THETHTHEH NEWSLETTER OFF CANBERRCANBERRAA BBUSHWALKINGUSU HWALKING CLCLUBU it VolumeVolume 43, Number 11 December 200820 CanberraCanberra BushwalkingBushwalking Club IncIn PO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601 PPleaselease note:note: ThereThere willwill bebe nnoo nnewsletterewsletter forfor January.January. HHaveave a safesafe ChristmasChristmas andand hholidayoliday pperioderiod andand enjoyenjoy nnewew excitingexciting wwalksalks iinn tthehe NNewew YearYear default) and you will never need to Please note that our Training and change it again. Safety Program strongly recommends President’s that members have current 1st aid Meanwhile, the year’s end gives rise to certifi cates. prattle retrospection and reminiscence. I think that all you can say of the last 12 months From time to time individuals provide is ‘what a magnifi cent year of walking’. comment on the nature of the activities A glance at the walks program this Next year, let’s do it all again. program. Almost all feedback has been month will reveal that there has been very positive and encouraging. One a change in the way transport costs are Stan Marks request, though, was that the Walks listed in the hope that it is more useful. President Secretary includes more challenging The changes are described in detail in over-night pack trips. So I propose to do the article on page 4. just that but I’ll need leaders for them; Members who have provided the club and I’ll facilitate this by advertising the with their current email address and Walks walk, giving date, venue and suggested are financial will have received an route with the request that a member email from the Membership Secretary Waffl e able to lead the walk, volunteers to advising of changes to the web site as do so. well. These are designed to improve the Another comment which is often made security of the site as the membership Congratulations to Stan Marks on by various people is that we do need list is made available and to eliminate the recent occasion of his having led more leaders. True; we can never have the need to change the username and 300 walks for the club. With this, one enough! One suggestion is to encourage password each month. The site will be can also appreciate that many of our people to co-lead with an existing active in three parts: new members have been introduced to leader, there-by seeing how things are 1. a public area which can be accessed bushwalking through Stan. Our other done fi rst-hand. This is happening to a without a password as now; 300 plus leader is Alan Mikkelsen who degree already and it would be good if currently facilitates the Wednesday it occurred even more frequently. 2. the current it will be available using Walks program. a username and password that will Another suggestion was to encour- continue to change each month; Last month it published a short descrip- age people who obviously have the and tion of my recent Black-Allen Line trip. capabilities to lead, to start doing so. An important paragraph was unfortu- We do this already too, but there is no 3. each member will be able to access nately omitted: ”We were very grateful reason why we shouldn’t focus on the the membership list, the current it to Damien Walters for providing his matter more, with the hope of getting and all past copies using a personal research fi les for this trip. He had been extra leaders into action. Now, if you username and password. The user- hoping to do it for some time but work see an interesting walk in the program, name will by default be the part of commitments were a problem. The but don’t know the leader, I request that your email address before the ‘at’ material included interesting elements you be supportive and do the trip. We symbol (all in lower case), but you of history and a very useful photocopy have to encourage these people! can choose something else if you of Black’s survey diary, which helped want to and should choose your own us fi nd some of the cairns.” So thanks There’s plenty on offer in the Activities password. All you have to do is to Damien and I’m sorry this paragraph Program over the Dec-Jan-Feb period send an email to the Membership wasn’t included in the previous article. so I take this opportunity to wish you Secretary (his email is on the back well for the holiday season and trust you page of this it) nominating your On Wednesday 10 November a man are able to get-in a few good trips. was bitten by a brown snake near personal password (and username if Merry Christmas and a Happy New you want something other than the Tidbinbilla. Apparently he was walking solo and he activated his new Personal Year. Locator Beacon. The rescue service was able to reach him some 20 minutes later! Rob Horsfi eld Walks Secretary Contents Fantastic!! And he recovered well. In the Canberra Times, Letters to the 2 President’s prattle Editor, 15 November, club member, 2 WWalksalks Waffl e Frank Rigby gave some useful and long established wisdom concerning such Membership 2 MMembershipembership mattemattersrs matters. Unfortunately his snake-bite 3 AAdventuredventure Activity fi rst aid procedure was out of date. matters SStandardstandards On 16 November an 11-year-old lad 3 PePersonalrsonal LLocaterocater BBeaconea was bitten by a Tiger snake near Mel- he club now uses email ex- bourne. His father was able to get him 3 TTicksicks Ttensively to send membership to medical facilities very quickly but renewal reminders and other mate- 4 TTransportransport costcostss the Canberra Times article mentioned that the father had used a tourniquet rial. If you have an email address, 4 RReview:eview: Looking afaftert as part of his fi rst aid treatment. Not can you please email me (see back yyourour ffeeteet surprisingly, on Monday 17 November, page) AND also let me know if it changes. 4 MMessageessage from Judy DDann the Canberra Times Letters to Editor included comment by a consultant New members: Alexia Bannikoff, 5 AActivityctivity pprogramrogram toxicologist, “tourniquets have not Jo Cresswell, Alison Wishart 10 16th annual broom clear- been recommended as snake bite fi rst aid in Australia for many years”. The Allan Mikkelsen ing event consultant then continued, to describe the current recommended procedure. Membership Secretary Page 2 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it December 2008 thethe fi rstrst aida skills of our members and AAdventuredventure AActivityctivity at how many,m if any, of our walking TTicksicks parties gog bush without such skills. SStandardstandards icks are ccommonommon alongalong the coast Terence Uren and on a Club walk in the Nadgee dventure ActivityActivity Standards T TrTrainingain and Safety Offi cer Nature Reserve in October they were A(AAS) are guidelines for under- in abundance. Every member of the taking potentially risky recreational party wwas bitten at least once. I have activities that aim to reduce the risk PPersonalersonal LLocatorocator ccheckedhecked information about ticks on of participant injury or death, pro- BBeaconeacon tthehe InteInternet,r notably the articles men- vide protection against legal liability ttionedioned bbelow. The following is a sum- claims and assist groups in securing heh club now has a 406MHz GPS mmaryary ooff current expert consensus. insurance cover. They cover sev- TEquipped Personal Locator Bea- The paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus is enteen outdoor activities, including con (PLB) available for club trips. A bushwalking. the most common tick in New South leader wishing to be PLB equipped Wales and is found along the State’s The AAS were developed by the for a particular trip should contact the eastern coastal strip and up to 25 or outdoor recreation industry and have Walks Secretary to arrange pick up. more kilometres inland. been endorsed by most state and territory governments and by some Leaders are encouraged to take the Ticks need and seek blood at their community groups. The AAS are not, PLB, especially on overnight trips larval, nymph and adult stages. They however, supported by bushwalking into remote areas. inject toxic substances into the blood- clubs because they are based on a If you elect to carry the club’s PLB on stream. Generally, tick bites are little ‘client/service provider’ model (rather a trip, you need to be aware that: more than a nuisance to adults. They than the ‘group of friends’ model that can however cause serious medical such clubs use) and because they • The PLB must be stowed in such problems requiring medical/hospital impose what the clubs consider to a way that it is not subjected to treatment. Symptoms of tick paralysis be an unreasonable administrative exposure to knocks, immersion in can include rashes, headache, fever, burden on volunteers. water or continuous direct sunlight physical weakness and partial facial and that its safety seal is not dam- paralysis. Adult ticks are at their worst Until this year, compliance with aged. If the safety seal is damaged, in the October–February period. AAS has been voluntary but this the carrier will be responsible for has changed with the Victorian the cost of its replacement unless Avoid ticks by wearing long pants Government making compliance the Committee is satisfi ed as to tucked into socks, long sleeves, broad- mandatory for commercial operators extenuating circumstances; brimmed hat and tropical strength on public land. Only a concerted insect repellant. Avoid brushing veg- campaign by Victorian walking • The PLB should only be activated etation if possible. Evening—check clubs and the Bush and Mountain when safety of life is endangered clothes and body before retiring.
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