON marijuana and marijuana facilities; 27TH DISTRICT DIVISION NO. 15 * impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale of marijua- Yes [ ] Yes [ ] DEMOCRATIC RICHARD BROWN na, and a tax on the wholesale sale of marijuana No [ ] No [ ] 28TH DISTRICT Shall Judge JALILAH OTTO, Circuit Judge of flowers and leaves per dry-weight ounce to licensed DEMOCRATIC JEROME BARNES Judicial Circuit No.
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