'IX \ (. Western Maryland College Bulletin WESTM1NSTER, MARYLAND Vol. XXI OCTOBER, 1939 No.1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 HOME COMING Football 2:00 P. M. W. Md. vs, Dickinson Hoffa Field • ALUMNI DINNER AND DANCE <;o( • Our new buildings will be formally opened for inspection immediately after the game . • Alumni Dinner, sponsored by the Carroll County Club, in the college dining hall at 6:30 . • Tickets, also admitting to the dance in the new gymnasium at 8 :30, are on sale at one dollar. Since the limit is five hundred and admission to both dinner and dance is by ticket only, you are urged to make reserva- tions on the attached card. • ~~ ~~ 0 r.1 ":1 ~ S u j ~ z ~ z ..: 0 :s ::;: ~ ..: P! ~ ::;: ~ ;i en ~ ~ ~ ... en~ en~ ~ ~ ~ <Ike WESTERn mARYLAnD COllEGE BUllETin Vol. 21 NOVEMBER, 1939 No.2 The President's Page It is difficult to keep one's mind from Homecoming Day. The schedule of events, published elsewhere in this Bulletin, will indicate that it will be a gala affair. The Board of Trustees has authorized the dedication of our two new buildings on that day. A number of the alumni have seen them from time to time in the process of erection. Their hearts will be warmed with pride as they see them in their completed form. You are urged to make reservations for the dinner since we anticipate a capacity attendance. We do not plan a program at the dinner, but we do expect to have a number of guests of honor present. Governor and Mrs. O'Conor will honor us with attendance at the Homecoming Game on Hoffa Field in the afternoon. The new buildings will be open for inspection immediately following the game. All in all we anticipate a day which will be memorable for all of us. I look forward enthusiastically to greeting you on this occasion. WESTERN !I'!ARYLAND COLLEGE nUr.JLE'I'lN The Class of 1943 The fifteenth orientation per-iod for 1.119 Charles Moore, brother of Robert Frank Bowers, father of Deborah Moore. Western Maryland College was begun Bowers. 1.986 September 25, 1939. One hundred 1.911, Sterling Fowble, uncle of Robert seventy new students composed the Mary E. Hull, aunt of Clarence Bach- Fowble. enrolling class; eighty-three of them man. Mary Catherine Hill, cousin of James E. Andrews and Mrs. Eloise Joseph A. Elliott and James I. El- were young women and eighty-seven Miller Andrews, cousins of Mary liott. wer-e young men. Miller. Francis 'V. Thomas, cousin of Betty Five days were allotted to the new 19t1) Linton Smith. Rev. Guy Leister, father of Klein Maurice Roberts, cousin of Phyllis students for regista-afion, planning of Leister. Cade. class programs, discussion of campus George Kindley, cousin of Ridgely 1.'}37 problems, worship services, medical Pollitt. Virginia Clues, cousin of Richard examinations, paychological and 1017 Boller. 1.998 placements tests, outdoor activities, Mrs. Madge Hayman Kindley, cousin of Ridgely Pollitt. Sara Robbins Ebaugh, sister of Eliza- and get-acquainted parties. 1.918 beth Ebaugh. By the end of the five days these !"Ii1·S. Ruth Gist Pickens, aunt of Bet- John Roscoe Elliott, brothel' of Joseph ty Linton Smith. A. Elliott and James 1. Elliott. freshmen were no longer feeling that /f)1.'} Mary Virginia Cooper, sister of Ver- western Maryland was a new terri- Mrs. Esther Bill Jackson, mother of na Cooper. tory to be explored. They had become Mary Jackson. Betty Sehrt, sister of Mary Louise acquainted with its buildings and en- sesi Seru-t. John M. Clayton, uncle of Paul Mrs. Caroline Smith Dudley, cousin virons, its faculty, and some of the Brooks. of Betty Linton Smith. upperclassmen who had returned to lM!2 Lucille Bowers, cousin of Deborah assist with the orientation program. Olivia Green, cousin of Marie Craw- Bowers. ford. John J. Lavin, brother of Thomas J. Tbe following classes arc repre- Lavin. sented by relatives in this Freshman ioso Class of 1943: Dor-othy Cohee, cousin of Phyllis Cede. 1881 William McWilliams, brother of Clar- Addison Beane, grandfather of Jeanne ence McWilliams. Collett. Louise Jameson, cousin of Clarence Charles R. Miller, uncle of Mary McWilliams. Millcr. l.')J,O 1889 Het-man Beck, hi-other of Clara Baile L. T. Pollitt. Sr., grandfather of Beck. Ridgelv Pollitt and great-uncle of Marie Fox, sister of Louise Fox. Virginia Elzey. Blanche Scott, sister of Ann Scott. 18.01 Kathryn Cochrane, cousin of John Mrs. Hilda Stem Matthews, grand- 1923 Hancock. mother of Harriet Smith. Velma Brooks, aunt of Puul Brooks James Langdon, cousin of Jane Etz- 18.')8 and Benjamin Linthicum. ler. Maud E. Miller, aunt of Mary Mille,'. 1.926 1.'}!,1 /.900 Ellison Clayton, uncle of Paul Brooks. William Robinson, brother of John Benjamin Jester, fathcr of Theodore }.92.') Robinson Jester. Dorothy Rober-ta, cousin of Phyllis Frances Royer, cousin of Helen Vol- 1.903 Cade. land. Dr. W. P. Roberts, uncle of Phyllis rsso rl"! wente, cousin of John Nace. Cede. Leon Bunce, brother of Donald Bunce. Mar-ian Wentz, cousin of John Nace. Mrs. Ethel Trout Siemon, mother of Mrs. Henrietta Scott Snodgrass, 1.942 Robert Siemon. cousin of James Snodgrass. Charles Ebaugh, brother of Elizabeth 1.904 Mrs. Alice Whitmore Arietta, sister Ebaugh. Mrs. Emma Jameson McWilliams, of Pauline Whitmore. Norman W. Fov, Jr., cousin of Wini- aunt of Clarence McWi!liams. 1991 fred Wareheim. Mrs. Maud Str-emmel Haines, aunt of VirJrinia Whitmore, sietet- of Pauline The following faculty members have William Myers. Whitmore. relatives in the freshman class: 1905 Waltcr Reichenbecker-, cousin of Ver- Dr. William R. McJ?alliel is the great- Dr. J. Roscoe Elliott, father of Joseph non Seibert. uncle of Betty Linton Smith. A. Elliott and James I. Elliott. 1.932 Dr. Mary O. Ebaugh is the aunt of 1.907 Mrs. Mildred Horsey Harrington, Elizabeth Ebaugh. Hrvrvev Phillips, father of Harold cousin of Joseph A. Elliott and Mr. Philip S. Royer is a cousin of Phillips. James I. Elliott. Helen Volland. 1.908 1.983 Mt-. Alfred P. Scott is an uncle of Mrs. Rachel Donovan Phillips, mother Eli~abeth Andrews, cousin of Mary Frasier Scott. of Harold Phillips. Miller. Sgt. T. J. Lavin is the father of 1910 Mrs. Kathleen Moore Raver, sister of Thomas J. Lavin, Jr. Rev. W. A. Ledford, father of War- Robert MOOl·e. Within the Class of 1943, we find ren Ledford. l.9S!, James and Joseph Elliott, brothers· 1.911 Fred Fowble, uncle of Robert Fowble. Mrs. Crace Donovan Garber, aunt of John Whitmor-e, brother of Pauline fe~.~~liVir~i~iaEI~hW~~~ ~~~le,S~~~ Harold Phillips. Whitmore. 1M2 19S,~ ~~~~:~~!\Vhl~~~:~,~o~~li~~ej:~~ Charles D. Linthicum, uncle of Ben- LOllis Kaplan, brother of Emanuel Paul Brooks and Benjamin Linthi- jamin Linthicum. Kaplan. cum, cousins. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE BULLETIN Western Maryland College Julia Bet-wager, president; Ruth Bulletin Field, vice-president ; Alice Vollmcr, secretary; Ellene Edmond, treasurer; Published Monthly During the School and Mary Wright, hike supervisor. Year from October to May, Managers of the various sports were inclusive, and July-August next introduced. Jeannette Wigley BY THE COLLEGE represented hockey; Dorothy Brown, basketball; Ruth MucVean, volley bail; Emily Linton, softball; virginia Wigley, tennis; Betty Brown, golf; Bette Helm, arcbery ; and Betty Gibbs, badminton. Singing and more games completed Women's Sports the evening's entertainment, and the picnic dosed to the strains of the Al- The Women's Athletic Association ma Mater. of Western Maryland College opened The freshmen girls were urged to the sports year with the annual out- take part in the major autumnal door supper held especially to ac- sport-hockey. Practice quaint the freshmen girls with tho to train the girls for the organization. Members of the asso- contests. The seniors entertain hopes trounced them, 66-0, Prtday night, ciation and the freshmen guests met of winning the championship, but the in front of Smith Hall and hiked out October 27, the 'I'errors faced Boston to the Pavilion, Here the first part U. in Baltimore Stadium, and carne of the evening was spent in a "peanut out the loser in a freak game, 6-0, hunt." After this novel beginning There are still two games left on supper was served, which found girls the 'I'er-ror- football schedule-c-one having a gr-and time roasting weiner-a with Bucknell on November 4, and before the large stone fire places of the Homecoming game with Dickin- the Pavilion, son on Hoffa Field November 18. The freshman football team has With supper over, Julia Benvager, fared rather well, winning one, president of the association, had the tv- one, and losing one, for an even- pleasure of introducing- the officers on the W. A. A. board for the year 1939- season. The soccer boys. are on the way to 1940. As the girls were introduced they gave short talks about the office ~h:ac~~~e ~~;~nl~~~~:iP ~:\~~il~oWS~:~ they were holding 91' the Sport they standing as obstacles in their way. As were represeutiug , Special attention yet undefeated, they face the strong was given to an explanation of the other three classes have strong teams, Towson team on November 3 in a awards system of the association. The too. Besides the usual inter-class game which may well decide the following officers were introduced: games, it is expected that a few inter- championship. collegiate games will be included in the hockey schedule. In previous The emphasis has been placed on "sports for everyone" here at West- years western Maryland has played ern Maryland College. With soccer, HOl'tIECOJ\IING SCHEDULE at Notre Dame of Baltimore and the University of Maryland.
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