World Bird Families World Bird Families Listed by Continental Region and Country

World Bird Families World Bird Families Listed by Continental Region and Country

World Bird Families World Bird Families Listed by Continental Region and Country Family lists for each country are not always comprehensive Reed-Warblers & Allies (8); Cisticolas & Allies (10); Yuhinas, and sometimes omit marginal families that are more easily White-eyes, and Allies (12); Ground Babblers & Allies (5); found elsewhere. Laughingthrushes & Allies (5); Old World Flycatchers (10); • * - can only be seen in one country with our strategy and are Thrushes & Allies (14); Starlings (13); Oxpeckers (3); Sun- therefore a non-negotiable target. birds & Spiderhunters (10); Wagtails & Pipits (13); Buntings • Italicized families most easily found in a particular area. & New World Sparrows (10); Siskins, Crossbills, & Allies (13); • Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of nations in Old World Sparrows (15); Weavers & Allies (6); and Waxbills our suggested itinerary where this family is available. We & Allies (12). only represent this the first time the family is mentioned to avoid redundancy. Uganda is the only country offering Shoebill* and Dapple- • Families are in bold when they are continental endemics. throat & Allies (IOC only)*. It is also one of the best places to see Secretary-bird (2); Cranes AFRICA (5); Hamerkop; Ground-Hornbills; Honeyguides; Hyliotas; Yel- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– low Flycatchers (IOC only); and Indigobirds. Ghana is the only country offering both Egyptian Plover* and Rockfowl*. Other families available, including continental endemics and other major target families in bold: Ducks, Geese & Water- It is also one of the best places to see Flufftails (4); African & fowl; Guineafowl; Pelicans (4); Pheasants, Grouse & Allies; Green Broadbills (3); Hyliotas (3); Yellow Flycatchers (2; IOC Storks; Cormorants & Shags; Anhingas (8); Herons, Egrets, & only); and Indigobirds (3) Bitterns; Ibises & Spoonbills; Ospreys (13); Hawks, Eagles & Kites; Bustards; Rails, Gallinules & Coots; Flufftails; Finfoots; Other families available, including continental endemics and Thick-knees; Stilts & Avocets; Plovers & Lapwings; Painted- other major target families in bold: Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl Snipes; Jacanas; Sandpipers & Allies; Buttonquail (5); Pratin- (15); Guineafowl (4); Pheasants, Grouse & Allies (11); Grebes coles & Coursers; Gulls, Terns & Skimmers; Pigeons & Doves; (13); Storks (10); Cormorants & Shags (15); Hamerkop (4); Turacos; Cuckoos; Owls; Nightjars & Allies; Swifts; Mouse- Herons, Egrets, & Bitterns (17); Ibises & Spoonbills (13); birds (2); Trogons; Kingfishers; Bee-eaters; Rollers; Hoopoes Hawks, Eagles & Kites (17); Bustards (5); Rails, Gallinules (5); Woodhoopoes & Scimitar-bills; Hornbills; African Bar- & Coots (17); Finfoots (4); Thick-knees (4); Stilts & Avocets bets; Woodpeckers; Falcons & Caracaras; Old World Parrots; (14); Plovers & Lapwings (17); Painted-Snipes (4); Jacanas New World and African Parrots; African & Green Broadbills; (11); Sandpipers & Allies (17); Pratincoles & Coursers (8); Asian and Grauer’s Broadbill (2); Wattle-eyes & Batises; Van- Skuas & Jaegers (8); Gulls, Terns, & Skimmers (17); Sand- gas, Helmetshrikes & Allies; Bushshrikes & Allies; Cuckoo- grouse (6); Pigeons & Doves (17); Turacos (3); Cuckoos (17); shrikes; Shrikes; Old World Orioles; Drongos; Monarch Fly- Owls (17); Nightjars & Allies (14); Swifts (15); Trogons (8); catchers; Crows, Jays & Magpies; Nicators; Larks; Chickadees Kingfishers (15); Bee-eaters (9); Rollers (10); Woodhoopoes & Tits; Bulbuls; African Warblers; Bush-Warblers & Allies; & Scimitar-bills (3); Hornbills (6); Ground-Hornbills (3); Yellow Flycatchers; Leaf-Warblers; Reed-Warblers & Allies; African Barbets (3); Honeyguides (3); Woodpeckers (12); Grassbirds & Allies (10); Cisticolas & Allies; Yuhinas, White- Falcons & Caracaras (16); Old World Parrots (9); New World eyes & Allies; Ground Babblers & Allies; Old World Fly- and African Parrots (6); Wattle-eyes & Batises (3); Vangas, catchers; Thrushes & Allies; Starlings; Oxpeckers; Sunbirds Helmetshrikes, & Allies (6); Bushshrikes & Allies (4); Cuck- & Spiderhunters; Wagtails & Pipits; Buntings & New World ooshrikes (10); Shrikes (8); Old World Orioles (9); Drongos Sparrows; Siskins, Crossbills, & Allies; Old World Sparrows; (9); Monarch Flycatchers (10); Crows, Jays & Magpies (16); Weavers & Allies; and Waxbills & Allies. Nicators (3); Larks (10); Swallows (17); Fairy Flycatchers (4); Chickadees & Tits (6); Penduline-Tits (4); Bulbuls (8); African South Africa is the only country offering Ostriches*, Rock- Warblers (3); Bush-Warblers & Allies (5); Leaf-Warblers (9); jumpers*, and Sugarbirds*. 19a Birder’s Guide to Listing & Taxonomy | October 2016 World Bird Families It is also one of the best places to see Penguins (4); Flufftails; caras; Old World Parrots; Cuckooshrikes; Drongos; Monarch Secretary-bird; Cranes; Thick-knees; and Sandgrouse. Flycatchers; Crows, Jays & Magpies; Larks; Swallows; Bulbuls; Reed-Warblers & Allies; Grassbirds & Allies; Cisticolas & Al- Other families available, including continental endemics and lies; Yuhinas, White-eyes & Allies; Old World Flycatchers; other major target families in bold: Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl; Starlings; Sunbirds & Spiderhunters; Wagtails & Pipits; Weav- Guineafowl; Pheasants, Grouse & Allies; Grebes; Flamingos ers & Allies; and Waxbills & Allies. (5); Albatrosses (4); Shearwaters & Petrels (9); Storm-Petrels (6); Northern Storm Petrels (2; IOC only); Southern Storm-Petrels (2; IOC Only); Storks; Boobies & Gannets (9); Cormorants ASIA & Shags; Anhingas, Pelicans; Hamerkop; Herons, Egrets, & ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bitterns; Ibises & Spoonbills; Osprey; Hawks, Eagles & Kites; Oman & Bahrain constitute the only region offering Hypoco- Bustards; Rails, Gallinules & Coots; Finfoots; Stilts & Avocets; lius* and Streaked Scrub Warbler* (IOC only). Oystercatchers (7); Plovers & Lapwings; Jacanas; Sandpipers & Allies; Pratincoles & Coursers; Skuas & Jaegers; Gulls, Terns It is also one of the best area to see Crab-Plover; Sandgrouse; & Skimmers; Pigeons & Doves; Turacos; Cuckoos; Barn-Owls and Sylviid Warblers. (11); Owls; Nightjars & Allies; Swifts; Mousebirds; Trogons; Kingfishers; Bee-eaters; Rollers; Hoopoes; Woodhoopoes & Other families available: Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl; Pheas- Scimitar-bills; Hornbills; Ground-Hornbills; African Bar- ants, Grouse & Allies; Grebes; Flamingos; Shearwaters & bets; Honeyguides; Woodpeckers; Falcons & Caracaras; New Petrels; Storm-Petrels; Northern Storm Petrels (IOC only); World & African Parrots; Wattle-eyes & Batises; Vangas, Hel- Tropicbirds; Storks; Boobies & Gannets; Cormorants & Shags; metshrikes & Allies; Bushshrikes & Allies; Cuckooshrikes; Herons; Egrets & Bitterns; Ibises & Spoonbills; Ospreys; Shrikes; Old World Orioles; Drongos; Monarch Flycatchers; Hawks, Eagles & Kites; Bustards; Rails, Gallinules & Coots; Crows, Jays & Magpies; Nicators; Larks; Swallows; Fairy Fly- Thick-knees; Stilts & Avocets; Oystercatchers; Plovers & Lap- catchers; Chickadees & Tits; Penduline-Tits; Bulbuls; African wings; Sandpipers & Allies; Pratincoles & Coursers; Skuas & Warblers; Leaf-Warblers; Reed-Warblers & Allies; Grassbirds Jaegers; Gulls, Terns & Skimmers; Pigeons & Doves; Cuckoos; & Allies; Cisticolas & Allies; Sylviid Warblers (4); Yuhinas, Barn-Owls; Owls; Nightjars & Allies; Swifts; Kingfishers; Bee- White-eyes & Allies; Laughingthrushes & Allies; Old World eaters; Rollers; Hoopoes; Woodpeckers; Falcons & Caracaras; Flycatchers; Thrushes & Allies; Starlings; Oxpeckers; Sun- Shrikes; Old World Orioles; Monarch Flycatchers; Crows, Jays birds & Spiderhunters; Wagtails & Pipits; Buntings and New & Magpies; Larks; Swallows; Bulbuls; Leaf-Warblers; Reed- World Sparrows; Siskins, Crossbills, & Allies; Old World Spar- Warblers & Allies; Cisticolas & Allies; Yuhinas, White-eyes rows; Weavers & Allies; Waxbills & Allies; and Indigobirds. & Allies; Laughingthrushes & Allies; Old World Flycatchers; Starlings; Sunbirds & Spiderhunters; Wagtails & Pipits; Bun- Madagascar is the only country offering Mesites*, Ground- tings & New World Sparrows; Siskins, Crossbills & Allies; Old Rollers*, Cuckoo-Roller*, Asities*, Vangas* (IOC only), and World Sparrows; Weavers & Allies; and Waxbills & Allies. Malagasy Warblers*. China (Qinghai, Xinjiang, & southeast) is the only region It is also one of the best places to see Tropicbirds (4); Painted- offering Ibisbill*, Bearded Reedling*, Wallcreeper*, Treecreep- snipes; Buttonquail; Crab Plover (2); Flufftails; and Hoopoes. ers*, Elachuras* (IOC only), Parrotbills, Wrentit & Allies*, and Przevalski’s Rosefinch*. Other families available, including continental endemics and other major target families in bold: Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl; It is also one of the best places to see Long-tailed Tits (2); Dip- Guineafowl; Pheasants, Grouse & Allies; Grebes; Flamingos; pers (3); Cupwings (2); Tree-Babblers & Scimitar-Babblers & Al- Storks; Boobies & Gannets; Cormorants & Shags; Anhingas; lies (3); Laughingthrushes & Allies; and Accentors (2). Hamerkop; Herons, Egrets & Bitterns; Ibises & Spoonbills; Hawks, Eagles & Kites; Rails, Gallinules & Coots; Stilts & Avo- Other families available: Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl; Pheasants, cets; Plovers & Lapwings; Jacanas; Sandpipers & Allies; Pra- Grouse & Allies; Grebes; Storks; Cormorants & Shags; Herons, tincoles & Coursers; Gulls, Terns & Skimmers; Sandgrouse; Egrets & Bitterns; Ibises & Spoonbills; Ospreys; Hawks, Eagles Pigeons & Doves; Cuckoos; Barn-Owls; Owls; Nightjars & & Kites; Rails, Gallinules

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