UXPTUBUJPOTŭ0OFNFTTBHF HSBDFGNDPMPSBEPDPN HSFHMBVSJFŭTLJQIFJU[JHŭDIVDLTNJUIŭFSJDDBSUJFSŭ&E5BZMPSŭKPIOSBOEBMMŭBMQJUUNBOŭBOENBOZNPSF BNJOJTUSZPVUSFBDIPG$BMWBSZ"VSPSB TUVEJP!HSBDFGNDPMPSBEPDPN ENHANCED DONOR ANNOUNCEMENTS UNDERWRITING HOW IT WORKS: GRACEfm is a non-commercial radio station dedicated to bringing Worship and the Word to the Front Range of Colorado. As an FCC licensed non- commercial station, there are certain script guidelines that help us inform our audience about your business, service, or event. WHAT CAN BE INCLUDED: s.AMEOFYOURCHURCH BUSINESSORORGANIZATION s.ON PROFITORGANIZATIONSCANMENTIONEVENTTICKETPRICE ADDRESSANDTELEPHONENUMBER s&ACTSABOUTYOURSERVICE BUSINESS OREVENT s%VENTDESCRIPTION DATEANDTIME s7EBSITEINFORMATION WHAT CAN'T BE INCLUDED: s.OPRICECANEVERBEANNOUNCEDFORTICKETSORMERCHANDISE¬ s.OCALLTOACTIONSUCHASCOME GO SEE CALL ETC s.OSUPERLATIVELANGUAGEBEST FINEST ONLY ETC Sample of copy that meets non-commercial criteria: "The following programming is sponsored by ..., home of the..., located at..." "Funding provided by ..." "This hour of music was made available by...” "The University of ...," The Robbie Seay Band will be appearing in concert at the University of...on Saturday night, April 15 at 8 pm." "We appreciate the contributions of ..." "The sponsor of our program offers additional helps by inviting you to attend ..." "The Little Theatre downtown is putting on a series of two act plays featuring the work of Mary Beth Mather. For time and ticket info, please call ..." "Our local Coca Cola Bottling Company sponsors this hour of programming and is also the host of this year’s Christian Talent Search." REV. - 04/2014 CARD C.1 RADIO REACHES COLORADO! It is no secret that audiences today have more choices than ever for listening entertainment, information and inspiration. That's a good thing! Radio stations and other program sources are now more creative and today, radio is everywhere! COLORADO LOVES RADIO! The average daily time spent with mass media for persons 12+: sLISTENINGTORADIO sWATCHING46 sNEWSPAPERSANDMAGAZINES FAST FACTS ABOUT RADIO LISTENING s2ADIOREACHESOFPEOPLEYEARSOFAGEANDOVER EACHWEEK s0EOPLEOVERLISTENTORADIOMORETHANHOURSDAILY s4HEAVERAGEHOUSEHOLDHASOVERRADIOS WHY RADIO IS SO EFFECTIVE s)TgSAMOBILEMEDIUM s)TDELIVERSACAPTIVE LOYALAUDIENCE s/FFERSECONOMICALANDCREATIVEPRODUCTION 2%6 0+4).&/ Source: Radio Advertising Bureau, National Religious Broadcasters, Audio Wharf CHRISTIAN RADIO HITS NEW AUDIENCE PEAK! s/VER#HRISTIANRADIOSTATIONSNATIONWIDE s/NLYCOUNTRYMUSICHASMOREFORMATSINTHE5NITED3TATES s-ORE#HRISTIANSTATIONSSTREAMONLINETHANANYOTHERFORMAT CHRISTIAN RADIO CONNECTS WITH COLORADO s!VERAGE#HRISTIANRADIOLISTENERTUNESINHOURSADAY s#HRISTIANRADIOLISTENINGISSTEADYTHROUGHOUTTHEDAY sOF#HRISTIANRADIOLISTENINGISATHOMEORINTHECAR CHRISTIAN RADIO IS FRIENDLY WITH COLORADO FAMILIES s#HRISTIANRADIOOFFERSATRUEALTERNATIVETOOFFENSIVEPROGRAMTRENDS s"EYONDENTERTAINMENTANDINFORMATION THEREISSPIRITUALLOYALTY s#HRISTIANRADIOOFFERSATOTALLYUNIQUEWORLDVIEW CHRISTIAN RADIO UNDERWRITING HAS SPECIAL BENEFITS s4AXDEDUCTIBLEFORNON COMMERCIALSTATIONSSUCHAS+8'2+8#, s"USINESSESSTANDOUTBECAUSETHEREISNOCOMMERCIALCLUTTER s#HRISTIANAUDIENCESAREEAGERTOSUPPORTUNDERWRITINGBUSINESSES OUR APPROACH - #HRISTIAN2ADIO7ORSHIP4HE7ORD s'2!#%FMISTHEBROADCASTOUTREACHMINISTRYOF#ALVARYIN!URORA #OLORADO WWWCALVARYAURORAORG s4HEVISIONFOR'2!#%FMISWIN -ARK $)3#)0,% -ATT 3%.$ !CTS s3OLID"IBLETEACHINGFROMSOMEOFTHEMOSTPOWERFUL"IBLETEACHERSINTHECOUNTRY-ONDAY THROUGH&RIDAY s3ATURDAYS3UNDAYSAREAMIXOFCUTTINGEDGE#HRISTIANMUSICANDWORSHIPWITHSONGS NOTPLAYEDONANYSTATIONINTHE&RONT2ANGE 2%6 0+4).&/ Source: Radio Advertising Bureau, National Religious Broadcasters, Audio Wharf OUR COVERAGE The GRACEfm signal reaches a potential 3,442,000 listeners i-80 wy cheyenne NE i-80 denver fort collins R i-76 O 89.7 COVERAGE C i-25 K Y Denver i-70 M O castle i-70 U rock N T colorado springs A co. Springs ut I N pueblo ks S 101.7 COVERAGE i-25 CO ok az nm Listening areas: #19 - Denver/Boulder (2.4 million) # 90 - Colorado Springs (550,200) #115 - Ft. Collins (417,300) #285 - Cheyenne, WY (74,500) GRACEfm is an 80kw, Full Power, Non-Commercial radio station REV. - 04/2014 PKT:INFO.4 Source: Radio Advertising Bureau, National Religious Broadcasters, Audio Wharf OUR COMMUNITY The Front Range of Colorado is one of the most vibrant areas in America. The Denver area is special for more than its mile high altitude and 300 annual days of sunshine: s$ENVERHASONETHEMOSTADVANCEDAIRPORTSINTHEWORLDnASYMBOLOFITSBOLDFUTURE s$ENVERHASTHENATIONSHIGHESTPERCENTAGEOFHIGHSCHOOLANDCOLLEGEGRADUATES s$ENVERWASRECENTLYCITEDASINLOSTSOULSUNCHURCHED '2!#%FMTOUCHESTHE&RONT2ANGE THE SOUNDTRACK OF GRACE They look like your typical teenage concert-goers in t-shirts, jeans, and athletic shoes in line to see a concert. But looking closer, you'll find many of their t-shirts have strong Christian messages. And the songs they're listening to are markedly different from the sex-and-drugs theme popular at many concert venues. These are the fans that have made Christian music a nearly billion dollar industry, ONEOFTHEFASTEST GROWINGMUSICALGENRESIN!MERICA 7HOISTHEMOSTLISTENEDTOMUSICCOMPOSERINTHEWORLD OFANYSTYLEMUSIC4HEANSWERMIGHT SURPRISEYOU)TgS#HRIS4OMLIN WORSHIPLEADERAND#HRISTIANMUSICIAN!CCORDINGTO*OHN3TYLL 0RESIDENTOFTHE'OSPEL-USIC!SSOCIATION 4OMLINgSMUSICISSUNGWORLDWIDEANDBROADCAST INTERNATIONALLYMORETHANANYONEELSEINTHEWORLD Chris TomlinISONEOFTHECOREARTISTSFEATUREDDURINGTHEMUSICPORTIONSOF'2!#%FMgSFORMAT Other artists such as David Crowder, Hillsong United, and Charlie Hall bring a strong, CURRENTBLENDOFWORSHIPMUSICTO'2!#%FM4HEGROWTHOFTHE#ONTEMPORARY#HRISTIAN-USIC INDUSTRYHASBEENPHENOMENALINTHEPASTFEWDECADES 2%6 0+4).&/ Source: Radio Advertising Bureau, National Religious Broadcasters, Audio Wharf GREATEST MESSAGE AND BEST MUSIC THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN Contemporary Christian radio has continued to grow in recent years, more than doubling its numbers from a decade ago. There is a good reason Christian listening is in the top five formats in time spent listening! Christian radio's timeless message provides endless opportunities for speaking to the real issues in our listeners’ lives! GRACEfm Cares for Colorado, Reaching Out and Touching Lives: s&OOD"ANKS s0REGNANCY#ENTERS s"LOOD$RIVES s(OMELESS3HELTERS s,OCAL,ITERACY0ROGRAMS s!ND-UCH-ORE '2!#%FM 7E(AVE0LANSFOR#OLORADO s,IVE2EMOTES WEgLLMEETYOUTHERE s#ONCERTS&ESTIVALS WHEREOURMUSICCOMESTOYOU s#ONFERENCESAND/UTREACHES MEETOURTEACHERS 2%6 0+4).&/ WORSHIP AND THE WORD: MEET MIKE MACINTOSH GRACEfm has gone nationwide to bring to yhe Front Range the finest Bible teachers available! Chapter and Verse -ONDAY &RIDAYs!- Mike Macintosh is the senior pastor of Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego, California. Mike left the hippie scene of the 1960s and got involved with Calvary Chapel after an amazing conversion from the drug culture. Mike went on to pastor Horizon Christian Fellowship, a Calvary Chapel affiliate, beginning in 1974. He is also the organizer of Festival of Life, an international evangelical outreach that has filled stadiums across the United States and around the world. Macintosh has also served as a chaplain for the San Diego Police Department and has been involved in post 9-11 rescue efforts as documented in his book When Your World Falls Apart. Mike and his wife Sandy are in demand as conference speakers and have appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. Macintosh is the author of a number of books, including: s&ORTHE,OVEOF-IKEBIOGRAPHY s&ALLINGIN,OVE7ITHTHE"IBLE s&ALLINGIN,OVE7ITH0RAYER s4HE4ENDER4OUCHOF'OD s,IVINGINTHE$AYSOF2EVELATION s&INDING'OD REV. - 04/2014 PKT:INFO.7 WORSHIP AND THE WORD: MEET GREG LAURIE GRACEfm has gone nationwide to bring to the Front Range the finest Bible teachers available! A New Beginning -ONDAY &RIDAYs!- Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, began his pastoral ministry at age 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people, making it one of the largest churches in America. In 1990, Laurie began holding public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 4 million people have attended Harvest Crusades across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Laurie is the featured speaker of Harvest Ministry's nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning, which airs daily coast-to-coast and overseas on more than 500 outlets. In addition to his work at Harvest Ministries, Laurie serves on the board of directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. He holds two honorary doctorates from Biola University and Azusa Pacific University. REV. - 04/2014 PKT:INFO.8 WORSHIP & THE WORD: MEET ED TAYLOR GRACEfm has gone nationwide to bring to the Front Range the finest Bible teachers available! Abounding Grace -ONDAY &RIDAYs!- !-0- Pastor Ed Taylor is a native of Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel in Downey, he spent eight years there learning, growing, and serving. In 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Aurora began Sunday services and today impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways. Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit, as he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife Marie have been married for 25 years and have
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